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  • av Professor Emerita, J. Ann (Professor Emerita & University of Southern California) Tickner
    550 - 1 859

    J. Ann Tickner is ranked among the most influential scholars of international relations. As one of the founders of the field of feminist international relations, she is also among the most pioneering. A Feminist Voyage through International Relations provides a compendium of Tickner's work as a feminist IR scholar, from the late 1980s through to present day.

  • - Logics of Global Governance
    av Shepherd
    380 - 1 268,-

    The Women, Peace and Security agenda has developed over the past two decades, anchored in-but far exceeding-a series of resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council that address gender and the governance of peace and conflict. This book presents an analysis of the emergence of the WPS agenda as a knowable policy object, applying narrative and discourse theory to a dataset of publicly available documents published over the past two decades, and original interviewswith people working on and around the WPS agenda at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

  • - National Security and Gender Politics in Superpower America
    av Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto) Bashevkin & Sylvia (Professor of Political Science
    544 - 1 062,-

  • - Women, Peace, and Security in Post-Conflict States
    av Sabrina (Dartmouth Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security (2016-2017)) Karim, Kyle (Associate Professor of Political Science, Duke University) Beardsley & m.fl.
    482 - 1 244,-

    Despite reforms that have realized major improvements, gender power imbalances within and through peacekeeping missions continue to pose major challenges. Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley explore how increasing the representation of women, particularly through an "equal opportunity" framework, will help peacekeeping operations become more of a vehicle for gender equality globally.

  • - Understanding Gendered Violence in Democratic India
    av Natasha (Associate Professor, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Arizona State University) Behl & m.fl.
    1 062,-

  • - How Women Seize Peace Negotiations for Political Change
    av Miriam J. (Assistant Professor of Political Science Anderson
    1 056,-

    Windows of Opportunity depicts how women's advocacy groups seize peace processes to reconfigure their role in the state. It provides an overview of women's rights found in 195 peace agreements signed between 1975 and 2011 as well as an in-depth analysis of three case studies: Burundi, Macedonia, and Northern Ireland.

  • - Finding Women in Anti-Radicalization
    av Katherine E. (Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies Brown

    Radicalization, and the terrorism that is frequently linked to it, have been subject to much study and governmental intervention. Nevertheless, the processes that lead to radicalization remain thinly conceptualized although governments and their agencies worldwide have invested heavily in counter and de-radicalization programs. There are at least 34 anti-radicalization programs worldwide, most of which were initiated post-2001, with a focus on Muslims and Muslimcommunities. These policies and programs have led to interventions in the daily lives of thousands, often in ways that push the boundaries of human rights law and norms. However, the effectiveness of these programs is unclear. This book compares anti-radicalization programs that target Islamic extremism in the UK, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, the Netherlands and Pakistan. It looks particularly at the ways in which the program tactics differ depending on the gender of the target, arguing that the gendered way in which anti-radicalization is pursued helps to reveal its limitations. These programs fail to take into account how masculinity and femininity inform the radicalization process. Moreover, the programs tend to linkmen''s radicalization to excessive, but flawed, masculinity, and women''s radicalization to passivity, which consequentially limits understandings of the various modes of belief, belonging, and behavior of those they are trying to engage. Solutions for male de-radicalization hinge on particular idealsof masculinity that few men can obtain, while the de-radicalization of women is seen as a rescue mission. Although the rhetoric of battling terrorism is often couched in a narrative of "women''s rights" and "liberal values", the book demonstrates that the consequences of the programs often run counter to such ideals. The book''s findings are applicable not just to de-radicalization programs, but also to broader counter-radicalization agendas that address resilience and community engagement. The book also highlights the way in which anti-radicalization measures hew to or differ from older programs addressing right-wing extremism, anti-cult measures, and sectarianism. Ultimately, Gender, Religion, Extremism proposes an alternative way of implementing anti-radicalization efforts that are rooted in afeminist peaceΓÇöone that is transformative, inclusive, and sustainable.

  • - Maternality in Global Politics
    1 400,-

    By considering representations and narratives of maternity, this volume shows how practices of global politics shape and are shaped by the gendered norms and institutions that underpin motherhood. The chapters in this book consider the meaning of motherhood, particularly during times of war versus peace; the connections between motherhood and nationhood (and reproduction of the state); and care work and maternal labor, particularly as performed by transnationalworkers. Ultimately, this book demonstrates the complex interconnections between the individual, the state, and the global through the lens of maternality.

