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  • - The Power of Audio Branding
    av David Allan

    Examines the best of the best of sonic logos from the people who gave them notes. Whether you consider them to be music to your ears or earworms, these are the ten most noteworthy sonic logos of all time and one future hall of famer.

  • - Comparing and Understanding Standards for ISA and PCAOB
    av Asokan Anandarajan & Gary (Monclair State University USA) Kleinman

  • av Chris Clarke

    Written in an accessible style, the fully revised second edition of this bestseller aims to show how much science there is in ice cream.

  • av Neerish Revaprasadu
    5 239,-

    The field of nanoscience continues to grow and, with such a vast landscape of material, careful distillation of the most important discoveries will help researchers find the key information they require. Nanoscience provides a critical and comprehensive assessment of the most recent research and opinion from across the globe. Topics covered in this volume include 2D materials for Li-ion batteries, porous organic polymers as an emerging platform for photocatalytic water splitting, smart materials for gas detection and monitoring and redox enzyme-mimicking nanomaterials.Covering energy, biological and nanomaterials applications, this volume appeals to anyone practising in nano-allied fields, or wishing to enter the nano-world. Readers will benefit from this resource as they are presented with the current thought and applications of nanoscience.

  • av Klaus A. Maier

    Das Nordatlantische Bündnis war immer auch ein politischer und wirtschaftlicher Staatenverbund, der auf eine Kooperation angelegt war, die weit über den Bereich der eigentlichen Sicherheitspolitik hinausstrebte. Neben dem weltpolitischen Umfeld, dem Ost-West-Konflikt und den darin wirksamen Bedrohungsperzeptionen verdient daher die innere, atlantische Perspektive in der Formationsphase des Bündnisses besondere historische Beachtung. Diese interne Perspektive des Bündnisses kann als Verstrickung von europäischer und amerikanischer Politik unter Aufgabe nationaler Souveränitätsrechte definiert werden. In diese Perspektive muß der zur nordamerikanisch westeuropäischen Sicherheitsintegration parallel und nicht immer spannungsfrei verlaufende Prozeß der westeuropäischen Integration einbezogen werden. Diese breite historische Aufarbeitung der Formationsphase des Nordatlantischen Bündnisses erscheint nicht zuletzt aus aktuellen politischen Gründen bedeutsam. Mit Blick auf die dramatischen Umbrüche in den Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas, die die internationale Nachkriegsordnung in Frage stellen, eröffnen sich Perspektiven für die Rückkehr dieser Staaten nach Europa.

  • av Sven Kielau
    1 820,-

    In den Jahren 1973¿1993 wurden im Rahmen der Stadtgrabung in der Wohnstadt Pergamons auch rund 5.400 Terrakottafragmente ausgegraben, die in der Mehrzahl vermutlich als Hausinventar gedient haben und überwiegend aus der hellenistischen Epoche und der römischen Kaiserzeit stammen. 1030 thematisch äußerst vielfältige Stücke wurden für den Katalog dieser Arbeit ausgewählt. Für die Einordnung der nun komplett und ausführlich vorgelegten Stadtgrabungsterrakotten wurden viele ältere und neuere Terrakotten aus anderen Grabungen in Pergamon in die Betrachtungen einbezogen. Der Band erhält so eine Übersicht über die Themen und Kontexte der bekannten pergamenischen Terrakotten. Die in der Stadtgrabung gefundenen Terrakotten sind Ausdruck einer regen städtischen Produktion und Nachfrage. Die Göttermutter (Kybele) ist die am häufigsten abgebildete Gottheit, gefolgt von Aphrodite- und Erosdarstellungen und Bildern des dionysischen Themenkreises. Wichtige Gottheiten wie Asklepios und Athena, denen die größten und bedeutendsten Heiligtümer in der Stadt geweiht waren, waren in der wohnstädtischen Koroplastik ein auffällig nachrangiges Thema. Für die Terrakotten der Stadtgrabung konnte eine Reihe von Vergleichsstücken aus anderen Regionen ermittelt werden, von Myrina über Athen bis Unteritalien. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt in diesem Buch auf den überaus engen Verbindungen zur Sepulkralkoroplastik Myrinas.

