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Bøker i Quellen Und Forschungen Zur Literatur- Und Kulturgeschichte, 68 (302)-serien

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  • - Rezeptionslenkende Strukturen mittelalterlicher Texte in Bearbeitungen des Willehalm-Stoffs
    av Verena Barthel
    2 467

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Ein ideengeschichtlicher Bruckenschlag
    av Carina Middel
    387 - 1 583,-

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • av Martin Przybilski
    1 664

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Unterhaltungskunst im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert
    av Antje Arnold
    1 664

    Die Rhetorik als Seelenkunst' hat enormen Anteil an der in empfindsamer Literatur ausgestellten so genannten naturlichen Seelenaussprache' ihre Artistik wird als Verbergungskunst ausgestellt. Als Rhetorik der Mitte' (mesotes-Ideal) stellt die Empfindsamkeit einen Positivkatalog der Emotionalisierung bereit, denn der Affektstufe ethos wird zugeschrieben, mittels sanfter Affekte zu erfreuen,zu besanftigen und mittels Menschlichkeit Sympathie und Sittlichkeit zu erreichen (Quintilian). Darunter lassen sich insbesondere die integrativen (fruh-)aufklarerischen Ausgleichsbestrebungen der Empfindsamkeit fassen, die das prodesse et delectare' propagieren und empfindsame Literatur Moderomane' beispielsweise zwischen Tugendbotschaft und Unterhaltungskunst ansiedeln. Die literarische Empfindsamkeit schlagt eine Brucke zwischen einer Seelenkunst, die im 18. Jahrhundert zu einer subjektiven und individuellen Groe avanciert, und einer Geselligkeit, die den Einzelnen in die Gemeinschaft integrieren soll. Ziel der Studie ist es, durch die strukturelle Verknupfung von Tugendethos und Rhetorik der Mitte' eine rhetorik- und kulturgeschichtlich fundierte Lesart empfindsamer Literatur anzubieten, die den Publikumserfolg am und fur den Menschen' ebenso zu erklaren vermag wie das gleichzeitige Scheitern an den eigenen Vorgaben.

    2 464,-

    Der Band zeigt Christoph Martin Wielands eigenständige Position in Literatur und Kultur um 1800 auf neue Weise: In doppelter Bezugnahme auf die aufklärerischen Wissensbestände einerseits, auf antike philosophische und ästhetische Traditionen andererseits beschreibt Wielands Werk einen bedeutenden Wissenstransfer zwischen Früher Neuzeit und Moderne. Die humanistisch-gelehrte Bildungswelt, die Religion und die narrative und rhetorische Verfasstheit der Wissensbestände geraten vor allem im Spätwerk in eine produktive Spannung zu den Verfahren des Tradierens, den Um-, Neu- und Übersetzungen dieses Wissens sowie der Dynamik von Bewahrung und ,Modernisierung'.

  • - Verhandlungen zwischen 'Adeligkeit' und Literatur um 1800
    av Jochen Strobel
    2 628,-

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Romantischer Kulturtransfer - Romantische Wissenswelten
    2 464,-

    Unter den bedeutenden Autoren der deutschsprachigen Romantik ist August Wilhelm Schlegel trotz seines immensen Einflusses einer der am wenigsten erforschten, und dies, obwohl er immer wieder als Zentralgestalt der Vermittlung zwischen den nationalen Kulturen Europas sowie einer Komparatistik avant la lettre gesehen wurde. Er gilt als der wichtigste Übersetzer (Shakespeare, Calderón, Ariost u.a.) unter den deutschen Romantikern und hat mit seinen Berliner (1801-1804) und den Wiener Vorlesungen (1808) nicht nur im deutschsprachigen Raum gewirkt, sondern auch die Romantiker-Generationen in anderen europäischen Ländern und den USA nachhaltig beeinflusst. Als Grenzgänger zwischen ,Poesie' und ,Wissen' hat Schlegel neben seinen Übersetzungen und seinen weniger rezipierten literarischen Texten eine enorme Anzahl kritischer und literaturtheoretischer Arbeiten sowie, als Begründer der deutschen Indologie, sprachwissenschaftlicher Werk hinterlassen. Anhand des immer noch nicht textkritisch erschlossenen OEuvres, der weit verzweigten Korrespondenz und der einschlägigen Rezeptionszeugnisse analysiert der Band die Bedeutung A.W. Schlegels als europäischem Kulturvermittler zwischen Orient und Okzident.

