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  • - John's Photobook Series
    av John Hartig

    I've taken photographs of everything under the sun over the past three decades. My specialties are sunsets and flowers, and spring and autumn. I concentrate on these two main areas: The Niagara Peninsula and the Christian campground, Fair Havens, near Orillia. Recently, I decided to create a collection of some of the best from all these categories. It was a undertaking of happy reminiscences, a good way to celebrate my photographic achievements from the past, over the past number of decades. From the Niagara Peninsula I included pretty photos of spring and autumn, as well as flowers and sunsets. I've produced photobooks in the past of Morningstar Mill, Port Dalhousie, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Falls, Ball's Falls and the Bruce Trail. What makes this new book unique is that I included some of my poetry in among my pretty photos. I suppose it's not only a collection of some of my best pictures but also a preservation. I hope you enjoy the result. Happy looking and happy reading.


    Old Surehand is the name given to one of Karl May's foremost Wild West heroes. In these pages you discover the dramatic tale of his life, which drove him restlessly across the prairie. His encounter with Indian tribes on the warpath and his trek across the arid reaches of the Llano Estacado keep the reader spellbound. Read how Old Surehand and his friends Winnetou and Old Shatterhand struggle against the evil intentions of the 'General'.

  • - Diary of a drifting man
    av Luke Jackson

    Trek - Diary of a drifting man, is a personal account of a walking journey that spans five hundred kilometres. An entirely true story, Trek intends on capturing the struggles of a significant feat of endurance, whilst also showing the way in which people can be truly kind to strangers.Sunstroke, broken bones and exhaustion, this short account should keep your interest from cover to cover.

  • av L Mew

    Have you ever yearned to experience the magic of a German Christmas market but didn't know where to begin your journey? Your search ends here!Lübeck, during the festive Christmas season, unveils a hidden gem among Germany's holiday destinations.In this compact guide, we'll unveil the wonders of Lübeck, from its fascinating history to its cherished Christmas customs, offering you an unforgettable adventure.Drawing on personal experiences, our author extends a warm invitation for you to savor an unmissable Christmas in Lübeck.Here's a glimpse of what you'll find in this guide: Introduction to Lübeck: Embrace the city's history, legends, and Christmas traditions.The Christmas Markets: Explore an array of delectable foods, charming gifts, and so much more.The Advent Season: Discover activities suitable for all ages.Culinary Delights: Savor the finest restaurants and cafes that Lübeck has to offer.Pre-Trip Tips: Handy guidance and accommodation suggestions for every budget and traveler.Shopping Secrets: Uncover expert tips and tricks for your holiday shopping spree.If you're planning a memorable Christmas journey to Germany, this guide is your essential companion. Don't hesitate - click the purchase button and experience a heartwarming Frohe Weihnachten in Lübeck!

  • av Philippe Bagau

    Découvrez l'âme des habitants d'Irlande, humains et animaux, à travers d'étonnantes rencontres aux quatre coins de l'île. Du Border collie fréquentant le pub au petit-déjeuner avec Peter o'Toole, de la recette secrète pour rencontrer un lutin au buveur de bière, vous traverserez ce merveilleux pays au hasard de ces balades.

  • av Teddy T Morgan

    Discover the city's vibrant neighborhoods, from the charming alleys of Trastevere to the culinary treasures of Testaccio. The narrative unfolds in the bustling markets of Campo de' Fiori, the panoramic views from Aventine Hill, and the artistic treasures housed in the Borghese Gallery.

