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Mental helse

Det er veldig viktig med både fysisk og psykisk helse. Men det kan være vanskelig å finne tid til å pleie din mentale helse, eller for den saks skyld vite hvordan du skal oppføre deg. Psykisk helse er det vi bruker fra morgen til kveld, og gir vi det ikke oppmerksomhet kan det noen ganger forårsake ubehag. Derfor har vi samlet en rekke bøker som er spesielt fokusert på psykisk velvære med en samlet kunnskap om hvorfor vi føler som vi gjør. Men det er ikke alt - vi har også mange gode bøker som tilbyr forskjellige metoder som kan være nyttige for å bedre ta vare på din psykiske helse. Blant annet har mindfulness og bevisst tilstedeværelse vist seg å ha gode effekter på hvordan du føler deg.
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  • av Audun Myskja

    Audun Myskja har gjennom legepraksis, kurs og retreater hjulpet tusenvis av mennesker til å finne roen på jobb og privat, i øyeblikket og i livet. I Kunsten å finne ro deler han erfaringene sine. Han inviterer til refleksjon rundt hva ro betyr for oss, og tilbyr pusteøvelser og andre teknikker når vi er rammet av ulike former for stress, følelsesmessige utfordringer og vanskelige livshendelser.I denne varme og inspirerende boka får du råd, innspill og praktiske verktøy til å møte hver eneste dag med sinnsro, trygghet og tillit.«Vi mennesker kan velge ro, mer enn vi aner. Verktøyene i boka vil hjelpe deg med å skape mest mulig av den gode roen, og få vevd den sammen med handlekraft i hverdagen. Selv om livet vil gi deg både opp- og nedturer, kan du klare å finne en indre balanse som varer.»Ved å bruke verktøyene i boka kan du få det roligere hjemme, på jobb og i relasjonene dine forebygge stress og utbrenthet redusere uro og angst bevare roen i vanskelige situasjoner få mer energi og livslyst håndtere konflikter bedre leve mer i tråd med verdiene dine

  • av Jonathan Haidt

    Jonathan Haidt has spent his career speaking truth and wisdom in some of the most difficult spaces ¿ communities polarized by politics and religion, campuses battling culture wars, and now the mental health emergency hitting teenagers today in many countries around the world.In The Anxious Generation, Haidt shows how, between 2010 and 2015, childhood and adolescence got rewired. As teens traded in their flip phones for smartphones packed with social media apps, time online soared, including time spent comparing oneself to a vast pool of others. Time engaging face-to-face with friends and family plummeted, and so did mental health.But this is not just a story about technology; this profound shift took place against a backdrop of declining childhood freedom and free-play, as parents over-supervised every aspect of their children¿s lives offline, depriving them of the experiences they most need to become strong and self-governing adults.In this book, Haidt makes a compelling argument that the loss of play-based childhood and its replacement with a phone-based childhood that is not suitable for human development is the source of increased mental distress among teenagers. The Anxious Generation delves into the latest psychological and biological research to show the four fundamental ways in which a phone-based childhood disrupts development ¿ sleep deprivation, social deprivation, cognitive fragmentation and addiction. Haidt offers separate in-depth analyses of what has happened to girls, and what has happened to boys, offering practical advice for parents, schools, governments, and teens themselves. Drawing on ancient wisdom and cutting-edge research, this eye-opening book is a life raft and a powerful call-to-arms.

  • - Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures
    av Erin Meyer

    The Culture Map is a riveting book penned by Erin Meyer in 2016. This fascinating read, published by PublicAffairs, U.S., delves into the complexities of global communication in an increasingly interconnected world. Meyer, a renowned expert in her field, explores the invisible boundaries that define our thinking and perceptions. With a keen focus on how the simplest of cultural differences can impact global business, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the nuances of cross-cultural communication. A masterstroke in the genre of intercultural studies, The Culture Map transcends the conventional boundaries of academic literature, offering insightful, practical advice for professionals navigating the global business landscape. This publication from PublicAffairs, U.S., is a testament to Meyer's profound understanding of cultural diversity and its implications in the world of business.

  • av Patrick King
    225 - 275,-

  • - Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential
    av Carol Dweck

    World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea-the power of our mindset.Dweck explains why it's not just our abilities and talent that bring us success-but whether we approach them with a fixed or growth mindset. She makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn't foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success. With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals-personal and professional. Dweck reveals what all great parents, teachers, CEOs, and athletes already know: how a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and a resilience that is the basis of great accomplishment in every area.

