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Bøker i Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philologie-serien

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  • - Armonia evangelica volgarizzata in milanese antico. Edizione critica e commentata, analisi linguistica e glossario
    av Michele Colombo
    1 731,-

    The book series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, founded by Gustav Grober in 1905, is among the most renowned publications in Romance Studies. It covers the entire field of Romance linguistics, including the national languages as well as the lesser studied Romance languages. The editors welcome submissions of high-quality monographs and collected volumes on all areas of linguistic research, on medieval literature and on textual criticism. The publication languages of the series are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian as well as German and English. Each collected volume should be as uniform as possible in its contents and in the choice of languages.

  • - Un Estudio Empirico del Verbo Multimodal "Sentir" Desde Una Perspectiva Sincronica Y Diacronica
    av Marlies Jansegers
    1 731,-

    This study focuses on the formalization of a fundamental experience of human existence: the act of perception. Unlike most other linguistic research dealing with the "prototypical" verbs of visual and auditory perception, it concentrates on the complicated polysemy of the multimodal verb sentir. The findings provide important new insight into the linguistic expression of perception in general.

    1 891,-

    How and in which direction(s) is research in Ibero-Romance historical linguistics evolving? Now that the initial enthusiasm for the possibilities of digital corpora has worn off, the essays gathered in this volume reflect a more critical approach: corpora are being refined, while researchers discuss not only how reliable and representative they can be, but also ways in which to tackle certain gaps of the discipline.

  • - Estudio Y Edicion Critica de la Obra "Notas Istorikas" de Avraam Moshe Tadjer
    av Amor Ayala
    1 891,-

    Avraam Moshe Tadjer published his Notas istorikas sovre los djudyos de Bulgaria i la komunita de Sofya in Judeo-Spanish and Rashi script in 1932. The work is an essential document for the history of this Sephardic community and one of the last Judeo-Spanish texts published in Bulgaria before World War II. This book offers a critical edition of Notas istorikas preceded by a detailed cultural-historical and linguistic study.

  • av VA BUCHI
    2 564,-

    This second volume on the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom) contains forty new lexicographical articles as well as an extensive theoretical section which discusses various questions pertaining to the methods, problems and implications of comparative reconstruction in Romance linguistics (phonology, semantics, grammar, geolinguistics and cartography).

  • - Die Arbeiten des Sprach- und Kulturmittlers Francesco Valentini (1789-1862)
    av Anne-Kathrin Gartig
    2 388,-

    The book series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, founded by Gustav Grober in 1905, is among the most renowned publications in Romance Studies. It covers the entire field of Romance linguistics, including the national languages as well as the lesser studied Romance languages. The editors welcome submissions of high-quality monographs and collected volumes on all areas of linguistic research, on medieval literature and on textual criticism. The publication languages of the series are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian as well as German and English. Each collected volume should be as uniform as possible in its contents and in the choice of languages.

  • - Categorias Sintacticas Y Subordinacion Adverbial
    2 059,-

  • - Implicaciones pragmaticas en la interfaz sintactico-fonologica
    av Andrea Peskova
    1 731,-

    Combinando distintas perspectivas como la gramatica generativa, la gramatica tradicional y estudios empiricos 'variacionistas', el libro aborda el uso de los sujetos pronominales en el espanol hablado en Buenos Aires (porteno) y abarca dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, determina las condiciones de uso de los sujetos explicitos e implicitos, tanto categoricos como variables. En este sentido, ya que el 'sujeto nulo' se asume como forma no marcada del sujeto, la cuestion fundamental es explicar la variante explicita del pronombre sujeto de la misma. Se observa que el sujeto expreso funciona unas veces como foco, topico contrastivo o desambiguador, y otras como alternacion del topico (shift topic) o como marcador de la frontera de un tema 'episodico' nuevo. En segundo lugar, se describen sistematicamente las diferentes funciones pragmaticas (foco, diferentes tipos de topico) que asumen los pronombres sujeto en la interfaz sintactico-prosodica. De este modo, el presente trabajo constituye una contribucion importante al estudio de las caracteristicas sintacticas y prosodicas de los sujetos pronominales explicitos en el habla espontanea de una variedad del espanol.

  • - Fallstudien zu Belgien, Frankreich, der Schweiz und Spanien
    av Felix Tacke
    1 731,-

    The book series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, founded by Gustav Grober in 1905, is among the most renowned publications in Romance Studies. It covers the entire field of Romance linguistics, including the national languages as well as the lesser studied Romance languages. The editors welcome submissions of high-quality monographs and collected volumes on all areas of linguistic research, on medieval literature and on textual criticism. The publication languages of the series are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian as well as German and English. Each collected volume should be as uniform as possible in its contents and in the choice of languages.

