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  • av Marco Antonio Bernal Gómez
    1 471,-

    Neanderthal Resilience in Two Hotspot Zones of Iberia (Cantabrian and Betic Regions) provides ground-breaking research on Neanderthal lithic technical and subsistence practices. It examines bioclimatic settlement behavioural patterns of two regions of the Iberian Peninsula during the late Pleistocene Period: the northern Cantabrian region and the southern Betic region. The principal aim is to test whether hominid groups of the same species (Homo neanderthalensis) behaved, exploited and occupied their territory in similar or different ways under varying environmental conditions. Three approaches were undertaken: a technological study of eight lithic assemblages, a construction of a database of faunal remains and an analysis of settlement patterns related to bioclimatic mapping. Results of these analyses suggest that Neanderthals in both regions reacted to changes in local ecology and climate in similar ways, highlighting their great adaptive ability and commonality in their behavioural responses.

  • av Martina Bernardi

    Il volume raccoglie gli atti della Giornata di Studi organizzata presso l'Università di Roma Tre (8 novembre 2022) in cui sono stati presentati i primi risultati del "Monti Lucretili Landscape Project". Esperti e giovani studiosi che si sono occupati di quest'area montana del Lazio presentano le loro ricerche in una prospettiva diacronica, analizzando il paesaggio da diversi punti di vista: storico, archeologico, topografico, geologico e geografico.Attraverso casi di studio che vedono l'applicazione delle diverse metodologie proprie di ciascuna disciplina, il volume vuole stimolare un dibattito sulle metodologie di ricerca ma soprattutto sui maggiori temi storiografici che hanno toccato quest'area dei dintorni di Roma, legati alla trasformazione del paesaggio e ai cambiamenti delle forme insediative nelle diverse epoche, con un focus particolare sul periodo medievale. Inoltre, il libro propone ai ricercatori che si occupano di archeologia montana e rurale un caso di studio confrontabile con altri contesti mediterranei indagati nella prospettiva della longue durée. The volume collects the first results of the "Monti Lucretili Landscape Project", as presented during the meeting held at Roma Tre University (November 8, 2022).

  • av Gail Brownrigg
    1 562,-

    This volume of essays honours Joost Crouwel, a leading expert on wheeled transport in antiquity. The editors and contributors are internationally acclaimed specialists, who share their ideas, observations, and research by exploring the many facets associated with chariots: their equipment, horses and harnesses, cultural exchanges, iconography, and the outlook of the people who rode in them. The topics represent many areas of expertise: art historians, archaeologists, and linguists from Taiwan, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Kazakhstan, Canada and the USA, a master wheelwright, a horse expert from the UK. Their specialist essays make an innovative and wide-ranging contribution to research across a wide spectrum of interests and areas of the ancient world. The contributions showcase diverse ways in which early chariots were utilised across Southeastern Europe, Eastern Europe/Central Asia, East Asia, Anatolia, the ancient Near East and Egypt. Notably, there is a time span of over 700 years separating the earliest occurrences of innovations in East Europe from those in East Asia. The book explores a wide range of technological solutions employed in the construction of these chariots as well as the history of chariotry. By presenting new insights into the chronological evolution, contextual occurrences, and manufacturing techniques of early chariots, this volume serves as a companion to Equids and Wheeled Vehicles in the Ancient World: Essays in Memory of Mary A. Littauer (BAR Publishing, 2019) edited by Peter Raulwing, Katheryn M. Linduff and Joost H. Crouwel.

  • av Margreet L. Steiner

    From 2012 to 2015, a team of scholars under the auspices of Groningen University excavated at Tell Abu Sarbut in the Eastern Jordan Valley. They uncovered Early Roman, Early Islamic and Middle Islamic remains. The Early Roman occupation was unexpected, as this period had not been documented in regional surveys or when the site was last excavated in 1988-1992. Evidence suggests the inhabitants of the estate or village had strong ties with Jewish communities west of the River Jordan. The three-meter-thick deposit of Early Islamic occupation showed the region's interaction with the wider Islamic world. Middle Islamic remains had been extensively excavated in the earlier excavation as well.The publication includes studies on architecture, pottery and other finds, as well as the occupational history of the site.