  • - From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship
    av Sherry Argov

    Why Men Love Bitches is a riveting and transformative book by author Sherry Argov. Published in 2002 by Adams Media Corporation, the book falls under the intriguing genre of self-help and relationship advice. The book unravels the complex dynamics of relationships, offering a fresh and unique perspective. Argov's insightful and candid writing style has made this book a must-read. It's not just a book, but a journey that takes you through the intricacies of love, relationships, and self-worth. Published by the renowned Adams Media Corporation, this book is a testament to their reputation for delivering quality content. This book is indeed a gem in English literature that has the power to change your perspective on love and relationships.

  • - A 12-week multi-platform wellness planner for self-care and stress relief
    av Bex (Author) Spiller

    A multi-platform solution to the growing problem of burnout caused by prolonged stress. This undated journal spans 12 weeks with weekly lessons delivered through the pages of the journal alongside an online dashboard with lifetime access to video lessons in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, nutrition and breathwork.

  • - A Practical Guide
    av Virginia Braun & Victoria Clarke
    524 - 1 620,-

    This book is the definitive approach to thematic analysis, offering a highly accessible and practical discussion of doing TA.

  • - A Parent's Guide to Nurturing Your Baby with Love, Respect, and Understanding
    av Junnifa Uzodike

    Introducing 'The Montessori Baby', a masterpiece by the renowned author, Simone Davies. This book, published in 2021, is a must-read for all parents and educators. It falls under the genre of Parenting & Relationships, and it is a valuable resource that provides guidance on how to raise babies using the Montessori method. It is filled with practical tips and insightful advice that can help you foster an environment of love, respect, and independence for your baby. This book is a testament to Simone Davies' deep understanding of the Montessori philosophy and her commitment to making it accessible to everyone. Published by Workman Publishing, 'The Montessori Baby' is a book that promises to change the way you view parenting. Dive into this treasure trove of wisdom and let it guide you on your parenting journey.

  • - Tools for Smart Thinking
    av Richard Nisbett

    An enlightening and practical guide to the most powerful tools of reasoning ever developed, by one of the world's most renowned psychologists Many scientific and philosophical ideas are so powerful that they can be applied to our lives to help us think smarter and more effectively about our behaviour and the world around us. Surprisingly, many of these ideas remain unknown to most of us. Drawing on his own groundbreaking research, Richard Nisbett presents these ideas in clear and accessible detail to offer a tool kit for better thinking and wiser decisions. Mindware shows how to reframe common problems - whether professional, business, or personal - in such a way that these powerful scientific and statistical concepts can be applied to them. 'A devastating and persuasive refutation of all those who believe intellectual ability is fixed at birth. Few Americans have done as much to deepen our understanding of what it means to be human.'Malcolm Gladwell

  • - Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers
    av Gordon Neufeld & Dr Gabor Mate

    This updated edition also addresses the unprecedented parenting challenges posed by the rise of digital devices and social media.By helping to reawaken our instincts, Mate and Neufeld empower parents to be what nature intended: a true source of contact, security and warmth for their children.

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    In the wake of the successful "Position of the Day" comes this new playbook featuring 365 new erotic scenarios packed into one deeply inspiring, and hilarious compendium.

