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Bøker i Enigma-serien

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  • - Yetien : nivå 13
    av Kit A. Rasmussen

    Foreldra til Andy har forsvunne på hemmeleg oppdrag. Andy må følgje spora deira for å finne dei. Denne gongen er spora eit skjerf, eit fotografi og noko som ser ut som ein frykteleg yeti.Leseunivers Raud, nivå 13Desse bøkene er for meir uthaldande lesarar. Bøkene har lengre tekstar med aukande kompleksitet med tanke på språk, tematikk og innhald. Leseunivers Raud har rike illustrasjonar på enkelte sider.Les meir om Leseunivers på]]>

  • - skrumpehodet : nivå 13
    av Kit A. Rasmussen

    Foreldra til Andy har forsvunne på hemmeleg oppdrag. Andy må følgje spora deira for å finne dei. Han finn ein liten lapp, ei rekkje med tal og eit ekte skrumpehovud.Leseunivers Raud, nivå 13Desse bøkene er for meir uthaldande lesarar. Bøkene har lengre tekstar med aukande kompleksitet med tanke på språk, tematikk og innhald. Leseunivers Raud har rike illustrasjonar på enkelte sider.Les meir om Leseunivers på]]>

  • - voodoo-dokka : nivå 13
    av Kit A. Rasmussen

    Huset føles stort og tomt når foreldrene er borte, synes Andy. Han vet ikke hvor de er. Andy går bort til et monter og ser på den vesle dokka som ligger der. Ved siden av dokka ligger et papirark. Der står det: Voodoo-dokke. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. En gave fra Samuel.Leseunivers Rød, nivå 13Dette er bøker til mer utholdende lesere. Bøkene har lengre tekster med økende kompleksitet, med tanke på språk, tematikk og innhold. Leseunivers Rød har rike illustrasjoner på enkelte sider.]]>

  • - Yetien : nivå 13
    av Kit A. Rasmussen

    Foreldrene til Andy har løst en gåte og legger ut på en reise. De kommer ikke hjem igjen. Det er som om himmelen har slukt både dem og flyet. Andy prøver å finne dem på nytt. Hvilken gåte var det de løste? Og hva fant de?Leseunivers Rød, nivå 13Dette er bøker til mer utholdende lesere. Bøkene har lengre tekster med økende kompleksitet, med tanke på språk, tematikk og innhold. Leseunivers Rød har rike illustrasjoner på enkelte sider.]]>

  • av Tierney James

    Tierney James teams up with Tessa Scott to discuss her involvement in a secret government agency called Enigma. Follow her into the world of dangerous, yet, often humorous situations, alongside agents who help protect our national security. One of her superpowers, according to Captain Chase Hunter, is the ability to take control with nothing more than a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Recipe included. While sharing her story about balancing three kids and a husband, who is clueless to what she does in her spare time, Tessa and Tierney create a cookbook that will both amuse and give you ideas on how to feed a family of picky eaters. The Enigma Team graciously submits their recipes and share thoughts about Tessa and the others on the team. Through their candid revelations of each other and twisted speculations, you'll find that these unsung heroes, actually do have a sense of humor. Who knew cookbooks could be funny with a dash of snarky? What readers are saying about Secrets, Lies, & Chocolate Chip Cookies. What a fun, clever way to introduce the characters of the popular Enigma series. Not only do you get a quick insight into their quirky personalities, but delicious recipes as well. Shirley McCann, author of the Scary Inn Series. I absolutely love the character bios in the cookbook. I keep laughing at all the funny comments, sprinkled like salt. Becky Young, English teacher/editor. This is a book like no other! The characters are so believable. I found myself thinking they were real as I laughed my way through the cookbook. Lois Curran, author of the Dennison Sisters Series.