  • av Jean-Paul Lacombe

    From 1972 to 1997, archaeological research was undertaken on open air early sites on the north coast of Peru (Cupisnique region: about 7°30 south latitude). These sites contained lithic tools and faunal remains belonging to the Paiján tradition, dating from around 13000 to around 8000 cal BP. In this desert space between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes, superficial sites contained knapped lithics (projectile points and ordinary tools on flakes) and microfaunal remains such as land snails, fish and lizards. After discovering human remains eroding out of the surface, a French-Peruvian team including archaeologist Claude Chauchat and bio-anthropologist Jean-Paul Lacombe excavated a total of 19 burials associated with this Paiján tradition. This book presents a detailed description of these remains, yielding information about these foragers' physical constitution as well as their lifestyle. These remains are also compared with several other populations from coastal Peru, remains from the highland caves, and other findings from South and north America dating from the Pleistocene - Holocene transition.

  • av Omar Larentis

    Questo studio costituisce la prima analisi complessiva dei dati antropologici della Civiltà di Golasecca nel loro contesto cronologico e geografico, cioè dall'età del Ferro tra il IX e il IV secolo a.C. in un vasto territorio che va dalla Lombardia al Piemonte. L'analisi si è concentrata sul trattamento dei resti umani, considerando le varie fasi del rituale funerario, dalla preparazione della salma al seppellimento. Questo studio è il primo lavoro di sintesi multidisciplinare completo e comparativo del fenomeno golasecchiano dal punto di vista archeologico e osteologico.This is the first comprehensive analysis of anthropological data concerning the Golasecca civilisation within its chronological and geographical context, spanning the 9th to 4th century BCE and covering Lombardy to Piedmont. It delves into the treatment of human remains, exploring different phases of the funeral ritual, from corpse preparation to burial.

  • av David M. Witelson

    This monograph applies performance theory to rock paintings in the Stormberg mountains of South Africa's Eastern Cape Province-a rich rock art area to the southwest of the Drakensberg mountains. The Stormberg's rock paintings offer a unique opportunity to develop a novel set of theoretical ideas in relation to rock art sites.The research draws on performance theory to argue that an extinct rock painting practice was, in many respects, similar to San (Bushman) performances recorded in documentary sources and ethnographies. This approach helps us to better understand the nature of hunter-gatherer rock art at both regional and site-specific scales. The performances in which rock art images participated were not isolated, but instead belonged to an irreducible aggregate of interrelating performances that constituted society itself.

  • av Josep Maria Vergès

    Il volume presenta i risultati di una ricerca interdisciplinare, condotta attraverso una prospezione archeologica e lo scavo di un sito-chiave, in un territorio montuoso della parte centrale del bacino del Mediterraneo. Il libro si concentra sui risultati dello scavo delle unità stratigrafiche più recenti del riparo sotto roccia del Vallone Inferno di Scillato (Madonie, Sicilia), coprendo un periodo che va dal Neolitico al Medioevo. Il nucleo del libro è costituito dalla presentazione del record archeologico, con capitoli suddivisi secondo un criterio cronologico che descrivono strutture, reperti ceramici, litici, ornamenti personali e macrofauna. L'approccio interdisciplinare ha permesso di integrare i dati provenienti dallo scavo, coinvolgendo diverse discipline, come l'archeobotanica, la chimica analitica e la paleoantropologia. La ricostruzione paleoambientale è stata completata dallo studio della microfauna.The book presents the results of the archaeological excavation in the rock shelter of Vallone Inferno (Sicily), reconstructing the cultural and environmental aspects of a Mediterranean mountainous landscape over the last seven thousand years.

