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Kunst og kultur

Finn mange spennende bøker om kunst og kultur som handler om alt fra musikk, arkitektur og design til fotografering. Her finner du kunstbøker og bøker om kultur innen mote, grafisk design, graffiti og gatekunst til tatoveringer, kalligrafi og mye mer.
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  • - Women, Gender and Architecture in Denmark
    av Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, Henriette Steiner & Svava Riesto

    This book tells a new story about twentieth-century architecture in Denmark. For the first time ever, readers get an overall picture of the key contribution made by women to the architecture of Danish welfare society in the period 1930–1980. The book’s five chapters present hitherto untold stories about how architecture comes into being through creative collaborations that cut across genders and professional disciplines. Women have contributed to all aspects of architecture, from kitchens and buildings to landscape architecture and urban planning, and their stories highlight the hidden diversity that has shaped Denmark’s buildings, cities and landscapes. The importance of this diversity must be understood and appreciated in the present if we are to create new ways of living and building in the future – a pressing need in light of the many crises we face as a society today.The book was written by Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, Svava Riesto and Henriette Steiner as part of the research project Women in Danish Architecture at the University of Copenhagen.

  • - Using Color, Composition, and Exposure to Create Vivid Photos
    av B Peterson

    Bryan Peterson, award-winning photographer and bestselling Amphoto author with almost 1 million books in print, demystifies the use of colour in digital photography, showing how to get stunning shots every time. Here Peterson explores his signature use of colour in photography, showing his process for creating striking images that pop off the page.

  • av Jim Stone, Barbara London & John Upton
    1 962,-

    For introductory and advanced courses in Photography. Why is this the #1 photography text year after year? Because no other source teaches students the skills they need to use the medium confidently and effectively, emphasizing both technique and visual awareness.

    1 071,-

    A lavish coffee table book showing 60 new residential projects (houses and apartments) with a focus on the beautiful use of natural stone.

    1 032,-

    The first monograph of Chicago based interior designer Michael Del Piero. Beautiful residences in the Hamptons (Amagansett, Bridgehampton, East Hampton), Wisconsin, Florida and Chicago.

  • av John Waters & Camille Paglia

    In 1998, Taschen introduced the world to the masterful art of Touko Laaksonen with "The Art of Pleasure". This title showcases the range of Tom's talent, from sensitive portraits to frank sexual pleasure to tender expressions of love to his haunting tributes to young men struck down by the AIDS epidemic.

  • av Arthur Rüegg
    3 663,-

    Le Corbusier entwarf für die Tapetenfirma Salubra zwei Farbkollektionen: das "Clavier de couleurs" von 1931 mit 43 Farbtönen und die Kollektion von 1959 mit 20 Farben. Er begnügte sich jedoch nicht mit der Wahl von 43 Farbtönen, die er auf seine Erfahrung als Architekt und Maler abstützte, vielmehr organisierte er die Töne auf 12 Musterkarten so, dass mit einem Schieber jeweils drei bis fünf Farben isoliert bzw. kombiniert werden können. Jede dieser Karten beinhaltete eine andersartige Farbstimmung, die in der Anwendung eine bestimmte Raumwirkung hervorrufen sollte. Damit war nicht nur ein nützliches Werkzeug geschaffen, sondern auch eine Art Testament der puristischen Farbenlehre entstanden: eine unentbehrliche Grundlage und ein wertvolles Arbeitsinstrument für alle, die sich in Theorie und Praxis mit Farbe auseinandersetzen. Le Corbusier-Spezialist Arthur Rüegg erläutert die Bedeutung der Salubra-Kollektionen für die Geschichte der modernen Architektur und stellt im Nachwort zur dritten Auflage die Erkenntnisse dar, zu denen die Forschung in den letzten zwanzig Jahren gelangt ist. Der zweite Band beinhaltet 13 Farbtafeln mit insgesamt 63 Farbtönen und 4 separate Schieber, der dritte Band 63 ganzseitige Farbmusterblätter. Alle Farben wurden im Siebdruck gedruckt, die Farbtafeln sind von Hand geklebt.

