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Bøker i ABC Series-serien

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  • av O Chan

    This book follows a systematic approach to assessing radiographs, instructing the reader on the appearances of radiological abnormalities and comparing these with normal radiographs. Each chapter walks through a different part of the body, with numerous example radiographs, well annotated for clear reference and explanation.

  • av Claire Harrison

    ABC of Clinical HaematologyAn essential guide and introduction to the diagnosis, treatment and management of disorders across the breadth of clinical haematologyExtensively revised, this 5th edition of ABC of Clinical Haematology covers all aspects of contemporary haematology, providing the basic science behind the disease and diagnostic aspects, along with up to date management. The text assumes little prior haematology knowledge, enabling clear understanding by non-experts, including medical students and nurses. Full colour illustrations and text boxes highlighting important learning points together enable more efficient reader comprehension.ABC of Clinical Haematology covers:* Iron deficiency anaemia, macrocytic anaemia, hereditary anaemias, polycythaemia vera, essential thrombocythaemia, and myelofibrosis* Chronic myeloid leukaemia, acute leukaemias, lymphoma, stem cell transplantation, cellular therapies, adult myelodysplastic syndrome, and myeloma* Bleeding disorders, thrombosis, anticoagulation, and paediatric haematology, platelet disorders* Amyloidosis, with focus on systemic light chain amyloidosis, and haematological emergencies* New tests, treatments, and management solutions that are now available for certain conditions, especially common blood related disordersWith contributions from leading experts in their respective fields, ABC of Clinical Haematology, Fifth Edition provides an ideal reference for primary care practitioners and other healthcare professionals working with patients who have blood related problems.About the ABC seriesThe ABC series has been designed to help you access information quickly and deliver the best patient care, and remains an essential reference tool for GPs, junior doctors, medical students and healthcare professionals.Now offering over 80 titles, this extensive series provides you with a quick and dependable reference on a range of topics in all the major specialties.The ABC series is the essential and dependable source of up-to-date information for all practitioners and students in primary healthcare.To receive automatic updates on books and journals in your specialty, join our email list. Sign up today at

  • av F Morris

    A practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of acute symptoms and conditions, the ABC of Emergency Differential Diagnosis provides a step-by-step guide to emergency differential diagnosis for non-specialists in a hospital or primary care setting.

  • av R Daniels

    The importance of early prevention and treatment of sepsis has never been greater. In the UK alone sepsis contributes to more deaths than lung cancer, from bowel cancer and breast cancer combined, and approximately one third of patients who suffer from severe sepsis die.

  • av Lorraine (Senior Vascular Fellow Corfield

    ABC of Medical Law focuses on the legal issues in daily practice. It provides up to date coverage of contentious issues, such as withholding and withdrawing treatment and confidentiality. The illustrated, user friendly format will provide you with a guide to how to keep your daily practice within the constraints of the law.

  • av T Davies

    Mental health services have changed completely in the UK, and the new edition of ABC of Mental Health has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect this. Providing clear practical advice on how to recognise, diagnose and manage mental disorders successfully and safely, with sections on selecting drugs and psychological treatments, and improving compliance, ABC of Mental Health also contains information on the major categories of mental health disorders, the mental health needs of vulnerable groups (such as the elderly, children, homeless and ethnic minorities) and the psychological treatments. Fully up to date with recent mental health legislation, this new edition is as comprehensive as it is invaluable. By covering the mental health needs of special groups, this ABC equips GPs, hospital doctors, nurses, counsellors and social workers with all the information they need for the day to day management of patients with mental health problems.

  • av Bernard (Northwick Park Hospital Valman

    ABC of the First Year , Sixth Edition Edited by Bernard Valman , Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, Middlesex, UK, and Roslyn Thomas , Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, Middlesex, UK This well-established book gives clear guidance on normal development and how to diagnose and manage illness in newborn infants and babies.


    In its different presentations, headache is one of the most common symptoms seen by family practitioners. The difficulty is in diagnosing the cause of the headache so that the appropriate treatment is provided, or if referral to a specialist is the recommended course of action.

  • av N Cooper

    Demographic trends confirm what clinicians already know - they are spending increasing amounts of time dealing with older people. This new ABC provides an introduction to the new and increasing challenges of treating older patients in a variety of settings. ABC of Geriatric Medicine provides an overview of geriatric medicine in practice.

  • av M Contreras

    The ABC of Transfusion is a comprehensive, highly regarded guide to all the practical aspects of blood transfusion. Blood services and clinical blood transfusion have become more scientific, well organised and managed over the last 10 years and more is known about the aetiology of the complications of blood transfusions.

  • av N Sattar

    Obesity is a hugely expensive and increasing problem worldwide, leading to disability, reproductive problems, depression and accelerated metabolic and vascular diseases in a large proportion of men, women and children.


