Norges billigste bøker


Vitenskap og bøker er et univers av temaer med mangfoldige meninger og undersøkelser. Det er vitenskap basert på mange års forskning av eksperter på felt som har gjort det til sitt livsprosjekt å utføre forskning på spesifikke fenomener. Det handler om å produsere fakta basert på undersøkelser, og dermed skape informasjon som kan videreformidles til leseren. Det er mange underkategorier innen vitenskap, så er du mer interessert i samfunnsvitenskap eller naturvitenskap, har vi begge deler. Vi har et stort utvalg bøker skrevet av eksperter på området. Finn din neste vitenskapelige bok hos oss i dag.
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  • av Ragnhild Holmås

    Ragnhild Holmås ser helt frisk ut når du treffer henne på kafé. Så hvorfor jobber hun ikke? Er hun egentlig så syk som hun sier?Hun er en av flere hundre tusen nordmenn som lever med en usynlig sykdom. Selv om de har ulike diagnoser, kan de oppleve samme bagatellisering og mistenkeliggjøring - fra leger, Nav og arbeidsgiver, til og med fra venner og familie. De får høre at de må skjerpe seg. Slutte å syte. Bare tenke positivt.I boken Men du ser ikke syk ut utfordrer Holmås denne mistenkeliggjøringen. Hun inviterer leseren med bak kulissene til en person som later som om hun er frisk i frykt for å bli mistenkt for å late som om hun er syk.Hennes historie om skjuling, skam og selvbedrag flettes sammen med korte essays og kreative elementer til en sjarmerende, men samfunnskritisk bok. Med humor og lekenhet utforsker hun hvor fordommene kommer fra, hvorfor kunnskapshullet om sykdommer som rammer flest kvinner er så stort, og hvorfor i alle dager folk prøver å kurere henne med yoga og rare juicer.Med forord av Anne-Kat. Hærland.

  • - An Emotional Education
    av Alain De Botton & The School of Life

  • - The Essential Concepts
    av Principal Lecturer, UK) Crowe, Jonathan (Oxford, m.fl.

    Chemistry for the Biosciences introduces the essential concepts of chemistry central to understanding biological systems. With an emphasis on straightforward explanations, it features biological examples illustrating how integral chemistry is to the biosciences, and includes learning features to help students master the essentials.

  • av Mark Hyman

    Young Forever is a captivating novel penned by the talented Mark Hyman. Published in 2023 by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., this book is a must-read for those who appreciate engrossing narratives. The genre of the book is a well-kept secret, promising to surprise readers with its unique blend of suspense, drama, and intrigue. Young Forever takes you on an unforgettable journey, making it a standout addition to your book collection. The author, Mark Hyman, is known for his compelling storytelling that leaves readers wanting more. Published by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., a renowned publisher, the book promises high-quality content that will engage and entertain readers from start to finish. Dive into the world of Young Forever and experience the magic of Mark Hyman's writing.

  • av Per Espen Akselsen

  • - 73 Things About the World You Need to Know
    av Vaclav Smil

  • - The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
    av Hector Garcia

    Ikigai is a captivating book penned by the talented author, Francesc Miralles. Published by Cornerstone in 2017, this book falls under a genre that promises to intrigue and inspire its readers. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that combines the terms 'iki', meaning 'life', and 'gai', meaning 'value or worth'. Miralles beautifully explores this concept, offering the readers a path to discover their personal Ikigai, thus finding their purpose in life. This book is more than just a read; it is an existential journey. If you're looking for a book that challenges you to look within and find your true purpose, then Ikigai by Francesc Miralles, proudly published by Cornerstone, is the book for you.

  • av Per Nortvedt

    Boken gir kunnskap om etikk og etiske problemstillinger du vil møte som sykepleier. Den gir en innføring i det idéhistoriske og filosofiske grunnlaget for sykepleieetikken, samt de viktigste etiske begrepene, teoriene og prinsippene som sykepleiefaget bygger på. Den gir også en fremstilling av utfordringer og verdivalg sykepleiere daglig står overfor. Boken har studiespørsmål, litteraturliste og stikkordregister.

