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Vil du gå ned i vekt eller vil du kanskje ha inspirasjon til bøker om helsekost og et sunt kosthold? Da finnes det her et stort utvalg bøker om sunn mat, LCHF-bøker og mye mer. Vi har et stort utvalg bøker om slankekurer og lavkarbo-dietter, slik at du kan spise sunnere. Hvis du er interessert i paleo, raw food eller retro cure, har du også kommet til rett sted.
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  • av Jessie Inchauspé
    229 - 349,-

    Har du lyst til å gå ned i vekt - samtidig som du spiser den maten du elsker? Drømmer du om å bli kvitt godtesuget og å få energien tilbake? I Glukoserevolujonen - ta kontroll over blodsukkeret har forfatter og biokjemiker Jessie Inchauspé samlet geniale tips og enkle grep for å oppnå nettopp dette. Boka er oversatt til hele 36 språk og har herjet bestselgerlistene i en rekke land. Nå kommer den endelig på norsk! Visste du at rekkefølgen på maten du spiser er helt avgjørende for blodsukkeret ditt? At du bør spise salaten først, at hvitt sukker gir mindre blodsukkerhopp enn honning, og at et karbohydrat ikke er et karbohydrat? Eller at jo jevnere blodsukker-kurven din er, jo bedre helse får du? Dette og veldig mye annen ny og fascinerende forsking får du i Glukoserevolusjonen, enkelt og underholdende forklart gjennom lett forståelige grafer, fine illustrasjoner og gode og gjenkjennbare eksempler. Ikke siden A-HA hadde sin storhetstid vil du si a-ha så mange ganger, for dette er virkelig spennende og nyttig lesning som åpner opp for nye tanker og nye vaner rundt mat og egen helse. Her får du servert hacks, triks og revolusjonerende innsikt på hver eneste side, og den som trodde karbohydrater og glukosemåling bare var for diabetikere, må tro om igjen. Kunnskap om blodsukkeret og hvordan du unngår store svingninger er noe ALLE har nytte og glede av. Blodsukkeret påvirker humøret ditt, vekta di, energinivået og risikoen for å utvikle ulike livsstilssykdommer. Forfatter Jessie Inchauspé er også kvinnen bak den svært populære instagramkontoen @glucosegodess, med godt over 1 million dedikerte følgere. Hennes store interesse for blodsukker og glukose begynte da hun dro til Silicon Valley for å utvikle en app som skulle gi folk kontroll over blodsukkeret sitt. Med seg selv som testperson gjorde hun en rekke spennende oppdagelser, og begynte å sette seg inn i og formidle blodsukkerets avgjørende betydning for den fysiske og psykiske helsa vår, både på kortere og

  • - raske og enkle oppskrifter for mer energi og en smalere midje
    av Mari Krogshus

    Endelig en airfryerkokebok med sunne og raske oppskrifter, som kan gi deg varig bedre helse! Boka er basert på Mari Krogshus' Fatburn Fix-kurs, som har hjulpet over 100 000 nordmenn til en bedre helse, med oppskrifter på deilige matretter utviklet for å lages i airfryer. Med lekre fotografier av Karoline Marberg. Dette er en sunnere kokebok med utgangspunkt i rene råvarer og kort tilberedningstid. Mari Krogshus gir sine beste kostholdsråd og tips for dem som vil ha maks uttelling med tanke på vektnedgang, men boka kan også være en sunn utvidelse av hele familiens airfryer-repertoar.