  • - Must-See Places, Delectable Dishes, Language Tips, Exciting Things to Do, and Uncovering Hidden Treasures
    av Kyle Herrera

    Picture yourself on an incredible journey to Reykjavik, the dynamic capital of Iceland, armed with our comprehensive travel guide, 'What You Must Know Before Your Reykjavik Iceland Trip'. This book is your gateway to experiencing the city and its surroundings like a seasoned explorer. Our guide is your trusty sidekick, meticulously crafting itineraries that will lead you to iconic landmarks, uncover hidden gems, and reveal the most captivating spots this city has to offer. With detailed guide right at your fingertips, navigating Reykjavik becomes a breeze, whether you're strolling through the colorful streets of downtown or venturing to the awe-inspiring natural wonders that lie just beyond. As you flip through the pages, vibrant images will whisk you away to the heart of Iceland's history. You'll journey through ancient Viking sagas and explore modern cultural landmarks, immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of this city's past, which echoes through its architecture, museums, and the genuine warmth of its people. Prepare to tantalize your taste buds with authentic Icelandic cuisine, as we take you on a culinary adventure like no other. You'll discover dishes that capture the very essence of this land of fire and ice, allowing you to savor the unique flavors that define Reykjavik. Whether you're a history buff, a devoted foodie, a nature enthusiast, or simply an intrepid traveler seeking new horizons, this book has something extraordinary to offer you. It's your ticket to uncover the enchantment of Reykjavik. So, let the city's allure and the allure of Iceland captivate your senses. Don't wait to embark on this remarkable journey - grab your copy of 'What You Must Know Before Your Reykjavik Iceland Trip' today and set out on your Icelandic adventure!

  • - Um guia para viajar economizando, conhecer pessoas e lugares
    av Matheus Marques

    Este livro foi pensado para todos aqueles que desejam conhecer um pouco mais do mundo sem precisa gastar muito. Com esta leitura, você terá acesso a um conteúdo focado em viagens econômicas em uma linguagem leve. No entanto, lembre-se de que tudo se baseia nas minhas experiências de viagem na Europa e na Eurásia. Asim, pode ser que seja necessário adaptar certos detalhes no seu planejamento de viagem se for para a África Subsaariana ou a América Latina, por exemplo.Em "Como Viajar Muito Pelo Mundo com Pouco", irei apresentar desde dicas de viagem até recomendações sobre como lidar com questões como transportes e diferenças culturais. Ainda acrescento listas exclusivas, assim como outros materiais para fascilitar a sua viagem pelo mundo como um digital nomad, couchsurfer, fazendo voluntariado, alugando Airbnb ou ficando em hostels.

  • - Your Ultimate Handbook for an Unforgettable Festival Experience
    av Chris Burton

    Embark on an enchanting journey through the vibrant Indian festival of Holi with this comprehensive guide. This immersive handbook offers an insightful and practical exploration of one of India's most exuberant and culturally significant festivals. Delve into the rich tapestry of Holi traditions, from the historical and cultural significance of the festival to the intricacies of participating in the joyous and colour-filled celebrations. Discover expert tips on planning your Holi trip, navigating local customs, capturing stunning photography, and ensuring a safe and memorable experience. With detailed chapters dedicated to the festival's preparation, cultural insights, and practical travel advice, this book is your indispensable companion to immersing yourself in the colourful world of Holi. .

  • - Armchair travelers walking optional
    av Sitansu Ghosh

    Travel is delightful, relaxing, and exciting but not effortless. The long airport security lines, never-ending flights, driving, riding, and walking sound familiar? In the end, we discover that unbelievable mountain, white top waves breaking on the enchanting beach, or a beautiful sculpture carved by an ancient master. If you are a dedicated traveler, this book may inspire you to get out and jump into a big bus. Does travel come easily for everybody? If you are an armchair traveler, you travel in your mind, sitting on your armchair. Pick up this book and retire to your armchair. Even if you are neither type of traveler, you will love the stories in this book.The stories in this book will take you to unexpected, not-so-hidden gems in cities worldwide. The big bus with a belly full of tourists sped around. The cities, towns, and villages pass in front of the eyes like slide shows. Often, a street scene, a statue, or a mundane object triggers interesting and sometimes heart-wrenching stories. The author has told six such stories in this book.

