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  • av Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 9 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 8 with more details, focusing on Perfect Prayers - Daily 1 hour by 100 Prayer Points by 360° Degree Activations For Warfare Declaration Prayers for Self, Family, Church, Community and Nations for all round Spiritual success with Earthly Manifestation! . This is an equipping series with Audio and video links I have a very serious question for you to consider today: What difference will it make in your spiritual success of your daily journey here on earth if out of the 24 hours in each day, you can commit to set aside 1 hour of your day to dialoguing with your creator in the place of prayer? How would that impact your heavenly and earthly success indicators in the short, medium to long term eternity considerations? Three critical Facts to consider:1) Nothing happens in the physical earthly realm without first occurring first in the Spiritual realm.2) There are two kingdoms that would influence and determine your earthly and eternal destiny based on your daily choices. They are the kingdom of God and His Christ and the kingdom of Satan. No in-betweens.3) Conditions, Situations, circumstances of your life and the world around you can he altered in the spirit realm through faith inspired, effective fervent prayer of the righteous in Christ. Or through the wicked schemes of the kingdom of darkness and their agents that are all around us- both physically and spiritually In Greater Exploits 9, You will find out the Perfect Prayers - Daily 1 hour by 100 Prayer Points by 360° Degree Activations for Warfare Declaration Prayers for Self, Family, Church, Community and Nations for all round Spiritual success with Earthly Manifestation!Greater Exploits 9 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others? Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting. So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 9 -Perfect Prayers - Daily 1 hour by 100Prayer Points by 360° Degree Activations for Warfare Declaration Prayers for Self, Family, Church, Community and Nations for all round Spiritual success with Earthly Manifestation!

  • av Andrew Murray

    Greater Exploits 17 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 16 with more details, Featuring - Andrew Murray in The Two Covenants; Deeper Christian Life; Prayer Life; With Christ in the School of Prayer and Absolute Surrender in one place for Greater Exploits in God!Greater Exploits 17 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today, and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited, and dispossessed of what rightfully belongs to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that have defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone close to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 17Featuring - Andrew Murray in the two Covenants; Deeper Christian Life; Prayer Life; With Christ in the School of Prayer and Absolute Surrender in one place for Greater Exploits in God! You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God.True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce your learning and application.


    Greater Exploits 16 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 15 with more details, Featuring - Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in How to Study the Bible; The Normal Christian Life; Spiritual Authority and Submission; Sit, Walk, Stand and The Economy of God ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits in God! This is an equipping series! Greater Exploits 16 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions:- Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today, and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited, and dispossessed of what rightfully belongs to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that have defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone close to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 16 - Featuring - Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in How to Study the Bible; The Normal Christian Life; Spiritual Authority and Submission; Sit, Walk, Stand and The Economy of God ALL IN ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits in God! This is an equipping series! You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all realms in Jesus name. True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce your learning and application from over 100 years in the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • av A. W. Tozer

    Greater Exploits 18 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 17 with more details, Featuring - A. W. Tozer in The Pursuit of God; Born After Midnight; Formula for a Burning Heart; Finding God's Will - George Muller and Tozer; and The Knowledge of the Holy ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits In God! This is an equipping seriesGreater Exploits 18 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today, and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited, and dispossessed of what rightfully belongs to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that have defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone close to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others?So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 18Featuring - A. W. Tozer in The Pursuit of God; Born After Midnight; Formula for a Burning Heart; Finding God's Will - George Muller and Tozer; and The Knowledge of the Holy ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits In God! You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all relationship realms in Jesus name. True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce your learning and application.

  • av David Yonggi Cho

    Greater Exploits 20 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 19 with more details, Featuring - David Yonggi Cho In Ministering Hope for 50 Years; Prayer that Bring Revival and the Fourth Dimension Volume 1 ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits In God! This is an equipping seriesGreater Exploits 20 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today, and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited, and dispossessed of what rightfully belongs to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that have defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone close to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 20Featuring - David Yonggi Cho In Ministering Hope for 50 Years; Prayer that Bring Revival and the Fourth Dimension Volume 1 ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits In God! You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all relationship realms in Jesus name. True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce your learning and application.

