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  • - Essays in interpretation of the Christian message
    av Bohdan Chudoba
    1 532,-

  • - An Investigation of the Distribution of Influence in Society
    av Geert P. A. Braam
    1 532,-

  • - A Refutation of Scientific Materialism and an Establishment of Mind-Matter Dualism by Means of Philosophy and Scientific Method
    av Eric P. Polten
    1 532,-

    2 736

    Frontmatter -- General Table of Contents -- Table of contents: Volume II -- 3. Legal Science / Knapp, Viktor -- 4. Philosophy -- Foreword / Ricoeur, Paul -- Chapter VII. Modes of thinking and the different classes of reality / Ricoeur, Paul -- Chapter VIII. Language, action and humanism / Ricoeur, Paul -- List Of Works Cited -- Subject Index

    3 734,-

    Frontmatter -- General Table of Contents -- Table of contents: Volume I -- Preface -- Foreword -- 1. Anthropological and historical sciences -- Chapter I. Social and cultural anthropology / Freedman, Maurice -- Chapter II. Archaeology and prehistory / Laet, Sigfried J. De -- Chapter III. History / Barraclough, Geoffrey -- 2. Aesthetics and the sciences of art -- Foreword -- Chapter IV. Art and the science of art today -- SECTION ONE: THE SITUATION AND MEANING OF ART TODAY -- A. In the Western countries / Dufrenne, Mikel -- B. In the Socialist countries / Köpeczi, Béla -- C. In the non-Western countries / Dufrenne, Mikel -- SECTION TWO: THE PHILOSOPHICAL SCENE -- SECTION THREE: THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES -- 1. The historical approach / Köpeczi, Béla -- 2. The comparative approach / Étiemble, René -- 3. The sociological approach / Leenhardt, Jacques -- 4. The experimental approach / Francés, Robert -- 5. The psychological approach / Dufrenne, Mikel / Wellek, Albert / Baudinet, Marie-José -- 6. The psychoanalytical approach / Lyotard, Jean-François -- 7. The anthropological approach / Gerbrands, A. A. -- 8. The semiotic approach / Marin, Louis -- 9. The informational approach / Moles, Abraham A. -- CONCLUSION / Dufrenne, Mikel -- Chapter V. Contemporary study of the principal problems in aesthetics and the various arts -- Introduction -- SECTION ONE: THE STUDY OF GENERAL PROBLEMS -- A. Artistic creation / Dufrenne, Mikel -- B. Reception of the work of art / Leenhardt, Jacques -- C. Problems of aesthetic values / Dufrenne, Mikel -- SECTION TWO: THE STUDY OF THE VARIOUS ARTS -- Introduction -- I. Visual arts / Argan, Giulio Carlo -- II. Literature / Starobinski, Jean -- III. Music / Patisca, Claude V. -- IV. The dramatic arts / Veinstein, André -- V. The art of cinema / Bettetini, Gianfranco -- VI. Architecture and town-planning / Choay, Françoise -- VII . The arts of information and the mass media / Dörfles, Gillo -- CONCLUSION / Dufrenne, Mikel -- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ANNEX

