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Bøker i Anglo-Amerikanische Studien - Anglo-American Studies-serien

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  • av Pavlina Ferfeli

    Examining the intersection of Continental theories of difference and a predominantly American ethic of diversity, this book uses phenomenology and interdisciplinary study to investigate female embodiment in Mina Loy's poetic and visual work.

  • av Walburga Rothschädl

    This book aims to provide a detailed study of young adult fiction concentrating on Mexican teenage (im)migrants to the United States and their search for identity. In its quest to define young adult (im)migration literature as a genre, the first chapter combines and questions classifications provided by literary scholars and educational scientists. The second chapter explores crucial factors which impact the protagonists¿ transcultural identity construction. The third chapter engages in theory mixing: Louise Rosenblatt¿s reader-response theory, the critical literacy approach of the New London Group, influences from the field of cultural studies and a model of literary competences are merged into an innovative theoretical framework that forms the basis of the teaching sequence presented.

  • Spar 14%
    - Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zur Pragmatischen Kompetenz Gymnasialer Englischlerner
    av Christian Schroter

    Vor allem im anglo-amerikanischen Sprachraum gelten Deutsche als unhöflich: Sie kommunizieren zu direkt, zu explizit und sie schrecken auch vor heiklen Gesprächsthemen nicht zurück. Der Band überprüft diese stereotypischen Vorstellungen kritisch. Aus linguistischer und fachdidaktischer Perspektive untersucht er die pragmatische Kompetenz gymnasialer Englischlerner: Welche Höflichkeitsstrategien beherrschen die Lerner im Englischen? Wie häufig verwenden sie diese Strategien? Mithilfe einer Fragebogenstudie werden Erkenntnisse gewonnen, die zentrale Aspekte des Deutschen-Stereotyps widerlegen können.

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    - An Empirical Evaluation of Students' Competence Development in a Life-Writing Approach to Teaching Literature
    av Mirja Beutel

    The book introduces a teaching approach that seeks to prepare students in multicultural EFL-classrooms for their role as world citizens. The study unfolds the construct cosmopolitan communicative competence to provide a tool for the empirical assessment of students' competences. This tool serves to evaluate the potentials of the teaching approach.


    Im vorliegenden Band werden moderne und innovative Methoden der Shakespeare-Didaktik dargelegt und kritisch diskutiert. Die Beitrage liefern eine grosse Bandbreite an analytischen, kreativen und performativen Ansatzen fur den Umgang mit Shakespeare in der Lehre.

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    - A critical and annotated edition and translation into Spanish/Edicion critica y anotada y traduccion al espanol

    This is the first scholarly edition of Dekker, Marston, Day, Haughton's Lust's Dominion in half a century and the first ever translation into Spanish. It is preceded by a bilingual critical Introduction.

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    This volume shows innovative ways of teaching gender in the EFL classroom. The contributions include a broad variety of gender realities, a cornucopia of texts and other media as well as cutting-edge approaches to teaching both literature and gender in the contemporary student-centered EFL classroom with different age groups.

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    - Literatur Kooperativ Erfahren
    av Katarina Nestorovic

    Der Band untersucht die Wirkung des Lesezirkels auf Lernerautonomie im Englischunterricht. Mithilfe einer Fallstudie zeigt die Autorin auf, dass der Lesezirkel Binnendifferenzierung im Englischunterricht mit Literatur ermöglicht und damit eine Antwort auf die gegenwärtige Herausforderung der wachsenden Heterogenität der Schülerschaft im kompetenzorientierten Englischunterricht bietet. Die Sicht der Lernenden schlüsselt autonomieförderliche Lernbedingungen auf. Entscheidungsfreiheit, Kooperation und regelmäßige individuelle und gemeinsame Reflexionsphasen sind die Bausteine einer kooperativ-binnendifferenzierenden Praxis, die die persönliche Interaktion zwischen Lernenden und literarischen Texten in den Mittelpunkt rückt und Lernerautonomie freisetzt.

  • Spar 15%
    - Rites de Passage
    av Christian Ludwig

    This volume explores the graphic narratives of Alison Bechdel, particularly focusing on the reconstruction of gender in her graphic memoirs. The case studies show how Bechdel plays with the characteristics of graphic narratives in order to trace back the complex relationship with her parents and the development of her own gender identities.

