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Bøker i Algorithms for Intelligent Systems-serien

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  • - Proceedings of ICAIAA 2019
    2 577,-

    Miniaturized Single layer Asymmetric CPW Fed Antenna for UWB Applications.- Four Elements MIMO Antenna Array having Band Notching Properties and High Isolation.- Designing a Non Linear Tri Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for Minimizing Dispersion and analyzing it in various Sensing Applications.- A New Methodology to Implement ASCII Based Cryptography.- Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews of Ecommerce Websites.- A Novel Image Encryption Technique Using Arnold Transform and Asymmetric RSA Algorithm.- Predictive Alert for Artificial Oil Lift using Machine Learning Techniques.- Designing of Band Reject Filter for Radio Astrophysics.- Novel Hardware Design of Correlation Function and its Application on Binary Matrix Factorization Based Features.- Facial Expression Recognition Using Random Forest Classifier.- Air Quality Status in Jaipur and Nearby Areas of Rajasthan.- Recognizing MNIST Handwritten Dataset using PCA & LDA.- Optimal Design of a Stand-Alone Hybrid System using GA, PSO and ABC.

    1 826

    This book presents a wide range of optimization methods and their applications to various electrical power system problems such as economical load dispatch, demand supply management in microgrids, levelized energy pricing, load frequency control and congestion management, and reactive power management in radial distribution systems.

    2 086

    The book discusses machine learning-based decision-making models, and presents intelligent, hybrid and adaptive methods and tools for solving complex learning and decision-making problems under conditions of uncertainty.

    1 679

    This book discusses one of the major applications of artificial intelligence: the use of machine learning to extract useful information from multimodal data. It discusses the optimization methods that help minimize the error in developing patterns and classifications, which further helps improve prediction and decision-making.

    2 086

    The topics covered in the book include plant, leaf, and fruit disease detection, crop health monitoring, applications of robots in agriculture, precision farming, assessment of product quality and defects, pest, insect, fruits, and vegetable types recognition.

  • - Proceedings of SNC 2021
    2 706

    This book includes high-quality papers presented at International Conference on Scientific and Natural Computing (SNC 2021), organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida in collaboration with IIT Roorkee and Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TU) and technically sponsored by Soft Computing Research Society of India, held online during 5 ¿ 6 February 2021. The topics include self-organizing migrating algorithm, genetic algorithms, swarm intelligence based techniques, evolutionary computing, fuzzy computing, probabilistic computing, genetic programming, particle swarm optimization, neuro computing, hybrid methods, deep learning, including convolutional neural networks, generative adversarial networks and auto-encoders, bio-inspired systems, data mining, data visualization, intelligent agents, engineering design optimization, multi-objective optimization, fault diagnosis, decision support, robotics, signal or image processing, system identification and modelling, systems integration, time series prediction, virtual reality, vision or pattern recognition, intelligent information retrieval, motion control and power electronics, Internet of Everything (IoE), control systems, and supply chain management.

  • - ICI2CT 2020
    3 606,-

    This book gathers selected papers presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Information and Communication Technologies (ICI2CT 2020), held at National University of Singapore, Singapore, during 18-19 December 2020.

    2 216

    This book highlights recent advances in computational intelligence for signal processing, computing, imaging, artificial intelligence, and their applications.

    2 413,-

    This book addresses and disseminates state-of-the-art research and development in the applications of intelligent techniques for smart grids and renewable energy systems. The book solicits contributions from active researchers which include theory, case studies and intelligent paradigms pertaining to the smart grid and renewable energy systems.

    1 385,-

    This book explores various intelligent algorithms including evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence-based algorithms for analysis and control of dynamical systems. The intelligent algorithms are now readily applied to all fields of control including linear control, nonlinear control, digital control, optimal control, etc.

  • - Algorithms and Applications
    2 192

  • Spar 12%
    av G.S. Tomar & Ashish Bagwari

    This book focuses on conceptual frameworks that are helpful in understanding the basics of electronics - what the feedback system is, the principle of an oscillator, the operational working of an amplifier, and other relevant topics.

  • - Proceedings of ICIMMI 2019
    4 295

    This book features selected papers presented at the International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence (ICIMMI 2019), held at the Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, on December 14-15, 2019. machine and deep learning; cloud-based applications for machine learning;

  • - IJCCI 2018
    2 577,-

    This book gathers outstanding research papers presented at the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2018), which was held at Daffodil International University on 14-15 December 2018.

