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    CONTENTS:IntroductionKlyne Snodgrass""In Him All Things Hold Together"": An Ecology of AtonementWilliam P. BrownResponse to BrownMichael LeFebvreEffecting the Covenant: A (Not So) New, New Testament Model for the AtonementMichael GormanResponse to GormanTroy MartinResponse to MartinMichael Gorman""Anyone Hung On A Tree Is Under God's Curse"" (Deuteronomy 21:23): Jesus' Crucifixion and Interreligious Exegetical Debate in Late AntiquityPeter W. Martens""Happily Ever After?"" Paul Peter Waldenstrom: Be Ye Reconciled to GodMichelle A. Clifton-SoderstromResponse to Clifton-SoderstromTimothy L. JohnsonThe Social Dimension of Atonement in the Torah Viktor BerResponse to BerJeremy J. Wynne""To Those Who Were Distant and Those Who Were Near"": Atonement, Identity, and IdentificationBrian BantumAn Evangelical Feminist Perspective on Traditional Atonement ModelsLinda D. PeacoreResponse to PeacoreJo Ann DeasySaving Bodies: Anagogical Transposition in St. Gregory of Nyssa's Commentary on the Song of SongsHans BoersmaRansomed, Healed, Restored, Forgiven (John 5:1-16)Carol Noren


    CONTENTS:Introduction Stephen J. ChesterConversion Studies, Pastoral Counseling, and Cultural Studies: Engaging and Embracing a New Paradigm Lewis R. RamboResponse to Rambo Phillis Isabella SheppardObservations on ""Conversion"" and the Old Testament J. Andrew DearmanResponse to Dearman Rajkumar Boaz JohnsonThe Conversion of Simon Peter Markus BockmuehlResponse to Bockmuehl Michael J. GormanZacchaeus's Conversion: To Be or Not To Be a Tax Collector (Luke 19:1-10)Wyndy Corbin ReuschlingResponse to Corbin Reuschling Elizabeth Musselman PalmerTowards Individual and Communal Renewal: Reflections on Luke's Theology of ConversionFrank D. MacchiaResponse to Macchia D. Christopher SpinksWas Paul a Convert? Scot McKnightResponse to McKnight Eric James Greaux Sr.Romans 7 and Conversion in the Protestant Tradition Stephen J. ChesterResponse to Chester Mary VeenemanAmbrose, Paul, and the Conversion of the Jews J. Warren SmithResponse to Smith George KalantzisI Thank Christ Jesus our Lord: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Eric James Greaux Sr.


    Description:Introduction /Klyne SnodgrassA Christian View of Wealth and Possessions: An Old Testament Perspective / Hugh G. M. WilliamsonResponse to Williamson /James K. BrucknerPoverty and Paul''s Gospel /Bruce W. LongeneckerResponse to Longenecker /Aaron KueckerA Patristic View of Wealth and Possessions /Helen RheeResponse to Rhee /Bradley NassifBlessings, Curses, and the Cross /Kelly JohnsonMoney and Possessions: A Biblical Perspective /Jonathan J. BonkResponse to Bonk /Liz Mosbo VerHageDecorum and Deeds in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 in Light of Ephesiaca by Xenophon of Ephesus /Gary G. HoagResponse to Hoag /Lyn NixonWealth, Lordless Powers, and the Rule of Christ /Mark HusbandsResponse to Husbands /William MyattMoney and Possessions /Will Willimon