  • av Chris R Miller

    Uncover the secrets of Greece's diverse regions, from the azure waters of the Cyclades to the rugged beauty of Crete. Wander through charming villages where time seems to stand still and savor the tantalizing flavors of Greek cuisine in family-run tavernas. Whether you're a history buff, an adventure seeker, or a relaxation enthusiast, this guide provides tailored recommendations for every type of traveler.

  • - 100 vías legales para estudiantes, trabajadores y artesanos
    av Yovwe Sammyson

    El libro "La guía definitiva para migrar a Canadá 100 formas legales para estudiantes, trabajadores y artesanos" es un recurso completo que proporciona a los lectores información detallada sobre diversas vías para inmigrar a Canadá. El libro describe los siguientes capítulos y temas clave: 1. **Introducción a la migración a Canadá ** Introduce el concepto de migrar a Canadá y prepara el escenario para el viaje de un individuo llamado Andrei que persiguió el sueño canadiense.2. **Student Pathways: ** Cubre los requisitos y procesos para obtener una visa de estudiante, becas y oportunidades de ayuda financiera para estudiantes internacionales.3. **Worker Pathways: ** Explora varias visas basadas en empleo, incluidas visas para trabajadores altamente calificados, transferencias dentro de la empresa, personas con habilidades extraordinarias, inversionistas y más.4. **100 formas legales de migrar a Canadá ** Analiza una clasificación amplia de formas de inmigrar a Canadá y brinda una descripción general completa de las opciones de inmigración.5. **Artisan Pathways: ** Se centra en establecer una carrera como artesano en Canadá.6. **Trayectorias para deportistas: ** Destaca las oportunidades para los deportistas en Canadá.7. **Vías de servicio público: ** Analiza el trabajo en agencias y organizaciones gubernamentales.8. **Teacher Pathways: ** Explora oportunidades de enseñanza en Canadá.9. **Nurse Pathways: ** Proporciona información sobre oportunidades de enfermería en Canadá.10. **Patrimonios de abogados: ** Aborda cómo establecer una carrera jurídica en Canadá.11. **Entertainer Pathways: ** Ofrece orientación sobre cómo construir una carrera exitosa en el entretenimiento en Canadá.12. **Trayectorias de los trabajadores de la construcción: ** Detalla las oportunidades de empleo para los trabajadores de la construcción y los trabajadores en Canadá.El libro concluye con reflexiones finales y consejos para un viaje migratorio exitoso.El capítulo de introducción cuenta la historia de Andrei, quien emigró exitosamente a Canadá, mostrando el potencial transformador del sistema de inmigración canadiense. Destaca la reputación de Canadá como un destino atractivo para los inmigrantes debido a sus políticas de acogida y oportunidades de crecimiento personal y profesional. El capítulo siguiente proporciona una descripción general del sistema de inmigración canadiense, incluidos programas clave como Express Entry, Programas Provinciales de Nominados, reunificación familiar y más. Este libro es un recurso valioso para personas que buscan migrar a Canadá, ya que ofrece información detallada sobre diversas vías de inmigración y oportunidades para diferentes categorías de inmigrantes, desde estudiantes y trabajadores hasta artesanos y servidores públicos. Su objetivo es ayudar a los lectores a navegar por las complejidades del sistema de inmigración canadiense y tomar decisiones informadas sobre sus planes migratorios.

  • av Lahcen Ousga

    Ce livre, destiné à tous les voyageurs qui recherchent un guide complet au meilleur prix propose surtout des informations culturelles et de découverte sur le Maroc, à savoir plus exactement le Sud marocain. Il propose de revivre un voyage en terre des Mille et Une kasbahs, sa culture, son histoire ainsi que son patrimoine et ses paysages. C'est un voyage culturel dans le Maroc contemporain et avec l'héritage du passé, pour saisir sa culture, ses richesses, ses merveilles, ses paysages somptueux, sans oublier ses oeuvres et ses structures architecturales qui témoignent de son histoire et de son identité bien singulière. Sans se limiter à la présentation d'une description technique des kasbahs et ksours du Sud marocain ou à une visite touristique du paysage architectural marocain, il veille à décrire tout un mode de vie, spécifique à ces kasbahs et ksours, y compris évidemment les us, coutumes et traditions, et ce, dans la tentative de présenter une image exhaustive et compréhensible de son identité tout à fait particulière. En Bref, il est le compagnon idéal pour comprendre le pays et profiter au mieux de son séjour surtout au Sud marocain.