  • - Sondaggi Filologici E Linguistici
    av Francesco Crifo
    2 564,-

    The Diarii, faithful chronicle of the years between 1496 and 1533 written by the Venetian patrician Marino Sanuto, are considered an indispensable reference work for research on the late Renaissance. This present study provides a detailed linguistic and philological analysis of the Diarii, based on the edition Fulin et al. (1879¿1903) as well as on excerpts of autographic manuscripts (Marc.It. VII, 228¿286).

  • - Conceptually-driven Analogy in Diachrony and Synchrony
    av Katrien Dora Verveckken
    2 059,-

    Quantification is central to human experience (cf. Aristotle's Organon): the most basic aspects of human life and reasoning involve quantity assessment. This study sheds lights on a highly frequent way to express quantification in Spanish, viz. the binominal quantifier (e.g. un aluvionN1 de llamadasN2 'a flood of calls') which assesses the quantity of N2 in terms of N1. This volume offers a corpus-based, cognitive-functional analysis of binominal quantifiers (BQ) in Spanish. The first part is dedicated to the development of BQs and starts from the assumption that BQs are cross-linguistically involved in grammaticalization. This monograph frames the history of BQs in Spanish in terms of constructional levels of change and highlights the complex interplay between analogical thinking and conceptual persistence. The second part motivates both the ample variation in the paradigm of quantifying nouns and their combinatorial pattern by the very same mechanism of conceptually-driven analogy. The study thus yields an innovative functional model of BQs in Spanish, in synchrony and in diachrony, with major implications for reference grammars and theory building.

    1 731,-

    Dieser literaturwissenschaftliche Sammelband geht von der allgemeinen Beobachtung aus, dass im Zeitalter des «digitalen Autors» die von der strukturalistischen und poststrukturalistischen Theoriebildung vorgebrachte Forderung nach dem «Tod des Autors» von der unaufhaltsamen, unkontrollierbaren «Auflösung des Autors» samt seiner Autorität über den eigenen Text überholt zu werden scheint. Diese Tendenz hat dazu beigetragen, dass der Autorschaftsdebatte ? initiiert durch deren Wiederaufnahme auf neugermanistischer Seite ? in den vergangenen Jahren verstärkt erneut auch die Aufmerksamkeit der altgermanistischen und mediolatinistischen Forschung, der Editionsphilologie wie der Rechtsgeschichte zuteil geworden ist. Diesem sich neu eröffnenden Diskursrahmen trägt der Sammelband nun erstmals auch in romanistischer Perspektive Rechnung, indem seine Beiträge danach fragen, unter welchen Voraussetzungen, in welchen Kontexten, mit welchen Verfahren und in welchen Funktionszusammenhängen sich «Autorschaft» in den romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters konstituiert. Im Zentrum der Untersuchungen steht dabei weniger der bereits gut erforschte Status des «Autors» an sich als vielmehr die für die Mittelalterforschung inzwischen zentrale Frage nach Verfahren und Mustern der Begründung von Autorschaft. Diese Fokussierung beruht auf der Annahme, dass die mittelalterliche Literatur grundsätzlich auf normative Konzepte referiert, deren exemplarischer Gültigkeitsnachweis den einzelnen Text wesentlich legitimiert. Autorität gewinnen die Texte dabei in der Regel durch Strategien autoritativer Absicherung ? etwa durch den Bezug auf vorbildliche auctores, auf institutionelle Machtfaktoren sowie durch Strategien der Selbst-Authentifizierung.

  • - (Versuch Einer Wesensbestimmung)
    av Hans Jeschke
    1 593,-

  • - Lautlehre, Formenlehre, Texte, Glossar
    av Nellie Nicolet
    1 593,-

  • av Anfos Par
    2 427,-

  • - Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Um Den Gennargentu Gesprochenen Varietaten
    av Max Leopold Wagner
    1 593,-

  • - Zehn Spanische Weihnachtsspiele. Nach Dem in Tlacotalpam (Mexiko) Befindlichen Exemplar Herausgegeben
    av Gaspar Fernandez Y Avila
    1 593,-

  • - Aus Der Trilogie (Demanda) Des Pseudo-Robert de Borron. Die Fortsetzung Des Huth-Merlin
    av Robert de Borron
    1 593,-

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