Norges billigste bøker

Atlas og kart

Planeten vår er enorm og består av et stort antall land, til og med øyer som vi ennå ikke har utforsket. På denne siden vil vi ta deg med på en reise gjennom jordens forskjellige steder og hva de kalles. Kunnskap om planeten er fantastisk og kan muligens gi deg noen kule ideer som du kan diskutere med dine nærmeste. Lag din egen reise, eller lær mer om verden og bli kjent med land som du sannsynligvis ikke har hørt om før. I tillegg til kunnskap om verden og de mange veiene, er det mye lesestoff for det historiske hjertet. Se ulike kart og atlas som har eksistert gjennom tidene og få innsikt i hvordan verden har sett ut før! Finn inspirasjonen til din neste tur her hos oss.
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  • av Ingrid Schick & Christina Marx

    Die Landschaft auf und rund um Europas größten Vulkan ist geprägt von hohen Gipfeln, bizarren Felsformationen, tiefen Wäldern und sanften Bergwiesen. Der Hohe Vogelsberg ist der älteste Naturpark der Bundesrepublik. Von den Höhen des Vulkans eröffnen sich Wanderern, Radfahren, Bikern und allen anderen Gästen bei klarem Wetter immer wieder atemberaubende Aussichten bis zum Taunus, zur Frankfurter Skyline oder bis in die Rhön. Am Fuße des Vulkans liegt die von Landwirtschaft geprägte Wetterau mit ihrem Schachbrettmuster von grünen Wiesen, gelben Rapsfeldern und fruchtbaren Äckern. Hier haben bereits Kelten und Römer gesiedelt und ihre Spuren hinterlassen. In 20 ausgewählten Touren und vielen Insider-Tipps der Autorinnen Christina Marx und Ingrid Schick geht es auf eine aktive Reise durch die herrliche Region im Herzen Hessens, zu den schönsten Landschaftszügen und spannendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten.


    freytag & berndt Stadtpläne sind für viele internationale Hauptstädte sowie zahlreiche Städte und Orte im In- und Ausland erhältlich. Mit den handlichen Faltplänen und praktischen Buchplänen findet man sich dank der genauen Maßstäbe und des übersichtlichen Kartenbilds überall gut zurecht. Der Städteatlas "Großraum Wien 1:15.000" ist in Extra großer Schrift gedruckt und bietet zahlreiche Zusatzinformationen wie einen U-Bahn-Plan, Innenstadt-Plan, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Sehenswürdigkeiten. Im umfangreichen Index finden Sie außerdem jede Adresse. Alle Inhalte werden natürlich regelmäßig aktualisiert.Großformat A4, Einbahnen, Kurzparkzonen, Innenstadtplan, Straßenverzeichnis, Firmenstandorte, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Flughafen Wien, Durchfahrtsplan, Autokarte Großraum Wien 1:225.000;

  • av Sandra Pixberg

    Kliffküsten, Wald- und Heideflächen, verwunschene Seen und schilfbewachsene Boddenküsten: Die Inseln Rügen und Hiddensee bezaubern jeden Besucher. Mit 10 Rad- und 10 Wandertouren geht es auf Entdeckungsreise.

  • av Günter Schmitt

    Bei den Traumschleifen ist der Name Programm: Die als Rundwanderungen angelegten Premiumwege laden immer wieder zum Träumen ein. Atemberaubende Ausblicke, herrliche Landschaften mit interessanten Feldformationen und beeindruckenden Natur- und Kulturdenkmäler kennzeichnen die auf naturbelassenen Wegen verlaufenden Touren. Band 3 entführt in den Nationalpark Hunsrück-Hochwald.

  • av Günter Schmitt

    Mehr als 400 km pure Natur und Wanderfreude bietet der mehr als 400 km lange Saar-Hunsrück-Steig. Er schlängelt sich Von Perl an der Obermosel meist auf naturbelassenen Pfaden durch die Mittelgebirgslandschaft des Hunsrücks bis nach Boppard zum Weltkulturerbe Mittelrhein. Zwischen Wald,- Wiesen- und Feldpassagen erlebt der Wanderer außergewöhnliche Zeugnisse aus Kultur und Geschichte sowie beeindruckende Landschaftsbilder. Der Wanderführer "Abenteuer Saar-Hunsrück-Steig" begleitet Wanderer in 27 Etappen auf dem Saar-Hunsrück-Steig von Perl bis Boppard sowie auf dem Abzweig nach Trier. Auf 268 Seiten beschreibt der Autor Günter Schmitt den Wegverlauf, kompakte Tourinformationen, Höhenprofile sowie Karten im Maßstab von 1:35.000 liefern dem Wanderer alle nötigen Informationen.

  • av Jacob Saar

    Auf dem Jesusweg zu wandern ist für jeden christlich geprägten Menschen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis: Nazareth, Kana, der See Genezareth, der Berg der Seligpreisungen und Kafarnaum sind Stationen auf diesem Pilgerweg. Ihre Wanderung im Heiligen Land, so hört man von vielen Pilgern, habe ihr Leben verändert. Das Glücksgefühl nach dieser spirituellen Reise lässt sich nur schwer in Worte fassen.

  • - The First Comprehensive Guide to the Entire Ryukyu Island Chain
    av Robert Walker

  • av Andrew Bain

    Part of the bestselling Ultimate series, this is the definitive guide to cycling in Australia.

  • av Philip's Maps

    This pocket-sized street atlas of the Isle of Wight gives detailed coverage of the whole of the island and mainland towns nearby.