  • - 100 Legal Ways for Students, Workers and Artisans
    av Yovwe Sammyson

    The book "The Ultimate Guide to Migrating to Canada: 100 Legal Ways for Students, Workers, and Artisans" is a comprehensive resource that provides readers with detailed information about various pathways to immigrating to Canada. The book outlines the following key chapters and topics: 1. **Introduction to Migrating to Canada: ** Introduces the concept of migrating to Canada and sets the stage for the journey of an individual named Andrei who pursued the Canadian dream.2. **Student Pathways: ** Covers the requirements and processes for obtaining a student visa, scholarships, and financial aid opportunities for international students.3. **Worker Pathways: ** Explores various employment-based visas, including visas for highly skilled workers, intracompany transfers, extraordinary ability individuals, investors, and more.4. **100 Legal Ways to Migrate to Canada: ** Discusses a broad classification of ways to immigrate to Canada, providing a comprehensive overview of immigration options.5. **Artisan Pathways: ** Focuses on establishing a career as an artisan in Canada.6. **Sportsperson Pathways: ** Highlights opportunities for sportspersons in Canada.7. **Public Servant Pathways: ** Discusses working in government agencies and organizations.8. **Teacher Pathways: ** Explores teaching opportunities in Canada.9. **Nurse Pathways: ** Provides information on nursing opportunities in Canada.10. **Lawyer Pathways: ** Addresses how to establish a legal career in Canada.11. **Entertainer Pathways: ** Offers guidance on building a successful entertainment career in Canada.12. **Construction Worker Pathways: ** Details employment opportunities for construction workers and laborers in Canada.The book concludes with final thoughts and tips for a successful migration journey.The introduction chapter tells the story of Andrei, who successfully migrated to Canada, showcasing the transformative potential of the Canadian immigration system. It emphasizes Canada's reputation as an attractive destination for immigrants due to its welcoming policies and opportunities for personal and professional growth. The subsequent chapter provides an overview of the Canadian immigration system, including key programs like Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs, family reunification, and more. This book is a valuable resource for individuals looking to migrate to Canada, offering in-depth information on various immigration pathways and opportunities for different categories of immigrants, from students and workers to artisans and public servants. It aims to help readers navigate the complexities of the Canadian immigration system and make informed decisions about their migration plans.

  • - Embarking on Adventures Beyond Retirement
    av Beau Parker

    Are you ready to embrace the world of travel, discovery, and adventure, regardless of your age?Ageless Explorers invites you to break free from conventional notions of retirement and step into a world of limitless exploration.In this inspiring guide, we celebrate the spirit of senior travelers who refuse to let age define their boundaries. Whether you're a recent retiree looking for new experiences or a seasoned traveler with decades of exploration behind you, this book is your companion on a journey that knows no age limits.Discover the joy of wandering through iconic cities, immersing yourself in natural wonders, and delving into diverse cultures and cuisines. Ageless Explorers is your roadmap to unlocking the beauty and richness of our world, one adventure at a time.Inside, you will findInsights into travel insurance and health considerations for senior adventurers.Tips for packing essentials and choosing suitable footwear for your explorations.Recommendations for senior-friendly accommodations with safety and security features.Stories from fellow ageless explorers who share their experiences and wisdom.Strategies for finding joy, connection, and fulfillment on your journeys.Don't let retirement define you, let it empower you to explore, learn, and grow. Ageless Explorers is your guide to a life filled with the wonders of travel, ensuring that your golden years are your most vibrant and adventurous yet.Click on the Buy Button and grab a copy. Begin your ageless journey today and redefine what it means to explore and experience the world.