  • av Dahlia Scheindlin
    1 356,-

  • av Lut Missinne
    429 - 2 469,-

    Fiktionalität ist ein zentrales und vieldiskutiertes Konzept der Literaturwissenschaft, spielt aber auch in zahlreichen anderen gesellschaftlichen Diskursen und Praktiken eine Rolle, von Moraldiskussionen über Politik und Recht bis hin zu den Wissenschaften. Der Band erschließt im ersten Teil Phänomene und Begriffe von Fiktionalität aus literaturwissenschaftlicher Sicht systematisch und historisch, wobei Beiträge aus verschiedene Philologien vertreten sind.Im interdisziplinär angelegten zweiten Teil lotet er die Bedeutung von Fiktionalität in nicht-literarischen Zusammenhängen, Praktiken und Theorietraditionen aus und versammelt Artikel aus Ethnologie, Theologie, Geschichtswissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Psychologie. Insgesamt rücken Aspekte der Medialität und sozialen Praktiken in den Vordergrund, und Begriffe wie 'fiktional' und 'Fiktionalität' werden in ihrer Differenz zu anderen Konzepten wie Authentizität, nicht-fiktional, real etc. verstanden.Damit verschafft das Handbuch einen Überblick über vielfältige Aspekte von Fiktionalität für ein breites Fachpublikum literaturwissenschaftlicher und anderer Disziplinen von fortgeschrittenen Studierenden bis zu Spezialisten.

  • av Laurence R. Horn
    1 686,-

    What is the boundary between lying and (intentionally) misleading? How does perjury differ from a garden-variety lie? In these fourteen essays, distinguished linguists, philosophers, cognitive scientists, and legal scholars draw on theoretical and empirical studies to map the landscape of falsehood, deception, and perjury and to survey practices of manipulation through puffery, bluffing and bullshit in courtrooms, politics, and everyday life.

  • av Molly Xie Pan
    1 804,-

    Contemporary data analytics involves extracting insights from large volumes of data and translating these insights into action to enhance knowledge and practice. Combining tutorial-style chapters and empirical studies, this collection of papers explains the distinction between data analytics and statistics as typically conceived, and shows how data analytic approaches can inform different areas of cognitive linguistic research and application.

  • av Sandra Birzer
    1 519,-

    This volume contains in-depths analyses of language contact situations involving one of the ecclesiatical languages of the Slavic speaking area, namely Greek, Latin and Church Slavonic. It thereby offers important insights into the mechanisms and idiosyncrasies of literacy contact in contrast to face-to-face-contact.

  • av Ian Walkinshaw
    1 454,-

    This volume presents a range of ELF pragmatics-related topics by leading scholars worldwide. These contributions present new work in ELF pragmatics that extend the current state of the field, and introduce work from other areas of pragmatics that translate readily to analysis of ELF interaction. A number of chapters are Asia-focused, examining pragmatic aspects of communication among ELF users in that so far under-explored region.

  • av Stephen C. Levinson
    1 804,-

  • av Nala H. Lee
    1 914,-

  • av Shafi Fazaluddin

    Conciliation in the Qur¿an addresses an existing imbalanced focus in Islamic Studies on conflict in the Qur¿an, and moves beyond a restrictive approach to ¿ul¿ (reconciliation) as a mediation process in fragmented social contexts. The book offers a critical analysis of conciliation as a holistic concept in the Qur¿an, providing linguistic and structural insight based on the renowned pre-modern Arabic exegesis of Al-R¿z¿ (d. 1209) and the under-studied contemporary Urdu exegesis of I¿l¿¿¿ (d. 1997). This ambitious thematic study of the entire Qur¿an includes an innovative examination of the central ethical notion of i¿s¿n (gracious conduct), and a challenging discussion of notorious passages relating to conflict. The author offers solutions to unresolved issues such as the significance of the notion of i¿l¿¿ (order), the relationship between conciliation and justice, and the structural and thematic significance of Q.48 (S¿rat Al-Fat¿) and Q.49 (S¿rat Al-¿ujur¿t). Conciliation in the Qur¿an offers a compelling argument for the prevalence of conciliation in the Islamic scripture, and will be an essential read for practitioners in Islamic studies, community integration, conflict-resolution, interfaith dialogue and social justice.

  • av Naomi Janowitz
    223 - 1 365,-

  • av Thomas Nemeth
    1 665,-

  • av Paola Revilla Orías

    This book reflects the development of Latin American labour history across broad geographical, chronological and thematic perspectives, which seek to review and revisit key concepts at different levels. The contributions are closely linked to the most recent trends in Global Labour History and in turn, they enrich those trends.¿ Here, authors from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Spain take a historical and sociological perspective and analyse a series of problems relating to labour relations. The chapters weave together different periods of Latin American colonial and republican history¿from the vice-royalties of New Spain (now Mexico) and Peru, the¿Royal¿Audiencia de Charcas¿(now Bolivia), Argentina and Uruguay (former vice-royalty of Río de La Plata) and Chile (former¿Capitanía General).