  • av Dian Hanson

    Das Kama Sutra gibt detaillierte Hinweise, wie man ihn mit Klapsen verwöhnen sollte. Italiener unserer Tage tatschen ihn an, bevor sie eine Wette abgeben. Amerikanerinnen lassen ihn von Schönheitschirurgen aufmöbeln, dass mittlerweile schon den Brustvergrößerungen Konkurrenz erwächst. Der weibliche Arsch, Hintern, Po, Allerwerteste vermag seit jeher, Ehrfurcht zu gebieten, die Phantasie anzuregen oder zu sklavischer Hingabe zu inspirieren. Kurioserweise dient er in allererster Linie weniger ästhetischen als praktischen Zwecken: Biologen erklären, dass das Hinterteil unseren Körper beim Laufen im Gleichgewicht hält. Doch welchen Pygomanen - so werden die eingefleischten Fans dieses Körperteils etwas nüchtern genannt - auch immer man befragt, die Antwort ist stets die gleiche: Der weibliche Po ist dazu da, dem Auge, den Händen und gewissen tiefer ansetzenden Körperteilen zu schmeicheln. Ein knackiger Arsch löst unweigerlich einen Ständer aus. So bemerkt Zora Neale Hurston in Und ihre Augen schauten Gott : "Den Männern fielen ihre Pobacken auf, die so rundlich und fest waren, als hätte sie Grapefruits in den Gesäßtaschen." Und der Rapper Sir Mix-a-lot verkündete: "Meine Anaconda will grad' nichts verspeisen, es sei denn, du hättest 'nen Arsch, 'nen heißen." In der westlichen Kultur der Busen-besessenen zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts ins Hintertreffen geraten, erlebt der wohlgeformte Po gerade eine bemerkenswerte Wiederauferstehung, die manche auf die amerikanische Sängerin und Schauspielerin Jennifer Lopez zurückführen, andere meinen, dies habe mit der gestiegenen Popularität der Arsch-fixierten Hip-Hop-Kultur zu tun. Doch diese Begeisterung für formschöne Ärsche ist nichts Neues. Die alten Griechen huldigten in Tempeln der Aphrodite Kallipygos, der Göttin der schönen Pos, und in den meisten Kulturen der südlichen Hemisphäre ist der weibliche Hintern seit jeher ein Objekt der Anbetung. The Big Butt Book , das vierte Werk der von der Kritik gefeierten Serie Dian Hansons über Körperteile, erkundet die beständige Faszinationskraft des weiblichen Hinterteils - ob kleiner, straffer oder ausladender, üppiger Exemplare. Der Band enthält über 400 Fotos von 1900 bis heute, mit Werken von Elmer Batters, Ellen von Unwerth, Jean-Paul Goude, Ralph Gibson, Richard Kern, Jan Saudek, Ed Fox, Terry Richardson und Sante D'Orazio , kleine Hintern wie der von Pam Anderson bis zu opulenten wie von Serena Williams. Die Fotos werden ergänzt durch Interviews mit der Porno-Ikone John (Buttman) Stagliano , Filmemacher Tinto Brass , dem Künstler Robert Crumb , leckerärschigen Kultfiguren wie Buffie The Body , Coco und der brasilianischen Watermelon Woman , sowie mit Eve Howard , bekannt für ihre lebenslange Spanking-Leidenschaft.

  • av Birger Sevaldson
    699 - 890,-

  • - Towns, Buildings, Construction
    av Christopher Alexander

    In this volume, 253 archetypal patterns consisting of problem statements, discussions, illustrations, and solutions provide lay persons with a framework for engaging in architectural design.

