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  • - Construction and Complementary Essays
    1 972

    Draftversions of most of these complementary essays were presented for critical discussion in a research symposium held at the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science of theNewSchool for Social Research on April28-29, 1995 underthe sponsorship of The Center for Advanced Research in Phenomen ology, Inc.

  • - Can Self-Consciousness be Understood as a Feeling?
    av Gerhard Kreuch
    1 163 - 1 176,-

    The results enrich the philosophy of human affectivity and help shed new light on some pressing, current problems.The author seeks to understand self-consciousness as an affective phenomenon, namely as self-feeling.

  • av Thomas M Seebohm
    1 826

    The first part is a critical reflection on the historical development of hermeneutics as method of interpreting texts and the tradition including the first steps toward the emergence of scientific methodological hermeneutics.

  • - Central Topics in Phenomenology
    1 385,-

    Focusing on the topics of self-awareness, temporality, and alterity, this anthology contains contributions by prominent phenomenologists from Germany, Belgium, France, Japan, USA, Canada and Denmark, all addressing questions very much in the center of current phenomenological debate.

  • - From Thought to the Sanctuary of Faith
    av F. Schalow
    1 826

    Although there are various `religious' traces in Heidegger's philosophy, little effort has been made to show the systematic import which his thinking has for outlining a full range of religious and theological questions.

  • - Essays in Honor of Joseph J. Kockelmans
    1 385,-

    Before establishing himself permanently at the Pennsylvania State University from 1968 onward, where he became a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy in 1990, he also held a professorship at the University of Rittsburgh from 1965 to 1968.

  • - Philosophical Essays in Honor of Maurice Natanson
    1 972

    This volume contains sOOeen essays written by his students and colleagues in honor of Maurice Natanson. "l For Natanson, as the diversity of the contributions to this volume attest, such seriousness involves something other than that narrow technical vision for which a topic is the more philosophical the less it has to do with anything else.

  • - Towards a Phenomenological Theory of Representation and Reference
    av E. Marbach

    conditions of the possibility of Experience ... The essence of Experience that phenomenological analysis of Experience elucidates is the same as the possibility of Experience, and all that which is determined in the essence, in the possibility of Experience, is eo ipso 1 condition of the possibility of Experience.

    2 706

    Based on the meeting of Japanese and Western phenomenologists, sponsored by the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Inc, this book shows links with several human sciences including Zen and the Japanese tradition in phenomenology.

    1 385,-

    Philosophers contributing new ideas are commonly caught within a received philosophical vocabulary and will often coin new, technical terms. Any analysis of the noema of a particular type of experience will necessarily illustrate, at least by instantiating the general notion of noema.

    1 385,-

    Derrida and Phenomenology is a collection of essays by various authors, entirely devoted to Jacques Derrida's writing on Edmund Husserl's phenomenology.

  • - A Handbook
    3 774

    This handbook aims to show the great fertility of the phenomenological tradition for the study of ethics and moral philosophy by collecting a set of papers on the contributions to ethical thought by major phenomenological thinkers.

  • - Main Figures, Ideas, and Problems
    1 311,-

    This book presents the origins of Central and Eastern European phenomenology. It features chapters that explore the movement's development, its most important thinkers, and its theoretical and historical context. This collection examines such topics as the realism-idealism controversy, the status of descriptive psychology, the question of the phenomenological method, and the problem of the world.The chapters span the first decades of the development of phenomenology in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Yugoslavia before World War II. The contributors track the Brentanian heritage of the development. They show how this tradition inspired influential thinkers like Celms, ¿pet, Ingarden, Frank, Twardowski, Patöka, and others. The book also puts forward original investigations. Moreover it elaborates new accounts of the foundations of phenomenology. While the volume begins with the Brentanian heritage, it situates phenomenology in a dialogue with other important schools of thought of that time, including the Prague School and Lvov-Warsaw School of Logic.This collection highlights thinkers whose writings have had only a limited reception outside their home countries due to political and historical circumstances. It will help readers gain a better understanding of how the phenomenological movement developed beyond its start in Germany. Readers will also come to see how the phenomenological method resonated in different countries and led to new philosophical developments in ontology, epistemology, psychology, philosophy of culture, and philosophy of religion.

    1 131,-

    This book contains a series of essays that explore the concept of unconsciousness as it is situated between phenomenology and psychoanalysis. In addition, the book explores the relationship between unconsciousness and language, particularly if unconsciousness exists prior to language or if the concept can only be understood through speech.

  • - A Study in the Phenomenology of Consciousness
    av F. Kersten
    1 972

    Examines the legacy of the historical coincidence of the emergence of science and opera in the early modern period. This book explores opera and science by a phenomenology of the formulations of consciousness (Gurwitsch) as compossible tasks to be accomplished in common (Schutz) which share an ideal possibility or 'essence' (Husserl).

  • - Essays in Philosophy and Social Science
    av Hans Bernhard Schmid
    1 336 - 1 679

    This book offers new insights into the structure of collective intentionality. It shows that this line of research opens up new perspectives on classical topics in the history of social philosophy and social science.