    Ex Auditu began as the journal incorporating the papers of the Fredrick Neumann Symposium of Princeton Theological Seminary. After the first four volumes the journal began publishing the papers from the North Park Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture. The intent from the first has been to provide a forum for doing interdisciplinary theology from a biblical perspective for the benefit of the Church. Each annual publication focuses on a topic crucial to the life of today's Church. Additionally, each issue contains an annotated bibliography and a sermon, which makes it a practical guide for pastors. EDITOR: Dr. Stephen Chester, Associate Professor of New Testament North Park Theological Seminary EDITOR EMERITUS: Dr. Klyne R. Snodgrass, Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies at North Park Theological Seminary ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Dr. D. Christopher Spinks, Acquisitions Editor at Wipf and Stock Publishers. EDITORIAL BOARD: Terence E. Fretheim, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN; Richard B. Hays, Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC; Jon R. Stock, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR; Miroslav Volf, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT; John Wipf, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Individuals: U.S.A. and all other countries (in U.S. funds)-$20.00 / Students-$12.00 Institutions: $30 in the U.S., and $40 for international shipments (in U.S. funds) To subscribe: Send pertinent information to Wipf and Stock Publishers at and indicate your preferred method of payment. Back issues are available through Wipf and Stock Publishers. Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture at North Park DETAILS: For more information about the symposium click here. INQUIRIES: Other inquiries should be addressed to one of the following: Dr. Dennis Edwards, Associate Professor of New Testament North Park Theological Seminary3225 W. Foster Ave.Chicago, IL 60625Telephone: (773) 244-6238 / Email Chris Spinks, Acquisitions EditorWipf and Stock Publishers199 W. 8th Ave., Ste. 3 Eugene, OR 97401Telephone: (541) 344-1528 / Fax: (541) 344-1506 / Email:


    IntroductionStephen J. ChesterYou Become What You Worship: Theosis and the Story of the BibleBen C. BlackwellResponse to BlackwellCynthia Peters AndersonThe Old Testament and Participation with God (and/in Christ?): (Re-)Reading the Life of Moses with Some Help from Gregory of NyssaBrent StrawnResponse to StrawnJ. Nathan ClaytonCruciform or Resurrectiform? Paul''s Paradoxical Practice of Participation in ChristMichael J. GormanResponse to GormanMarkus NikkanenUnion(s) with Christ: Colossians 1:15-20Grant MacaskillResponse to MacaskillConstantine R. CampbellWhy Bother with Participation? An Early Lutheran PerspectiveOlli-Pekka VainioResponse to Vainio Stephen J. Chester The Geography of Participation: In Christ is Location. Location, Location Julie Canlis Response to Canlis Mary Patton Baker Jews and Gentiles together in Christ? The Jerusalem Council on Racial Reconciliation Ashish Varma Response to Varma Hauna Ondrey Letting the Music Play (Matthew 22:34-40) Cynthia Peters Anderson


    IntroductionStephen J. ChesterYou Become What You Worship: Theosis and the Story of the BibleBen C. BlackwellResponse to BlackwellCynthia Peters AndersonThe Old Testament and Participation with God (and/in Christ?): (Re-)Reading the Life of Moses with Some Help from Gregory of NyssaBrent StrawnResponse to StrawnJ. Nathan ClaytonCruciform or Resurrectiform? Paul''s Paradoxical Practice of Participation in ChristMichael J. GormanResponse to GormanMarkus NikkanenUnion(s) with Christ: Colossians 1:15-20Grant MacaskillResponse to MacaskillConstantine R. CampbellWhy Bother with Participation? An Early Lutheran PerspectiveOlli-Pekka VainioResponse to Vainio Stephen J. Chester The Geography of Participation: In Christ is Location. Location, Location Julie Canlis Response to Canlis Mary Patton Baker Jews and Gentiles together in Christ? The Jerusalem Council on Racial Reconciliation Ashish Varma Response to Varma Hauna Ondrey Letting the Music Play (Matthew 22:34-40) Cynthia Peters Anderson


