Norges billigste bøker


Ønsker du å bli advokat eller jurist? Rettssystemet i Norge består av mange ulike lover og regler som i mange andre land. Noen ganger kan det være vanskelig å finne frem og forstå. Derfor er bøker med veletablerte oppslagsverk veldig gode å ha med seg. Du vil finne det enklere å holde deg oppdatert på de mange endrede reglene i det norske rettssystemet. Hvis du selv har en yrkeskarriere innen juss, planlegger å studere juss eller bare vil vite mer om emnet, har vi de perfekte bøkene innenfor feltet. Finn ditt neste oppslagsverk her.
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  • av Børre Pettersen & Atle Sønsteli Johansen

    Lovteksten er à jour per 1. januar 2023. En lettfattelig og nyttig kommentarutgave til lov om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern mv. (arbeidsmiljøloven). Hver paragraf etterfølges av kommentarer utarbeidet av Atle Sønsteli Johansen og Børre Pettersen. Boka inneholder også et nyttig stikkordregister. Atle Sønsteli Johansen er advokat og leder av LOs juridiske avdeling. Johansen har prosedert en rekke saker for de alminnelige domstolene og for Arbeids - retten. Børre Pettersen har gjennom sitt virke som avdelingsleder i LO hatt arbeidsmiljøspørsmål som arbeidsområde. Han var sentral i arbeidet med ny arbeidsmiljølov fra 1975 og til den kom i 1977. Boka er uunnværlig for arbeidstakere, tillitsvalgte, verneombud og bedriftsledere.

  • av David J. P. Phillips

    ''A hands-on manual for influencing human happiness through your own biology... It doesn''t get any better than this!'' - Thomas Erikson, author of Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behaviour__________OPTIMIZE YOUR BRAIN AND BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELFNeurochemicals affect just about everything in our bodies, including how we think and feel.David JP Phillips, an internationally acclaimed Swedish public speaker and coach, guides you through ways to harness the immense power of your mind and optimize your body''s chemical factory by diving deep into six neurochemicals and how they can transform your life from within.High on Life is a mood manual that will guide you through how to use these six key substances naturally produced by your body to create a unique recipe to transform your life.If you''re struggling to feel motivated or finding it hard to enjoy the small things in life, learning how to balance DOPAMINE will help you feel more motivated. DiaLling up your OXYTOCIN will fill your cup up with compassion, generosity and a sense of connectedness with the world and people around you. If the mood rollercoaster is something you desperately want to get off, focus on SEROTONIN, the hormone that serves as a foundation of long-lasting happiness and harmony.Feeling good but missing that extra nudge to challenge yourself a bit more? CORTISOL produced in small doses can help you break out of your comfort zone - and get excited about it. When nothing really happens, anyone can get a little bit bored. Have a laugh, smile more, or sweat it out and get those ENDORPHINS flowing. Or if you want to walk into an important meeting oozing confidence, TESTOSTERONE is your ally. Just be careful not to boost it when making important life decisions.This book is for everyone who longs to feel high on life - naturally.__________

  • av David Robson

    The Expectation Effect is a captivating book penned by the gifted writer, David Robson. Published in the twilight of 2022 by Canongate Books Ltd., this masterpiece belongs to a genre that stimulates thought and sparks curiosity. The Expectation Effect is not just a title, but a journey into the realm of the mind, exploring the power of our expectations and their impact on our lives. Robson's eloquent writing style coupled with his profound understanding of the subject matter makes this book a must-read. Canongate Books Ltd., renowned for bringing quality literature to readers, once again delivers with this publication. So, prepare to delve into the intriguing world of The Expectation Effect, and allow David Robson to guide you through this enlightening journey.

  • av Kristine M. Madsen, Bente Holmvang, Jenny Sveen Hovda, m.fl.

    Immaterialrett i et nøtteskall gir en elementær oversikt over de rettsfelter som inngår i den såkalte immaterialretten. Immaterialrett er en samlebetegnelse på opphavsrett, retten til varemerker og andre kjennetegn, patentrett og designrett. I tillegg behandles markedsrettens knowhow- og produktetterligningsregler.Formålet med boken er å gi studenter og andre en forståelig innføring i et komplekst rettsområde.Boken er særlig nyttig for de som arbeider innenfor kulturfeltet, industri- og handel eller tjenesteytende næring, og som trenger kunnskap om hvordan man kan beskytte resultater av skapende innsats.