  • av T. L. Osborn

    Greater Exploits 19 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 18 with more details, Featuring - T. L. Osborn in Healing the Sick and One Hundred facts on divine Healing ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits In God! This is an equipping seriesGreater Exploits 19 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions:- Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight? - Are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today, and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited, and dispossessed of what rightfully belongs to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that have defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone close to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others?So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 19Featuring - T. L. Osborn in Healing the Sick and One Hundred facts on divine Healing ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits In God! You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all relationship realms in Jesus name. True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce your learning and application.

  • av Charles Spurgeon

    Greater Exploits 15 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 14 with more details, Featuring - Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Dr. James B. Richards and Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe on Perfect Relationship - 24 Tools for Building Bridges to Harmony and Taking Down Walls of Conflicts in our Relationships for Greater Exploits! This is an equipping series with Audio and video links Writings from the Best of the Best on Relationships in the body of Christ for your equipping!Greater Exploits 15 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions:- Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight in your relationships?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast concerning the matters of relationships?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo in your relationships?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle as a result of relationship storms?- Are you unable to connect with your spouse, children, family members and any other person for the matterThen come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows:- Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.- Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others.So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 15 - Greater Exploits - 15Perfect Relationship - 24 Tools for Building Bridges to Harmony and Taking Down Walls of Conflicts in our Relationships for Greater Exploits! True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce learning and application.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 7 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 6 with more details, focusing on Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Son for Greater Exploits in the secret place and in life. This is an equipping series They say a picture speaks a thousand words than any other means of communication. What we see continuously we become. What we focus on we manifest after a while because it becomes a habit force. Over and Over again in scripture, The Son, through His Apostles over the ages has given them an incline into how He looks and the surrounding around His dwelling place so that we know Him for who He is and not a Savior that cannot be imagined or felt or experienced. In Greater Exploits 7, You will find out the perfect Testimonies and Images of the Son for greater exploits in the secret place of communion with the Father and in Life, where we bring you over One Hundred and Seventy Seven (177) Testimonies of God the Son relative to the Father and the Holy Spirit and to CORE Functional life Compass benefits for our lives that equips us for greater exploits in Him, ourselves and in others.. Greater Exploits 7 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint. So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 7 - Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Son for Greater Exploits in Secret Place and in Life, You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series with over one hundred and seventy seven (177) testimonies to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all realms in Jesus name.

  • av Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 13 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 12 with more details, focusing on Perfect Spiritual Adventure - 31 Days Diary of Second Nationwide Spiritual Prayer Travel of Nigeria, the Giant of Africa with prophetic Actions This is an equipping series with Audio links In Greater Exploits 13, You will find out the Perfect Spiritual Adventure - 31 Days Diary of Second Nationwide Spiritual Prayer Travel of Nigeria, the Giant of Africa with prophetic Actions for greater Exploits! You will secure answers to God's specific instruction to Nigerian Christians on the need for revival and unity in our churches; some revelations during the Eight Thousand, Five Hundred (8500) km 31 days travel across this great country; you will secure details of the initial nationwide spiritual travel eleven (11+) years, and seven (7) months priors in Twelve (12) days, seven thousand (7000) km and how that relates to the war of insurgencies in Nigeria and what must be done to forestall further anarchy and much, much more for greater exploits over the continent of Africa and the world! Greater Exploits 13 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 10 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 9 with more details, focusing on Perfect Plans - Take the GUESS work out of Your DECISION Making and Accomplish God's PURPOSE with IMPACT!!! This is an equipping series with Audio and video links I like to start with a series of questions for your consideration: How many of us sort God's input concerning whom to marry?What business venture to embark on?What career to pursue? Where to live?Where to fellowship?Who should we take as our business or ministry partner? To whom are we sent? Where is our mission field?What message should we preach or teach this Sunday?What are the specific details of our lives purposes?....And a host of other questions that time wouldn't permit me to pencil down here.Some of us did ask some of these questions but never got a response from God and so we plunge headlong and damned the consequences!Some of us don't even have a clue as to how to dialogue with God, or even contemplate asking questions. Some of us have narrowed the DECISION from God to - YES, NO, and WAIT - like a programmed Robot for thinking out LOUD Some of us have handed the sensitive communication with God to others, like in the old testament, not realizing that every child of God has an innate capacity to dialogue with God one-on-one if we are willing, ready and desirous to train our spiritual senses to pick up messages and send messages to our Father, who is willing and ready to engage us in conversation, anytime, anyplace, if we are willing, ready and desirous to follow through some basic protocols.God has a perfect plan and purpose for each and every one of us that is precise, tailor made and generic to us like the uniqueness in our individual DNA. Concerning your purpose and plans in God,God is not a cloner.God is not a duplicator.God is as precise as precise can be.God is so precise to the level of perfection without error. In Greater Exploits 10, You will find out the Perfect Plans - Take the GUESS work out of Your DECISION Making and Accomplish God's PURPOSE with IMPACT!You will Secure Five (5) Testimonies of Perfect PLANS in scripture, seven (7) Steps to Perfect PLANS, and GETTING the NEXUS between Accomplishing Your PLANS with Perfect PURPOSE and RED HOT DESIRE! And True Story on How to Develop strong BURNING DESIRE for greater exploits!