  • av Berit Nordstrand

  • - ren plantebasert mat du kommer til å elske
    av Irina Smit

    Kan man bli gladere av å spise mer plantebasert og flere farger?I denne boken deler Irina Smit sin store lidenskap for ren, næringsrik og fargerik mat! Mellom permene finner du hennes beste oppskrifter til glede for deg og hele familien basert på rene råvarer.Etter noen år med et kronglete forhold til mat har Irina Smit funnet et kosthold og en livsstil hun trives med. Energinivået har økt, fordøyelsen er topp, huden stråler, og hun merker at kroppen blir «glad» for hvert fargerike måltid hun inntar.Irinas matfilosofi går ut på å spise REN mat, laget helt fra bunnen av uten tilsetninger. Mat som i hovedsak er basert på grønnsaker kombinert med en sunn fettkilde, urter, krydder, nøtter, frø og belgvekster. Irina sverger også til å bruke råvarer som er i sesong - en av favorittaktivitetene sammen med barna er å dra på en gård og plukke grønnsaker, frukt og bær.I boken finner du mer enn 70 oppskrifter på smakfulle retter som kan spises til både frokost, lunsj og middag - og selvfølgelig supersunne kaker og snacks. Her er også småretter og dipper med ulike konsistenser og smaker som til sammen blir en fryd for øyet, gane og mage. Mange av oppskriftene kan settes sammen og brukes til flere forskjellige anledninger.Alle oppskriftene er uten hvitt sukker, hvetemel og meieriprodukter.Irina Smit er kokk, gründer og har startet sin drømmekafé Happy Foods i Oslo. Dette er hennes første bok.

  • - 500 Vibrant, Kitchen-Tested Recipes for Living and Eating Well Every Day

  • - The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain
    av MD Gundry

    "I read this book... it worked. My autoimmune disease is gone and I''m 37 pounds lighter in my pleather." --Kelly ClarksonMost of us have heard of gluten—a protein found in wheat that causes widespread inflammation in the body. Americans spend billions of dollars on gluten-free diets in an effort to protect their health. But what if we’ve been missing the root of the problem? In The Plant Paradox, renowned cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry reveals that gluten is just one variety of a common, and highly toxic, plant-based protein called lectin. Lectins are found not only in grains like wheat but also in the “gluten-free” foods most of us commonly regard as healthy, including many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and conventional dairy products. These proteins, which are found in the seeds, grains, skins, rinds, and leaves of plants, are designed by nature to protect them from predators (including humans). Once ingested, they incite a kind of chemical warfare in our bodies, causing inflammatory reactions that can lead to weight gain and serious health conditions.At his waitlist-only clinics in California, Dr. Gundry has successfully treated tens of thousands of patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases with a protocol that detoxes the cells, repairs the gut, and nourishes the body. Now, in The Plant Paradox, he shares this clinically proven program with readers around the world.The simple (and daunting) fact is, lectins are everywhere. Thankfully, Dr. Gundry offers simple hacks we easily can employ to avoid them, including:Peel your veggies. Most of the lectins are contained in the skin and seeds of plants; simply peeling and de-seeding vegetables (like tomatoes and peppers) reduces their lectin content.Shop for fruit in season. Fruit contain fewer lectins when ripe, so eating apples, berries, and other lectin-containing fruits at the peak of ripeness helps minimize your lectin consumption.Swap your brown rice for white. Whole grains and seeds with hard outer coatings are designed by nature to cause digestive distress—and are full of lectins.With a full list of lectin-containing foods and simple substitutes for each, a step-by-step detox and eating plan, and delicious lectin-free recipes, The Plant Paradox illuminates the hidden dangers lurking in your salad bowl—and shows you how to eat whole foods in a whole new way.

  • av Alisa Vitti

    How women can improve their productivity, happiness, and physical well-being by keeping their natural cycles in mind and working with them (rather than ignoring them).In the Flo teaches women how to use their 28-day cycle to optimize their life by letting their internal clock and natural rhythms guide time management, diet, fitness, etc. (This is so simple and yet under-utilized it is shocking. It makes perfect sense when you think about it: You have different energy levels at different times of the month, different libido levels, etc. so why not use foresight to plan projects for when you are at your most effective, and understand when you need more emotional connection with others?)There are specific tips on what to eat and how to exercise depending on what phase you are in-and it works. Women are getting promotions, losing weight, and in one case thus far, literally clearing their endometriosis by using the cycle syncing method.