  • - Locating Legitimacy
    av Laura J. Shepherd
    424 - 1 295,-

    The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (UNPBC) was established in December 2005 to develop outlines of best practice in post-conflict reconstruction, and to secure the political and material resources necessary to assist states in transition from conflict to peacetime. Currently, the organization is involved in reconstruction and peacebuilding activities in six countries. Yet, a 2010 review by permanent representatives to the United Nations found that the hopesof the UN peacebuilding architecture "despite committed and dedicated efforts...ha[d] yet to be realized." Two of these hopes relate to gender and power, specifically that peacebuilding efforts integrate a "gender perspective" and that the Commission consult with civil society, NGOs, and women''sorganizations. This book is the first to offer an extensive and dedicated analysis of the activities of the UN Peacebuilding Commission with regard to both gender politics, broadly conceived, and the gendered dynamics of civil society participation in peacebuilding activities. Laura J. Shepherd draws upon original fieldwork that she conducted at the UN to argue that the gendered and spatial politics of peacebuilding not only feminizes civil society organizations, but also perpetuates hierarchies thatprivilege the international over the domestic realms. The book argues that the dominant representations of women, gender, and civil society in UN peacebuilding discourse produce spatial hierarchies that paradoxically undermine the contemporary emphasis on "bottom-up" governance of peacebuildingactivities.

  • - A Gendered Analysis of Women in Combat
    av Ayelet (Senior Lecturer Harel-Shalev
    1 384,-

    Several months after a 2014 operation in the Gaza Strip, fifty-three Israeli Defense Forces combatants and combat-support soldiers were awarded military decorations for exhibiting extraordinary bravery. From a gendered perspective, the most noteworthy aspect of these awards was not the fact that only 4 of the 53 recipients were women, but rather the fact that the men were uniformly praised for being "brave," being "heroes," "actively performing acts of bravery,""protecting," and "preventing terror attacks," while the women were repeatedly commended for "not panicking." This pattern is not unique to the Israeli case, but rather reflects the patriarchal norms that still prevail in military institutions worldwide. One might expect that, now that women serve on thebattlefield as combatants, some of the gendered norms informing militaries would have long disappeared. As it stands, women in the military still face a double battle—against the patriarchal institution, as well as against the military''s purported enemies. Drawing on interviews with 100 women military veterans about their experiences in combat, this book asks what insights are gained when we take women''s experiences in war as our starting point instead of treating them as "add-ons" to more fundamental or mainstream levels of analysis, and what importance these experiences hold for an analysis of violence and for security studies. Importantly, the authors introduce a theoretical framework in critical security studies for understanding(vis-à-vis binary deconstructions of the terms used in these fields) the integration of women soldiers into combat and combat-support roles, as well as the challenges they face. While the book focuses on women in the Israeli Defence Forces, the book provides different perspectives about why it is important toexplore women in combat, what their experiences teach us, and how to consider soldiers and veterans both as citizens and as violent state actors—an issue with which scholars are often reluctant to engage. Breaking the Binaries in Security Studies raises methodological considerations about ways of evaluating power relations in conflict situations and patriarchal structures.

  • - Gender and Women's Issues across North-South Divides
    av Sara (Lecturer de Jong

    This book explores the reflections of women in the global North whose "doing good" work is aimed at improving conditions for other women. Drawing on interviews with women NGO workers in seven different European countries about their experiences and perspectives on working on gendered issues affecting women in the global South, this book looks at the ways in which the work they do is embedded in power structures and inequalities.

  • - A Feminist Christian Realist Intervention
    av Caron E. (Lecturer Gentry

    This American Moment looks at the anxieties that plague American politics, including those that deny the importance of Black Lives Matter and support the subordination of women, particularly as they relate to the election and continued support of President Trump. The book proposes feminist Christian realism, an update on Reinhold Niebuhr's Christian realism, as a way to re-engage the importance of love and relationships in politics.

  • - Feminist Imaginings of the State in International Relations
    1 552,-

    Two decades ago, V. Spike Peterson published a book titled Gendered States in which she asked, what difference does gender make in international relations and the construction of the sovereign state system? This book aims to connect the earlier debates of Peterson's book with the gendered state today, one that exists within a globalized and increasingly securitized world. Including scholars from International Relations, Postcolonial Studies, and DevelopmentStudies, this volume examines the various ways in which gender explains the construction and interplay of modern states in international relations and global politics.

  • - Gender and Women's Issues across North-South Divides
    av Sara (Research Fellow de Jong
    1 244,-

  • - The Political Economy of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
    av Sara (Assistant Professor Meger
    1 415,-

    Rape Loot Pillage offers a new framework for understanding conflict-related sexual violence based on feminist international political economy. By looking at patterns of contemporary conflict this book proposes a new typology of wartime sexual violence that ties the 'value' of this violence to the politico-economic objectives of the perpetrators in different conflict contexts.