  • av John G Lake

    Greater Exploits 1 is part of Greater Exploits series, focusing on ten (10) saints the Lord used mightily with over Eighty (80) testimonies within the last 100 years namely - John G. Lake; Kathryn Kuhlman; Lester Sumrall; Frank and Ida Mae Hammond; Derek Prince; Novel Hayes; Joseph Ayo Babalola; Robert W. Shambach; Ashish Raichur and a host of others to equip and build you up for IMPACT wherever you are at this very moment! Greater Exploits 1 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on a "platter of diamond" if you say yes to any of the following questions: Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness, and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?Are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually downcast?Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically, and physiologically like a yoyo?Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited, and dispossessed of what rightfully belongs to you or people within your circle?Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing, and destruction that have defied your prayers and prayers of others?Have you lost something or someone special to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of God's will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance, and restoration in a powerful way to self and others?Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows:Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul, and body) to partner with God.Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others.Our guiding contract scriptures are in Mark 16:15-20 and John 14:12The Passion Translation12 "I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do-even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father! So, let's dive into "Greater Exploits 1 - You are born for this - Healing, Deliverance, and Restoration - As we find out from the Greats" of a mighty God within the past hundred (100) years with over eighty (80) testimonies to launch you into our present and our future in greater exploits for our God.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 5 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 4 with more details, focusing on Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ In Greater Exploits 5, You will find out Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ where we bring you over 40 questions and answers that will position you as an effective minister with exploits for Christ to the Islamic world because Jesus died for Muslims too! To begin to appreciate a people, a religion, a sect for that matter and be an effective minister to them, it is critically important to learn about them, their history, their belief and what drove them to the religion they currently pursue, then we can have a heart of compassion and love that are crucial to an effective minister because Jesus died for the whole world. If there is anything humanity has failed woefully, it is this - Inability to look back with a kin interest and learn from history so that we can begin to chart a well-informed, positive cause of action going forward. It is in this respect I have included in Greater Exploits 5, forty (40) questions that shaped Islam religion so that you can be an effective minister of Christ to the Islamic world. Greater Exploits 5 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all? Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint. So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 5 - You are born for this - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - As we find out from the Greats of a mighty God within the past one hundred (100) years with over fifty (50) testimonies to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our Godin all realms in Jesus name.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 8 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 7 with more details, focusing on Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Holy Spirit for Greater Exploits in the secret place and in life. This is an equipping series They say a picture speaks a thousand words than any other means of communication. What we see continuously we become. What we focus on we manifest after a while because it becomes a habit force. Over and Over again in scripture, The HOLY SPIRIT, through the Apostles over the ages have given them an incline into how He looks so that we know Him for who He is and not a Comforter that cannot be imagined or felt or experienced. Greater Exploits 8 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.- Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others. So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 8 - Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Holy SPirit for Greater Exploits in Secret Place and in Life, You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series with over Sixty seven (67) testimonies to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all realms in Jesus name.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 6 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 5 with more details, focusing on Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Father for Greater Exploits in the secret place and in life, this is an equipping series Over and Over again in scripture, Father God, through His prophets over the ages has given them an incline into how He looks and the surrounding around His dwelling place so that we know Him for who He is and not a God that cannot be imagined or felt or experienced. In Greater Exploits 6, You will find out the perfect Testimonies and Images of the Father for greater exploits in the secret place of communion with the Father and in Life, where we bring you over Fifty Six (56) Testimonies Greater Exploits 6 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you? Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.- Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others. So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 6 - Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Father for Greater Exploits in Secret Place and in Life, You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series with over fifty Six (56) testimonies to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all realms in Jesus name.