  • - A Comprehensive Guide To Exploring The Hidden Gems Of East African Nature
    av Abdushariff Muhumuza

    East Africa is one of the world's most attractive destinations with many attractions that bring different tourists from all over the world to experience the ultimate wildernesses of this region, among these are the unlimited national parks and game reserves which hosts different species of animals and birds, landscapes, Vegetation and one of the most conducive weather.From the different thorough experience from different travels from all over East African National Parks and Game Reserves, it's better to let you explore with me through these gems.As of 2023, East Africa is made up of Seven nations including, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda. We're looking at National Parks and Game Reserves in all these countries and other things to do while in some parts of these countries like cultural exploration, city tours, but also the possible requirements needed and how to travel to different places and destinations.

  • - Living in Spain can often be more manure than roses.
    av E J Wood

    LIVING IN SPAIN OFTEN IS MORE MANURE THAN ROSES. Abbie had been living in Spain for over fifteen years when she met Mark; a charismatic, talented artist, apparent Phil Vickery lookalike and an all round arsewipe. Now, thirteen years on, and wanting to slow down their hectic lifestyle, they decide to sell their successful business on the Spanish coast, and move to the countryside. Faced with unrelenting insects, savage heat waves and ruthless farmers, she shares the good, the bad and the ugly of their venture. They learn that life in the country is very different than the coast, their idea of a dream home might be months without electric, mains water, chicken grabbing eagles and the old Spanish farmer who refuses to leave. Is Mark in it for the long haul? Can he overcome the hardships and pitfalls of moving and starting all over again? He's done it once, what could go wrong?Lock, stock and Two Smoking Paellas is a light-hearted book that is not intended to send you running back home. But, life is a challenge, no matter where you live, and if you don't speak the lingo you had better hope the sun keeps shining.

  • av Horatio Alger

    Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck' is a compelling novel written by Horatio Alger that follows the journey of Luke Larkin, a young and ambitious protagonist determined to overcome adversity and achieve success. Set in the late 19th century, the story explores themes of perseverance, integrity, and the pursuit of one's dreams. Luke, a teenager from a modest background, faces numerous challenges and setbacks as he strives to improve his life. With determination and hard work, he navigates through various obstacles, including unscrupulous individuals and financial difficulties. Along his journey, Luke forms unexpected friendships, discovers hidden opportunities, and learns important life lessons. Alger's storytelling prowess shines through as he weaves a tale of personal growth and triumph. Through Luke's experiences, readers are inspired to believe in their own potential and the power of resilience. The novel emphasizes the values of honesty, self-reliance, and the rewards that come from staying true to one's principles.

  • - A Journey Through Time, Culture, and Natural Beauty
    av Scott S Brown

    Discover the essence of Vietnam as you navigate its diverse regions, from the bustling streets of Hanoi in the north to the vibrant energy of Ho Chi Minh City in the south. Delve into the lush, terraced landscapes of Sapa, drift through the emerald waters of Halong Bay, and explore the captivating history of ancient towns like Hoi An and Hue.