  • av University of Sussex) Weber, Cynthia (Professor of International Relations & Professor of International Relations
    517 - 1 774

    How are sovereignty and sexuality entangled in contemporary international politics? By analyzing figurations of "the homosexual" as "the underdeveloped," "the un-developable," "the unwanted im/migrant," "the terrorist," "the gay rights holder," "the gay patriot," and Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst's "bearded lady,".

  • - Gender-Based Asylum and U.S. Immigration Politics
    av Meghana (Associate Professor of Political Science Nayak
    1 158,-

    Gender-based asylum is a strategy that allows those who have experienced gender persecution to find safe haven in the United States. However, it matters not just that but how we respond to this form of violence and persecution.

  • - Youth, Gender, and Fashion Globalization
    av Angela B. (Director McCracken
    1 227,-

    The Beauty Trade is an analysis of the globalization of beauty products, practices, and ideas, as seen through the lives of youth in Mexico. Far from frivolous, the beauty economy is key to youth's social and economic development.

  • - Feminist Critical Methodology in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
    av Catia Cecilia ( Confortini
    1 367,-

    Intelligent Compassion traces changes in the ideas and policies of the longest-living international women's organization between 1945 and 1975. Focusing on disarmament, decolonization and the Middle East, it finds answers to IR questions about the possibility of emancipatory agency in the theoretical practices of women peace activists.

  • - Militarism and Peacekeeping
    av Annica (Associate Professor Kronsell
    1 449,-

    This book explores the post-national defense and its gender implications. It explores how the United Nations Security Council resolution to increase the participation of women in peace negotiations, humanitarian planning, peacekeeping operations, post-conflict peacebuilding and governance has influenced the organization and policy practices of the post-national defense.

  • av Jacqui (Professor of Politics and International Relations, Monash University) True & Professor of Politics and International Relations
    524 - 1 945

  • - Theorizing Embodied Subjects in International Relations
    av Lauren B. (University Lecturer in Gender Studies and Deputy Director of the Centre for Gender Studies Wilcox
    1 158,-

  • - Dramatization as Research in Thailand's Anti-Trafficking Movement
    av Erin M. (Assistant Professor Kamler

    In this book, Erin Kamler brings together feminist international research with the writing, composing, and production of an original musical designed to critique the discourse about the trafficking of women in Thailand. Through this study, Kamler illuminates a theory and praxis that she calls Dramatization as Research, or DAR. Ultimately, Kamler shows how the arts can be used as a feminist communication intervention and a vehicle for understanding the culturaldimension of human rights.

  • - The European Union, Transnational Advocacy, and Combating Violence Against Women
    av University of Colorado-Boulder) Montoya, Celeste (Associate Professor of Women and Gender Studies & Associate Professor of Women and Gender Studies
    551 - 1 107,-

    This examination of the European Union and efforts to combat violence against women provides an empirical feminist analysis of the transnational strategies and processes that connect global and grassroots advocacy efforts. It looks beyond policy rhetoric to examine the extent to which this important human rights issue is being addressed.

  • - Gender and the Politics of Financial Crises

    While feminist economists and movements such as Occupy Wall Street have pointed to the distributional inequalities that are an effect of financial deregulation, scholars haven't really grappled with the representational inequalities inherent in the way we view the politics of the market. Scandalous Economics breaks new ground by doing precisely this.

  • - Gender and the Politics of Financial Crises
    1 774

    While feminist economists and movements such as Occupy Wall Street have pointed to the distributional inequalities that are an effect of financial deregulation, scholars haven't really grappled with the representational inequalities inherent in the way we view the politics of the market. Scandalous Economics breaks new ground by doing precisely this.

  • - The Construction of Gender in US Military Recruiting Advertising during the All-Volunteer Force
    av Melissa T. (Assistant Professor Brown
    1 244,-

    Based on an analysis of more than 300 print advertisements as well as television commercials and recruiting websites, this book explores how the U.S. military branches have deployed gender and, in particular, ideas about masculinity to sell military service to potential recruits during the all-volunteer force.

  • - Women and Migration in a Global City
    av Christine B. N. Chin
    397 - 987

    Cosmopolitan Sex Workers examines the phenomenon of non-trafficked women who choose to migrate from one global city to another to perform paid sexual labor in Southeast Asia.

  • - The Queer Politics of Postcoloniality
    av Rahul (Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of London) Rao, Senior Lecturer in Politics & m.fl.
    453 - 1 278,-

  • - Legacies and Legitimacy
    av Louise (Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow, Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow, School of Social Sciences and International Studies & m.fl.
    628 - 1 688

    The definitive volume on gender and the ICC, this book makes substantial contributions to the fields of feminist international relations, feminist institutionalism, and historical institutionalism.

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