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    1 394,-

    'The Anthem Companion to Robert Bellah' is the first major collection of writings on the life and work of one of the foremost twentieth-century sociologists of religion. Bellah's work was central in many fields: the sociology of Japanese religion, the relationships between sociology and the humanities, the relationship between American religion and politics, the cultures of modern individualism, and evolution and society. During an intellectual career which spanned six decades, Bellah occupied a central position within at least three major intellectual movements: structural-functionalism and modernization theory in the 1950s and the 1960s; interpretive social science, which he helped create in the early 1970s along with Clifford Geertz and Peter Berger; and the so-called Axial age revival of the late 1990s and early 2000s. More often than not, Bellah's work was on the edge of social scientific research; his seminal work on civil religion in the early 1970s created a huge debate across disciplines which continues to this day; his co-authored book 'Habits of the Heart' (1985) was a bestseller and the object of sustained debate in the general public sphere; his last magnum opus 'Religion in Human Evolution', published at 84, was a monument to an extraordinary scholarly and intellectual career. [NP] The richness of Bellah's work is the object of this collection of essays by top American and European scholars from the social sciences and humanities. Each essay has a double character: it introduces a single topic in an accessible and complete manner, and then presents a reflection on the viability and import of Bellah's ideas for interpreting contemporary phenomena. Among the authors are some of Bellah's students who became top scholars in their fields, as well as younger scholars. From a disciplinary point of view, the list includes sociologists (Gorski, Torpey, Boy, Guhin, Libeck), historians (Borovoy, Barshay) and philosophers (Tipton, Lequire) to reflect the diversity of Bellah's work.

  • av Michael Barber
    2 050

    Schutz, then, being a philosopher with extensive experience with social scientists, economists, theorists of law-whom he encountered in his studies at the University of Vienna in the early twentieth century, worked in two areas: philosophical and social scientific theory. His investigations can be studied and more deeply appreciated in their own right, and also for the contributions they might make to an analysis of social problems (e.g. intercultural, interracial understanding) or of problems in the social sciences, including how social science itself can proceed in its different areas, such as sociology of knowledge, sociology in general, or the theory of society.The contributors to this volume will examine topics in Schutz's philosophical-phenomenological theory of the social world, such as the second person, the face-to-face relationship, the meaning of human action, signs, symbols, and relevance (or interests). Since Schutz sought to provide philosophical foundations for the social sciences, his work opens up a series of epistemological questions, such as those about traditional knowledge and the opacity of knowledge and theory, that is, the neglected or unseen questions that accompany any knowing or theorizing. Also, authors from within the Schutzian framework will address issues IN the social sciences, such as the Durkheimian aspects of Schutz's thought, the sociology of knowledge, and the theory of sociology. The book will also explore how Schutzian theory, which is often viewed as a micro-sociology, can be extended to give an account of a macro-sociological reality like modern society.

  • av Chamsy el-Ojeili
    2 205

    The Anthem Companion to Immanuel Wallerstein explores many of the topics central to Wallerstein's understanding of the modern world-system and offers a comprehensive guide to the full range of his work.

  • av Alex Law
    1 989

    The book brings together authoritative chapters by leading experts in the sociology of Elias. It charts Elias's ambition to create an integrative sociological framework across a wide range of studies and assesses its continuing relevance for addressing significant issues facing sociology today.

    2 050

    Peter L. Berger (1929-2017) was among the most prominent sociologists of the past half century. He co-authored with Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality, considered to be a modern classic of social science. His work on social theory, the sociology of religion, third world development, and the role of capitalism in modern life define his enduring importance as a leading figure in social science.

    2 050

    The purpose of the volume - as with the other volumes published in the Anthem Press 'Companion to Sociology' series - is to provide a comprehensive overview of Erving Goffman's continued importance within the field of sociology and related social science disciplines. The book will engage with some of the major themes and continuing concerns of Goffman's sociology. Chapters have been selected based on their scope and their thematic content covering significant aspects of Goffman's life and work, and authors have been selected based on their longstanding interest in and extensive knowledge of Goffman's work.

    2 033

    The Anthem Companion to Émile Durkheim intends to offer different practical attempts to build on Durkheim¿s legacy and investigate the issues and controversies that characterise contemporary societies and thus contribute to develop further this path of critical enquiry into ¿classical sociology¿.

    2 051,-

    Robert K. Merton (RKM) was an important figure in the mid-nineteenth development of sociology in terms of social theory, methodology and several substantive areas key to understanding modern societies ¿ the sociologies of science, media, professions and bureaucracy. This book reveals the different components of RKM¿s work and how each relates to the other.