  • av Rune Blomhoff

    Med få og enkle grep kan du forebygge kreft ved å spise sunnere, bedre og riktigere. Mat, matvarer og matvaner har stor innvirkning på forebygging av kreft, resultatet av kreftbehandling, og helsen etter avsluttet aktiv kreftbehandling. I boka Mat mot kreft legger professor Rune Blomhoff frem ny viten og kunnskap om matens betydning for de ulike krefttypene, og går gjennom hva slags mat som er bra for å forebygge kreft og for kreftpasienter. Mer enn 32 000 nordmenn får hvert år en kreftdiagnose. Over 260 000 nordmenn lever i dag med kreft eller har tidligere hatt kreft. I tillegg har omkring like mange pårørende en nær befatning med kreft. Kreftpasienter og pårørende trenger råd og veiledning om veien videre når det gjelder kosthold.

  • - Nietzsche and Marx for the Twenty-First Century
    av Jonas Ceika

    From the creator of the CCK Philosophy YouTube channel comes this timely and explosive re-evaluation of Marx and Nietzsche for the 21st-century left.

  • - spis deg frisk på 6 uker
    av Gunn-Karin Sakariassen

    FÅ KONTROLL PÅ BLODSUKKERET, GÅ NED I VEKT OG BLI FRISKERE!Har du insulinresistens, pre-diabetes eller diabetes 2 og lurer du på hva du selv kan gjøre for å bli bedre? Forfatterne, som har mange års erfaring i behandling av diabetespasienter, gir deg alle verktøy du trenger for å få en mye bedre helse: komplett 6-ukers livsstilsprogram med enkle tiltak og meny for hver dag, samt oppskrifter på 90 nydelige retter til alle dagens måltider. Følger du programmet vil blodsukkeret stabilisere seg og du går ned i vekt, forbedrer blodtrykk og kolesterol, demper betennelser og får bedre søvn og energi, og du kan redusere eventuell medisinbruk eller bli helt medisinfri.Fra innholdet:Et komplett 6-ukers livsstilsprogram som viser deg hvordan du dag for dag kan endre vanene dine og bli friskere og sunnereOppskrift på mer enn 90 nydelige, blodsukkervennlige retter - frokost, lunsj, middag, dessert og sunne søtsaker. Mange av rettene er gluten- og laktosefri, og alle oppskrifter har næringsberegningHandlelister og ukemenyerEt enkelt program med fysisk aktivitet som bekjemper høyt blodsukker og diabetes 2Gode råd for bedre søvn og sexFakta som gir deg kunnskap om hvordan blodsukker og tarmhelse virker inn på vekt og livsstilssykdommer

  • av Epictetus

    Epictetus, a Greek stoic and freed slave, ran a thriving philosophy school in Nicropolis in the early second century AD. His animated discussions were celebrated for their rhetorical wizardry and were written down by Arrian, his most famous pupil. Together with the Enchiridion, a manual of his main ideas, and the fragments collected here, The Discourses argue that happiness lies in learning to perceive exactly what is in our power to change and what is not, and in embracing our fate to live in harmony with god and nature. In this personal, practical guide to the ethics of stoicism and moral self-improvement, Epictetus tackles questions of freedom and imprisonment, illness and fear, family, friendship and love, and leaves an intriguing document of daily life in the classical world.