  • av Ole Gjems-Onstad
    1 599,-

    Bokas formål er å dekke norsk bedriftsbeskatning for praktikere og videregående undervisning i skatterett. Boka er ajourført med ny lovgivning, forskrifter og retts- og lingningspraksis fram til juni 2001. Har litteraturliste, doms- og stikkordregister.

  • av Gerd Engelsrud

    Styring og vern gir en oversikt over de fleste emner innenfor arbeidsretten - både på individuelt og kollektivt nivå.Boken skiller seg fra andre arbeidsrettslige framstillinger ved at det offentlige som arbeidsgiver står i fokus. Generelle emneområder som ansettelse, lønn, arbeidstid, ferie, arbeidsmiljø, oppsigelse, avskjed, virksomhetsoverdragelse, vern mot diskriminering, styringsrett, håndheving og tilsyn, tillitsvalgte, fagforeninger, tariffavtaler og arbeidskonflikter behandles i lys av aktuelle offentligrettslige regler og tariffavtaler i offentlig sektor. Det praktiske perspektivet vektlegges gjennom konkrete problemstillinger, henvisninger til Kommunenes personalhåndbok, Statens personalhåndbok, uttalelser fra Sivilombudet og avgjørelser truffet av diskrimineringsnemnda, tvisteløsningsnemnda og domstolene.Boken er oppdatert per 1. september 2021.

  • av Gerd Engelsrud

    Boken er inndelt etter de samme temaene som boken Styring og vern av samme forfatter. Første del gir generelle råd om oppgaveskriving, annen del inneholder praktiske oppgaver knyttet til deltemaer som ansettelse, diskriminering, lønn, ferie, oppsigelse og avskjed, og del tre inneholder eksamensoppgaver og et eksempel på en god besvarelse.

  • av Geir Woxholth

    Boka gir ei framstilling av avtaleretten. I tillegg til spørsmål om avtaleinngåelse, omfatter den reglene om ugyldighet, avtaleinngåelse ved mellommenn og representasjonsrett i sammenslutninger. Det er lagt vekt på å framheve kommersielle avtaleslutningsteknikker, som f.eks. forhandlinger, anbud og standardavtaler. Med litteraturliste og stikkordregister.

  • av Peter Lødrup & John Asland

  • av Kaija Bjelland

    Denne boka gir en eksamensrettet innføring i forvaltningsrett.Boka er både en innføringsbok og en oppgavesamling. Estetikken er hentet fra grunnskolen, men oppgavene er på universitetsnivå. Bokas fargerike eksempler og oppgaver gir en verdifull praktisk innsikt i forvaltningsretts - faget. Alle oppgavene har løsningsforslag.

  • av Asbjørn Kjønstad

    Velferdsrett I omhandler de ulike velferdsrettslige rettighetene, særlig rett til trygdeytelser, økonomisk sosialhjelp, helse- og omsorgstjenester, opplæring og arbeid. Boken omtaler en rekke nye lovbestemmelser, og det er foretatt store endringer i pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven, tidligere pasientrettighetsloven. Vesentlige endringer er foretatt i spesialisthelsetjenesteloven, psykisk helsevernloven, arbeidsmiljøloven, opplæringsloven, barnehageloven og andre lover. Boken gir også en viss omtale av kommende viktige reformer. Boken er ajourført per 1. august 2012 når det gjelder lovgivning, rettspraksis, forskrifter og trygdesatser.Velferdsrett I er skrevet som lærebok til masterstudiet i rettsvitenskap. Supplert med Velferdsrett II dekker den også lærestoffet i juss ved de sosialfaglige studieretningene.Boken er også meget aktuell for NAV-ansatte, helsearbeidere, sosialarbeidere, barnevernspedagoger og ansatte i ulike offentlige etater og interesseorganisasjoner.

  • av Geir Woxholth

    Denne boken gir en grunnleggende fremstilling av kjøpsretten. Formålet er å gi studenter og andre en lett forståelig innføring i faget. Boken vil også kunne tjene som repetisjon før eksamen. Den inneholder en rekke eksempler og korte praktikumsoppgaver og er skrevet i et enkelt og lettfattelig språk.