  • av H. P Lovecraft

    In Dunwich, a remote village in Massachusetts, lost in the depths of an inhospitable countryside with dark valleys invaded by brambles, the old stories of witches are still alive and strange subterranean noises resound at times under the hills surmounted by mysterious circles of stones.On an isolated farm in the region, Lavinia Whateley, a simple-minded albino, gives birth to a child, Wilbur, whose father is unknown. Old Whateley, Lavinia's father, raises Wilbur while arousing the suspicion of the neighboring inhabitants who are frightened by the speed of growth of the child and his repulsive facies. Rumors of witchcraft have always swirled about Old Whateley, and after his death, Wilbur, upon reaching adulthood, became determined to increase the unholy knowledge imparted to him. To reach his goal, he goes to the Miskatonic University of Arkham to borrow the copy of the sinister Necronomicon in their possession. Professor Armitage, understanding the malevolent intentions of his visitor, refuses to accede to his request; thus a captivating illustrated version is born.Always fascinated by the world of HP Lovecraft, François Baranger, an illustrator recognized worldwide for his talents as a concept artist for cinema and video games, has tackled the "cyclopean" task of putting his main stories into images.

  • - A Contemporary Guide to Classical Techniques, Composition, Drawing, and Painting in Oil
    av Todd M. Casey

    A must-have reference book for today's artists and art students.Every artist needs to learn and master the still life. Written by a well-known artist and expert instructor, The Art of Still Life offers a comprehensive, contemporary approach to the subject that instructs artists on the foundation basics and advanced techniques they need for successful drawing and painting. In addition to Casey's stunning paintings, the work of over fifty past and present masters is included, so that the book will do double duty as a hardworking how-to manual and a visual treasure trove of some of the finest still life art throughout history and being created today.

  • - Volume I Sixth Edition (C Instruments)

    The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. Since the 1970s, musicians have trusted these volumes to get them through every gig, night after night. The problem is that the books were illegally produced and distributed, without any regard to copyright law, or royalties paid to the composers who created these musical masterpieces. Hal Leonard is very proud to present the first legitimate and legal editions of these books ever produced. You won't even notice the difference, other than that all of the notorious errors have been fixed: the covers and typeface look the same, the song list is nearly identical, and the price for our edition is even cheaper than the original! Every conscientious musician will appreciate that these books are now produced accurately and ethically, benefitting the songwriters that we owe for some of the greatest tunes of all time! Includes 400 songs: All Blues * Au Privave * Autumn Leaves * Black Orpheus * Bluesette * Body and Soul * Bright Size Life * Con Alma * Dolphin Dance * Don't Get Around Much Anymore * Easy Living * Epistrophy * Falling in Love with Love * Footprints * Four on Six * Giant Steps * Have You Met Miss Jones? * How High the Moon * I'll Remember April * Impressions * Lullaby of Birdland * Misty * My Funny Valentine * Oleo * Red Clay * Satin Doll * Sidewinder * Stella by Starlight * Take Five * There Is No Greater Love * Wave * and hundreds more!

  • av Ingunn Birkeland

    Fargerik og inspirerende sybok!Ingunn Birkeland syr er fylt med farger og inneholder 17 unike mønstre som er prøvet og tilpasset på ulike kropper gjennom en årrekke.I denne boka har hun samlet sine mest populære og klassiske mønstre, og utover kjoler finnes det også bukser, bluser, kåper, skjørt og badetøy. Mønstrene er gradert i hele 17 ulike størrelser, fra 32 til 64. Det karakteristiske rutemønsteret CITY går igjen i noen av plaggene i form av lappeteknikk, og A-kåpa på forsiden av boka er sydd i norsk ull, produsert i et begrenset opplag av Røros Tweed. Oppskriftene varierer i vanskelighetsgrad, og de passer fint til både nybegynnere og mer erfarne syere. Mønsterdeler fra de ulike plaggene kan kombineres på flere måter, og boka byr derfor på store variasjonsmuligheter. Mønsterark i full størrelse medfølger.INGUNN BIRKELAND er utdannet klesdesigner ved Statens håndverks- og kunstindustriskole (nå KHiO), og har hovedfag (MA) i klær og kostymer. Siden 2005 har hun designet, sydd og laget klær, sko, smykker og tekstilkunst under eget navn. Arbeidene hennes kjennetegnes av en særegen bruk av farger og detaljerte håndverksteknikker, og flere av kjolene hennes er innkjøpt av norske museer - deriblant Nasjonalmuseet - til deres samlinger av norsk mote.I 2022 ga hun ut boka Ingunn Birkeland strikker, med 29 unike og fargerike strikkeoppskrifter. Med Ingunn Birkeland syr håper Birkeland å inspirere deg til å sy din egen garderobe med klær du kan bli glad i, og som varer lenge.