  • av Clara Boulanger

    Island Southeast Asia is one of the world's marine biodiversity hotspots. Marine environments with dense concentrations of fauna rich in fatty acid nutrients are thought to have been important to Homo sapiens' subsistence, leading to coastal highway hypotheses for dispersals in the Wallacean and Philippines archipelagos. This monograph provides new data and discussion on human maritime adaptation. Using fish assemblages recovered from sites in the region, it offers large-scale comparisons on a north-south gradient between sites by combining archaeological and ethnographical data with advanced taxonomic and statistical analyses. By reviewing the ecological specificities of each identified taxon, it is believed humans mostly exploited near-shore environments and that inter-site differences are directly related to local environmental disparities, as well as environmental transformations from climate change and sea level variations. The exploitation of specific local environments required the development of adapted fishing techniques, thereby demonstrating the coexistence of highly complex and sophisticated modernity patterns related to marine and coastal adaptation.

  • av Salvatore Basile

    Questo studio raccoglie e analizza, per la prima volta, tutte le informazioni archeologiche conosciute su Lucca e il suo ager dal momento della fondazione della colonia latina nel 180 a.C., fino alla conquista longobarda alla fine del VI secolo. Lo studio osserva, analizza e ricostruisce le dinamiche di formazione e trasformazione del paesaggio urbano e rurale di Lucca nel lungo periodo. Utilizzando GIS, analisi spaziali e geostatistica questo libro propone un'analisi storico-archeologica e diacronica del territorio, con una particolare attenzione al ruolo che le interazioni tra umani e ambiente hanno svolto nella formazione e nell'evoluzione dell'insediamento, della società e delle diverse forme economiche sviluppatesi tra età romana e tarda antichità.This book analyses all known archaeological information on Lucca and its ager from the foundation of the Latin colony in 180 BC until the Longobard conquest at the end of the 6th century AD. Using GIS, spatial analysis and geostatistics, it proposes a historical-archaeological and diachronic analysis of the territory.

  • av Francesco Collura
    1 364,-

    Le Tabulae Halaesinae sono il più importante documento epigrafico proveniente dalla città greco-romana di Halaesa Archonidea in Sicilia ed uno dei pochi a contenuto topografico finora noti. Descrivono infatti settori del territorio di quella città che vennero frazionati in numerosi lotti agricoli da assegnare a singoli individui.Il libro analizza il testo dell'iscrizione usando un metodo topografico, ovvero considerando le caratteristiche dell'odierno paesaggio, che ha mantenuto in gran parte immutati i suoi caratteri naturali. In questo modo si perviene ad una traduzione del testo nella quale i molti "hapax legomena" trovano un'interpretazione convincente.Le Tabulae Halaesinae costituiscono un documento singolare nel quadro dei testi epigrafici in cui sono testimoniate distribuzioni di terre pubbliche, comuni o collettive, che avvenivano di solito in occasione di nuove fondazioni, di vendite e soprattutto di locazioni: le Tabulae presentano contemporaneamente caratteri riconoscibili in tutti questi tipi di cessioni immobiliari. The Tabulae Halaesinae are the most important epigraphic documents from the Graeco-Roman city of Halaesa Archonidea in Sicily, and one of the few known to contain topographic content. They describe how the city would be divided into agricultural lots and assigned to individuals. This book reconstructs the agricultural organisation of the city through an analysis of the Tabulae Halaesinae.

  • av Chao Zhao

    This book uses a cultural ecological approach to explore how prehistoric societies were economically and socially organized to utilize the steppe environment in the southern Mongolian Plateau before the emergence of specialized herding economies in the early and middle Holocene. The research is based on a combination of excavation and survey data from the Ulanqab region of Inner Mongolia.The dynamic land use strategies were examined through the lens of subsistence, mobility, and social integration, based on lithic assemblages, settlement patterns, and other material expressions. The results indicate that although the specifics of subsistence practices changed from the Early Neolithic to the Mid-Late Neolithic/Early Bronze age, people made intensive use of the landscape, adopted semi-sedentary lifeways, and combined hunting-gathering with small-scale farming. It reveals a divergent trajectory of cultural adaptation when compared with the core Monsoon-affected zones of northern China during this time period.