  • av Shulamit Almog
    242 - 1 075,-

  • av Wolf Schmid
    1 282,-

  • av Michel Büch
    1 329,-

  • av Lucy Atieno

    Focusing on the future of tourism, Sustainable Tourism Dialogues in Africa is inclusive of experienced and emerging researchers, as well as incorporating local stakeholders in the tourism industry: architects, tourism operators, sustainable tourism lobbyists, policy makers, archaeologists, and geographers. The editors are frontline sustainable tourism advocates in Africa, and the book¿s thematic content is derived from 30 inter-university seminars on sustainable tourism hosted by Sustainable Travel & Tourism Agenda Kenya from 2017 to November 2019. These seminars involved the participation of 17 universities in Kenya, tourism operators, conservationists, developmentalists, investors, policy makers, and students.Every chapter is a voice projecting aspirations for the responsible management of tourism in Africa and promoting the ideals of sustainable tourism that young people in Africa advocate for the industry¿s future. In so doing, the authors pinpoint the necessary actions for bringing about transformations in sustainable development of tourism. The book thus seeks to encourage debate, while facilitating the development of both theoretical and practical foundations for managing tourism sustainably in Africa.

  • av Robert Ryder
    279 - 1 401,-

  • av Ulrike Schröder

    The book deals with the important shift that has been heralded in cognitive linguistics from mere universal matters to cultural and situational variation. The discussions examine cognitive and cultural linguistics¿ theories in relation to the following areas of research: (i) metaphorical conceptualization; (ii) the influence of culture on metaphor, metonymy and conceptual blends; (iii) the impact of culture and cognition on metaphorical lexis; (iv) the interface of pragmatics and cognition when metaphor is studied in situ, that is, in face-to-face as well as in virtual multimodal interaction; (v) the application of insights from metaphorical conceptualizations to language teaching, and (vi) recent methods for revealing (inter)cultural metaphorical conceptualizations (corpus-based approaches, gesture studies, etc.). The book brings together cognitive, functional, and (inter)cultural approaches.

  • av Maren Wehrle

    Recent years have seen a rise in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the mind. However, relatively little emphasis has been placed on attention, its functions, and phenomenology. As a result, there are a multitude of definitions and explanatory frameworks that describe what attention is, what it does, and how it works. This volume proposes that one way to discuss attention is by utilizing an integrative multidisciplinary framework that takes into consideration aspects of attention as a means of accessing the world and as a mediator of experience. It brings together contributions from cognitive science, philosophy, and psychology in order to shed light on these aspects of attention. By including both theoretical and empirical approaches to attention, this volume will provide (1) an innovative framework for examining attention as something that mediates experience and (2) new perspectives on foundational and defi nitional issues of what attention is and how it contributes to our ability to access the world. By drawing together different disciplines, this volume broadens the concept of attention. It opens up a new way of looking at attention as an active process through which the world is disclosed for us.

  • av M. Gregory Tweedie
    1 373,-

    In this first book-length treatment of MELF, the authors assert that MELF represents an important contribution to our understanding of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), in that existing ELF research has been limited to relatively low stakes communicative situations, such as interactions in business, academia, internet blogging or casual conversations. Medical contexts, in contrast, often represent situations calling for exceptional communicative precision and urgency. Providing both evidence from their own research and analysis from (the limited number of) existing studies, the authors offer a counterpoint to the optimism regarding communicative success prevalent in ELF. The book proposes a theoretical perspective on how the various features of healthcare communication serve as important variables in shaping interaction among speakers of ELF, further enlarging our understanding of this emerging sub-field.

  • av Amir Gohar

    Tourism Governance takes a systematic approach to reveal the varying internal and external dynamics that influence tourism policy and strategy across countries. With particular attention to the role of stakeholders and governmental scales, the book offers a broad geographic representation, highlighting the diversity of governance relationships towards tourism in Colombia, Egypt, Finland, France, India, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, and United States. Two additional chapters push beyond borders to examine tourism driven nongovernmental organizations and international tourism governance. As the first and only comprehensive comparative analysis of tourism across governmental systems, Tourism Governance promises to be a platform for inspiring critical discourse on the forces that shape this global industry.

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