  • av Mark (Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology Coeckelbergh

    An accessible synthesis of ethical issues raised by artificial intelligence that moves beyond hype and nightmare scenarios to address concrete questions.Artificial intelligence powers Google''s search engine, enables Facebook to target advertising, and allows Alexa and Siri to do their jobs. AI is also behind self-driving cars, predictive policing, and autonomous weapons that can kill without human intervention. These and other AI applications raise complex ethical issues that are the subject of ongoing debate. This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series offers an accessible synthesis of these issues. Written by a philosopher of technology, AI Ethics goes beyond the usual hype and nightmare scenarios to address concrete questions.Mark Coeckelbergh describes influential AI narratives, ranging from Frankenstein''s monster to transhumanism and the technological singularity. He surveys relevant philosophical discussions: questions about the fundamental differences between humans and machines and debates over the moral status of AI. He explains the technology of AI, describing different approaches and focusing on machine learning and data science. He offers an overview of important ethical issues, including privacy concerns, responsibility and the delegation of decision making, transparency, and bias as it arises at all stages of data science processes. He also considers the future of work in an AI economy. Finally, he analyzes a range of policy proposals and discusses challenges for policymakers. He argues for ethical practices that embed values in design, translate democratic values into practices and include a vision of the good life and the good society.

  • - The Secret Life of the Brain
    av Lisa Feldman Barrett

    Emotions aren't hardwired into you - you create them. A world-leading neuroscientist argues that understanding the origin and nature of emotions has huge implications for our future

  • - Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime
    av Sean Carroll
    175 - 295,-

    The great genius of modern physics explains why quantum theory makes perfect sense

  • - A History of Electricity and Life
    av Arthur Firstenberg

    Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is 'safe' for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before

  • - Things that Gain from Disorder
    av Nassim Nicholas Taleb

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the bestselling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, reveals how to thrive in an uncertain world. Just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension, many things in life benefit from stress, disorder, volatility, and turmoil. What Taleb has identified and calls antifragile are things that not only gain from chaos but need it in order to survive and flourish.In The Black Swan, Taleb showed us that highly improbable and unpredictable events underlie almost everything about our world. Here Taleb stands uncer tainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary. The antifragile is beyond the resilient or robust. The resil ient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better and better.What's more, the antifragile is immune to prediction errors and protected from adverse events. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is what we call "e;efficient"e; not efficient at all? Why do government responses and social policies protect the strong and hurt the weak? Why should you write your resignation letter before starting on the job? How did the sinking of the Titanic save lives? The book spans innovation by trial and error, life decisions, politics, urban planning, war, personal finance, economic systems and medicine, drawing on modern street wisdom and ancient sources.Antifragile is a blueprint for living in a Black Swan world.Erudite, witty, and iconoclastic, Taleb's message is revolutionary: the antifragile, and only the antifragile, will make it.Nassim Nicholas Taleb has devoted his life to problems of uncertainty, probability, and knowledge and has led three careers around this focus, as a businessman-trader, a philosophical essayist, and an academic researcher. Although he now spends most of his time working in intense seclusion in his study, in the manner of independent scholars, he is currently Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute. His main subject matter is "e;decision making under opacity,"e; that is, a map and a protocol on how we should live in a world we don't understand.His books Fooled by Randomness and The Black Swan have been published in thirty-three languages.Taleb believes that prizes, honorary degrees, awards, and ceremonialism debase knowledge by turning it into a spectator sport.

  • av Gro Skottun & Ashild Kruger

  • av Sara Gottfried

    Bli venn med hormonene dine og føl deg som ny!«Kropp i balanse er en fantastisk gave til alle kvinner som søker optimal helse, mer energi, økt sexlyst og velvære i egen kropp! Sara Gottfried utvider hormonbegrepet til å omfatte så mye mer enn østrogen og progesteron, og setter fokus på sammenhengen mellom stoffskifte, binyrehormoner og kjønnshormoner på en lettfattelig måte. Jeg vil anbefale alle mine pasienter og kolleger å lese denne banebrytende boken!» Dr. med. Nina Willumsen, gynekologHormonbalansen har en enorm betydning for hvordan vi fungerer og føler oss hver dag. Tusenvis av kvinner i alle aldere har fått tilbake søvnen, sexlysten, livsgleden og den gode helsen gjennom Sara Gottfrieds hormonkur. Metoden setter søkelyset på de underliggende årsakene til problemene, ikke bare symptomene.Bruk bokens testskjemaer, les forfatterens grundige veiledninger og finn ut hvordan Gottfrieds metode kan hjelpe deg til å bli bedre av plager som disse:- svingende vekt- stress og uro- dårlig søvn, slitenhet og nedstemthet- fertilitetsproblemer- stoffskifteproblemer- PMS og overgangsplager«I boken fant jeg mange svar. Sara Gottfried skriver lettfattelig om et komplisert tema det er vanskelig å få vite noe om hos legen. Les boken og finn ut hvilke prøver det er viktig å få utført, og hva du ellers kan gjøre for å bli deg selv igjen!» Ingeborg Werring, sykepleier