  • - Le cycle de la vie familiale dans les societes Europeennes
    2 002

    Frontmatter -- Foreword / Kooy, Gerrit A. -- Contents / Table des matières -- List of contributors / Liste des auteurs -- Introduction. Le cycle de la vie familiale: origine et champ de l'interrogation / Cuisenier, Jean -- I. Cycle theories and history of the concept / Théories du cycle et histoire du concept -- 1. Social theory and family development / Hill, Reuben -- 2. The family life cycle concept: past, present, and future / Rodgers, Roy H. -- 3. Family cycle and theory construction / Goode, William J. -- II. Uses of the concept for sociological analysis. Application du concept à l'analyse sociologique -- 4. The life cycle of the Yugoslav peasant farm family / First-Dilic, Ruza -- 5. Social change and the child-rearing phase. Resources and network of the modern urban family in Norway / Eriksen, John / Tiller, Per Olav -- 6. Family developmental tasks and happiness / Haavio-Mannila, Elina -- 7. Social indicators for the analysis of family needs related to the life cycle / Stolte-Heiskanen, Veronica -- 8. The internal structure of the three-generation household / Kamiko, Takeji -- 9. Construction of the life cycle of the family. Some remarks on the availability of information / Dumon, W.A. / D'Hertefelt-Bruynooghe, R.M. -- III. Familial events and their relation to the concept. Faits familiaux dans leurs rapports avec le concept -- 10. Cycle de la vie domestique et incidences de l'hétérogamie religieuse: le cas des mariages mixtes entre juifs et catholiques en France / Lautman, Françoise -- 11. Divorce and the family life cycle in Great Britain / Chester, Robert -- 12. The connection between the family cycle and divorce rates. An analysis based on European data / Künzel, Renate -- 13. L'avortement dans la perspective du cycle familial / Kellerhals, Jean -- 14. L'incidence de la surmortalité masculine sur le cycle de la vie familiale / Frinking, Gérard -- 15. Age du chef de famille et niveau de vie du ménage / Tymowski, Andrzej -- 16. Enjoyment careers and the family life cycle / Thiessen, Victor / Rapoport, Rhona / Rapoport, Robert N. -- IV. Historical and anthropological extensions of the field of investigation. Elargissement historique et anthropologique du champ d'observation -- 17. Le cycle familial et le processus de socialisation: caractéristiques du schéma occidental considéré dans le temps / Laslett, Peter -- 18. The family cycle in historical perspective: a proposal for a developmental approach / Hareven, Tamara K. -- 19. Individual life cycles and family cycles. A comparison of perspectives / Halpern, Joël M. -- 20. Changes in the Bulgarian family cycle from the end of the 19th century to the present day / Ilieva, Nikolina / Oshavkova, Vera -- 21. Types de famille et cycle de vie dans la Yougoslavie rurale / Kostic, Cvetko / Boreli, Rada / Gossiaux, Jean-François -- V. Theoretical extensions of the concept. Elargissement du champ théorique du concept -- 22. Content of relations with relatives / Mogey, John -- 23. Le processus de divorce / Commaille, Jacques / Boigeol, Anne -- 24. Modèles familiaux de la transmission patrimoniale et théorie du cycle / Lautman, Jacques -- 25. The family life cycle. A problematic concept / Trost, Jan -- Conclusion. Type d'organisation familiale et cycle: changement ou mutation dans les sociétés européennes / Cuisenier, Jean

  • av Charles Moraze
    1 532,-

    Frontmatter -- Contents -- Translator's foreword -- Author s preface to the English edition A new link between biology and history -- Author's preface to the original edition -- PART I. The function of historicity -- PART II. The exploration of the possible -- PART III. Encounters with the certain -- PART IV. Essential history -- Index

  • - A Study of New York City Jewish Family Clubs
    av William E. Mitchell
    1 321,-

    Frontmatter -- Foreword -- Author's preface -- Contents -- List of tables and figures -- 1. The Jews of New York City -- 2. The origins of family clubs -- 3. Membership and leadership -- 4. Resources and records -- 5. Social gatherings -- 6. Feuds and fissions -- 7. Why family clubs? An explanatory model -- 8. Family clubs and kinship theory -- Appendices -- Notes -- References -- Index

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 664

    Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgement -- Arab Perceptions of Jews, Zionism and Israel -- Judaism and Israel -- Israel's Domestic Affairs -- The Political Leadership of Israel -- Israeli Foreign Policy -- Israel and the Arab World -- Israel and the Palestinians -- The Israeli Defence System -- The Israeli Propaganda Machine -- A Sample of Cartoons -- Does 'Peace' Change Perceptions? -- Index

  • - A Conference on the Historian Between the Ethnologist and the Futurologist, Venice, April 2-8, 1971
    1 532,-

    Frontmatter -- Preface / Bullock, Alan -- Editors' note -- Contents -- 1. Rules of the game and landscapes -- Our current sense of history / Gellner, Ernest -- Discussion -- 2. Futurology or projection of the present -- Prediction versus prophecy / Bell, Daniel -- Discussion -- 3. The historian and scientific economics -- The necessity and impossibility of political economy / Wiles, Peter -- Discussion -- 4. Illusions of temporal continuity -- History, sociology and revolutions / Nisbet, Robert -- Discussion -- 5. Political history in crisis -- On the position of political history within the social sciences / Mommsen, Wolfgang J. -- Discussion -- 6. In praise of history -- What is historical knowledge for us today? / Trevor-Roper, Hugh -- Discussion -- 7. New historical method -- History and primitive man / Furet, François -- The historian and the common man / Le Goff, Jacques -- History of systems of values / Duby, Georges -- Postface / Aron, Raymond -- Participants

  • - A study across cultures
    av Alexander Askenasy & Marisa Zavalloni
    1 532,-

  • - A psychoanalytic study of his history and myth
    av Adriaan D. de Groot
    1 532,-