  • av Dr Gabor Mate

  • av Mel Robbins

    Supercharge your confidence daily with this guided gratitude journal that is a companion to the global #1 best-seller The High 5 Habit from Mel Robbins, best-selling author, #1 podcast host, and expert on change and motivation. It's time to start believing in yourself again! Unlock The Most Powerful Force In The World: You Use this High 5 journal to help you start your day with clarity, focus, and positivity! The High 5 Daily Journal will help you build a confident mind, body, and spirit with daily productivity prompts, weekly themes, and goal setting exercises designed to make your dreams a reality. Using this motivational journal, you will build the discipline, confidence, and habits you need to know that you can always count on yourself. Face any challenge. Surmount any obstacle. You‿ll see yourself waking up every day, inching closer to what you want, and becoming who you were born to be. The High 5 Daily Journal is... · Backed by Powerful Science: The exercises in this journal are based on research and evidence. These daily practices in confidence, visualization, and mindset will change your brain‿s neural pathways and create new habits that will transform every aspect of your life. · The Path to Simple Discipline and Profound Results: These exercises are simple, but over time their impact on your life will be profound. So that you can... · Believe In Your Dreams Again: Your dreams are out there waiting for you. But you need to believe in them and take action. This positive daily journal will train your body, mind, and spirit to both pick up on the clues life is sending you, and cultivate the courage to move toward them. · Celebrate Your Life: It‿s pretty simple: you‿re not cheering yourself forward and that‿s holding you back. With this journal, every day you‿ll be more present to who you are, what you want, and how you show up. By cheering for yourself and developing the habits to keep cheering no matter what, you will burst through what‿s blocking you. · Take Control and Live with Confidence: By following the steps outlined in this journal, you will tap into your natural confidence and let it flow through your body, enhance your mind, and awaken your spirit. The more you use this journal, the faster confidence becomes a habit. The weekly themes will ground you with intention, and provide control and structure in your life. In this self-care journal, you‿ll find the secret to forging a deeper connection with yourself. Even more than productivity, you‿ll experience greater transformation the more you use the prompts. They are designed to calm your nervous system, open your mind, and ignite your intuition so it can lead you where you‿re meant to go. The High 5 Daily Journal will help your body, mind, and spirit align, your senses come alive, your mind focus, and your heart expand. You will be fully present with High 5 energy.

  • av Dr Gabor Mate

  • - Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds - Clean Edition
    av David Goggins

  • av Amishi Jha
    144 - 190,-

    'This book can catapult you into living fully the life that is yours to live while you have the chance' Jon Kabat-Zinn'A must-read for our distracted times' Dan Goleman'A must-have guide to experiencing every moment of our lives' Goldie Hawn'A treasure trove of insights and exercises to enrich our lives' Dan SiegelStop for a moment. Are you here right now?Is your focus on the words in front of you? Or is it roaming elsewhere, to the past or future, to a worry, to your to-do list, or to your phone?The good news: There's nothing wrong with you - your brain isn't broken. The human brain was built to be distractible.The even better news: You can train your brain to pay attention more effectively.Acclaimed neuroscientist Dr Amishi Jha has dedicated her life's work to understanding the science of attention at every level - from brain imaging studies in the lab to field testing soldiers, firefighters and athletes. Her mission has been to scientifically determine how we can harness the full power of our attention to better meet all that life demands. In Peak Mind, Dr Jha expertly guides readers through fascinating research, debunking common assumptions about focus and attention, and offers remarkably easy-to-adapt flexible twelve minute-a-day exercises to lift the mental fog, declutter the mind, and strengthen focus so that you can experience more of your life.

  • - The Guided Path from Trauma to Profound Freedom and Inner Peace
    av Gabrielle Bernstein

    What if you could wake up every day without anxiety? View your past with purpose, not regret? Live happy, peaceful and free from fear? You can - and Gabrielle Bernstein will show you the way. Her new book presents her most powerful teaching yet: a plan for transforming the pain of your past, whatever that may be, into newfound strength and freedom.

  • - the bestselling breakthrough programme to end negative behaviour and feel great
    av Jeffrey Young

    Reinventing Your Life, a transformative book penned by Jeffrey E. Young, is a must-read for those seeking personal growth and change. Published by Scribe Publications in 2019, this piece of literature falls under the self-help genre, yet it transcends the norms of the category. The book provides readers with practical strategies and insightful wisdom, encouraging them to break free from self-defeating life patterns that have kept them stuck in a rut. Young's approach is both compassionate and empowering, making this book an essential guide for anyone looking to reinvent their life. Don't miss this gem from Scribe Publications, a publisher renowned for bringing enlightening and thought-provoking reads to the market.

  • - Natural Treatment for Allergies, Autoimmune Illness, Arthritis, Gut Problems, Fatigue, Hormonal Problems, Neurological Disease and More
    av M.D. Campbell-McBride

    Gut And Physiology Syndrome

  • - The New Science of a Lost Art
    av James Nestor

  • av Robert Greene

    The Art Of Seduction, a captivating book penned by the renowned author Robert Greene, is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of power and influence in relationships. Published in 2004 by Profile Books Ltd, this book takes you on a journey through the intriguing world of seduction, highlighting its role in human interactions. The book falls under the genre of self-help and psychology, offering a deep dive into the strategies and tactics of seduction. Greene's insightful writing and the engaging narrative make it an engrossing read. The Art Of Seduction is a testament to Greene's mastery in dissecting human nature and relationships. Published by Profile Books Ltd, this book is a valuable addition to your collection. Uncover the art of seduction with Robert Greene's masterpiece.