  • av Steve McCurry & Bonnie McCurry

  • av Wally Koval

    Accidentally Wes Anderson is a captivating book written by Wally Koval. Published in 2020 by Orion Publishing Co, this book falls under a unique genre that attracts a wide range of readers. The book takes you on a visual adventure of the world's most idiosyncratic and distinctive places, as seen through the lens of the popular Instagram account, @AccidentallyWesAnderson. It's a collection of more than 200 locations spanning every continent and every time zone. Whether it's a colorful cityscape, a grand entrance, or a forgotten seaside resort, each location embodies the distinct aesthetic of filmmaker Wes Anderson. This book is a must-have for those who love travel, design, and cinema.


    Den eneste samlede gjennomgang av gresk og romersk arkitektur som er overlevert fra antikken. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, vanligvis kalt Vitruv, var en romersk arkitekt og ingeniør som virket i det første århundret f.Kr. Han er særlig er kjent for sine ti bøker Om arkitektur, som her foreligger på norsk for første gang. Vitruv mente at en arkitekt måtte ha kjennskap til en rekke vitenskaper som var relevante for yrket. Han skriver også om så forskjellige ting som helningsgraden i akveduktene, hvordan skape god akustikk i et teater og å kontrollere effekten av kastevåpen, og beskriver en rekke oppfinnelser i antikkens verden. Han viser solas og stjernenes ferd rundt jorda, slik man så det den gangen. Vitruv krevde at alle hus skulle være vakre, sunne, varige og nyttige. De må lages etter naturens guddommelige proporsjoner, slik de er i menneskekroppen. Vitruvs verk ble viktig for renessansens kunstnere i Italia og inspirerte Leonardo da Vinci til å lage det kjente bildet av «Den vitruviske mannen». Om arkitektur er en grunnbok i arkitekturfaget og mye av stoffet er spesifikt faglig. Men verket er også krydret med anekdoter, og det kulturhistoriske innholdet bør fange den vanlige lesers oppmerksomhet.

  • av Lou Stoppard

    Chloe Catwalk is an exceptional book penned by the talented Lou Stoppard. Published recently in 2022 by Thames & Hudson Ltd, this book has already made waves in the literary world. The genre of the book is fashion and biography, offering an in-depth look at the world of fashion through the lens of Chloe, the protagonist. With Stoppard's eloquent writing style and keen eye for detail, readers are taken on a journey through the cutthroat world of fashion, glamour, and beauty. Chloe Catwalk is a must-read for anyone interested in fashion or looking for an engaging read. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from Thames & Hudson Ltd.

    1 363,-

    Top scholars from psychology, economics, sociology, business, and communications tackle key questions about the film experience. From a movie's creation to the audience's reaction to its eventual reception by critics and the box office, this book offers insights about all aspects of the movies based on cutting-edge research.


    Brand-new series! Elevate your art skills with definitive advice, tutorials, and inspiration from the world's most talented art masters.