  • av Geir Woxholth

    Denne boken er en elementærfremstilling av avtaleretten. Formålet er å gi studenter og andre en forståelig innføring i faget, og boken vil fungere utmerket som repetisjon og innstudering før eksamen så vel som å gi en enkel og oppdatert introduksjon.

  • av Kjetil Mujezinović Larsen & Vibeke Blaker Strand

    Boken retter seg mot studenter og andre som ønsker en god oversikt over menneskerettighetene. Menneskerettigheter i et nøtteskall gir en innføring i hvordan menneskerettigheter er beskyttet i internasjonale og regionale konvensjoner, Grunnloven og andre nasjonale lover. Et viktig tema er hvilken betydning konvensjoner om menneskerettigheter har når vi tolker norsk rett. Boken redegjør for innholdet i et vidt spekter av menneskerettigheter, og både økonomiske, sosiale, kulturelle, sivile og politiske rettigheter inkluderes. Boken retter seg mot studenter og andre som ønsker en god oversikt over menneskerettighetene.

  • av Jessica McCabe

    "The creator of the YouTube channel How to ADHD shares the insights and strategies that help her thrive in this accessible and shame-free guide to working with, understanding, and celebrating the ADHD brain"--

  • av Jintana Rattanakhemakorn

    Learn the basics of the Thai language quickly with this essential book! Reading & Writing Thai is the perfect way to begin learning the Thai language. It teaches you how to pronounce, read, and write all the sounds and letters, including the difficult tones. The book is specifically designed for beginners with no previous experience in studying or speaking Thai. This easy-to-use workbook shows you how to write and pronounce each letter correctly and then shows you how they are combined into syllables and words. Before you know it you'll be reading and writing complete sentences! The book comes with free audio recordings by native Thai speakers, allowing you to hone your pronunciation and listening skills. This comprehensive workbook and language guide for beginners includes: An introduction to all the sounds of the language including vowels, consonants and tones Exercises, quizzes and a final review section to reinforce the lessons in the book Free downloadable flash cards to help you learn the alphabet and basic vocabulary Free audio recordings by native Thai speakers Reading & Writing Thai is the perfect book for self-study or learning Thai with a teacher.

  • - 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy and Human Nature
    av Robert Greene
    158 - 225,-

  • av Gary Stevenson

    *NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER*'An unforgettable story of greed, financial madness and moral decay' Rory Stewart'Hilarious, shocking and deeply sad - often in the same sentence' Sunday Times'The Wolf of Wall Street with a moral compass' Irvine WelshAn outrageous, white-knuckle journey to the dark heart of an intoxicating world - from someone who survived the trading game and then blew it all wide open'If you were gonna rob a bank, and you saw the vault door there, left open, what would you do? Would you wait around?Ever since he was a kid, kicking broken footballs on the streets of East London in the shadow of Canary Wharf's skyscrapers, Gary wanted something better. Something a whole lot bigger.Then he won a competition run by a bank: 'The Trading Game'. The prize: a golden ticket to a new life, as the youngest trader in the whole city. A place where you could make more money than you'd ever imagined. Where your colleagues are dysfunctional maths geniuses, overfed public schoolboys and borderline psychopaths, yet they start to feel like family. Where soon you're the bank's most profitable trader, dealing in nearly a trillion dollars. A day. Where you dream of numbers in your sleep - and then stop sleeping at all.But what happens when winning starts to feel like losing? When the easiest way to make money is to bet on millions becoming poorer and poorer - and, as the economy starts slipping off a precipice, your own sanity starts slipping with it? You want to stop, but you can't. Because nobody ever leaves.Would you stick, or quit? Even if it meant risking everything?Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, March 2024

  • av Margarita Madrigal

    Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish: A Creative and Proven Approach is an innovative book by Margarita Madrigal. Published by MAIN STREET in 1989, this book has stood the test of time, remaining a popular choice for Spanish learners. The genre of this book falls under educational, specifically language learning. Margarita Madrigal, an acclaimed author in this field, offers a unique and proven approach to learning Spanish. Through her creative techniques, she makes the process of learning a new language not only easier but also enjoyable. The book is designed in such a way that it unlocks the 'magic key' to understanding Spanish and its nuances. Published by MAIN STREET, a publisher known for its quality educational books, this book is a must-have for anyone embarking on their Spanish learning journey.