  • - Exemplarische Interpretationen
    av Gert Sautermeister
    2 464,-

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • av Stefan Knödler
    2 464,-

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Kriegerfreundschaft und Gewalt in mittelalterlicher Erzahltradition
    av Silke Winst
    1 980

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • av Ingo Stoeckmann
    2 464,-

    Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, das den Fortschritt und die wissenschaftlich-technische Beherrschung des Lebens zu kulturellen Leitmaximen erklärt, rückt ein menschliches Vermögen in den Vordergrund: die Willenskraft. Im breiten Spektrum zwischen der Literatur des Naturalismus und den philosophischen, thermodynamischen, psychophysischen, experimentalpsychologischen und sozialtheoretischen Konjunkturen des Begriffs rekonstruiert die Arbeit die vielfältigen Selbstdeutungen, die die Ermächtigungen und Erschöpfungen des Willens der modernen Kultur bereitstellen. Im Namen dieses doppelten Willens begründet der Naturalismus eine literarische Moderne, die ihr mitleidloses Bewegungsgesetz dem darwinistischen Daseinskampf ablauscht, die sich- lange vor dem Dezisionismus der Weimarer Zeit - willig Tätern, Entscheidern und Opfergewalten überlässt und die sich zugleich als Elegie ihrer überlebten sozialen Traditionen und entropischen Formverluste betrauert. Vor diesem Hintergrund entsteht eine naturalistische Vorgeschichte jener ,klassischen' literarischen Moderne, die sich nach 1900 gewöhnlich als traditionslos begreift.

  • - Thomas Manns Betrogene Im Kontext
    av Yahya A Elsaghe
    1 818

    Die Studie widmet sich dem letzten vollendeten Werk Thomas Manns und versucht, seine bisherige Vernachlässigung durch die Forschung u. a. rezeptionsästhetisch zu begreifen. Untersucht wird die Stellung des Textes innerhalb des Gesamtwerks sowie sein intrikates Verhältnis zu den sehr verschiedenen Kontexten, in denen er erst verständlich wird: Literatur- und mentalitätsgeschichtliche, mythologische undphilosophische, medizin- und wissenschaftshistorische, politische und ideologiekritische Aspekte eröffnen einen Blick auf oft unterschätzte Bewegungen und Veränderungen, aber auch auf bislang unbemerkte Konstanten des Gesamtwerks.

  • av Jörg Robert
    2 141

  • - Anthropologie und Geschichtskritik in der deutschen Literatur zwischen 1930 und 1950
    av Gregor Streim
    2 467

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Philologische Bildung und deutsche Literatur in der ersten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts
    av Alexander Nebrig
    1 664

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Franzoesisch-Deutsche Lyrikubersetzung Bei Friedhelm Kemp, Paul Celan, Ludwig Harig, Volker Braun
    av Angela Sanmann
    1 664

  • - Poesie und Poetik der Verganglichkeit in der weltlichen Dichtung des 12. bis 15. Jahrhunderts
    av Manfred Kern
    2 656

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • av Anna Kinder
    1 503,-

    Mit der Frage nach Geld in den Romanen Thomas Manns hat sich die Forschung ¿ über den Romanerstling Buddenbrooks hinaus ¿ bisher nur vereinzelt befasst. Die vorliegende Studie unternimmt vor dem Hintergrund moderner Geldtheorie eine textnahe Analyse, die das Sinn- und Bewusstseinspotential des Geldes bis in die Tiefenstruktur des Oeuvres verfolgt. Wie die Verfasserin zeigt, befinden sich die Romane geldtheoretisch auf der Höhe ihrer Zeit und legen nicht nur den Unsicherheitsfaktor, sondern auch das Faszinationsmoment moderner Geldwirtschaft offen. Kennzeichnend ist dabei eine Engführung der geldzeichentheoretischen Diskussion mit den psychischen Dispositionen der Protagonisten: Thomas Mann erkennt das vertrauenslogische Fundament der modernen Geldwirtschaft und die Entsubstanzialisierungserfahrung, die ihren Ausdruck in der Geldstrommetaphorik findet, nicht nur als politisches, sondern auch als poetisches Problem.

  • - Liebesbriefwechsel im realistischen Zeitalter
    av Roman Lach
    2 141

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • av Alexander Pleschka
    1 664

  • av Hermann Broch
    1 584,-

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Rezeptionsasthetische Untersuchungen zu aventiurehafter Dietrichepik
    av Kay Malcher
    2 464,-

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • av Andre Schnyder
    2 783

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