    Lung Cancer is the most common cause of cancer death and cancer symptoms. The ABC of Lung Cancer is a much needed reference for those treating and caring for patients with lung cancer such as primary care doctors, specialist cancer nurses, junior doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers and other health care professionals.


    Many common disorders seen in clinical practice, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, atrial fibrillation, such as cancer are associated with the formation of blood clots. This ABC discusses the causes and consequences of blood clots (thrombosis and thromboembolism), how antigthrombotic therapy works and its uses for patients as well as those at risk, providing an excellent, practical guide. Topic covered include Bleeding risks in antithrombotic therapy Venous thromboembolism Atrial fibrillation Peripheral vascular disease Cerebrovascular disorders Valvar heart disease and prosthetic heart valves Myocardial infarction and stable angina Acute coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary interventions Heart failure Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances Anticoagulation in hospital and general practice Written by experts in the field, the ABC of Antithrombotic Therapy is an important reference for hospital doctors, general practitioners, specialist nurses, junior doctors, and students.


    This brand new edition pulls together the most up-to-date information on this complex, multidisciplinary area in a practical, user-friendly manner. It deals with the important social and psychological aspects for palliative care of people with incurable diseases including quality of life, communication and bereavement issues.

  • av D Goldsmith

    The ABC of Kidney Disease, Second Edition is a practical guide to the most common renal diseases to help healthcare professionals screen, identify, treat and refer renal patients appropriately and to provide the best possible care.

  • av Tim (Oxford University Holt

    ABC of Diabetes provides primary care practitioners with a practical guide to all aspects of diabetes including the aetiology, diagnosis and management of Types 1 and 2 diabetes, detection and prevention, and the organization of care and support.

  • av D. Gareth (City Hospital Beevers

    High blood pressure is a common chronic medical problem encountered in primary care, yet it is commonly under diagnosed. ABC of Hypertension is a long established, practical guide to the investigation, treatment and management of hypertensive patients.

  • av A Price

    ABC of Wound Healing, Second EditionABC of Wound Healing is a practical, highly illustrated guide to assessment, diagnosis and management of all common types of acute and chronic wounds. This concise yet comprehensive reference covers all essential aspects of wound healing care, including epidemiology, pathophysiology, assessment, treatment, long-term management, and preventionThis revised second edition contains several new chapters on lymphoedema, nutrition, skin care, continence, and scarring. Updated and expanded chapters cover a wider range of devices and therapies, and discuss additional factors that impact wound healing processes, offering new clinical photographs as a visual guide. Applying a multidisciplinary approach to the provision of wound care, ABC of Wound Healing:* Covers common wounds including traumatic wounds, surgical wounds, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure injuries, and venous and arterial leg ulcers* Emphasises the importance of reaching a diagnosis, the fundamental step in managing any wound* Provides up-to-date information on physical, chemical, biological and emerging therapies for patients with various types of wounds* Contains hundreds of full-colour illustrations and clinical photographs of wounds and treatmentsABC of Wound Healing, Second Edition, remains a must-have guide for junior doctors, specialist registrars in medicine and surgery, specialist nurses, general practitioners and medical students.

  • av N Rahman

    Pleural diseases are very common and of increasing prevalence. This brand new title in the ABC series covers a wide range of conditions including pneumothorax, pleural effusions, pleural infections, chylothorax and mesothelioma.

  • av GP Whyte

    The ABC of Sports and Exercise Medicine provides general practitioners with a comprehensive overview of the field of sports medicine.

  • av Tim (London Deanery Swanwick

    The ABC of Clinical Leadership explores and develops the key principles of leadership and management. It outlines the scope of clinical leadership, emphasising its importance in the clinical context, especially for improving patient care and health outcomes in rapidly changing health systems and organisations.

  • av P Cantillon

    ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine is an invaluable resource for both novice and experienced medical teachers.

  • av S Bewley

    ABC of Domestic and Sexual Violence is a practical guide for all health care professionals who are looking after abused individuals (whether knowingly or not) and who wish to learn more in order to help their patients.

  • av FOF Richards

    ABC of Dementia is a practical guide, written with the needs of professionals in training in mind. Its aim is to enable readers to explore attitudes towards dementia, and find the knowledge and skills required in the important task of supporting the lives of people with dementia and their carers. This new edition is designed to assist students and practitioners working within both primary and secondary care settings with the diagnosis, treatment and provision of care. It covers the causes of dementia, diagnostic assessment, early intervention, pharmacological treatment, person-centred care, legal and ethical issues, and more.This resource has been thoroughly revised to reflect the most recent research and evidence-based practice. New and expanded content addresses dementia and frailty in care homes, explores the role of technology in the treatment of dementia, discusses working with minority groups, and examines case studies.* Aids healthcare professionals in developing the knowledge, skills and confidence to care for those with dementia* Highlights the importance of person-centred care and the effects of dementia on families and carers.* Describes the cognitive changes and neurological disorders central to dementia* Addresses the needs of younger people developing dementia* Provides guidance on managing dementia in primary care, the acute hospital and end-of-life care settings* Covers the Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia (NPSD)* Features numerous full-colour photographs and illustrationsABC of Dementia is a must-have for healthcare students, general practitioners, and other healthcare professionals caring for people with dementia. It will also be of interest to members of the general public who wish to know more about dementia.