    1 572,-

    This book contains a series of essays that explore the concept of unconsciousness as it is situated between phenomenology and psychoanalysis. In addition, the book explores the relationship between unconsciousness and language, particularly if unconsciousness exists prior to language or if the concept can only be understood through speech.

    1 972

    Thomas A. Fay Heidegger and the Formalization of Thought 1 Dagfinn F011esdal The Justification of Logic and Mathematics in Husserl's Phenomenology 25 Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock On Husserl's Distinction between State of Affairs (Sachverhalt) and Situation of Affairs (Sachlage) . . . . 35 David Woodruff Smith On Situations and States of Affairs 49 Charles W. Harvey, Jaakko Hintikka Modalization and Modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Gilbert T. Null Remarks on Modalization and Modalities 79 J. N. Mohanty Husserl's Formalism 93 Carl J. Posy Mathematics as a Transcendental Science 107 vi Gian-carlo Rota Mathematics and the Task of Phenomenology 133 John Scalon "Tertium Non Datur:" Husserl's Conception of a Definite Multiplicity . . . . . 139 Thomas M. Seebohm Psychologism Revisited 149 Gerald J. Massey Some Reflections on Psychologism 183 Robert S. Tragesser How Mathematical Foundation all but come about: A Report on Studies Toward a Phenomenological Critique of Godel's Views on Mathematical Intuition. . 195 Kenneth L. Manders On Geometric Intentionality 215 Dallas Willard Sentences which are True in Virtue of their Color . . . 225 John J. Drummond Willard and Husserl on Logical Form 243 Index of Names 257 Index of Subjects 259 PREFACE The phenomenology of logic and ideal objects is the topic of Husserl's Logical Investigations. This book determined the early development of the so called phenomenological movement. It is still the main source for many phenomenologists, even if they disagree with Husserl's transcendental turn and developed other phenomenological positions or positions beyond phenomenology he early sense.

    6 710,-

    This encyclopedia presents phenomenological thought and the phenomenological movement within philosophy and within more than a score of other disciplines on a level accessible to professional colleagues of other orientations as well as to advanced undergraduate and graduate students.

  • - Jewish Conceptions of Ethics in Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida
    av M.C. Srajek
    1 972

    Although this book is a study of the work of Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida, it would be mistaken to refer to it as a comparison. For Derrida and Levinas, ethics is not so much an inquiry into the problems of right and wrong but an inquiry into the problem of the ethical constitutedness of human beings.

  • - Reason and the Path with a Foreword by Hans Georg Gadamer
    av R. Cristin
    1 385,-

    With his original interpretation, aware of the risks he is taking, Renato Cristin offers a new guide to the understanding of reason: he shows forth Leibniz as one who defends the thought of being in the unity of monadology, and Heidegger as a thinker who preserves the sign of reason in his meditating thought.

    1 385,-

    The twelve original studies collected in this volume examine different aspects of Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations. They are authored by scholars and specialists internationally recognized for their expertise in the fields of logic, phenomenology, history of philosophy and philosophy of mind.

    1 972

    Merleau-Ponty's Reading of Husserl explores the relationship between two of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century: Edmund Husserl, the father of modern phenomenology, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, considered by many to be his greatest philosophical heir.

    1 385,-

    The contributors also use her theory of the state to address various contemporary issues, including bioethics and rights, globalization, as well as social and political inequality.The view of the state that emerges has implications for how we do politics and make ethical decisions.

    1 956

    Merleau-Ponty's Reading of Husserl explores the relationship between two of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century: Edmund Husserl, the father of modern phenomenology, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, considered by many to be his greatest philosophical heir.

  • av Victor Biceaga
    1 336 - 1 385,-

    This book construes activity and passivity not as reciprocally exclusive terms but as mutually dependent moments of acts of consciousness. It claims that passivity makes it such that the sphere of ownness is always already alterated or infiltrated by alienness.

  • - Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Spatio-temporal Contingency of Human Life
    1 176,-

    This book explores the ways in which the spatio-temporal contingency of human life is being conceived in different fields of research.

  • - The Ethic of Inner Retreat
    av Avi Sagi
    1 111,-

    The book grapples with one of the most difficult questions confronting the contemporary world: the problem of the other, which includes ethical, political, and metaphysical aspects. A widespread approach in the history of the discourse on the other, systematically formulated by Emmanuel Levinas and his followers, has invested this term with an almost mythical quality¿the other is everybody else but never a specific person, an abstraction of historical human existence. This book offers an alternative view, turning the other into a real being, through a carefully described process involving two dimensions referred to as the ethic of loyalty to the visible and the ethic of inner retreat. Tracing the course of this process in life and in literature, the book presents a broad and lucid picture intriguing to philosophers and also accessible to readers concerned with questions touching on the meaning of life, ethics, and politics, and particularly relevant to the burning issues surrounding attitudes to immigrants as others and to the relationship with God, the ultimate other.

    1 677

    This volume answers questions that lead to a clearer picture of third-person self- knowledge, the self-interpretation it embeds, and its narrative structure.

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