  • av Nedra Glover Tawwab

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEREnd the struggle, speak up for what you need, and experience the freedom of being truly yourself.Healthy boundaries. We all know we should have them in order to achieve work/life balance, cope with toxic people, and enjoy rewarding relationships with partners, friends, and family. But what do "e;healthy boundaries"e; really mean - and how can we successfully express our needs, say "e;no,"e; and be assertive without offending others?Licensed counselor, sought-after relationship expert, and one of the most influential therapists on Instagram Nedra Glover Tawwab demystifies this complex topic for today's world. In a relatable and inclusive tone, Set Boundaries, Find Peace presents simple-yet-powerful ways to establish healthy boundaries in all aspects of life. Rooted in the latest research and best practices used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), these techniques help us identify and express our needs clearly and without apology - and unravel a root problem behind codependency, power struggles, anxiety, depression, burnout, and more.

  • av Jay Shetty
    245 - 285,-

    Jay Shetty, social media superstar and host of the #1 podcast 'On Purpose', distils the timeless wisdom he learned as a practising monk into practical steps anyone can take every day to live a less anxious, more meaningful life.

  • av Mattias Desmet


  • av Alisa Vitti

    How women can improve their productivity, happiness, and physical well-being by keeping their natural cycles in mind and working with them (rather than ignoring them).In the Flo teaches women how to use their 28-day cycle to optimize their life by letting their internal clock and natural rhythms guide time management, diet, fitness, etc. (This is so simple and yet under-utilized it is shocking. It makes perfect sense when you think about it: You have different energy levels at different times of the month, different libido levels, etc. so why not use foresight to plan projects for when you are at your most effective, and understand when you need more emotional connection with others?)There are specific tips on what to eat and how to exercise depending on what phase you are in-and it works. Women are getting promotions, losing weight, and in one case thus far, literally clearing their endometriosis by using the cycle syncing method.

  • - The Journal (How to Quit Pleasing and Start Living)
    av Glennon Doyle

    This stunning hardcover journal is a bold, interactive guide to discovering and creating the truest, most beautiful lives, families and world we can imagine, based on the #1 Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller Untamed."We must stop asking people for directions to places they've never been. Every life is an unprecedented experiment. We are all pioneers. I created Get Untamed: The Journal as an interactive experience in charting our own way - so we can let burn that which is not true and beautiful enough and get started building what is." - Glennon DoyleWith Untamed, Glennon Doyle -writer, activist, and "patron saint of female empowerment" (People) - ignited a movement. Untamed has been described as "a wake-up call" (Tracee Ellis Ross), "an anthem for women today" (Kristen Bell), and a book that "will shake your brain and make your soul scream" (Adele). Glennon now offers a new way of journaling, one that reveals how we can stop striving to meet others' expectations-because when we finally learn that satisfying the world is impossible, we quit pleasing and start living. Whether or not you have read Untamed, this journal leads you to rediscover, and begin to trust, your own inner-voice.Full of thought-provoking exercises, beloved quotations from Untamed, compelling illustrations, playful and meditative coloring pages, and an original introduction, in Get Untamed: The Journal, Glennon guides us through the process of examining the aspects of our lives that can make us feel caged. This revolutionary method for uprooting culturally-constructed ideas shows us how to discover for ourselves what we want to keep and what we'll let burn so that we can build lives by design instead of default. A one-of-a-kind journal experience, Get Untamed proves Glennon's philosophy that "imagination is not where we go to escape reality, but where we go to remember it."

  • - A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being
    av Simone Davies

    The Montessori Toddler, by Simone Davies, is an insightful book that promises to be a valuable resource for parents and educators alike. Published in 2019 by Workman Publishing, this book falls under the genre of Parenting and Education. The Montessori Toddler is a comprehensive guide that introduces the Montessori education approach for toddlers. The author, Simone Davies, an experienced Montessori teacher, beautifully articulates the unique methods and practices of this approach. The book is filled with practical strategies, enlightening insights, and valuable advice on nurturing your toddler's curiosity, independence, and respect for the world around them. With this book, Davies has created a tool that will help parents and educators create an environment where toddlers feel loved, secure, and stimulated. Experience a new perspective on toddlerhood with The Montessori Toddler, a masterpiece from Workman Publishing.

  • av Dr Julie Smith
    163 - 219,-

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