  • av Willem van Haarlem

    This is a catalogue of all the stone sculptures in the round from Ancient Egypt, kept in the Allard Pierson. It includes about 60 objects from the Predynastic to Greco-Roman periods. These include statues of divinities, royal and private persons, animal figures, and funerary sculpture. A list of abbreviations is provided after detailed introductions. The volume is concluded with extensive indexes, covering divine, royal and private names, titles, geography, materials, key words, and periods. The volume is richly illustrated and will be a useful reference for any scholar interested in Ancient Egyptian sculpture.

  • av Joseph Coleman Carter
    1 409,-

    This book presents the final report on the excavation and reconstruction of the buildings and kilns at Pantanello. It is accompanied by an extensive analysis and catalog of the finds from the site, including fine grey ware and banded ware, cooking ware, coarse wares, and amphorae of the last two centuries of the Roman Republic and first century of the Imperial period in southern Italy. It is the fullest study yet published of a number of these classes, and also provides evidence for a metalworking industry near the site. Overall, the book contributes to a better understanding of the archaeology of pottery and metallurgical production in Italy and is a valuable resource on the material culture of Greek southern Italy during the Roman period.This is part of a two-part set: ISBN 9781407360997 (Part i); ISBN 9781407361000 (Part ii); ISBN 9781407360898 (Set of both parts).

  • av Limin Huan

    In China's Metal Age, which began around 2000 BCE, leaded bronze was widely used. The additional lead distinguishes early Chinese bronze objects from unleaded objects used by most other Metal Age communities in Eurasia. This book focuses on the lead question in early China. By combining the geology and material properties with case studies of early metal-using communities, the research challenges the current hypothesis that craftspeople added lead for technological reasons. Instead, it argues that the widespread usage of leaded bronze objects was mainly due to socio-economic factors and interregional interaction. Its broad scope and discussion on research methods make the book of interest to researchers concerned with archaeometallurgy, early China, and prehistoric archaeology.

  • av Henriette Broekema

    The 'Woman at the Window' Came from Egypt investigates the origin of ivory plaques found in the Assyrian palaces of Nimrud and Khorsabad from the first millennium BCE. It provides a completely new interpretation of the famous iconography of the 'Woman at the Window'. This collection of ivories, traditionally labelled as 'Phoenician', is thought to have originated from locations across the Levant. However, the Egyptian Nile Delta appears to be a more accurate locale.Pharaohs of the Third Intermediate Period, especially those of the 25th dynasty, may have commissioned them to help legitimize their fragile positions. The book's central thesis may also change our understanding and perception of the Phoenicians: it is customary to situate this Iron Age trading people in the city-states along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, but the Nile Delta's cosmopolitan city communities should also be included. It was in these communities where the hybrid art of the Phoenician ivory carving probably originated.This book will appeal to historians studying Phoenician and Egyptian art, as well as researchers interested in the significance of the ivory panels found in Assyrian palaces.

  • av Geiser Gerardo Martín Medina

    La presente edición aborda un pequeño proyecto en la Ciudad de México, que intenta ampliar el alcance de los proyectos locales de arqueología de salvamento y proporciona un modelo para que los equipos futuros hagan que su trabajo sea más accesible. La diversidad de los materiales puede ser de utilidad para los interesados en la zona de Azcapotzalco, ya que además de los datos a nivel de excavación; se pone a disposición de lector los análisis de materiales y tablas de distribución de los elementos líticos, vítreos y cerámicos localizados en campo. Esta edición contiene un modesto catálogo de los elementos líticos de época prehispánica y vítreos correspondientes al siglo XIX y XX; así como una amplia muestra cerámica que van desde los fragmentados tiestos que fueron parte de las vajillas burdas para consumo y preparación de alimentos durante las últimas fases Aztecas, pasando por las losas vidriadas, finas, porcelanas y mayólicas del siglo XVI y XVII. Finalmente se presentan diversos elementos constructivos y materiales relacionados con el siglo XIX y la primera mitad del XX. This book presents results from a project in Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, and attempts to broaden the reach of local salvage archaeology projects by providing a model for future teams to make their work more accessible. Data on the excavated levels, analysis and distribution tables of lithic, glass, and ceramic materials are made available along with a catalog of lithics from the pre-Hispanic period and glassware from the 19th and 20th centuries. Ceramic samples include fragmented sherds of coarse tableware of the last Aztec phases, through to the fine, glazed porcelain and majolica slabs of the 16th and 17th centuries. Finally, various construction and material elements from the 19th century and early 20th century are presented.