  • - Proceedings of ICCAEEE 2019
    1 935

    This book collects high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Computing Applications in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, held at Rajkiya Engineering College, Sonbhadra, India, on August 30ΓÇô31, 2019. It provides novel contributions in computational intelligence, together with valuable reference material for future research. The topics covered include: big data analytics, IoT and smart infrastructures, machine learning, artificial intelligence and deep learning, crowd sourcing and social intelligence, natural language processing, business intelligence, high-performance computing, wireless, mobile and green communications, ad-hoc, sensor and mesh networks, SDN and network virtualization, cognitive systems, swarm intelligence, humanΓÇôcomputer interaction, network and information security, intelligent control, soft computing, networked control systems, renewable energy sources and technologies, biomedical signal processing, pattern recognition and object tracking, and sensor devices and applications.

  • - Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications-ICACTA 2020
    2 577,-

    Covering recent advances in next-generation computing, the book focuses on recent developments in intelligent computing, such as linguistic computing, statistical computing, data computing and ambient applications.

    2 192

    This book discusses topics related to bioinformatics, statistics, and machine learning, presenting the latest research in various areas of bioinformatics.

  • - ICCSA 2019
    2 577,-

    It covers the latest innovations and developments in information and communication technology, discussing topics such as soft computing and intelligent systems, web of sensor networks, drone operating systems, web of sensor networks, wearable smart sensors, automated guided vehicles and many more.

    1 956

    This book covers deep-learning-based approaches for sentiment analysis, a relatively new, but fast-growing research area, which has significantly changed in the past few years.

    1 956

    The book discusses major technical advances and research findings in the field of machine intelligence in medical image analysis. This book provides insights into the basic science involved in processing, analysing, and utilising all aspects of advanced computational intelligence in medical decision-making based on medical imaging.

  • - Proceedings of ICRTCIS 2019
    2 605

    The book gathers the best research papers presented at the International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Intelligent Systems (ICRTCIS 2019), organized by Rajasthan Technical University Kota, and Arya College of Engineering and IT, Jaipur, on 8-9 June 2019.

  • - Proceedings of ICMLCI 2019
    2 605

    This book gathers selected high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (ICMLCI-2019), jointly organized by Kunming University of Science and Technology and the Interscience Research Network, Bhubaneswar, India, from April 6 to 7, 2019.

    2 086

    The book discusses machine learning-based decision-making models, and presents intelligent, hybrid and adaptive methods and tools for solving complex learning and decision-making problems under conditions of uncertainty.

  • - Proceedings of ICACM 2019
    1 956

    This book gathers selected papers presented at the International Conference on Advancements in Computing and Management (ICACM 2019). Discussing current research in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, cloud computing, recent trends in security, natural language processing and machine translation, parallel and distributed algorithms, as well as pattern recognition and analysis, it is a valuable resource for academics, practitioners in industry and decision-makers.

  • - Algorithms and Applications
    2 192

    This book provides an in-depth analysis of the current evolutionary machine learning techniques. Discussing the most highly regarded methods for classification, clustering, regression, and prediction, it includes techniques such as support vector machines, extreme learning machines, evolutionary feature selection, artificial neural networks including feed-forward neural networks, multi-layer perceptron, probabilistic neural networks, self-optimizing neural networks, radial basis function networks, recurrent neural networks, spiking neural networks, neuro-fuzzy networks, modular neural networks, physical neural networks, and deep neural networks. The book provides essential definitions, literature reviews, and the training algorithms for machine learning using classical and modern nature-inspired techniques. It also investigates the pros and cons of classical training algorithms. It features a range of proven and recent nature-inspired algorithms used to train different types of artificial neural networks, including genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, grey wolf optimizer, whale optimization algorithm, ant lion optimizer, moth flame algorithm, dragonfly algorithm, salp swarm algorithm, multi-verse optimizer, and sine cosine algorithm. The book also covers applications of the improved artificial neural networks to solve classification, clustering, prediction and regression problems in diverse fields.

    2 086

    This book discusses one of the major applications of artificial intelligence: the use of machine learning to extract useful information from multimodal data. It discusses the optimization methods that help minimize the error in developing patterns and classifications, which further helps improve prediction and decision-making.

    1 826

    This book presents a wide range of optimization methods and their applications to various electrical power system problems such as economical load dispatch, demand supply management in microgrids, levelized energy pricing, load frequency control and congestion management, and reactive power management in radial distribution systems.

    2 192

    This book highlights recent advances in computational intelligence for signal processing, computing, imaging, artificial intelligence, and their applications.

  • - IJCCI 2019
    2 577,-

    This book gathers outstanding research papers presented at the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2019), held at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, on 25-26 October 2019 and jointly organized by the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Bangladesh;

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