    Description:CONTENTS:IntroductionKlyne SnodgrassFinding Happiness in Family Life: Biblical ReflectionsStephen C. BartonResponse to BartonLuke A. PoweryImposter Happiness or the Real Thing? Marriage, Singleness, and the Beatitudes in the Twenty-First CenturyJana Marguerite BennettResponse to BennettJo Ann DeasyJesus, Paul, and Family ValuesJulie Hanlon Rubio Response to RubioMichelle Clifton-SoderstromTyranny, Authority, Service: Leadership and Headship in the New TestamentLynn H. CohickResponse to CohickDennis R. EdwardsRevenge, Forgiveness, and Sibling Rivalry: A Theological Dialogue Between Scripture and ScienceDennis OlsonResponse to OlsonJack R. LundbomWives and Daughters: Women, Sex, and Violence in Biblical TraditionCaryn A. ReederResponse to ReederChristopher B. AnsberryGenerativity, Covenant Witness, and Jesus'' Final DiscourseJim DekkerResponse to DekkerLinda Cannell The Use of Scripture in Catholic Social Teaching''s Vision of the FamilyMary VeenemanResponse to VeenemanErica Olson-BangFamily Worship (Isaiah 58:1-12)Luke A. PoweryAnnotated Bibliography on Family


    Description:ContentsAnnouncement of the 2014 SymposiumAbbreviationsIntroductionKlyne SnodgrassVisions of Horror, Visions of Hope: An Orientation for Urban Ministry from the Book of AmosM. Daniel Carroll R.Response to CarrollNathan BillsEarly Christian Communities in the Greco-Roman City: Perspectives on Urban Ministry from the New TestamentPaul TrebilcoResponse to TrebilcoStephen ChesterThe Necessity of Lament for Ministry in the Urban ContextSoong-Chan RahResponse to RahJessica RiveraGood Citizenship: A Study of Philippians 1:27 and Its Implications for Contemporary Urban MinistryDennis R. EdwardsResponse to EdwardsKurt N. FredricksonLove Yourself: Urban Ministry and the Challenge of Self-LoveChanequa Walker-BarnesProphet, Pagan, Prayer: Urban Theology of Reversal in the Story of JonahDavid LeongResponse to LeongDaniel White HodgeThe Ministerial Significance of Early Syriac TheologyVince L. BantuResponse to BantuArmida Belmonte Stephens""No Shortcut to the Promised Land"": The Fosdick Brothers and MuscularChristianityAmy Laura HallResponse to HallReggie WilliamsThe Lord of the RingsIsaias MercadoAnnotated Bibliography on Urban MinistryPresenters and RespondentsEx Auditu - Volumes Available


    Description:Introduction /Klyne SnodgrassA Christian View of Wealth and Possessions: An Old Testament Perspective / Hugh G. M. WilliamsonResponse to Williamson /James K. BrucknerPoverty and Paul''s Gospel /Bruce W. LongeneckerResponse to Longenecker /Aaron KueckerA Patristic View of Wealth and Possessions /Helen RheeResponse to Rhee /Bradley NassifBlessings, Curses, and the Cross /Kelly JohnsonMoney and Possessions: A Biblical Perspective /Jonathan J. BonkResponse to Bonk /Liz Mosbo VerHageDecorum and Deeds in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 in Light of Ephesiaca by Xenophon of Ephesus /Gary G. HoagResponse to Hoag /Lyn NixonWealth, Lordless Powers, and the Rule of Christ /Mark HusbandsResponse to Husbands /William MyattMoney and Possessions /Will Willimon

  • - An International Journal of Theological Interpretation of Scripture

    Introduction Klyne Snodgrass On Bringing Home the Bacons: Reflections on Science, Faith, and Scripture Iain Provan Response to Provan John Walton Paul and the Person: Perspectives from Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences Susan Grove Eastman Response to Eastman A. Andrew Das Evolutionary Psychology and Romans 5-7: The Slavery to Sin in Human Nature Paul Allen Response to Allen Christopher Lilley Multiverse: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives Gerald B. Cleaver Made as Mirrors: Biblical and Neuroscientific Reflections on Imaging God Joshua M. Moritz Response to Moritz Tyler Johnson Forming Identities in Grace: Imitatio and Habitus as Contemporary Categories for the Sciences of Mindfulness and Virtue Michael Spezio Knowing in Part: The Demands of Scientific and Religious Knowledge in Everyday Decisions, or She Blinded Me With Science! and Deciding Whether to Wear Checks with Stripes Johnny Wei-Bing Lin Response to Lin Linda M. Eastwood A Rock of Offense: The Problem of Scripture in Science and Theology Hans Madueme Response to Madueme Matthew Maas Annotated Bibliography on Science and Religion Presenters and Respondents