  • - The Art and Science of Prediction
    av Nate Silver

    The International Bestseller by 'The Galileo of number crunchers' (Independent)Every time we choose a route to work, decide whether to go on a second date, or set aside money for a rainy day, we are making a prediction about the future. Yet from the financial crisis to ecological disasters, we routinely fail to foresee hugely significant events, often at great cost to society. The rise of 'big data' has the potential to help us predict the future, yet much of it is misleading, useless or distracting.In The Signal and the Noise, the New York Times political forecaster Nate Silver, who accurately predicted the results of every state in the 2012 US election, reveals how we can all develop better foresight in an uncertain world. From the stock market to the poker table, from earthquakes to the economy, he takes us on an enthralling insider's tour of the high-stakes world of forecasting, showing how we can all learn to detect the true signals amid a noise of data. 'Remarkable and rewarding' Matthew D'Ancona, Sunday Telegraph'A lucid explanation of how to think probabilistically' Guardian

  • av Bjørn Bjelland & Espen Rostrup Nakstad

    Dette er 2. utgave av den første læreboken på norsk om beredskap, kriseledelse og skadestedsarbeid i helse- og beredskapssektorene. Bestill vurderingseksemplar Boken gir oppdatert kunnskap om hvordan sivil sektor organiserer og utøver beredskap gjennom nødetatene, redningstjenesten, helsetjenesten, strategisk og operasjonell kriseledelse, myndighetsstyring og samvirke. Aktuelle eksempler, erfaringer og teori brukes for å belyse «best practice» i håndteringen av så vel dagligdagse utrykningsoppdrag som mer komplekse hendelser og nasjonale katastrofer, herunder nasjonal kriseledelse. Boken er aktuell for førstelinjepersonell i nødetatene og redningstjenesten, studenter i medisin, sykepleie, ambulanse- og politifag samt nasjonale fagmyndigheter og beredskapsledere på operativt, operasjonelt og strategisk nivå. Boken er også tilrettelagt for frivillige organisasjoner, bistandsarbeidere, industrivern og aktører i Forsvaret som ønsker en oppdatert beskrivelse av gjeldende beredskapsprinsipper og -metoder i sivil sektor.

  • - Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    av Max Tegmark

    Life 3.0, a compelling masterpiece by renowned author Max Tegmark, is a book that will take you on a thought-provoking journey. Published by Penguin Books Ltd in 2018, this book has since been a beacon of knowledge for many. The genre of this book is hard to pin down, as it seamlessly blends elements of science, philosophy, and speculation about the future. Tegmark's Life 3.0 invites us to ponder the most essential question of our time: What future do we want to create for ourselves? As you delve into its pages, you will find yourself immersed in a riveting exploration of the future of life as we know it. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of humanity and artificial intelligence. Don't miss out on this enlightening read from Penguin Books Ltd.

  • - A Brief History of Tomorrow
    av Yuval Noah Harari

    Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century and beyond - from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: how can we protect this fragile world from our own destructive power?