  • av André Carneiro

    Geographic Information Systems applied to the study of the landscape and territory of Roman times are currently a common practice in historical and archaeological studies. This book analyzes the issue for the Iberian Peninsula as a whole, Spain and Portugal, transcending the current administrative border. In this book, the most innovative methodologies and results for the study of the ancient rural environment in Hispania are shown through a series of selected case studies.Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica aplicados al estudio del paisaje y territorio de época romana son una práctica común actualmente en los estudios históricos y arqueológicos. Este libro analiza la cuestión para la Península Ibérica en conjunto, España y Portugal, trascendiendo la frontera administrativa actual. En este libro, se muestran las metodologías y resultados más novedosos para el estudio del medio rural antiguo en Hispania a través de una serie de casos de estudio seleccionados.

  • av Nikola D. Bellucci
    1 241,-

    Aegypto Adiecta indaga la provincia d'Egitto sotto gli imperatori giulio-claudii, partendo dalla conquista del paese da parte di Augusto a seguito della battaglia di Azio. Il volume mette in rilievo le principali continuità e le discontinuità rispetto al precedente periodo tolemaico trattando delle forme e le caratterizzazioni dell'autorità imperiale nel contesto delle dinamiche amministrative e fiscali della provincia egiziana romanizzata. Una rilevante appendice documentale comprende le diverse fonti e testimonianze (archeologiche, papiracee, epigrafiche e numismatiche) in lingua geroglifica, greca e latina.Aegypto Adiecta investigates the province of Egypt under the Julio-Claudian emperors, starting with the conquest of the country by Augustus following the Battle of Actium. It highlights the continuities and discontinuities from the previous Ptolemaic period by examining the forms and characterisations of imperial authority in the context of the administrative and fiscal dynamics of the Romanised Egyptian province.A documentary appendix comprised of the various sources and testimonies (archaeological, papyrus, epigraphic and numismatic) is provided in hieroglyphic, Greek and Latin.

  • av Enrique Aragón-Núñez

    The Rochelongue site has yielded a remarkable assembly of mostly metallic objects from both local and foreign provenances. This allows for an investigation into the connectivity in the western Mediterranean through the lens of regional and long-distance maritime trade networks.This research uses an interdisciplinary approach to the archaeological metals assemblage - combining geographic, material culture, and network science - in order to make a more definitive interpretation of the site and its broader effect on maritime connectivity. The investigation utilises a novel approach by conceptualising the site as a more generic 'contact site' (representative of a contact zone), instead of remaining mired in old debates over shipwreck versus ritual deposit. Results based on the interdisciplinary analysis allow for a discussion regarding the inter-regional phenomenon in the Catalonia-Languedoc area. This highlights the role of Indigenous populations in a long-distance trading context, stimulated by sea connectivity.The Rochelongue shipwreck evidences a trans-Mediterranean network of varying intensities, which largely determines the levels of impact on the connected cultures from Iberian Peninsula to Central Mediterranean Sea.