    IntroductionKlyne SnodgrassOn Bringing Home the Bacons: Reflections on Science, Faith, and ScriptureIain ProvanResponse to ProvanJohn WaltonPaul and the Person: Perspectives from Philosophy and the Cognitive SciencesSusan Grove EastmanResponse to EastmanA. Andrew DasEvolutionary Psychology and Romans 5-7: The ""Slavery to Sin"" in Human NaturePaul AllenResponse to AllenChristopher LilleyMultiverse: Philosophical and Theological PerspectivesGerald B. CleaverMade as Mirrors: Biblical and Neuroscientific Reflections on Imaging GodJoshua M. MoritzResponse to MoritzTyler JohnsonForming Identities in Grace: Imitatio and Habitus as Contemporary Categories for the Sciences of Mindfulness and Virtue Michael Spezio Knowing in Part: The Demands of Scientific and Religious Knowledge in Everyday Decisions, or ""She Blinded Me With Science!"" and Deciding Whether to Wear Checks with Stripes Johnny Wei-Bing Lin Response to Lin Linda M. Eastwood ""A Rock of Offense"": The Problem of Scripture in Science and Theology Hans Madueme Response to Madueme Matthew Maas Annotated Bibliography on Science and Religion Presenters and Respondents


    IntroductionStephen J. ChesterThe Moral Problematics of Exodus as Liberative NarrativeRuben Rosario RodriguezResponse to Rosario RodriguezArmida Belmonte StephensHuman Violence in the Imprecatory PsalmsNancy L. DeClaisse-WalfordResponse to DeClaisse-WalfordMeredith Faubel NybergJesus and the L─ô[insert macron over e]stai: Competing Kingdom VisionsJesse NickelResponse to NickelRebekah EklundPaul and ViolenceSeyoon KimResponse to KimJulien C.H. Smith""I Will Put Enmity Between You ..."": Scriptural Arcana in Carl Schmitt''s Political TheologyKyle Gingerich HiebertResponse to Gingerich HiebertColby DickinsonBlood Letters from a Mao Prison: A ""Select Soldier of Christ"" Confronts Revolutionary ViolenceXi LianResponse to Xi LianLida V. NedilskyBearing Witness: Faith, Black Women, and Sexual ViolenceElizabeth PierreResponse to PierreMelanie BaffesKeeping our Word (2 Samuel 9)D. Darrell Griffin


    CONTENTS:IntroductionKlyne SnodgrassFear in the Garden: The State of Emergency and the Politics of BlessingScott Bader-SayeResponse to Bader-SayeAmy E. Black""In God We Trust""? The Challenge of the ProphetsR. W. L. MoberlyResponse to MoberlyRobert L. Hubbard, Jr.Imagining the Unthinkable: Exposing the Idolatry of National Security in AmosM. Daniel Carroll R.Response to CarrollRobert D. HaakSecurity and Self-Sufficiency: A Comparison of Paul and EpictetusJohn M. G. BarclayResponse to BarclayJoel WillittsMartin Luther''s Teachings on Security in the Psalms and Their Significance for the Art of Reading ScriptureG. Sujin PakResponse to PakJo Ann Deasy""One Who Trusts Will Not Panic"": Providence and the Prophet of DesecuritizationJill Carson ColwellResponse to ColwellDarrell CosdenThe Radical Insecurity of Idolatry? Or of Faith?Randall C. ZachmanResponse to ZachmannKyle J. A. SmallHomeland Insecurity: The Spiritual Lust for an Escape ClauseBen Witherington IIIResponse to WitheringtonAndy JohnsonHoofbeats Full of Grace?Andy JohnsonSecurityWilliam H. WillimonProtecting God: Psalm 91, Luke 4:1-14Brent Laytham

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