  • av Prophète Tb Joshua

    Greater Exploits 4 est une continuation de Greater Exploits 3 avec plus de détails, se concentrant sur un saint dans une classe à part que le Seigneur a utilisé avec force au cours des vingt dernières années - The Late P rophet TB Joshua of SCOAN - The Authentic Man of God Greater Exploits 4 et autres séries du même livre sont pour vous livrés sur plateau de diamants si vous répondez oui à l'une des questions suivantes : - En avez-vous marre de l' impuissance , de l' impuissance et de l'inutilité sans aucun remède à vue ? - Êtes-vous physiquement, émotionnellement et spirituellement abattu ? - Êtes-vous en haut aujourd'hui et en bas demain émotionnellement, psychologiquement et physiologiquement comme un yoyo ? - Êtes-vous ou quelqu'un de votre entourage physiquement ou émotionnellement malade, harcelé , exploité et dépossédé de ce qui vous appartient légitimement ou aux personnes de votre entourage ? - Y a - t-il une maladie ou une maladie prolongée , ou des schémas négatifs de meurtre, de vol et de destruction qui ont défié vos prières et les prières des autres ? - Avez-vous perdu quelque chose ou quelqu'un ose vous et vous semblez n'avoir aucune réponse à tous ? - Sentez-vous ou percevez-vous que vous n'êtes pas au centre de la volonté et du but de Dieu pour votre vie avec un vide complet en vous et autour de vous ? - Avez- vous faim de pouvoir administrer la guérison, la délivrance et la restauration d'une manière puissante à vous-même et aux autres ? Alors venez avec moi avec sept ( 7 ) conditions critiques comme suit : - Être DISPONIBLE ( esprit, âme et corps) pour s'associer avec Dieu . - Soyez AUDACE de revendiquer tout ce qu'Il est mort pour vous donner . - Soyez assez COMPATIBLE pour vous asseoir là où les gens souffrent . Alors, laissez ' de la plongée dans Grand Exploits 4 - Vous êtes né pour ça - la guérison, la délivrance et la restauration - Comme nous découvrons des G reats d'un Dieu puissant dans t - il vingt (20 ) ans&am

  • av Profeta Tb Joshua

    Greater Exploits 4 é uma continuação de Greater Exploits 3 com mais detalhes, concentrando-se em um santo em uma classe própria que o Senhor usou mi ghtily nos últimos vinte anos - The Late P rophet TB Joshua de SCOAN - The Authentic Man of God "Quando as pessoas não podem classificá- lo, ou fazer o que você faz , classificam-no erroneamente, mas pelos seus frutos, você os conhecerá - Mateus 7:16 - Dentro desta série de livros, você encontrará meu encontro com o falecido profeta TB Joshua - Embaixador Monday O. Ogbe, Otakada Cyber¿¿Church Ministries Inc - " Greater Exploits 4 e outras séries do mesmo livro são entregues em " bandeja de diamantes " se você disser sim a qualquer uma das seguintes perguntas: - Você está doente e chorando de Desamparo, Desamparo e Inutilidade sem qualquer remédio à vista? - Você está física, emocional e espiritualmente abatido? - Você está acordado hoje e amanhã emocionalmente, psicologicamente e fisiologicamente como um ioiô ? - Você ou alguém dentro de seu círculo está fisicamente ou emocionalmente doente, assediado , explorado e despojado do que pertence por direito a você ou a pessoas dentro de seu círculo ? - Existe alguma doença ou enfermidade prolongada , ou padrões negativos de assassinato, roubo e destruição que desafiou suas orações e orações de outras pessoas? - Você perdeu algo ou alguém se atreve a você e parece não ter respostas para todos eles? Então venha comigo com sete ( 7 ) condições críticas como segue: - Esteja DISPONÍVEL ( espírito, alma e corpo) para ser parceiro de Deus . - Seja OUSADO em reivindicar tudo o que Ele morreu para dar a você . - Seja compassivo o suficiente para se sentar onde as pessoas estão sofrendo . - SEJA DETERMINADO a seguir em frente e nunca, jamais desistir até que a palavra de Deus se torne verdade e vida em suas circunstâncias e situação . Então, vamos ' s mergulhar Maiores Exploits 4 - Você nasceu para isso - cura, libertação e restauração - Como podemos descobrir a partir do G reats de um Deus poderoso dentro t ele passado vinte (20 ) anos , com mais de nighty (9 0 ) testemunhos para lançá- lo no presente e no futuro em maiores façanhas para o