  • av R Morris-Jones

    ABC of Dermatology is the bestselling, practical guide for anyone involved in clinical dermatology. This fully illustrated book helps readers identify, recognise, treat, and manage the common dermatological conditions encountered in daily practice.The seventh edition has been revised and updated to incorporate current approaches to the management of skin disease, such as the use of new biological agents for treating inflammatory disease and tumours, and new chapters on cosmetic dermatology procedures, genital dermatology and cutting-edge advances in genetics and pathophysiology.* Presents a practical approach to clinical dermatology that relates skin changes to specific skin conditions and underlying pathology* Summarises relevant pathological processes, diagnostic features, learning points, and treatment options for a range of conditions* Offers hundreds of full-colour clinical photographs that illustrate manifestations of skin disease in a multitude of diverse skin tones and ethnic groups* Covers a wide range of skin management treatments, from simple interventions to sophisticated immunotherapies* Includes insights on the increasing use of teledermatology by remote doctorsABC of Dermatology is a must-have guide for GPs, junior doctors, medical students, and primary healthcare professionals.

  • av K Sugand

    Fully illustrated throughout with a wide range of scans, images and line drawings, ABC of Orthopaedics and Trauma provides practical guidance on the diagnosis, treatment and management of orthopaedic conditions, and assists with the initial assessment based on common presentations. Written by a team of renowned expert orthopaedic surgeons and rheumatologists, it includes coverage of the current national guidelines from NICE and professional bodies. TwentyΓÇôfour chapters cover all the major areas of this vast speciality using a digestible and readerΓÇôfriendly approach, including sections on fractures, joint replacements, rheumatological disorders, osteoarthritis, emergencies, and postΓÇôoperative care. Introduction to specialist topics like metabolic bone disease, peripheral nerve injury, paediatric orthopaedics and tumours are also featured. Topics consist of history and examination, investigation and initial management of common orthopaedic trauma and elective presentations. In addition, this fullΓÇôcolour, userΓÇôfriendly reference guide offers readers a look at the dayΓÇôtoΓÇôday clinical practice of a speciality that will affect at least half of the global population at some point, covering further chapters on epidemiology, biomechanics, common procedures, future developments and education. ABC of Orthopaedics and Trauma is an excellent resource for all healthcare professionals caring for patients with musculoskeletal and orthopaedic related disorders. This will be a valuable reference to orthopaedic trainees, sports physicians, physiotherapists, nurses, occupational therapists, clinical researchers and student doctors.

  • av N Cooper

    Clinical communication underpins safe patient care. The effective health professional sees illness through the patient's eyes and understands what matters most to him or her. Effectiveness means gathering hard clinical data about the physical changes affecting the patient, understanding why the patient is concerned, conveying this to other health care professionals and involving the patient at every stage of management decisions. The evidence for good clinical communication is well established, although there are challenges. While listening is the basis of sound diagnosis and clinical reasoning, its absence affects patient outcomes particularly when patients are not permitted to make their concerns known or when there are gaps in information flow or communication between the professionals caring for them. The ABC of Clinical Communication considers the evidence pertinent to individual encounters between patients and their health professionals, how to achieve efficient flow of information, the function of clinical teams and developing a teaching programme. Topics covered include: The consultation Clinical communication and personality type Shared decision making Communication in clinical teams Communication in medical records Communication in specific situations e.g. mental health, end of life Teaching clinical communication The chapter authors are clinicians involved in communicating with patients, research and training healthcare professionals of the future. This team reflects the multidisciplinary approach required to develop effective clinical communication.

  • av Graeme P. Currie

    The third edition of the ABC of COPD provides the entire multidisciplinary team across both primary and secondary care with an up-to-date, easy to read and accessible account of this common lung disorder.

  • av A Adebajo

    ABC of Rheumatology continues to be a practical and informative guide to the assessment, treatment and management of common rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions within primary care.Fully updated to reflect developments in this fast growing field, the fifth edition covers overviews of all key areas of rheumatology, and includes new chapters on radiology and immunology, as well as expanded coverage on metabolic bone disease, chronic widespread pain, and complex regional pain syndrome.Featuring highly illustrated chapters, boxed summaries and links to further resources, ABC of Rheumatology is an accessible reference for all primary care health professional, general practitioners, family physicians, junior doctors, medical students and nurses.

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