  • - 75 Simple & Delicious Plant-Based Recipes for Nourishing Your Body and Eating From the Earth
    av Andrea Hannemann

    A NATIONAL BESTSELLER!Trust in nature. Believe in balance. Eat the rainbow! Andrea Hannemann, aka Earthy Andy, presents a guide to plant-based eating that is simple, delicious, and fun.INCLUDES A 30-DAY PLANT OVER PROCESSED CHALLENGEAndrea Hannemann, known as Earthy Andy to her more than one million Instagram followers, believes that food is the fuel of life, and that consuming a nourishing, plant-based diet is the gateway to ultimate health. Andy’s mantra, “plant over processed,” embodies the way she eats and feeds her family of five in their home in Oahu, Hawaii.But it wasn’t always this way. Andy was once addicted to sugar and convenience foods and suffering from a host of health issues that included IBS, Celiac disease, hypothyroidism, asthma, brain fog, and chronic fatigue. Fed up with spending time and money on specialists, supplements, and fad diets, she quit animal products and processed foods cold turkey, and embarked on a new way of eating that transformed her health and her body.In Plant Over Processed, Andy invites readers to join her on a “30-Day Plant Over Processed Challenge” that will detox the body, followed by a long-term plan for going plant-based without giving up your favorite dishes. Packed with gorgeous photography and mouth-watering recipes—from smoothies and bliss bowls to plant-based comfort and decadent desserts—this life-changing guide takes you to the North Shore of Hawaii and back, showing you how easy it is to eat plant-based, wherever you are.

  • - Natural Treatment for Allergies, Autoimmune Illness, Arthritis, Gut Problems, Fatigue, Hormonal Problems, Neurological Disease and More
    av M.D. Campbell-McBride

    Gut And Physiology Syndrome

  • av Loaney Nauger Loaney
    183 - 238,-

  • av Stan Efferding

    With so many diets and programs to choose from, finding the right nutritional path can be challenging. Many modern diets are rooted in misrepresented science, rely heavily on supplements, or are just simply not sustainable in the long term. World's Strongest IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Stan Efferding and Dr. Damon McCune have partnered to bring you a program that sets the confusion aside and puts you on the path to weight loss, better performance, and overall better health, today. The Vertical Diet provides practical nutrition and lifestyle solutions that are simple, sensible, and sustainable. Stan and Damon provide a specific plan and comprehensive tools that will help you develop a greater understanding of which foods are nutrient-dense and digested easily and efficiently for maximal health benefits. With example menus and easy-to-follow recipes, The Vertical Diet takes all the guesswork out of what to eat and when. You will also learn how to build a daily checklist of healthy behaviors to follow to support your long-term success on the program. The Vertical Diet is complete with: A selective (not restrictive) dietary plan that's rich in easy-to-digest carbs and proteins Recommendations for lifestyle changes that address everything from ways to boost metabolism to better sleep hygiene Personal testimonials from Vertical Diet clients; data from scientific sources; references to experts in the field, and actionable tools such as calorie calculators, shopping lists, and recipes to help explain these concepts Stan and Damon's Compliance Is the Science method to help you establish the motivation and mindset for lifelong success What you learn in these pages will allow you to make informed decisions about your diet and will enable you to approach the dieting process from a total-body perspective. Whether you are a performance athlete, a weekend warrior, or simply looking to take a step toward better health, look no further than The Vertical Diet.

  • av Rhiannon Lambert

  • - Recipes, Techniques, and Traditions from around the World
    av Sandor Ellix Katz

    "From James Beard Award winner and New York Times-bestselling author of The Art of Fermentation: the recipes, processes, cultural traditions, and stories from around the globe that inspire Sandor Katz and his life's work-a cookbook destined to become a modern classic essential for every home chef. "His teachings and writings on fermentation have changed lives around the world."-BBC For the past two decades, fermentation expert and bestselling author Sandor Katz has traveled the world, both teaching and learning about the many fascinating and delicious techniques for fermenting foods. Wherever he's gone, he has gleaned valuable insights into the cultures and traditions of local and indigenous peoples, whether they make familiar ferments like sauerkraut or less common preparations like natto and koji. In his latest book, Sandor Katz's Fermentation Journeys, Katz takes readers along with him to revisit these special places, people, and foods. This cookbook goes far beyond mere general instructions and explores the transformative process of fermentation through: Detailed descriptions of traditional fermentation techniques Celebrating local customs and ceremonies that surround particular ferments Profiles of the farmers, business owners, and experimenters Katz has met on his journeys It contains over 60 recipes for global ferments, including: Chicha de jora (Peru) Misa Ono's Shio-koji, or salt koji (Japan) Doubanjiang (China) Efo riro spinach stew (Nigeria) Whole sour cabbages (Croatia) Chucula hot chocolate (Colombia) Sandor Katz's Fermentation Journeys reminds us that the magical power of fermentation belongs to everyone, everywhere. Perfect for adventurous foodies, armchair travelers, and fermentation fanatics who have followed Katz's work through the years-from Wild Fermentation to The Art of Fermentation to Fermentation as Metaphor-this book reflects the enduring passion and accumulated wisdom of this unique man, who is arguably the world's most experienced and respected advocate of all things fermented"--