    1 532,-

    Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- PART I: The Middle East Crisis in Historical Perspective -- Preface to Part I -- 1. The Position of Jews in Arab Lands Following the Rise of Islam / Swartz, Merlin -- 2. The Problem of Palestine / Marks, John H. -- 3. Nationalism and Conflict in Palestine / Chomsky, Noam -- PART II: Personal Perspectives on the Crisis -- Preface to Part II -- 4. The Palestinians as a Political Entity / Anabtawi, Samir N. -- 5. Reflections on Three Concepts of Justice Regarding Palestine / Laroui, Abdullah -- 6. The Palestinian Experience / Said, Edward W. -- 7. The Third Year of the Six-Days' War / Avnery, Uri -- 8. A Plea for Rationality in Israel-Arab Relations / Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua -- 9. Letter to a Friend: An Essay on a Hope for Peace / Gendzier, Irene -- PART III: General Reflections on the Crisis -- Preface to Part III -- 10. Reflections on the Crisis / Toynbee, Arnold -- 11. Crisis and Role of Decolonization / Berque, Jacques -- 12. Relevance of the "Third World" to the Palestinians / Teuber-Weckersdorff, Charlotte M. -- 13. Through a Glass Darkly: Images of the Middle Eastern Conflict / Gilsenan, Michael -- 14. Alternatives to Fear / Mason, Herbert

  • - Some Problems of its Laws, Structures, Peace Research and the Middle East Conflict. Essays in honour of Marion Mushkat
    1 664

    Frontmatter -- Editor's Note -- Contents -- Part I. The Changing Structure Of The International Community And Its Laws -- 1. The Historical Balance Sheet Of 'Peaceful Coexistence' And The Soviet-Western (Bipolar) Detente -- 2. The Theory Of The Four C's: Conflict, Coexistence, Competition, Cooperation -- 3. Is The World System Moving In A Pluralistic Direction? -- 4. Normative Controls On International Violence -- 5. International Law And International Organization: The Benefits Of Combined Study -- 6. The Protection Of Diplomatic Agents -- 7. Inter-African Diplomatic Communication -- 8. Neutrality And International Solidarity: The Case Of Switzerland -- 9. The Role Of Neutrality In International Politics -- Part II. The International Protection Of Individuals And Groups -- 10. La Lutte Contre Le Racisme En France Durant L'année 1971 -- 11. Complaints By Individuals To The Commission On Human Rights: 25 Years Of An Uphill Struggle (1947-1971) -- 12. Le Traitement Des Plaintes Du Public En URSS -- 13. The Unesco Tensions Project And Conflict Residues On Peretz Bernstein's Sociology Of Antisemitism -- 14. Featuring Jewish Political Science Some Problems Of Group Protection And Human Rights -- 15. Nuremberg In Retrospect -- 16. La Convention Européene Et La Convention Américaine Pour La Protection Des Droits De L'homme -- Part III. Peace Research -- 17. Réflexions Sur La Classification Et La Probabilité Des Conflits -- 18. Peace Education And Peace Theory -- 19. Peace Research In International Law -- 20. Towards New Cultural Relations In The International World: From Unilateral To Reciprocal Cultural Relations -- 21. Conflicts Of Interest: Subjective Or Objective? -- 22. Peace And Freedom -- Part IV. Problems Of The Middle East Conflict -- 23. Israeli Foreign Policy And International Legal Issues 1948-1971 -- 24. India And The Status Of Aqaba And Tiran -- 25. The Great Powers, Israel And The United Nations 1948-1967 -- 26. Hostilities During Cease-Fire In The Middle East -- 27. China And The Arab-Israel Conflict -- 28. Origins Of The American Involvement In The Middle East -- 29. The Soviet Union And Israel -- 30. Local Government As An Integrating Factor In Israeli Society -- 31. Messianic Influences And Pragmatic Limitations In Israeli Foreign Policy -- 32. Israel And The Enlarged European Economic Community -- Marion Mushkat's Publications: A Selected Bibliography -- Contributors

  • - The Impact of Culture Change on Indigenous Peoples
    3 117

  • - A Process of Escalation into Mass Destruction
    av John M. Steiner
    1 928

  • - A Guide to Theory, Research and Literature
    av Guy Ankerl
    2 200,-

  • - International William T. Preyer Symposium
    1 664

  • - Past, Present and Future
    av Peter Bernholz
    1 532,-

  • - Europe from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century
    1 394,-

  • - The Subsistence Strategies of the Kalimantan Kant
    av Michael R. Dove
    2 068,-

  • - A medical anthropological study of chronic marihuana use
    av Vera Rubin & Lambros Comitas
    1 532,-

    2 736

    2 134,-

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