  • av Piet Oudolf

    A major monograph on the Dutch garden designer, featuring his gardens and the largest collection of his drawings ever published Step into a Piet Oudolf garden and you are transported into a dreamlike meadowscape, filled with perennials, seasonal color, and texture. Made in close collaboration with Oudolf, this book showcases gardens throughout his career and across the globe - from New York's acclaimed High Line to the newly planted Vitra Campus in Germany. The book offers fresh insight into the work and creative practice of Oudolf, both from a horticultural and artistic perspective, showcasing high-profile and lesser-known gardens, including Chicago's Lurie Garden, Hauser & Wirth Somerset and Menorca, Venice Biennale, Singer Museum, Belle Isle in Detroit, Noma, and others. It offers unprecedented insight into his design process, working methods, and inspirations, and features original sketches and drawings - many of which are published here for the first time. This major new monograph is significant not only for its breadth and the largest collection of Oudolf's drawings ever published, but also for its inclusion of brand-new work, together with newly commissioned essays that place his work in context and offer fresh perspective on his career and significance. The book also includes gatefolds and tip-ins to explain key designs.

  • av Gabor Maté

    The Myth of Normal is a captivating book by the renowned author, Gabor Mate. Published by Random House UK Ltd in 2022, this book falls under the genre of self-help and psychology. Mate, through his profound understanding of human nature and empathy, delves into the concept of 'normal'. He challenges the societal norms and questions the definition of normality that is often imposed upon us. This book is not just a read, but a journey that encourages you to explore and understand your own definition of normal, free from societal constraints. The Myth of Normal is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand themselves and the world around them better. Published by Random House UK Ltd, this book is a testament to Mate's insightful writing and thought-provoking ideas.

  • av Peter Attia

    Outlive is a riveting work of literature penned by the talented Bill Gifford. Published in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book has already made a substantial impact in the literary world. The genre of the book is not easily defined, as it beautifully intertwines various elements to create a unique reading experience. The author's masterful storytelling and richly detailed narrative are sure to captivate readers from the first page to the last. Outlive is more than just a book; it's a journey that explores the human condition in a way that is both insightful and thought-provoking. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deep and engaging reading experience. Published by Random House UK Ltd, it is a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to readers around the world.

  • av J. R. R. Tolkien
    165 - 970,-

  • av Jenny Han

    The Complete Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy is a captivating series penned by the talented Jenny Han. Published in 2013 by Simon + Schuster Inc., this trilogy falls under the genre of young adult fiction. The books take you on a journey through the summers of a young girl's life, capturing the essence of youth, love, and the pains of growing up. The author, Jenny Han, masterfully weaves a story that is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, making it a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good coming-of-age story. The Complete Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy is published by Simon + Schuster Inc., a publisher renowned for their diverse catalogue of books catering to readers of all ages and interests.

  • av John Green

  • - Gift Edition
    av Sarah Knight
    134 - 245,-

    The word-of-mouth international bestseller about giving less f**ks and living your best life in the process

  • av The Institution of Engineering and Technology
    1 109,99 - 1 230,-

    This Code of Practice provides a clear overview of EV charging equipment, as well as setting out the considerations needed prior to installation and the necessary physical and electrical installation requirements.

  • av Dolly Alderton

    Living out of a suitcase, waiting for his career as a stand-up comedian to finally take off, Andy struggles to process the life-ruining end of his relationship with the only woman he's ever truly loved. Trying to solve the unsolvable mystery of his broken relationship, he has a lot to learn - not least his ex-girlfriend's side of the story.

  • av Alain De Botton

    The essential guide to mental health from the bestselling author of THE SCHOOL OF LIFE. De Botton follows the arc from mental crisis and collapse to convalescence and recovery. Written with kindness, knowledge and sympathy, it is both a practical guide and a source of consolation and companionship in what might be our most anguished moments.

  • av Bradley Nelson

    Step into the enlightening world of 'The Body Code' by Bradley Nelson. Published recently in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book is a fascinating journey into the realm of self-discovery. As a pioneer in the genre of self-help and personal growth, Nelson has once again proven his mastery in understanding the human psyche. 'The Body Code' is not just a book; it's a guide to unlocking your potential, a key to understanding your own body and mind. The author's insightful narrative and thought-provoking ideas will captivate you from the first page to the last. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from one of the most respected authors in the field.

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