  • av Jessa Hastings
    121 - 192,-

  • - Poetry, Journals, Transcripts, and Lyrics
    av Jim Morrison

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe definitive anthology of Jim Morrison''s writings with rare photographs and numerous handwritten excerpts of unpublished and published poetry and lyrics from his 28 privately held notebooks.You can also hear Jim Morrison’s final poetry recording, now available for the first time, on the CD or digital audio edition of this book, at the Village Recorder in West Los Angeles on his twenty-seventh birthday, December 8, 1970. The audio book also includes performances by Patti Smith, Oliver Ray, Liz Phair, Tom Robbins, and others reading Morrison’s work. Created in collaboration with Jim Morrison’s estate and inspired by a posthumously discovered list entitled “Plan for Book,” The Collected Works of Jim Morrison is an almost 600-page anthology of the writings of the late poet and iconic Doors’ front man. This landmark publication is the definitive opus of Morrison’s creative output—and the book he intended to publish. Throughout, a compelling mix of 160 visual components accompanies the text, which includes numerous excerpts from his 28 privately held notebooks—all written in his own hand and published here for the first time—as well as an array of personal images and commentary on the work by Morrison himself.  This oversized, beautifully produced collectible volume contains a wealth of new material—poetry, writings, lyrics, and audio transcripts of Morrison reading his work. Not only the most comprehensive book of Morrison’s work ever published, it is immersive, giving readers insight to the creative process of and offering access to the musings and observations of an artist whom the poet Michael McClure called “one of the finest, clearest spirits of our times.”  This remarkable collector’s item includes: Foreword by Tom Robbins; introduction and notes by editor Frank Lisciandro that provide insight to the work; prologue by Anne Morrison ChewningPublished and unpublished work and a vast selection of notebook writings The transcript, the only photographs in existence, and production notes of Morrison’s last poetry recording on his twenty-seventh birthday The Paris notebook, possibly Morrison’s final journal, reproduced at full reading sizeExcerpts from notebooks kept during his 1970 Miami trialThe shooting script and gorgeous color stills from the never-released film HWYComplete published and unpublished song lyrics accompanied by numerous drafts in Morrison’s handEpilogue: “As I Look Back”: a compelling autobiography in poem form Family photographs as well as images of Morrison during his years as a performer

  • - W.G. Sebald's Photographic Materials
    av W. G. Sebald

    The first-ever volume of the photographs of German writer W.G. Sebald, exquisitely designed to shed new light on his creative process, as it chronicles the images and encounters that shaped his writing life.Shadows of Reality presents a unique, fully illustrated catalogue of W.G. Sebald’s photographs: an extraordinary combination of film negatives, prints, and slides from the University of East Anglia’s photographic collection, the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, and the Sebald Estate. Complementing the exhibition Lines of Sight: W.G. Sebald’s East Anglia and edited by literary scholar Clive Scott and photography curator Nick Warr, this wonderfully comprehensive book covers the multiple photographic facets of Sebald’s published work and includes a substantial amount of material that has not been made public before.Introduced by Nick Warr, who offers an intriguing overview of the author's critical relationship to photography, Shadows of Reality also includes an illuminating interview with Michael Brandon-Jones, the photographer who collaborated with Sebald on all of his publications. The book features a collection of extracts—principally on photography—from interviews with Sebald himself, bequeathed to the archive of recordings held at the University of East Anglia by his close friend Gordon Turner, who also provides a memoir. Accompanying these are inspired essays by Clive Scott and Angela Breidbach on Sebald’s writing-with-photographs and the complex and mercurial interactions of those photographs with narrative design.A deeply important collection for anyone interested in Sebald’s creative processes or the ways in which photography might serve fiction, Shadows of Reality is an inexhaustible treasure trove of new discoveries and revelations about the cherished international author.

  • av Jacques Maritain

    The classic work on the sublime interplay between the arts and poetics This book explores the rich and complex relationship between art and poetry, shedding invaluable light on what makes each art form unique yet wholly interdependent. Jacques Maritain insists on the part played by the intellect as well as the imagination, showing how poetry has its source in the preconceptual activity of the rational mind. As Maritain argues, intellect is not merely logical and conceptual reason. Rather, it carries on an exceedingly more profound and obscure life, one that is revealed to us as we seek to penetrate the hidden recesses of poetic and artistic activity. Incisive and authoritative, this illuminating book is the product of a lifelong reflection on the meaning of artistic expression in all its varied forms.

  • av Katt Debo

    A celebration of Martin Margiela's stunning body of work seldom examined during his time at the French luxury house, Hermes.

  • - Every Room Should Sing
    av Beata Heuman

    The highly anticipated debut monograph from one of today s leading designers championing playful, original interiors infused with Scandinavian flair.