  • av Waka Kuboyama-Haraikawa

    This volume elucidates the lapidary technologies and social organisation of pre-Columbian Costa Rica (500 BCE - 900 CE) by analysing the manufacturing and social role of lapidary ornaments, known as celtiform pendants.These pendants are characterised by skilfully decorated carvings on celtiform semiprecious rocks and minerals, such as jadeite. A human or animal face is carved on the poll of the axe, and these sophisticated images require large amounts of time and effort to create, hence they are interpreted as status symbols and prestigious objects. They represent a thousand years of tradition of the manufacture of high-status ornaments and were used by elite members of Indigenous Costa Rican societies. Although ancient Costa Rican society was formed by different social-cultural groups, to some extent societal integration was achieved by a widely shared material culture: celtiform pendants.In addition to stylistic evaluations of these objects in specific sites and features, the text examines their manufacture via experimental archaeology and traceology.

  • av Elena E Sosa Suárez

    Este estudio analiza una de las series cerámicas de importación recuperadas en el yacimiento arqueológico del antiguo Convento de San Francisco de Asís en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.Análisis macroscópico de "la serie blanca lisa".

  • av Alan D McMillan

    This volume presents ethnographic, ethnohistorical, archaeological data and interpretations for a major Nuu-chah-nulth village site, the origin place of the modern Toquaht First Nation, on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.

  • av Alessandro Ghidoni

    The sewn-plank ships that sailed the Indian Ocean during the medieval Islamic period carried people, goods, and ideas between East Africa, Arabia, India, and China. Despite their key role, we know relatively little about them. To date, archaeological work related to sewn boats in the region has been limited, while the few textual references generally lack crucial details regarding their design, structure, and operation. Due to the paucity of archaeological evidence until 20 years ago, the study of medieval shipbuilding in the region has often been flawed by Orientalism and fuelled by principles of the Enlightenment in early studies. Scholars had previously approached this topic through a European lens, typically with a strong colonialist attitude, and viewed this technology as basic, primitive, and incapable of developing without an external force, such as the more technologically advanced Europe. This book presents the first comprehensive study on medieval sewn boats of the Indian Ocean, using new and original data. It provides a technical analysis of the ship timbers recently discovered at al-Balid and Qalhat, Oman, in a comparative context. Pieces are examined from a material perspective, and then compared with textual, iconographic, ethnographic, archaeological, and experimental archaeological evidence. It contextualizes the ship timbers within the broader material networks in the Indian Ocean during the medieval Islamic period, thereby increasing our knowledge of maritime communities and their shipbuilding technology.

  • av Jeremy D Coltman
    1 822,-

    This volume is part of a two volume set: ISBN 9781407319810 (Volume I); ISBN 9781407353647 (Volume II); ISBN 9781407359717 (Set of both volumes). This volume represents the first large-scale reconsideration of the Epiclassic and Early Postclassic periods in broader Mesoamerica in 20 years. In part, the focus is to examine the influence of the ruins of Classic period Teotihuacan in the political, social, and economic structures of societies at the transition to the Postclassic period. Teotihuacan was a locus of critical cultural innovations in Mesoamerica. These innovations included fusing a warrior cult with long-standing ideas surrounding what has been broadly termed 'Flower World', as well as profound changes to economic and political structures. Later Mesoamerican societies drew on these innovations in their own unique ways and this volume attempts to move the discussion of cultural changes beyond the traditional focus on the sites of Chichen Itza and Tula, to consider many other communities across Mesoamerica and beyond.

  • av Jeremy D Coltman
    1 822,-

    This volume is part of a two volume set: ISBN 9781407319810 (Volume I); ISBN 9781407353647 (Volume II); ISBN 9781407359717 (Set of both volumes). This volume represents the first large-scale reconsideration of the Epiclassic and Early Postclassic periods in broader Mesoamerica in 20 years. In part, the focus is to examine the influence of the ruins of Classic period Teotihuacan in the political, social, and economic structures of societies at the transition to the Postclassic period. Teotihuacan was a locus of critical cultural innovations in Mesoamerica. These innovations included fusing a warrior cult with long-standing ideas surrounding what has been broadly termed 'Flower World', as well as profound changes to economic and political structures. Later Mesoamerican societies drew on these innovations in their own unique ways and this volume attempts to move the discussion of cultural changes beyond the traditional focus on the sites of Chichen Itza and Tula, to consider many other communities across Mesoamerica and beyond.