    2 050

    This edited volume provides a comprehensive survey of the life and work of David Ricardo (1772-1823), a major contributor to the British classical school of political economy. John E. King's editorial introduction sets Ricardo's work in the economic, political and social context of his time, emphasising his strong defence of economic and political liberalism and his opposition to the beneficiaries of contemporary 'Old Corruption'. King's later chapter deals in more depth with Ricardo's political views and his position on important questions of economic policy, as well as the controversial conclusions that were drawn from his theoretical works by the so-called 'Ricardian Socialists'. A very different approach is taken by Wilfried Parys, whose discussion of Ricardo's - highly successful - business activities raises the question of how they may have influenced the development of his theoretical ideas. A detailed examination of particular aspects of this theoretical work is provided by Ghislain Deleplace, who examines his theory of money; by Gilbert Faccarello whose subject is the Ricardian theory of international trade; by Christian Gehrke, who analyses Ricardo's distinctive approach to explaining the distribution of income; by Alex Thomas, who is concerned with Ricardo's role in British classical political economy, with particular reference to the theory of value; and by Bryan Turner, who sets out Ricardo's complex and important relationship with Robert Malthus and the latter's population theory. Michael Howard explains how Ricardo was interpreted, and criticised, first by Karl Marx and then, over the next century and a half, by various strands of the Marxist movement around the globe. William Coleman's chapter investigates similar issues from a very different perspective, exploring the critical reception and interpretation of Ricardo's economic thought in the 'New World' society of Australia. And Heinz Kurz examines the causes and considers the consequences of some of the widespread misinterpretations of Ricardo in the two centuries since his death.

    2 033

    The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel brings together leading scholars and upcoming researchers in contemporary ethnomethodology to bring out the experimental character of Garfinkel's legacy in the social sciences and beyond.

    2 033

    Raymond Aron is an exceptional figure among twentieth-century sociological and political thinkers. The book focuses on the sociological work of this author of the century, who analyzed his age both in its grand-scale political and socio-economic traits and in the complex social and political ramifications of its day-to-day life.

    2 033

    The Anthem Companion to Philip Selznick is a collection of essays by renowned authors on the preeminent sociologist.

    2 033

    For a quarter of a century now, and more particularly over the last decade, Maurice Halbwachs has inspired a growing literature embodied by many sociologists and historians of social sciences, published for the most part in scientific journals, focusing on the sociological thought that Halbwachs developed in his writings. Then come many studies that emerge from the history of ideas and epistemology: these are entirely devoted to a particular facet of Halbwachs'' work, either to place it in its scientific context or to discuss it on the basis of fundamental cognitive issues. Our task is not to summarize or synthesize the thinking of Halbwachs, which would be far too vast an undertaking for an exercise of this kind. He was keenly aware of the most pressing epistemological and methodological questions surrounding the nascent sociology. He thought about the place of demography in the study of social life; he posed the problem of the role of psychology; and he considered the application of statistics. Better yet, he asked what a society really is: a kind of "organization" trying to last and preserve itself, adapting to the conditions of its environment. There is no doubt that Halbwachs contributed to the emergence of sociology especially after World War I. His studies have always been innovative, part of the intellectual debates at the moment. In particular, his work invests the question of knowing if it was possible to study in a positive way human spirit, and especially intellectual faculties.

    1 786

    This book is a collection of ten articles covering various aspects of the thought of Ferdinand Tönnies. Leading authorities on Tönnies have written these articles in a way that will appeal to both the general reader and the sociological specialist.

    1 054,-

    'The Anthem Companion to Pierre Bourdieu' provides an introduction to the French sociologist¿s thought and an evaluation of the international significance of his work from a range of national perspectives.

    1 377,-

    'The Anthem Companion to Alexis de Tocqueville' contains original interpretations of Tocqueville's major writings on democracy and revolution as well as his lesser-known writings on colonies, prisons and minorities. The Introduction by Daniel Gordon discusses how Tocqueville was canonized during the Cold War and the need to reassess the place of Tocqueville's voice in the conversation of post-Marxist social theory. Each chapter that follows compares Tocqueville's ideas on a given subject with those of other major social theorists, including Bourdieu, Dahl, Du Bois, Foucault, Lévi-Strauss and Marx.This comprehensive volume is based on the idea that Tocqueville was not merely a founder or precursor whose ideas have been absorbed into modern social science. The broad questions that Tocqueville raised, his comparative vision, and his unique vocabulary and style can inspire deeper thinking in the social sciences today.

    1 213,-

    Karl Mannheim is a classic of sociology. "The Anthem Companion to Karl Mannheim" helps us to accompany him in his open, experimental thinking, the generation of new questions, the recognition of thought experiments as well as the care for controlling evidence, and his negotiations with colleagues he encounters in his own searches. This is not simply to dismiss the elements brought together by earlier scholars into a challenging composite design, but there cannot be many authors recognized as classical who have characterized the work for which he/she is justly honored as a collection of experimental essays. Sociology of knowledge is a project, not a creed; and "Ideology and Utopia" is a documentation, not a scripture.After a brief introductory overview of Karl Mannheim's intellectual career, "The Anthem Companion to Karl Mannheim" offers fresh commentaries and explorations by an international and presently active group of scholars. As the institutionalized understanding of Mannheim's sociology of knowledge project was so long shaped by the synthetic reading by the American sociologist Robert K. Merton--a classic in his own right--the companion opens with a careful exposition and critique of that authoritative interpretation. It is followed by a close reading of the considerations that led Mannheim to move beyond the neo-Kantian epistemology of his earlier training to the project of a sociological understanding of critical knowledge. Next to come is a series of studies that marked by perspectives derived from intellectual strategies developed since the breakdown of consensus on the approaches examined in the previous section. In their variety, the studies capture a number of perspectives opened up or expanded by an understanding of Mannheim's undertaking. The key terms are familiar: self-reflexivity, praxeological sociology, neo-realism, and dramatistic readings of world-views. The angles of vision differ, but they agree in projecting new and important light on Mannheim's efforts. At the end, attention is focused on some unfamiliar links between Mannheim's work and current interests: a study of Mannheim's influence on Hannah Arendt, who knew him as teacher in Heidelberg and Frankfurt; an inquiry into Mannheim's political thought from the standpoint of contemporary democratic political theory; and an examination of Mannheim's attention to the status of women and of the work done on these matters under his tutelage by a group of talented women students.The idea of "The Anthem Companion to Karl Mannheim" is by no means to dismiss the work for which Mannheim has been best known, but it is to put that work in its particular context, as a multisided agenda rather than as a finished doctrine, to be accepted or rejected. The aim is to learn from Karl Mannheim.