  • av Profeta Tb Joshua

    Greater Exploits 4 es una continuación de Greater Exploits 3 con más detalles, centrándose en un santo en una clase propia que el Señor usó misteriosamente en los últimos veinte años : el difunto profeta TB Joshua de la SCOAN, el auténtico hombre de Dios "Cuando la gente no pueda clasificarte , o hacer lo que tú haces , te clasificarán erróneamente, pero por sus frutos, los conocerás - Mateo 7:16 - Dentro de esta serie de libros, encontrarás mi encuentro con el humilde profeta TB Joshua. Greater Exploits 4 y otras series del mismo libro son para usted entregadas en " bandeja de diamantes " si responde que sí a cualquiera de las siguientes preguntas: - ¿Estás enfermo y desgarrado por la impotencia, la desesperanza y la inutilidad sin ningún remedio a la vista? - ¿Está deprimido física, emocional y espiritualmente? - ¿Estás arriba hoy y mañana abajo emocional, psicológica y fisiológicamente como un yoyo ? - ¿Está usted o alguien dentro de su círculo física o emocionalmente enfermo, acosado , explotado y desposeído de lo que legítimamente le pertenece a usted o personas dentro de su círculo ? - ¿Existe alguna enfermedad o dolencia prolongada , o patrones negativos de matar, robar y destruir que haya desafiado sus oraciones y las oraciones de los demás? - ¿Has perdido algo o alguien se atreve contigo y parece que no tienes respuestas para todos? - ¿Siente o percibe que no está en el centro de la voluntad y el propósito de Dios para su vida con un vacío total dentro y alrededor de usted ? - ¿Está usted hambre para poder ministrar la sanidad, liberación y restauración de una manera poderosa para uno mismo y los demás? Luego ven conmigo con siete ( 7 ) condiciones críticas de la siguiente manera: - Estar DISPONIBLE ( espíritu, alma y cuerpo) para asociarse con Dios . - Sea Audaz para reclamar todo lo que Él ha muerto para darle . - Sea lo suficientemente COMPASIONADO para sentarse donde la gente está sufriendo . - Esté DETERMINADO a seguir adelante y nunca, nunca darse por vencido hasta que la palabra de Dios se convierta en verdad y vida en sus circunstancias y situación . Por lo tanto, vamos a ' s sumergirse en mayores Exploits 4 - usted ha nacido para esto - sanidad, liberación y restauración - A medida que nos damos cuenta de los G reats de un Dios poderoso dentro de t él más allá de los veinte (20 ) años con más del camisón (9 0 testimonios) para lanzar que en el presente y en el futuro en mayores hazañas de nuestro Dios.

  • av Smith Wigglesworth

    Greater Exploits 2 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 with more details, focusing on four (4) saints the Lord used mightily within the last 100 years namely - John G. Lakes, Smith Wigglesworth, Lester Sumrall and Kenneth E. Hagin and a host of others to equip and build you up for IMPACT wherever you are at this very moment! Greater Exploits 2 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on a platter of diamond if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.- Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others. So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 2 - You are born for this - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - As we find out from the Greats of a mighty God within the past hundred (100) years with over fifty (50) testimonies to launch you into our present and our future in greater exploits for our God.¿

  • av William Branham

    Greater Exploits 3 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 2 with more details, focusing on three saints the Lord used mightily within the last 100 years namely - Smith Wigglesworth, Archbishop. Benson Andrew Idahosa and William Branham and a host of others to equip and build you up for IMPACT wherever you are at this very moment! Greater Exploits 3 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.- Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others. Our guiding contract scriptures are in Mark 16:15-20 and John 14:12 So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 3 - You are born for this - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - As we find out from the Greats of a mighty God within the past hundred (100) years with over eighty (80) testimonies to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God.

  • av Prophet Temitope B Joshua

    Greater Exploits 4 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 3 with more details, focusing on one saint in a class of his own the Lord used mightily within the last twenty years - The Late Prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN - The Authentic Man of God and a host of others to equip and build you up for IMPACT wherever you are at this very moment! "When people can't classify you, or do what you do, the misclassify you but by their fruits, you shall know them - Matthew 7:16 - Inside this book series, you will find my encounter with the humble late Prophet TB Joshua Greater Exploits 4 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.- Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others. Our guiding contract scriptures are in Mark 16:15-20 and John 14:12 So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 4 - You are born for this - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - As we find out from the Greats of a mighty God within the past twenty (20) years with over nighty (90) testimonies to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God.

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