  • av Tierney James

    Designated to protect the next King of Saudi Arabia, Tessa Scott never imagined how things could go sideways. For the first time since Tessa joined Enigma, her mettle is tested when an attempt is made on the prince's life. Now a devoted admirer, the prince forces Captain Hunter to confess his true feelings for her before he misses another opportunity. When the captain disappears in Syria, Tessa decides it's her turn to bring him home. With the help of two agents known for their love of mayhem and shoot-first mentality, they concoct a plan of rescue and revenge. Soraya, a spoiled international rock star finds herself protected by Captain Hunter after both were taken hostage by a group of terrorists. With her ties to the next king of Saudi Arabia, she becomes a pawn with plans of her own. She possesses more power than anyone suspects as she manipulates the terrorists to do her bidding. Beaten and left for dead, Captain Hunter uncovers a plot to use chemical weapons against two enemies, Saudi Arabia and Israel that will destroy any hopes of peace in the Middle East. Within the walls of a Medieval castle, a dangerous enemy emerges to join the Enigma team and lead them to safety. When Captain Hunter discovers secrets hidden from Tessa, his adversary takes matters into his own hands and may ruin any chance of a new life. Now with the clock ticking and war on the horizon, tough decisions are made to change the course of history. Will the Enigma team prevent WWIII after several of their comrades have fallen? What are the consequences when the veil of secrecy is revealed to Tessa? Discover the answers inside this fast-paced adventure where world politics and romance fuel the chapters of Martyrs Never Die, Book 8 of the Enigma Series.

  • av Roxanne E Burkey & Charles V Breakfield

    Imagine what happens when technology outruns our humanity?Humans have turned over their decision making to Artificial Intelligence driven supercomputers. Or, was it simply confiscated?  Next generation computers are not just tracking our movements, or answering questions. Now they are delivering manufactured choices to each person through their ever-pervasive personal devices. The seduction of mankind is eminent unless our champions can stop them.Jacob, Petra, Quip, EZ, Julie, and Juan, the current heads of the R-Group, are in for the winner-take-all fight. They use their programmming, technology advancement, communications, and encryption to help their own next generation youth, are poised to take on one of their most complex adversaries, AI enhanced supercomputers run by greedy, powerful technological geniuses. The training for the new members of the R-Group is live, in the form of a real world cyber assault crisis. ICABOD, the R-Group’s own customized supercomputer, is their best weapon in this battle.With corporate self-discipline gone and the power of US Congressional oversight crippled, the dominance of the technical oligopolies has risen to a postion where they  dictate their terms. Not satisfied to dominate commerce, but feel they are better decision points for running the planet.MAG, the  consortium of global technology predators, have united to bring their insidious plans to fruition, captializing on using humans’ desire for the easy and effortless lifestyles, even as it steals their freedoms. For freedom oriented groups caught in the cyber crosshairs, time has already run out. The social media noise has been weaponized and blinds humanity to what is actually happening. MAG uses social mediait to seize control of politics, healthcare, finances, and defense systems.Award winning authors Breakfield and Burkey take readers into the depths of humanity’s newest menace in their 11th book in The Enigma Series. We are on a one way trip to keeping or giving up our most precious human quality, the freedom to choose. No one saw it coming when they built computers to ease their work and improve life. Where are the guardrails to protect humans from giving up too much? Can humanity take back control?See how fast you can determine who wins in the AI Wars.

  • av Charles V Breakfield & Rox E Burkey

    Jacob Michaels, computer network security-tester extraordinaire, tries to settle into a quiet life of work to polish his technology skills after the death of his mother. Cyber-criminals are hunting for new victims when they target the brilliant programmer to try to seduce into joining their cause. More people are hunting him than just the Russian cyber kingpin. As Jacob sets off to find those who target him, he discovers other technologists' views which puts him in direct contact with previously unknown global experts.Buzz, when looking for the easy way inadvertently crosses the line to the dark side then begs his best friend Jacob for help. Jacob, brilliant as he is may not have enough experience to win this on his own. Of course, having your identity erased makes helping anybody else secondary to your problems. Jacob battles against global cyber masterminds using his knowledge of programming, identity theft, and hacking, but learns more about security and encryption when he connects with the distractingly beautiful encryptionist Petra.Jacob's challenge is how to keep ahead of the criminals and identify who to trust.In their debut TechnoThriller, The Enigma Factor, award-winning authors Breakfield and Burkey weave a complex tale of danger, intrigue, and international cyber combat. They use a relevant technology foundation, then layer on travel, romance, humor and mystery Like rust, the cat and mouse game of the new cyber warfare age never sleeps. What readers are sayingKirkus - A complex thriller with a hacker-centric plot and polished technological descriptions that may attract new fans. "Move over David Baldacci, Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, and Clive Cussler. Burkey and Breakfield have created a storyline for the new millennium." "Even if you're not that computer savvy, you will really like this series! I listened to book 1 on Audible. Kept me guessing and makes me even more nervous about cybersecurity for my devices!?" "The authors have so much authentic knowledge that you can't help but want this series to keep on going!"

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