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  • av William Tranter & Allen B. MacKenzie

    The motivation for developing this synthesis lecture was to provide a tutorial on queuing and trunking, with extensions to networks of queues, suitable for supplementing courses in communications, stochastic processes, and networking. An essential component of this lecture is MATLAB-based demonstrations and exercises, which can be easily modified to enable the student to observe and evaluate the impact of changing parameters, arrival and departure statistics, queuing disciplines, the number of servers, and other important aspects of the underlying system model. Much of the work in this lecture is based on Poisson statistics, since Poisson models are useful due to the fact that Poisson models are analytically tractable and provide a useful approximation for many applications. We recognize that the validity of Poisson statistics is questionable for a number of networking applications and therefore we briefly discuss self-similar models and the Hurst parameter, long-term dependent models, the Pareto distribution, and other related topics. Appropriate references are given for continued study on these topics.The initial chapters of this book consider individual queues in isolation. The systems studied consist of an arrival process, a single queue with a particular queuing discipline, and one or more servers. While this allows us to study the basic concepts of queuing and trunking, modern data networks consist of many queues that interact in complex ways. While many of these interactions defy analysis, the final chapter introduces a model of a network of queues in which, after being served in one queue, customers may join another queue. The key result for this model is known as Jackson's Theorem. Finally, we state the BCMP Theorem, which can be viewed as a further extension of Jackson's Theorem and present Kleinrock's formula, which can be viewed as the network versionof Little's Theorem.Table of Contents: Introduction / Poisson, Erlang, and Pareto Distributions / A Brief Introduction to Queueing Theory / Blocking and Delay / Networks of Queues

  • av Allen B. MacKenzie

    The application of mathematical analysis to wireless networks has met with limited success, due to the complexity of mobility and traffic models, coupled with the dynamic topology and the unpredictability of link quality that characterize such networks. The ability to model individual, independent decision makers whose actions potentially affect all other decision makers makes game theory particularly attractive to analyze the performance of ad hoc networks. Game theory is a field of applied mathematics that describes and analyzes interactive decision situations. It consists of a set of analytical tools that predict the outcome of complex interactions among rational entities, where rationality demands a strict adherence to a strategy based on perceived or measured results. In the early to mid-1990's, game theory was applied to networking problems including flow control, congestion control, routing and pricing of Internet services. More recently, there has been growing interest in adopting game-theoretic methods to model today's leading communications and networking issues, including power control and resource sharing in wireless and peer-to-peer networks. This work presents fundamental results in game theory and their application to wireless communications and networking. We discuss normal-form, repeated, and Markov games with examples selected from the literature. We also describe ways in which learning can be modeled in game theory, with direct applications to the emerging field of cognitive radio. Finally, we discuss challenges and limitations in the application of game theory to the analysis of wireless systems. We do not assume familiarity with game theory. We introduce major game theoretic models and discuss applications of game theory including medium access, routing, energy-efficient protocols, and others. We seek to provide the reader with a foundational understanding of the current research on game theory applied to wireless communications and networking.

  • av R. Michael

    This book covers the basic aspects of Code Division Multiple Access or CDMA. It begins with an introduction to the basic ideas behind fixed and random access systems in order to demonstrate the difference between CDMA and the more widely understood TDMA, FDMA or CSMA. Secondly, a review of basic spread spectrum techniques are presented which are used in CDMA systems including direct sequence, frequency-hopping and time-hopping approaches. The basic concept of CDMA is presented, followed by the four basic principles of CDMA systems that impact their performance: interference averaging, universal frequency reuse, soft handoff, and statistical multiplexing. The focus of the discussion will then shift to applications. The most common application of CDMA currently is cellular systems. A detailed discussion on cellular voice systems based on CDMA, specifically IS-95, is presented. The capacity of such systems will be examined as well as performance enhancement techniques such as coding and spatial filtering. Also discussed are Third Generation CDMA cellular systems and how they differ from Second Generation systems. A second application of CDMA that is covered is spread spectrum packet radio networks. Finally, there is an examination of multi-user detection and interference cancellation and how such techniques impact CDMA networks. This book should be of interest and value to engineers, advanced students, and researchers in communications.