    1 213,-

    ¿The Anthem Companion to Max Weber¿ offers the best contemporary work on Max Weber, written by the best scholars currently working in this field. Original, authoritative and wide-ranging, the critical assessments of this volume will make it ideal for Weber students and scholars alike.

    1 213,-

    Philip Rieff (1922¿2006) was a preeminent American social and cultural theorist. The original essays in The Anthem Companion to Philip Rieff offer an important new assessment of the major works of Philip Rieff by leading writers in the fields of social and cultural theory. These essays are the first to assess Rieff¿s influence and significance as a master theorist and teacher, drawing on the contributors¿ long interest in the broad scope of his work, from Freud: The Mind of the Moralist to The Triumph The Mind of the Moralist to The Triumph of the Therapeutic to his posthumous work, Sacred Order/Social Order.Anthem Companions to Sociology offer authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major figures in the development of sociology from the last two centuries. Covering the major advancements in sociological thought, these companions offer critical evaluations of key figures in the American and European sociological tradition, and will provide students and scholars with an in-depth assessment of the makers of sociology and chart their relevance to modern society.

    1 875

    A collection of new essays on Auguste Comte by leading Comte scholars, social theorists, philosophers and intellectual historians. The collection aims to further the critical re-examination of Auguste Comte, an important but long neglected figure, while also providing a multi-faceted introduction to key aspects of his thought, its genesis and its place in the modern Western tradition.

    1 875

    Not making a case for or against Robert Park, ¿The Anthem Companion to Robert Park¿ encourages readers to consider the virtue of rethinking¿and rereading¿this major figure in American sociology.

    1 213,-

    ''The Anthem Companion to C. Wright Mills'' offers the best contemporary work on C. Wright Mills, written by the best scholars currently working in this field. Original, authoritative and wide-ranging, the critical assessments of this volume will make it ideal for Wright Mills students and scholars alike.''Anthem Companions to Sociology'' offer authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major figures in the development of sociology from the last two centuries. Covering the major advancements in sociological thought, these companions offer critical evaluations of key figures in the American and European sociological tradition, and will provide students and scholars with both an in-depth assessment of the makers of sociology and chart their relevance to modern society.

    1 871

    'The Anthem Companion to Gabriel Tarde' offers the best contemporary work on Gabriel Tarde, written by the best scholars currently working in this field. Original, authoritative and wide-ranging, the critical assessments of this volume will make it ideal for Tarde students and scholars alike.'Anthem Companions to Sociology' offer authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major figures in the development of sociology from the last two centuries. Covering the major advancements in sociological thought, these companions offer critical evaluations of key figures in the American and European sociological tradition, and will provide students and scholars with both an in-depth assessment of the makers of sociology and chart their relevance to modern society.

    1 213,-

    ¿The Anthem Companion to Thorstein Veblen¿ offers a collection of original essays by leading scholars in the field of Veblen studies. Contributions span a wide range of Veblen¿s concerns, with a special emphasis on Veblen¿s significance for contemporary debates about epistemology, social evolution, values, higher education, capitalist development and politics.

    1 213,-

    ¿The Anthem Companion to Ernst Troeltsch¿ is a collection of eight essays by well-regarded Troeltsch specialists covering a wide range of topics of his thinking.

    1 874

    ''The Anthem Companion to Talcott Parsons'' offers the best contemporary work on Talcott Parsons, written by the best scholars currently working in this field. Original, authoritative and wide-ranging, the critical assessments of this volume will make it ideal for Parsons students and scholars alike.''Anthem Companions to Sociology'' offer authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major figures in the development of sociology from the last two centuries. Covering the major advancements in sociological thought, these companions offer critical evaluations of key figures in the American and European sociological tradition, and will provide students and scholars with both an in-depth assessment of the makers of sociology and chart their relevance to modern society.

    1 213,-

    'The Anthem Companion to Georg Simmel' brings together new interpretations of the work of this sociologist and philosopher.

    1 213,-

    The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt describes and appraises Hannah Arendt¿s principal works and their bearing on sociology, social thought and the predicaments of modern society.

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