  • av Lonely Planet

    Travel more sustainably with this fascinating second edition of Amazing Train Journeys featuring 60 of the world's most unforgettable railway experiences. Discover epic new routes including Japan's Nozomo Shinkansen; the upgraded Tangier-Marrakech line in Morocco; and more - and get ready to watch the world roll by as you rumble along the tracks. Savour the breathtaking views across Loch Shiel as you pass over the infamous 21-arched viaduct on the Jacobite Steam Train; or alight the historic Rocky Mountaineer for a luxurious journey through the breathtaking Canadian Rockies. Each of the 60 excursions provides a handy route map, stunning images and photography, infographics showing key stops, and an expertly written description of the journey that lies ahead. This is the definitive guide for anyone wishing to embark on a sustainable trip or enjoy a more meditative and mindful experience as they travel through a place rather than over it. Inside Amazing Train Journeys 2nd Edition:- 60 of the best train journeys on the planet from classic long-haul trips to little-known gems and even those which have achieved Unesco World Heritage status- Stunning images and photography to inspire your next railway adventure- Expert insights and fascinating background information that bring each train experience to life- Perfect travel inspiration for anyone interested in navigating our planet sustainably- Content includes Tazara Railway (Tanzania & Zambia); The Rocky Mountaineer (Canada); the Coast Starlight (USA); Perurail's Lake Titicaca Railway (Peru); The Darjeeling Toy Train (India); The Hokkaido Shinkansen (Japan); The Eastern & Oriental Express (Thailand to Singapore); The Glacier Express (Switzerland); Fort William to Mallaig by Jacobite (UK); Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways (Wales); The Ghan (Australia); The TranzAlpine (New Zealand); and many more! Snake your way through mountain peaks, along mesmerising coastlines, or past patchwork fields with this alluring take on the greatest train journeys in the world. This epic guide makes the perfect gift for the railway enthusiast in your life, or the ultimate read to keep you on track when planning your next big adventure.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world's number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at and join our community of followers on Facebook (, Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (, and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).

  • av Christian Hottas

    "Der Jakobsweg beginnt vor der eigenen Haustür." Nach diesem Motto starten Christine (Jg. 1958), Kito (Pinscher-Mix, Jg. 2019) und ich (Jg. 1956) im Herbst 2021 von unserem Zuhause in Hamburg, unweit der Via Baltica. In drei Blöcken erreichen wir im Herbst 2022 Trier. Ein Jahr später - im September/Oktober 2023 - pilgern wir von dort aus weiter durch Saargau, Lothringen, Champagne bis nach Vézelay im Burgund und erleben dabei Landschaften, die wir bislang alle noch nicht kannten. Von unseren Erlebnissen und Eindrücken auf dieser Pilgerreise mit Hund zwischen der Via Coloniensis (bis Trier) und der Via Lemovicensis (ab Vézelay) berichtet dieser zweite Band unseres großen Pilgerprojekts von Zuhause bis nach Santiago de Compostela, das wir - so Gott will - 2025 beenden wollen. Pilgern in Frankreich ist nicht nur der Sprache wegen anders als Pilgern in Deutschland. Das macht es nicht weniger reizvoll, zumal wir, wann immer wir Hilfe benötigten, auch hier immer wieder "Pilgerengel" trafen.

  • av Felix Büter

    Sechs teils schon ergraute Radler werfen sich ins Abenteuer und machen sich mit ihrem Drahtesel auf den Weg. Von der Haustür in Ahaus, im westlichen Münsterland aus starten sie mit riesigem Respekt, eine 2.600 Kilometer lange Tour durch die Niederlande, Belgien und Frankreich und anschließend durch Spanien auf dem berühmten Camino Frances. Bei teils widrigen Wetterverhältnissen, Hitze und Kälte, schneidigem Gegenwind folgen sie durch blühende Landschaften und urbane Städte, über schneebedeckte Berge den Millionen Pilgern aus aller Welt, die seit mehr als tausend Jahren nach Santiago de Compostela und weiter bis Finisterre aufgebrochen sind. Mit Sattelfestigkeit und Pedaltreue überwinden sie Erschöpfung und Aufgabegedanken. Und Gott? Am Ende stellen sie fest, dass Radpilgern etwas anderes ist als nur Radwandern. Der Autor erzählt unbefangen und manchmal augenzwinkernd von religiösen Stätten mit ihren Geschichten und Legenden, Wegeerfahrungen in der Gruppe und emotionalen Begegnungen mit Einheimischen und Pilgern. Er gibt Radwanderern Tipps. Das Buch soll die außergewöhnliche, entschleunigende Kraft einer solchen Reise vermitteln und all diejenigen ermuntern, die sich noch nicht selbst auf den Weg zum Grab des heiligen Jakob gemacht haben.