  • av Claude Steiner

    "Many people who have fulfilled the 'power dream' found it empty and have given it up; the American Dream has become a dead-end street."-Dr. Claude Mr. Steiner, 1981

  • av Michelin

    MICHELIN National Map QUEBEC will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1/1,100,000. Our National Map Series will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, some MICHELIN National Maps are cross-referenced with the MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way! MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature: - Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • av Carl G. Rasmussen

    An up-close, comprehensive, and colorful atlas that allows you to travel to the lands where Jesus walked, Moses traveled, and Paul preached.Discover everything you need to know about the lands of the Bible. Packed with multidimensional maps, photos, diagrams, and charts; the Zondervan Essential Atlas of the Bible is designed to help you better understand the history and places of the Bible and its world.This full-color atlas is concise but thorough, perfect for Bible students, travelers to the Holy Land, or any reader of the Bible curious to find out more about commonly mentioned places in the Old and New Testaments.The Zondervan Essential Atlas of the Bible features:Nearly 200 stunning multidimensional and three-dimensional maps and full-color images.Accurate and up-to-date mapping technologies.Innovative chronological charts and maps covering historical backgrounds, regions, weather, and roads.With this easy-to-understand atlas, you'll find Bible study more engaging and comprehensible, and you'll learn key contextual facts about these historically and spiritually rich places.

  • av Philip's Maps

    Who hasn't explored and enjoyed their surrounding area recently and come to appreciate what is on our respective doorsteps? Philip's have created this new series for walkers, cyclists and local explorers at a scale that provides greener options to uncover all the nature and hidden gems in the local area. The detailed scale allows explorers, walkers and cyclists to avoid main roads and select pathways, bridleways and lanes for optimum enjoyment. Whether it's meandering through the local parks or historic houses, exploring neighbourhood nature spots or the local town, we have the clear mapping and information you need. If you do have to travel to reach areas you'd like to explore, all A and B roads are clearly shown on our Route Planner and we include all the large-scale town and city plans. Exceptional detail allows the user to pinpoint exactly where they need to go and the best route to follow. * The only atlas with every road, street and lane in the area named, along with the best pedestrian routes, long-distance cycle routes. * Highlighting lanes, alleyways, footpaths and bridleways, camping and caravan sites, golf courses, parks, gardens and many, many other places of interest * Contains all the usual one-way streets, barriers, car parks, railway and bus stations, hospitals, colleges and schools, police and fire stations, places of worship, post offices, shopping and leisure centres

  • av Philip's Maps

    The only detailed colour atlas that gives comprehensive coverage of the entire region - no other atlas names every street in Cornwall and Plymouth. The perfect back-up for emergency services, delivery drivers and locals.

  • av Gregory a Boyd J D

  • av Michelin

    Michelin's France Road Atlas A4 is the perfect companion for safe and enjoyable drive in France. Convenient and easy to use thanks to the spiral bound cover, Michelin France Atlas will provide you with precise and reliable information with its updated mapping scaled 1/200 000 (1 cm = 2 km). Smart and practical, this atlas includes tourist sights, leisure facilities and scenic routes recommended in the famous Michelin Green Guide as well 40 embedded city plans plus 16 with QR codes for easy access to your smartphone for online mapping and tourist information! Michelin's checklist will help you prepare your journey before your leave and Michelin's safety alerts will warn you about dangerous driving areas, such as steep hills and level crossing. Michelin's route planner as well as the time and distance charts will help you plan and optimise your journey. Michelin's France road atlas will make sure that you make the most of your journey in France! Michelin's France tourist and motorist atlas (A4 spiral) features: - Scale 1/200 000 - Spiral bound for lay-flat convenience- Time & distance charts - Route planner with major itineraries - Tourist sights and scenic drives pulled directly from Michelin's famous Green Guide travel series using the embedded QR codes. - Extensive place name index for rapid look-up - Location map on top of each page for an easier navigation within the atlas - 40 City maps embedded in the map of their surrounding areas with QR code to guide you through the last few miles of your journey with your smartphone plus 16 QR codes for city plans on your phone

  • av Michelin

    Falset kort i målestokken 1:700.000 med register. På kortet er markeret seværdigheder, som er omtalt i Michelin Green Guide Romania. Indsatte bykort over Sofia, Plovdiv samt Varna.

  • av Michelin

    Falset kort i den præcise målestok 1:600.000 med register. Indsatte bykort over Prag og Bratislava. Forventede køretider samt afstandsangivelser.- Praktisk information om sikkerhed- Opdateret kartografi

  • av Joe (Author) Brown

    Much has changed in this region since the first edition of this Atlas was published in 2016, notably the confirmation of the route of HS2 and extensions to the West Midlands Metro. As a consequence, a completely revised edition of this masterly cartographic portrayal of the railways and tramways of the West Midlands by leading railway cartographer, Joe Brown, is particularly timely.The Atlas covers the entire West Midlands continuous urban area of Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton, West Bromwich, Stourbridge and Dudley. It also features the towns and cities surrounding this core area. This includes Stafford, Lichfield, Tamworth, Nuneaton, Coventry, Rugby, Leamington Spa, Stratford-upon-Avon, Bromsgrove and Kidderminster. As well as dealing with the complex railway system that served the area, the entire historic passenger tramway network of the region is mapped with opening and closing details provided in an Appendix. This is brought up to date with the current West Midlands Metro system and future extensions to it which have been announced as well as the planned Coventry ''Very Light Rail'' system.Intricate and finely drawn mapping shows individual track and platforms for all lines whether open and closed, as well as stations, changes of station name and opening and closing dates, and much, much more. Many of those both interested in both transport and local history will already be aware of the superb quality of Joe Brown''s cartography and will wish to add this new and much enhanced edition of the Birmingham and West Midlands Railway Atlas to their libraries.

  • av Create Publication

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