  • av Bill Schindler
    150 - 214,-

  • - The Powerful Reframe to End the Crash-and-Burn Cycle of Food Addiction
    av Susan Peirce Thompson Ph.D.

    Food addiction is very real, and it's the hardest addiction to beat. But there is a solution. Susan Peirce Thompson PhD offers a new way to conceptualize food recovery. She shares the essential steps to avoiding relapse by helping you understand the psychological and biological origins of addiction and giving you the system to break free.

  • av Ross Edgley

    The World's Fittest Cookbook is the latest masterpiece by the renowned author, Ross Edgley. Published by HarperCollins Publishers on January 6, 2022, this book is a must-have for fitness enthusiasts and food lovers alike. As you delve into its pages, you will discover a world of nutritious and delicious recipes designed to fuel your body and mind. Ross Edgley, known for his expertise in the fitness genre, has meticulously curated these recipes to ensure they are not only tasty but also beneficial for your health. The World's Fittest Cookbook promises to be more than just a cookbook, it is a guide to a healthier, fitter you. Don't miss out on this fantastic publication from HarperCollins Publishers.

  • av Mia Lundin

    Den gode maten for deg og hormonene dineSliter du med helsen og hormoner i ubalanse? Er du stresset, kjenner på dårlig humør og for mange kilo? Da er tiden inne for å påvirke homrmonbalansen med riktig mat.Her får du den gode maten for deg og dine hormoner - med over 50 oppskrifter på deilig, sunn og hormonvennlig mat.Hormonelle plager rammer så mange som 8 av 10 kvinner, så du er ikke alene. I denne boken finner du fakta, tips, råd og ikke minst oppskrifter på herlige og lettlagde retter som kan lindre hormonelle plager og få deg til å føle deg bedre.I Mat for hormonell balanse finner du alt om hormonene og deres funksjoner, de hormonelle fasene og hvorfor du føler deg som du gjør, næringsstoffene du trenger og hvilke råvarer du finner dem i, og alt om stress og andre faktorer som påvirker hormonbalansen din.Ulrika Davidsson er en av Sveriges mest erfarne kostholdsrådgivere og kokebokforfattere. Flere av hennes bøker er utkommet på norsk.Mia Lundin er spesialsykepleier i gynokologi og obstetrikk. Hun arbeider med behandling av hormonelle plager som klimakteriebesvær, PMS og fødselsdepresjon.

  • av Øyvind Torp

    Syv av ti nordmenn er overvektige. Lenge har norske kostholdsråd basert seg på en enkel teori: spis mindre og mosjoner mer. Men hvorfor fungerer det så dårlig i praksis? I denne boka forklarer lege Øyvind Torp hvordan du effektivt kan gå ned i vekt og få bedre helse ved å spise riktig med hormonmetoden. Nyere internasjonal forskning viser at hormoner har en langt større innvirkning på vektregulering enn vi tidligere har antatt. Når du kjenner vekthormonenes hemmeligheter, kan du enkelt gi kroppen din riktige signaler med rett mat slik at fettforbrenningen øker og vekten blir normal igjen. Torp deler både sine egne og pasientenes erfaringer med metoden. Ved å følge legens ti enkle grep kan du bli frisk og slank - én gang for alle.Hormonmetoden er særlig nyttig mot overvekt, diabetes type 2, høyt blodtrykk, kroniske smerter, PCOS, irritabel tarm, betennelser og hjerte- og karsykdommer.