  • av Richard Deiss

    77 Denkmäler städtischer Originale in Nordrhein-Westfalen und eines in Rheinland-Pfalz sind in diesem Bändchen zusammengetragen, vom Bienenkönig (Wesel) bis zum Zementgretchen (Simmern), vom Kiepenlisettken (Schalksmühle) bis zum Zuckerfritz (Wuppertal). Ein etwas anderer Einstieg in die Lokalgeschichte. Für alle, die gerne Städte bereisen und mehr über lokale Originale und deren interessantes Leben erfahren möchten.

  • av Christian Dohrn

    Auch eine Reise kann zwei Seiten haben ...; die eine, die Du sehen und genießen möchtest - die andere, welche Dir mitunter schmerzhaft bewusst (gemacht) wird.Meine Informationen, Hinweise und praktischen Ratschläge, auch für Extremsituationen, werden Dir hoffentlich Erfahrungen der unschönen Art auf Reisen ersparen. Von der Planung bis zur gesunden Rückkehr erfährst Du alles Notwendige von einem weltgereisten und erfahrenen Globetrotter. Sei vorbereitet und schütze Dich vor unliebsamen Überraschungen! In diesem Handbuch habe ich für Dich meine grundlegenden Erfahrungen, einige Erlebnisse und auch meine Erkenntnisse zu Papier gebracht.Meine Reiseziele auf die sich schwerpunktmäßig das Reisehandbuch bezieht: Australien - Neuseeland - Tonga - Fidschi - Südostasien - Karibik.Du wirst feststellen, dass ich bewusst nicht allzu großen Wert auf die "Political Correctness" und gendergesteuerte Worthülsen gelegt habe. Dieses Reisehandbuch ist kein Reiseführer aber soll Dir praxisnah helfen, Sachverhalte klar beurteilen zu können und entsprechend zu handeln.

  • - During 1840-41; Volume 2
    av Elizabeth Mary Grosvenor Westminster

    In this captivating memoir, Elizabeth Mary Grosvenor Westminster recounts her experiences aboard a yacht on a voyage through the Mediterranean in 1840-41. Her vivid descriptions of the people, places, and cultures she encountered offer a unique glimpse into life in this fascinating region during this period of history.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Our Twelve Months' Tour Through the British Isles, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Etc
    av Robert Clark

    In this fascinating travelogue, Robert Clark takes readers on a tour through some of the most beautiful and historic destinations in Europe. From the vibrant streets of Paris to the stunning natural landscapes of Switzerland and Italy, Clark's vivid descriptions and insightful commentary offer a unique perspective on these iconic destinations. The book is a must-read for anyone with a passion for travel and a love of adventure.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Catharine Maria Sedgwick

    This book is a compilation of letters that Catharine Maria Sedgwick wrote to family members about her travels abroad in the mid-19th century. Her keen observations and vivid descriptions offer a fascinating glimpse into European society and culture of the time.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Giovanni Francesco Gemelli Careri

    I viaggi del diciassettesimo secolo dell'autore sono raccontati in modo appassionante in questo libro. Tra i primi a circumnavigare il globo, Careri ha fatto esperienze in paesi che non erano mai stati esplorati dall'Occidente. Un libro imperdibile per chiunque ami i taccuini di viaggio.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - During the Years 1829 and 1830; With Scenes in Brazil, Peru, Manila, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena; Volume 2
    av Charles Samuel Stewart

    Join Lieutenant Charles Samuel Stewart on his epic journey to the far reaches of the South Pacific aboard the U.S. Ship Vincennes. This first-hand account offers a vivid and engaging window into the natural beauty, exotic cultures, and epic adventures encountered on this historic voyage. From tropical rainforests, to the bustling streets of colonial-era Manila, to the volcanic peaks of the Andes, Stewart's account brings to life the sights, sounds, and sensations of life on the high seas and in distant lands.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - A Year's Wanderings in the South Seas
    av Douglas B Hall

    In this travelogue, readers will accompany Douglas B. Hall on his year-long journey through the South Seas. From the idyllic beaches of Tahiti to the rugged landscapes of Fiji, readers will be transported to a world of sun, surf, and adventure.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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