  • av Antonella Patricia Merletto
    1 287,-

    This monograph studies the architectural history of ancient public toilets, called foricae. Using comparative data and historical, archaeological and literary sources, this comprehensive analysis of foricae offers a deeper understanding of their origin in the Hellenistic period. It also examines their diffusion in the ancient Roman world through advances in hydraulic technology and building techniques.Foricae became characteristic features of many Roman cities, playing an important civic and hygienic role. The study of their features reveals various plans, of which the peristyle is undoubtedly the most original. The independent and freestanding peristyle forica of Kos (Greece) is the most opulent example, and the exhaustive survey of the peristyle foricae of the Hadrianic Baths of Lepcis Magna (Libya) and of Gortyn (Crete-Greece) prove the importance of this typology in the history of functional architecture in the Roman Empire.

  • av Aura Piccioni
    1 348,-

    Die vorliegende Untersuchung bezieht sich auf die zahlreichen Bronzefragmente, die in fünfundzwanzig römische militärische und Zivilsiedlungen der römischen Provinz Raetien gefunden wurden. Der zeitliche Rahmen der Fragmente reicht vom 1. bis zum 3. Jh. n. Chr.; Stücke und Fundkontexte datieren von den Ursprüngen der Provinz (z.B. Augsburg) bis zu der Errichtung einer zweiten Limeslinie in der Spätantike (Isny in Allgäu). Die zweijährige Untersuchung wurde an der KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt durchgeführt und durch ein Forschungsstipendium von der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung gefördert, sowie durch verschiedene Institutionen unterstützt. Es ist die Wiederaufnahme und Fortführung des Projektes Römische Großbronzen am UNESCO-Welterbe Limes, auf das die im Projekt genutzte Datenbank ( zurückgeht. Mit dieser neuen Untersuchung wurden auch neue Fragmente dokumentiert und analysiert, die nicht in der Datenbank vertreten sind. Mit einem Appendix von Roland SchwabThis research presents bronze fragments from twenty-five military and civilian settlements in the Roman province of Raetia. The evidence dates from the 1st to 3rd centuries AD; pieces and contexts can be chronologically framed from the origins of the province (e.g., Augsburg) to the establishment of a second Limes line in late antiquity (Isny in Allgäu). The two-year investigation was funded at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt by a Forschungsstipendium of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung and supported by various institutions. It constitutes the resumption and continuation of the Römische Großbronzen am UNESCO-Welterbe Limes project, which, among other outputs, produced a database of bronze fragments used in this work ( This new research builds on the database, analysing new bronze fragments not previously recorded.

  • av Virginia Ochoa-Winemiller

    Esta publicación narra la historia de varias generaciones de una unidad habitacional que habitó una de las áreas más distintivas en la antigua ciudad de Dzibilchaltún. Los residuos de su historia y sus contribuciones a la vida diaria de una capital Maya se encapsularon por varias generaciones en los restos arquitectónicos y artefactos desechados durante la ocupación del contexto habitacional. Los resultados sugieren que los residentes del contexto se identificaban como un grupo de artesanos que posiblemente se afiliaron a una sociedad casa a fin de obtener recursos, acceder bienes exóticos y mejorar su estatus; estrategias que adicionalmente cimentaron su identidad como un grupo de estatus intermedio. This publication includes the history of several generations of a household residing in one of the most distinctive areas of the ancient city of Dzibilchaltún. The remnants of their history and contributions to daily life, in an ancient Maya capital, were captured in their architectural remains and artifacts discarded during their occupation of a residential area. Results suggest that the residents of this space identified themselves as artisans whose membership to a house society aimed both to access resources and increase status. These strategies intended to consolidate both their identity and intermediate status as a group.

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