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Bøker i Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft-serien

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  • - Actual and Perceived Social Stratification in Post-Socialist Estonia
    1 530,-

    Examines the transformation of Estonian society, concentrating on changes in the stratification order. In this book, the (re)distribution of the risks and opportunities between different groups in Estonian society, the 'most neoliberal' in the European Union, and the perceptions about fairness in post-socialist world are the main issues.

  • - Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Entwuerfe nach dem Ende der Menschheitsgeschichte / Humanities and Social Science Concepts after the End of the History of Mankind
    1 049,-

    An educational vision implies the idea of an educational image (Bildsamkeit) and the idea of the evolution and humanization of society(ies). Visions can be regarded as non-educational in the sense of stepping back from far-reaching, even dogmatic demands.


    The book illuminates the educational potential of nuclear tourism that becomes a site of outdoor and place-based education, promotes STEM, energy literacy, critical thinking, and environmental skills.

  • av Giedre Kvieskiene

    The monograph Social Clustering: Paradigm of Trust combines smart education strategies, social clustering and innovative educational practices. Networking and intersectoral empowerment help leaders operate the multifunctional, multicriterion, multisector approach, develop trust-based family, community, and regional and national prosperity.

  • av Valdemaras Aleksa

    This monograph deals with the motivation of lower secondary school students from Lithuania for learning Physics and Mathematics on the basis of Self-Determination Theory.

  • Spar 10%
    1 268,-

    Die Beitrage der 19. Wissenschaftskonferenz Bildungsreform und Lehrerausbildung besprechen v.a. Bildungs- und Qualitatsstandards der Hochschul- und Schulbildung. The contributions from the 19th Scientific Conference on The Reform of Education and Teacher's Training mainly discuss educational quality standards of Higher and Secondary Education.


    The book provides an overview of the empirical study of teachers' professionalism and perceptions of being a teacher in Estonia. A wholeness-centred educational thinking about educational reality is represented. The development of the youth concept, creativity as a phenomenon and the semantics of the concepts of Paideia and lifestyle are analysed.

  • Spar 14%
    - The Case of Estonia

    Devoted to the relationship between political and social dimensions of nation-building in Estonia, this volume analyses the Estonian nation-building since 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed and Estonia regained independence, in the context of post-communist transformation and globalization.

  • - Changing Lifestyles in Transforming Societies

    When individuals choose their careers, mates or networks, they are influenced by ongoing changes in society. On the other hand, by their choices they also construct new social realities. This book examines the changing lifestyles in transforming societies, focusing on the interplay of lifestyle choices, social status and the society as a whole.

  • - Diversity, Challenges and Possibilities
    1 181,-

    Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

  • Spar 14%

    Includes articles that have grown out of the papers presented at the conference - 37 articles by 41 authors from 15 countries. This title includes thematic sections such as Music in school culture, Musical connections between the school and outside-school world, Music and personality's development, Study materials and music as symbol of culture.


    The book contains articles about outdoor education in kindergarten, student teacher lesson analysis skills, activities that bridge the theory-practice gap, an explanation for the variation in reading proficiency in the PISA, identity of academics in the university, and user experience evaluation systems for pupils with disabilities.

    1 003

    Der Band dokumentiert eine Reihe von Beiträgen der IX. Internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenz zur Bildungsreform und Lehrerbildung (¿vietimo reforma ir mokytoj¿ rengimas.) Das Konferenzthema des Jahres 2003 lautete: Verknüpfung der Hochschul- und Gymnasialbildung: Tradition und Wechsel im Bildungs- und Erziehungsbereich unter Berücksichtigung der Pädagogik der Schule, einschließlich der Allgemeinen Didaktik und Fachdidaktik, abgekürzt wiedergegeben «Innovation durch Bildung». Zu dieser Thematik diskutierten in Vilnius (Litauen) praktizierende Pädagogen, Wissenschaftler und Mitglieder von Bildungsorganisatoren. Behandelt wurden die wichtigsten aktuell anstehenden Fragen, so die schnellere Reformierung des Studiums und die Qualität der Ausbildung im Hinblick auf die Neuorientierung an die Anforderungen der internationalen Standards. This volume presents contributions of the IX. International scientific meeting on Educational Reform and Teacher Formation (¿vietimo reforma ir mokytoj¿ rengimas). The meeting topic of the year 2003 was: Combination of the university and high school education: Tradition and change represented in the education and education area, abbreviated under consideration of the education of the school including the general didactics and subject didactics «Innovation by Education». To this topic practicing educationalists, scientists and members of education organizers, discussed in Vilnius (Lithuania). The most important currently upcoming questions, as faster reformers of the studies and the quality of education were treated with a view to the reorientation to the requests of the international standards.