  • av Berit Nordstrand

    Grunnboken og bestselgeren i Berits serie om anti-inflammatorisk mat, i paperback OMSTART30 er en 30-dagers metode hvor du demper inflammasjon i kroppen med mat som medisin. Dette er mat som kan styrke gode tarmbakterier, bedre vedlikeholdet av tarmslimhinnen, reparere lekk tarm og dermed dempe inflammasjon og tilhørende helseplager. Vanlige helseplager knyttet til inflammasjon er overvekt, sure oppstøt, luftplager og irritabel tarm, lite energi, smerteplager, eksem, astma og allergi og en rekke livsstilssykdommer, men også dårlig konsentrasjon og søvnvansker. Du skal i de neste 30 dagene eliminere mat som kan skape inflammasjon i kroppen, og innføre mat som kan dempe inflammasjon. Du slipper å telle kalorier, du vil spise deg god og mett, men likevel erfare at helsefarlig bukfett forsvinner. Etter 30 dager kan du re-introdusere en del av maten du har tatt bort, men ikke alt. Kun det kroppen tolererer. På den måten finner du frem til hverdagskosten kroppen din trives med. Boken inneholder: Basisoppskrifter for hva du bør forberede før du starter 50 oppskrifter på maten i eliminasjonsfasen Ukeplan for middag og lunsj Plan for re-introduksjonsfasen Følg henne på Facebook, Instagram og YouTube.

  • av Will Bulsiewicz

    Fix your health with fibre not fads - the instant New York Times bestsellerThe benefits of restrictive diets like paleo and keto have been touted for more than a decade, but as award-winning gastroenterologist Dr Will Bulsiewicz, or 'Dr B', illuminates in this groundbreaking book, the explosion of studies on the microbiome show that elimination diets are in fact hazardous to our health. What research clearly indicates is that gut health is the key to boosting our metabolism, balancing our hormones and taming the inflammation that causes a host of diseases. And the scientifically proven way to fuel our guts is with dietary fibre from an abundant variety of colourful plants. As a former junk-food junkie, Dr B knows first-hand the power of fibre to dramatically transform our health and the good news is that our guts can be trained. Fibre-rich, real foods - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts and legumes - start working quickly and maintain your long-term health, promote weight loss and allow you to thrive and feel great from the inside out.Fibre Fuelled is so much more than a health book: it's a step-by-step methodology to stop the misinformation caused by the diet industry and to show you the simple, science-backed process for a lifestyle that is effortless, sustainable and above all else transforms your health by optimizing your gut microbiome. With a 28-day jumpstart programme that includes menus, over 70 plant-fuelled recipes, essential advice on food sensitivities and detailed shopping lists, Fibre Fuelled offers the blueprint to start turbocharging your gut for lifelong health.

  • - Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease
    av Gene Stone & Michael Greger MD

    The International Bestseller'Dr Michael Greger reveals the foods that will help you live longer' Daily Mail'This book may help those who are susceptible to illnesses that can be prevented with proper nutrition' His Holiness the Dalai LamaWhy rely on drugs and surgery to cure you of life-threatening disease when the right decisions can prevent you from falling ill to begin with?How Not To Die gives effective, scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers - including heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes - and reveals the astounding health benefits that simple dietary choices can provide. Based on the latest scientific research, the internationally bestselling How Not To Die examines each of the most common diseases to reveal what, how and why different foods affect us, and how increasing our consumption of certain foods and avoiding others can dramatically reduce our risk of falling sick and even reverse the effects of disease. It also shares Dr Greger's 'Daily Dozen' - the twelve foods we should all eat every day to stay in the best of health.With emphasis on individual family health history and acknowledging that everyone needs something different, Dr Michael Greger offers practical dietary advice to help you live longer, healthier lives.

  • - Over 100 Recipes to Help Prevent and Reverse Disease
    av Michael Greger

    An illustrated cookbook of recipes to help reverse and prevent disease, from the author of the international bestseller How Not To Die

  • - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex and Becoming Superhuman
    av Timothy Ferriss

    Do you want to lose fat, double testosterone, get the perfect posterior or give your partner a fifteen-minute female orgasm? Whatever your physical goal, The 4-Hour Body eclipses every other health manual by sharing the best kept secrets in the latest science and research to provide new strategies for redesigning the human body. And you don't need to exhaust yourself. International bestselling author, Timothy Ferriss, helps you reach your true genetic potential in 3-6 months with a commitment of less than four hours per week. You can pick and choose from a menu of options, from simple to extreme, for dramatic body changes. Based on over 15 years of research and with personal stories, amazing before and after photos, recipes and sidebars, The 4-Hour Body will give unbelievable results and change the way you look forever.