  • av Kjersti Brænne

    Den lille terapiboken gir en enkel innføring i grunnleggende begreper og prinsipper knyttet til psykodynamisk tenkning og psykoterapi.Noen sentrale spørsmål i boken er: Hva er containment, overføring/motoverføring, projeksjon og psykiske forsvarsmekanismer? Hvordan henger ulike teorier og forståelsesmodeller sammen? Hvordan forstå lek og leketerapi? Hvordan møte et lite menneske i profesjonell sammenheng, som ny og uerfaren terapeut? Hvordan møte foreldre?Temaene belyses gjennom mange eksempler og pasientfortellinger.Boken er primært skrevet for leger, psykologer og annet helsepersonell som er i spesialisering i barne- og ungdomspsykiatri, men den kan også være nyttig for fagpersoner som er under spesialisering i det voksenpsykiatriske fagfeltet.

  • av James Norbury

    Discover the most beautiful book of the year as seen on ITV News and in the GuardianTHE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'James has a way to speak to your soul. This book is nothing short of comforting and heartwarming' VEX KING'While the drawings have the charm of Winnie-the-Pooh, the captions have the depth of ancient proverbs' GUARDIAN________A guiding light in the darker months, Big Panda and Tiny Dragon is the beautifully illustrated and mindful journey of two friends through the seasons, inspired by Buddhist philosophy'Which is more important,' asked Big Panda, 'the journey or the destination?''The company,' said Tiny Dragon.Friends Big Panda and Tiny Dragon journey through the seasons of the year together, day and night, in rain and in sun. Travelling through nature, they find hope and inspiration in the world around them, realising that even in the darkest of days, Spring will always return.Feel the calming influence of Big Panda, who reminds us of the bigger picture while appreciating the simplicity of small moments.Explore your surroundings with the inquisitive eye of Tiny Dragon, our friend who is big in heart if not in stature.And on their journey through the ever-changing seasons, join these two friends as they learn how to live in the moment, be at peace with uncertainty, and find the strength to overcome life's obstacles, together.Inspired by Buddhist philosophy and spirituality, James Norbury has captured in these whimsical characters the ideas that have helped him through his most difficult times.________'The two friends often find themselves lost but discover beautiful sights they never would have found if they had gone the right way. While the drawings have the charm of Winnie-the-Pooh, the captions have the depth of ancient proverbs' GUARDIAN

  • - 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy and Human Nature
    av Robert Greene
    158 - 225,-

  • - How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness
    av Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga

    The Japanese phenomenon that teaches us the simple yet profound lessons required to liberate our real selves and find lasting happiness.

  • av Chris van Tulleken

    THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023AN ECONOMIST, DAILY MAIL, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING and AMAZON BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023SHORTLISTED FOR WATERSTONE'S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023SHORTLISTED FOR FORTNUM & MASON'S DEBUT FOOD BOOK OF THE YEAR 2024Chosen by the SUNDAY TIMES, GUARDIAN, FT and DAILY MAIL as one of their BEST SUMMER BOOKS OF 2023'If you only read one diet or nutrition book in your life, make it this one' Bee Wilson'A devastating, witty and scholarly destruction of the shit food we eat and why' Adam Rutherford---An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food.It's not you, it's the food.We have entered a new 'age of eating' where most of our calories come from an entirely novel set of substances called Ultra-Processed Food, food which is industrially processed and designed and marketed to be addictive. But do we really know what it's doing to our bodies?Join Chris in his travels through the world of food science and a UPF diet to discover what's really going on. Find out why exercise and willpower can't save us, and what UPF is really doing to our bodies, our health, our weight, and the planet (hint: nothing good).For too long we've been told we just need to make different choices, when really we're living in a food environment that makes it nigh-on impossible. So this is a book about our rights. The right to know what we eat and what it does to our bodies and the right to good, affordable food.The Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, August 2023

  • av Marcus Aurelius
    115 - 200,-

    Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.

  • - Nature's Secrets to Longevity
    av Nicklas Brendborg

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: a deep dive into the science and nature of aging

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