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Bøker i Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society-serien

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  • av Jacob Bedrossian
    1 211,-

    The second in a pair of works which study small disturbances to the plane, periodic 3D Couette flow in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations at high Reynolds number Re.

  • av Lucia Di Vizio
    1 211,-

    Considers an arithmetic approach to the Galois theory of q-difference equations and we use it to establish an arithmetical description of some of the Galois groups attached to q-difference systems.

  • av Cai-Heng Li
    1 227,-

    A characterization is given for the factorizations of almost simple groups with a solvable factor. It turns out that there are only several infinite families of these non-trivial factorizations, and an almost simple group with such a factorization cannot have socle exceptional Lie type or orthogonal of minus type.

  • av Jan Kohlhaase
    1 211,-

    In general, this volume gives a description of the derived category of H-modules in terms of smooth G-representations and yields a functor to generalized (?, ?)-modules extending the constructions of Colmez, Schneider and Vigneras.

  • av Yongsheng Han
    1 211,-

    Develops via real variable methods various characterisations of the Hardy spaces in the multi-parameter flag setting. These characterisations include those via the non-tangential and radial maximal function, the Littlewood-Paley square function and area integral, Riesz transforms and the atomic decom-position in the multi-parameter flag setting.

  • av Francois Charest
    1 211,-

    Show that blow-ups or reverse flips (in the sense of the minimal model program) of rational symplectic manifolds with point centers create Floer-non-trivial Lagrangian tori. These results are part of a conjectural decomposition of the Fukaya category of a compact symplectic manifold with a singularity-free running of the minimal model program.

  • av Yann Palu
    1 211,-

    View the abstract.

  • av Guy David
    1 211,-

    View the abstract.

  • av Benjamin Jaye
    1 211,-

    Fix $d\geq 2$, and $s\in (d-1,d)$. The authors characterize the non-negative locally finite non-atomic Borel measures $\mu $ in $\mathbb R^d$ for which the associated $s$-Riesz transform is bounded in $L^2(\mu )$ in terms of the Wolff energy. This extends the range of $s$ in which the Mateu-Prat-Verdera characterization of measures with bounded $s$-Riesz transform is known. As an application, the authors give a metric characterization of the removable sets for locally Lipschitz continuous solutions of the fractional Laplacian operator $(-\Delta )^\alpha /2$, $\alpha \in (1,2)$, in terms of a well-known capacity from non-linear potential theory. This result contrasts sharply with removability results for Lipschitz harmonic functions.

  • av David Carchedi
    1 211,-

    The author develops a universal framework to study smooth higher orbifolds on the one hand and higher Deligne-Mumford stacks (as well as their derived and spectral variants) on the other, and use this framework to obtain a completely categorical description of which stacks arise as the functor of points of such objects. He chooses to model higher orbifolds and Deligne-Mumford stacks as infinity-topoi equipped with a structure sheaf, thus naturally generalizing the work of Lurie, but his approach applies not only to different settings of algebraic geometry such as classical algebraic geometry, derived algebraic geometry, and the algebraic geometry of commutative ring spectra but also to differential topology, complex geometry, the theory of supermanifolds, derived manifolds etc., where it produces a theory of higher generalized orbifolds appropriate for these settings. This universal framework yields new insights into the general theory of Deligne-Mumford stacks and orbifolds, including a representability criterion which gives a categorical characterization of such generalized Deligne-Mumford stacks. This specializes to a new categorical description of classical Deligne-Mumford stacks, which extends to derived and spectral Deligne-Mumford stacks as well.

  • av Henri Lombardi
    1 211,-

    The authors prove an elementary recursive bound on the degrees for Hilbert's 17th problem. More precisely they express a nonnegative polynomial as a sum of squares of rational functions and obtain as degree estimates for the numerators and denominators the following tower of five exponentials $ 2^{ 2^{ 2^{d^{4^{k}}} } } $ where $d$ is the number of variables of the input polynomial. The authors' method is based on the proof of an elementary recursive bound on the degrees for Stengle's Positivstellensatz. More precisely the authors give an algebraic certificate of the emptyness of the realization of a system of sign conditions and obtain as degree bounds for this certificate a tower of five exponentials, namely $ 2^{ 2^{\left(2^{\max\{2,d\}^{4^{k}}}+ s^{2^{k}}\max\{2, d\}^{16^{k}{\mathrm bit}(d)} \right)} } $ where $d$ is a bound on the degrees, $s$ is the number of polynomials and $k$ is the number of variables of the input polynomials.