  • - Over 100 Recipes for Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss
    av Michael Greger MD

    From Michael Greger, M.D., the author of the New York Times bestseller How Not to Die, comes a full-color, fully illustrated cookbook that shares the science of long-term weight-loss success.Greger offers readers delicious yet healthy options that allow them to ditch the idea of 'dieting' altogether. As outlined in his book How Not to Diet, Greger believes that identifying the twenty-one weight-loss accelerators in our bodies and incorporating new, cutting-edge medical discoveries are integral in putting an end to the all-consuming activity of counting calories and getting involved in expensive juice cleanses and paid diet programmes.The How Not to Diet Cookbook is a revolutionary addition to the cookbook industry: incredibly effective and designed for everyone looking to make changes to their dietary habits to improve their quality of life.All recipes in this cookbook have been fully anglicized.

  • - Easy & Delicious Meals for Everyone as seen on Channel 4's Meat-Free Meals
    av Jamie Oliver

  • av Jane McLelland
    275 - 316,-

  • - The UK edition
    av Jamie Oliver

    For foodies who like to keep things quick & easy, they'll love Jamie's most straightforward cookbook yet - with every recipe using ONLY 5 INGREDIENTS. INCLUDES ALL THE RECIPES AND MORE FROM JAMIE'S CHANNEL 4 SERIES QUICK & EASY FOOD 'This is Oliver's best book in years' The Sunday Times_____________With just FIVE ingredients that have maximum flavour and minimum fuss, you'll be cooking exciting food that's ready in less than 30 minutes . . . ITALIAN SEARED BEEF. Thinly sliced strips of rump steak: golden and blushing in the middle, with pesto, spicy rocket, pine nuts and creamy layers of Parmesan. AUBERGINE PENNE ARRABBIATA. A beautiful, super spicy Italian dish that's perfect for midweek. Aubergine quarters cooked in red chilli, garlic and tomatoes over penne pasta. TASTY WARM LENTIL SALAD. A delicious simple and healthy winter salad of tenderstem broccoli and lentils, with a chilli kick and a lemon and anchovy dressing. COMFORTING SAUSAGE BAKE. A hearty and warming meal perfect for winter nights: sweet tomatoes, rosemary focaccia and juicy sausages, creamy white beans, all baked in the oven with garlic. PLUM TARTE TARTIN. An easy - but delicious - dinner party dessert made in less than 30 minutes: plums, golden puff pastry, Christmassy cinnamon, sweet maple syrup and vanilla ice cream. _________'Our favourite new recipe book . . . Simple suppers from the nation's favourite chef' Sainsbury's Magazine'Jamie Oliver returns with the second series, focussing on easy family-centric cooking . . . he's stripped back to basics and all the better for it.' The Sunday Telegraph

  • - Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation and Eat Like the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to be
    av Dave Asprey

    Break the rules, not the fast with world-renowned biohacker and New York Times bestselling author Dave Asprey.

  • - 'How to live to 100 . . . Longevity has become the new wellness watchword . . . nutrition is the key' VOGUE
    av Dr Valter Longo

  • - How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long-term health
    av Dr Michael Mosley

    The Fast 800, penned by Dr Michael Mosley, is a revolutionary approach to weight loss and healthy living. Published in 2018 by Short Books Ltd, this book has taken the health world by storm. This book is not just another diet book; it is a scientifically backed, comprehensive guide to losing weight quickly and sustainably. Dr Mosley, a respected author in the health and wellness genre, combines the latest scientific research with practical advice and delicious recipes. The Fast 800 offers a groundbreaking perspective on the role of food in our lives and how we can harness its power for good. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to make a change in their health and lifestyle. Published by Short Books Ltd, The Fast 800 continues to inspire readers worldwide.

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