  • - Merging Environmental Conservation and Historic Preservation
    av Barry L. Stiefel & Amalia Leifeste
    787 - 1 818,-

  • av E Neufert
    1 032,-

    An indispensable tool for the initial stages of designing and planning a building projectThis new edition of the classic bestselling text provides, in one concise volume, the essential information needed as the basis for the more detailed design and development of any building project. Organized largely by building type, it covers the planning criteria and considerations of function and location--and with over 6200 diagrams, it provides a mass of data on spatial requirements.Most of the featured illustrations are dimensioned and each building type includes plans, sections, site layouts and design details. The book also includes an extensive bibliography and detailed set of metric/imperial conversion tables.Architects' Data, 6th Edition starts with the basics of designing for a new building project, before moving on to covering everything an architect needs to know. It also looks at the design styles and specifications for creating different types of structures, such as those made for residential, commercial, religious, cultural, sports, medical and other types of occupation.* Sixth English edition of the classic, international reference for architects* Covers user requirements, planning criteria, basic dimensions, and considerations of function and siting* Includes numerous examples and over 6200 illustrations and tablesNew in the Sixth Edition:* Updated sections on lighting, stairs and lifts, energy performance certificates and fire protection* New sections on electric charging stations, beekeeping and newsrooms, and tiny houses* Additional sections on sustainable building materials added to relevant chaptersArchitects' Data is an excellent resource for architects, building surveyors, space planners, and design and building contractors everywhere.


På tror vi at kunst er kommet for å bli, for når vi står overfor den, blir vi inspirert og søker det fremmede og ukjente i oss selv og hos andre. Kunst er ekstremt verdifullt, fordi du kan fordype deg i det og ha friheten til å la tankene dine skape en form for verdi på det som ikke engang har noe verdi ennå. Det er noe verdifullt ved å lytte til god musikk, se på et godt show eller se noen spennende kunstmalerier. Det setter alle våre sanser og tanker i gang, som er forskjellige fra person til person.
Kunst kan oppleves i den virkelige verden f.eks. på gaten, på et museum eller i et teater. Mange drar også til utlandet eller drar på kulturreiser for å oppleve kunst og kultur på en helt ny eller annerledes måte. Imidlertid er det andre måter kunst kan få frem din kunstneriske hjerne og hjerte i deg. Dette kan skje i en bok, hvilket er grunnen til vårt stolte utvalg av bøker som vi leverer til deg. Vi har bøker om mange forskjellige kunstformer, så hvis du enten er interessert i kunstmalerier fra den mer moderne kunsten eller vil bli klokere på stilen og filosofien som blant annet preget moderne, cobra eller abstrakt kunst, så passer denne kategorien også din smak. Hvis du derimot har en stor interesse for fotografering, har vi også samlet mange bøker om emnet. Her kan den spennende boken "Fotografier jeg altid vil huske" av Palle Fogtdal være noe for deg. Her inneholder mesterverket over 500 fotografier av de beste bildene Palle Fogtdal har opplevd i løpet av sine 60 år med redaksjonelt liv.


Hva er kultur? Det er et godt spørsmål fordi konseptet dekker så mange ting at det er et av de mest immaterielle temaene. Du kan finne mange forskjellige kulturer rundt om i verden, enten du vil gå på spennende kulturturer eller bare vil oppleve kulturen i Oslo. Er du interessert i den norske kulturen slik den ser ut nå, slik den en gang var, og hvordan den har bidratt til å forme den kulturen vi lever i i dag? Da kan vi anbefale boken “Kulturpolitikk - organisering, legitimering og praksis” av Per Mangset og Ole Marius Hylland, som handler om hvordan kulturpolitikken i Norge har utviklet seg, hvordan den er organisert og strukturert, hvordan den kan forstås og analyseres, samt hvordan den kan sammenlignes med andre lands kulturpolitikk. 
Hvis du i stedet er interessert i kulturen bak musikk, film eller design, har vi også samlet bøker om dette i vårt sortiment. Her kan du komme på nært hold med en større forståelse av hvordan kultur har endret seg, noe som senere kan lede deg til en god bok om digital kultur.
Hvis du studerer f.eks. estetikk og kultur eller studerer noe annet innenfor dette emnet, har vi også mange relevante studiebøker for deg her. Vi tilbyr bøker på både norsk og fremmedspråk. Vi gleder oss til å ønske deg velkommen til kunst- og kulturverdenen, for å utvide din kunnskap, la deg inspirere og få frem det kunstneriske indre i deg.

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