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Bøker i Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik-serien

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  • - Eine Empirische Studie Zu Bundestagsabgeordneten Mit Migrationshintergrund
    av Damir Softic

  • - Eine Multilokale Spurensuche in Spanien, Ecuador Und Marokko
    av Esther Mikuszies

    Esther Mikuszies untersucht, wie politische Rechte von Migranten offiziell ausgehandelt und von politisch aktiven Migranten erlebt werden. Am Beispiel von ecuadorianischen und marokkanischen Migranten in Spanien nimmt sie politische Bürgerschaft als multilokales Phänomen in den Blick. Je nach Herkunft besitzen Migranten unterschiedliche Partizipationsrechte in Aufnahme- und Herkunftsgesellschaft. Warum dürfen Ecuadorianer im Gegensatz zu Marokkanern in Spanien bei Kommunalwahlen und in ihrem Herkunftsland wählen? Wie kommt es zu dieser stratifizierten Zuweisung von politischen Rechten und wie erleben Migranten ihr politisches Handeln? Die Studie bietet Impulse für die politische Praxis und Theorie im Zeitalter der Migration.

  • - Vereine Mit Turkeibezug Im Berliner Amateurfussball
    av Stefan Metzger

  • - Die Reflexive Wende in Der Migrationsforschung

  • - Internationale Perspektiven

    Staatsbürgerschaft gilt in soziologischer Theorie und politischer Praxis als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Zugehörigkeit und politischer Teilhabe. Der Band lädt dazu ein, sich dem Konzept der Staatsbürgerschaft als einem wandelbaren und spannungsreichen Konzept zu nähern. Einerseits zeigen die Beiträge, wie die Ergänzung und praktische Inanspruchnahme von (Staats-)Bürgerschaft auf lokaler Ebene und in zivilgesellschaftlichen Kontexten geschieht. Andererseits gerät auch die exklusive Wirkung von Staatsbürgerschaft in gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungen, rechtlicher Praxis und (Bildungs-) Politiken in den Blick.

  • - A Multi-Dimensional Review of Migrants' Vulnerabilities

    With this volume, the editors propose a multi-dimensional and critical review of migrants' vulnerabilities. It brings together latest academic research and practitioners' insights to help reception societies adapt and improve their dealing with migrants' vulnerabilities.

  • Spar 12%
    - Free Labour Movement in Spain, Germany, and the UK
    av Christiane Heimann

    Free Labour Movement in Spain, Germany, and the UK

  • Spar 14%
    - Evidence on Mobility and Integration of Bulgarian Migrants in Germany
    av Vesela Kovacheva

    This study provides empirical evidence on the considerable but often unnoticed impact of EU accession on the mobility and integration of migrants from Bulgaria in Germany. Original data from a time-location sampling survey in Hamburg reveal that free movement not only induced a high level of mobility among EU citizens from Bulgaria after 2007 but also enabled their more permanent settlement in Germany. The study also provides statistical evidence that EU citizenship contributed to better legal integration of Bulgarian migrants in Germany, but national policies shaped to a greater extent their integration in terms of participation in the core areas of life. Restrictive policies such as transitional periods in the freedom of work hampered labour market integration and created more disadvantaged positions for workers. Inclusive policies such as the dual citizenship policy facilitated the naturalisation of settled migrants and led to exceptionally high naturalisation rates for Bulgarians that point to their successful integration in society. However, integration successes remain almost unnoticed in public discourse, which is dominated by the image of Bulgarian migration as a challenge.

  • av Sarah J. Grünendahl

    When U.S. war resisters turned to Canada as refuge during the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan/Iraq Wars, they not only hoped to forestall deployment to a combat zone but also to build new lives and make a new home abroad. In her empirical study, Sarah J. Grünendahl explores and juxtaposes how well the two war resister 'generations' have been able to establish themselves after all and to what extent they partake in Canadian society.The comparison is instructive for migration and refugee studies altogether: The war resisters in the sample, unlike many other migrant populations, did not have to contend with language and cultural barriers in their destination country, given similarities between the United States and Canada. Sarah J. Grünendahl's research thus allows for an analysis of the effects of residency on migrants' adaptation and participation in the receiving society, isolated from these two common barriers. Further, the study sheds light on how refugees and non-citizens canemploy civic engagement to claim a place for themselves and overcome societal exclusion.

  • av Peter Mehl

    Die Open-Access-Publikation präsentiert umfangreiche empirische Analysen zu Halte- und Bleibeorientierung Geflüchteter und richtet den Blick dabei besonders auf die Situation der ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands. Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Deutschland war bislang überwiegend auf Großstädte ausgerichtet. Durch den vermehrten Zuzug geflüchteter Menschen seit 2014 sehen sich jedoch auch Kleinstädte und Dörfer in ländlichen Regionen verstärkt mit Aufgaben der Aufnahme und Integration von Geflüchteten konfrontiert. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, empirisch fundiert zu beantworten, unter welchen Voraussetzungen und wie humanitäres Engagement und ländliche Entwicklung erfolgreich verbunden werden können und wie dies von Politik und Zivilgesellschaft positiv beeinflusst werden kann.

  • Spar 14%
    av Janina Stürner-Siovitz
    1 221,-

    Curtain up explores city diplomacy in global migration governance. The author lays out the paradox that cities, although increasingly de facto migration actors in an urbanizing world, lack channels to influence international policies that directly impact local realities. Drawing on ten case studies from around the world, the author shows that local governments strive to overcome this paradox through global-level interaction with national and international actors contributing to the emergence of a role of cities in global migration governance. Cities draw on this role to influence migration narratives, place local issues on global agendas and demand a seat at decision-making tables. Advancing the analysis of cities as global-level actors, the author introduces role theory to migration studies and presents a series of timely policy recommendations. These set out concrete steps towards a stronger institutionalization of city diplomacy in global migration governance.This book is written for scholars of migration studies, urban studies, and international relations as well as for practitioners focusing on multi-level migration governance, city diplomacy and multi-stakeholder partnerships.

  • Spar 12%
    av Raphaela Schweiger

    This book investigates the role and influence of non-state actors (NSAs) and local authorities in the process leading to the adoption of the 2018 Global Compact for Migration (GCM), the first intergovernmental negotiation of its kind at the UN. The research draws upon methods initially applied to assess global climate negotiations, and for the first time analyzes the influence of NSAs and local authorities in an international negotiation on migration. It builds on an assessment of the state of the art on global migration governance, adding new perspectives and insights. The analysis of the influence of NSAs and local authorities is backed by an online survey of participating stakeholders, interviews with key actors, and hundreds of other primary sources obtained from the process. The author finds that the UN system¿s willingness to onboard NSAs was key to creating the GCM as it stands today. While the research finds little direct influence from NSAs during the negotiations, the first draft of the GCM was very much informed by their input. Local authorities, still new to the global stage, made the case for their further inclusion in global migration governance.

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