  • av Gonzalo Fiz Pontiveros
    1 211,-

    The areas of Ramsey theory and random graphs have been closely linked ever since Erdos's famous proof in 1947 that the "e;diagonal"e; Ramsey numbers $R(k)$ grow exponentially in $k$. In the early 1990s, the triangle-free process was introduced as a model which might potentially provide good lower bounds for the "e;off-diagonal"e; Ramsey numbers $R(3,k)$. In this model, edges of $K_n$ are introduced one-by-one at random and added to the graph if they do not create a triangle; the resulting final (random) graph is denoted $G_n,\triangle $. In 2009, Bohman succeeded in following this process for a positive fraction of its duration, and thus obtained a second proof of Kim's celebrated result that $R(3,k) = \Theta \big ( k^2 / \log k \big )$. In this paper the authors improve the results of both Bohman and Kim and follow the triangle-free process all the way to its asymptotic end.

  • av Massimiliano Berti
    1 211,-

    The authors prove the existence and the linear stability of small amplitude time quasi-periodic standing wave solutions (i.e. periodic and even in the space variable $x$) of a 2-dimensional ocean with infinite depth under the action of gravity and surface tension. Such an existence result is obtained for all the values of the surface tension belonging to a Borel set of asymptotically full Lebesgue measure.

  • av Jaroslav Nesetril
    1 211,-

    In this paper the authors introduce a general framework for the study of limits of relational structures and graphs in particular, which is based on a combination of model theory and (functional) analysis. The authors show how the various approaches to graph limits fit to this framework and that the authors naturally appear as "e;tractable cases"e; of a general theory. As an outcome of this, the authors provide extensions of known results. The authors believe that this puts these into a broader context. The second part of the paper is devoted to the study of sparse structures. First, the authors consider limits of structures with bounded diameter connected components and prove that in this case the convergence can be "e;almost"e; studied component-wise. They also propose the structure of limit objects for convergent sequences of sparse structures. Eventually, they consider the specific case of limits of colored rooted trees with bounded height and of graphs with bounded tree-depth, motivated by their role as "e;elementary bricks"e; these graphs play in decompositions of sparse graphs, and give an explicit construction of a limit object in this case. This limit object is a graph built on a standard probability space with the property that every first-order definable set of tuples is measurable. This is an example of the general concept of modeling the authors introduce here. Their example is also the first "e;intermediate class"e; with explicitly defined limit structures where the inverse problem has been solved.

  • av Jean-Francois Coulombel
    1 211,-

    This work is devoted to the analysis of high frequency solutions to the equations of nonlinear elasticity in a half-space. The authors consider surface waves (or more precisely, Rayleigh waves) arising in the general class of isotropic hyperelastic models, which includes in particular the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff system. Work has been done by a number of authors since the 1980s on the formulation and well-posedness of a nonlinear evolution equation whose (exact) solution gives the leading term of an approximate Rayleigh wave solution to the underlying elasticity equations. This evolution equation, which is referred to as "e;the amplitude equation"e;, is an integrodifferential equation of nonlocal Burgers type. The authors begin by reviewing and providing some extensions of the theory of the amplitude equation. The remainder of the paper is devoted to a rigorous proof in 2D that exact, highly oscillatory, Rayleigh wave solutions $u^{\varepsilon} $ to the nonlinear elasticity equations exist on a fixed time interval independent of the wavelength $\varepsilon $, and that the approximate Rayleigh wave solution provided by the analysis of the amplitude equation is indeed close in a precise sense to $u^{\varepsilon}$ on a time interval independent of $\varepsilon $. This paper focuses mainly on the case of Rayleigh waves that are pulses, which have profiles with continuous Fourier spectrum, but the authors' method applies equally well to the case of wavetrains, whose Fourier spectrum is discrete.

  • av Eric M. Rains
    1 211,-

  • av Christopher L. Douglas
    1 211,-

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