  • - Contemporary American Civil and Human Rights Drama in the Foreign Language Classroom
    av Jeannette U. Bottcher

    This book is mapping the fields of modern output-oriented teaching, intercultural learning, and drama methods in the foreign language class. It explains that by including inter-cultural aspects and human and civil rights issues a more tolerant perception of 'the other' can be achieved.

  • Spar 12%

    This comprehensive introduction to literature learning in EFL contexts pays attention to both theoretical and practical concerns. It focuses on a wide range of literary genres, different age and ability groups, and gives suggestions for the future of the field. Its readership comprises language teachers, university students and academics.

  • - A Study of Teacher Perceptions of their Professional Identity, Student Motivation and Pertinent Learning Contents
    av Katharina Glas

    This work examines the relationship between learner motivation and cultural contents for the teaching of English as a Foreign Language based on the English teaching situation in Chile. It proposes an inclusion of both motivational strategies and cultural themes into educational and curricular policies, learning materials, and teacher training.

  • - Poetry and Prose from the Cultural Crossroads
    av Andrew Parkin

    Another Rendez-Vous

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    av Markus Oppolzer
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    This study updates reader-response criticism as the foundation of aesthetic reading in the classroom by bringing it in line with cognitive theories in literary studies and linguistics. Such a framework facilitates a consistent theoretical approach to autobiographical comics.

  • - Emmanuel Levinas and the Ethics of Referentiality in the Work of Donald Barthelme
    av Zuzanna Ladyga

  • - Martin Amis's "Time's Arrow" As Trauma Fiction
    av Valentina Adami

    Starting from an interdisciplinary theoretical investigation of trauma, the book analyzes the relationship between Trauma Studies and literature. In particular, it focuses on Martin Amis's novel Time's Arrow, where the breakdown of chronology, coherence and predictability mimics the collapse of temporality and the crisis of truth caused by trauma in the individual's mind. Amis's novel reproduces the shocking force of trauma through a shocking narrative form in order to avoid indifference and favour an empathetic and ethically committed reaction on the part of readers. For these reasons, Time's Arrow represents a significant example of trauma fiction.

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    - Postcolonialism and Identity in Hong Kong Literature
    av Brian Hooper

  • - Historical, Political, Economic, Religious and Architectural Aspects

    Between the two World Wars, the colonial regime was confronted with the Indian nationalist movements. As a result, independence was granted by Britain in 1947, a cataclysmic event for the colonized world. The reality was that peaceful decolonization process never existed and the independence of Britain had dramatic consequences.


    Cultural diversity remains a complex issue for its depiction and appreciation vary according to the historical, geographical or ethical context in which it is considered. The articles in this volume draw on examples to explore how diversity is questioned and negotiated both within and beyond the parameters of colonial or post-colonial experience.

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    Explores the textual and semiotic construction of early modern English identities. In this book, the contributors - scholars from various European universities - address a diversity of literary and non-literary, visual and written, texts from 16th and 17th centuries.

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    - Narrative Ethics and Postmodern Gnostics in the Fiction of E. L. Doctorow
    av Catharine Walker Bergström

    Grounded in theoretical studies of postmodern and narrative ethics, this book proposes the need for a re-examination of E L Doctorow's work from an ethical perspective. It questions the classification of his fiction as an expression of postmodern skepticism.

  • - New Readings of the Cultural Canon

  • Spar 14%
    - British, Irish and Postcolonial Novels and Stories
    av Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz

    Failure regarding important goals presents a topic mostly neglected in public discussion. Yet the failure of personal relationships or professional ambitions is a common experience. Contemporary fiction addresses failing in individuals. The narratives provide the space where the awareness unfolds that disillusionment has a place in human life.

  • - Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice

    This volume deals with theoretical concepts surrounding culture and literature in foreign language education. Topics addressed include textbook analysis, Shakespeare, India, South Africa, and integrating authentic materials as well as pop culture. Practical suggestions illustrate how culture- and literature-related competences can be developed.

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