  • Spar 14%
    av Jaan Mikk

    The book has a twofold goal: to give an overview of the research in the area of textbook and to supply textbook authors and editors with the concrete suggestions for composing an effective textbook. The conclusions and suggestions are based on an overview of more than 500 sources of literature and many experimental studies of the author. The first part of the book investigates the methods for textbook evaluation: experiments, expert opinions, and textbook analysis. Special attention is given to the analysis of textbook feasibility before printing and to the exact criteria of appropriateness of textbooks for students of different grades and ability levels. Readability formulae and their use via computer are thoroughly discussed. The second part of the book begins with the rules of clear writing: their basis, the examples of application and efficiency. Beside that, some other important topics are examined: the possibilities of motivating students and arousing their interest in textbooks; the characteristics of influential illustrations and their relations to the text; the value forming aspects of textbooks. Textbooks form students¿ attitudes to other people, form their goals and self-esteem. This way the textbooks influence the fate of our youth. Textbooks deserve keen attention of society.


    Enkulturation durch sozialen Kompetenzerwerb Enculturation by Acquiring of Social Competences

  • - Theorie und Praxis - Theoretical and Practical Dimensions

    Dieser Band dokumentiert eine Reihe von Beiträgen der XVI. Internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Bildungsreform und Lehrerausbildung zum Thema Qualität von Bildung und Kultur ¿ Theorie und Praxis, die von der Pädagogischen Universität Vilnius (VPU) und der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg gemeinsam konzipiert und veranstaltet wurde. Das Hauptthema der Konferenz war: Bildungs- und Qualitätsstandards der Hochschul- und Schulbildung: humanistische Tradition und Perspektivenwechsel im Bildungs- und Erziehungsbereich unter Berücksichtigung neuer Strukturen des Denkens und Managementstrategien im Hinblick auf die Herausforderungen der Gesellschaft des kommenden Jahrzehnts. This volume presents contributions of the 16 International Scientific Meeting on The Reform of Education and Teacher¿s Training to the topic The Quality of Education and Culture ¿ Theoretical and Practical Dimensions. The meeting topic was: Combination of the University and High school education: humanistic/classical tradition and change of perspectives in the field of education and schooling under consideration of new structures of the thinking and management strategies with regard to the challenges of the society of the next decade.

    1 451,-

    Dieser Band dokumentiert Beitrage der Konferenz Bildungsreform und Lehrerausbildung. Das Hauptthema waren Bildungs- und Qualitatsstandards der Hochschul- und Schulbildung. This volume presents contributions from the Conference on The Reform of Education and Teacher's Training. Main topics were education and quality standards of the University and High school education.

  • Spar 10%
    - Zur Steigerung von Lehrkompetenzen und Unterrichtsqualitaet / Concepts for Improving Skills and Quality of Teaching
    1 299,-

    Die Beitrage diskutieren Positionen und Konzepte der Bildungsreform und Modelle der Lehrerbildung der Baltischen Staaten im Vergleich zu westeuropaischen Staaten (EU) sowie den Wandel der Zivilgesellschaft im Hinblick auf neue Bildungsplane und die Verknupfung der Hochschul- und Schulbildung unter Rekurs der von Humanismus gepragten Tradierungen.

  • Spar 16%

    Im Fokus steht der Diskurs kulturwissenschaftlicher Bildungsforschung und der Austausch von Beispielen transkultureller padagogischer Praxis in der Hochschul- und Schulbildung. Der Erwerb interaktiver Kompetenzen ist Voraussetzung fur die Bildung einer Identitat, die den Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft im kommenden Jahrzehnt gerecht wird.


    Smart people make a smart city. Smartness is about being intelligent, networked, agile, creative, learning. A smart social system is less about technology and more about behavior. The role of leadership and adequate public governance is of upmost importance. Smart development requires application of uncommon sense in decision making.

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