  • av Bi Dongsheng

    Based on the encoding process, arithmetic codes can be viewed as tree codes and current proposals for decoding arithmetic codes with forbidden symbols belong to sequential decoding algorithms and their variants. In this monograph, we propose a new way of looking at arithmetic codes with forbidden symbols. If a limit is imposed on the maximum value of a key parameter in the encoder, this modified arithmetic encoder can also be modeled as a finite state machine and the code generated can be treated as a variable-length trellis code. The number of states used can be reduced and techniques used for decoding convolutional codes, such as the list Viterbi decoding algorithm, can be applied directly on the trellis. The finite state machine interpretation can be easily migrated to Markov source case. We can encode Markov sources without considering the conditional probabilities, while using the list Viterbi decoding algorithm which utilizes the conditional probabilities. We can also use context-based arithmetic coding to exploit the conditional probabilities of the Markov source and apply a finite state machine interpretation to this problem. The finite state machine interpretation also allows us to more systematically understand arithmetic codes with forbidden symbols. It allows us to find the partial distance spectrum of arithmetic codes with forbidden symbols. We also propose arithmetic codes with memories which use high memory but low implementation precision arithmetic codes. The low implementation precision results in a state machine with less complexity. The introduced input memories allow us to switch the probability functions used for arithmetic coding. Combining these two methods give us a huge parameter space of the arithmetic codes with forbidden symbols. Hence we can choose codes with better distance properties while maintaining the encoding efficiency and decoding complexity. A construction and search method is proposed and simulation results show that we can achieve a similar performance as turbo codes when we apply this approach to rate 2/3 arithmetic codes. Table of Contents: Introduction / Arithmetic Codes / Arithmetic Codes with Forbidden Symbols / Distance Property and Code Construction / Conclusion

  • av William Tranter

    The Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), and many of the devices used for frequency and phase tracking, carrier and symbol synchronization, demodulation, and frequency synthesis, are fundamental building blocks in today's complex communications systems. It is therefore essential for both students and practicing communications engineers interested in the design and implementation of modern communication systems to understand and have insight into the behavior of these important and ubiquitous devices. Since the PLL behaves as a nonlinear device (at least during acquisition), computer simulation can be used to great advantage in gaining insight into the behavior of the PLL and the devices derived from the PLL. The purpose of this Synthesis Lecture is to provide basic theoretical analyses of the PLL and devices derived from the PLL and simulation models suitable for supplementing undergraduate and graduate courses in communications. The Synthesis Lecture is also suitable for self study by practicing engineers. A significant component of this book is a set of basic MATLAB-based simulations that illustrate the operating characteristics of PLL-based devices and enable the reader to investigate the impact of varying system parameters. Rather than providing a comprehensive treatment of the underlying theory of phase-locked loops, theoretical analyses are provided in sufficient detail in order to explain how simulations are developed. The references point to sources currently available that treat this subject in considerable technical depth and are suitable for additional study. Download MATLAB codes (.zip)Table of Contents: Introduction / Basic PLL Theory / Structures Developed From The Basic PLL / Simulation Models / MATLAB Simulations / Noise Performance Analysis

  • av Paulo Diniz

    The demand for data traffic over mobile communication networks has substantially increased during the last decade. As a result, these mobile broadband devices spend the available spectrum fiercely, requiring the search for new technologies. In transmissions where the channel presents a frequency-selective behavior, multicarrier modulation (MCM) schemes have proven to be more efficient, in terms of spectral usage, than conventional modulations and spread spectrum techniques. The orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is the most popular MCM method, since it not only increases spectral efficiency but also yields simple transceivers. All OFDM-based systems, including the single-carrier with frequency-division equalization (SC-FD), transmit redundancy in order to cope with the problem of interference among symbols. This book presents OFDM-inspired systems that are able to, at most, halve the amount of redundancy used by OFDM systems while keeping the computational complexity comparable. Such systems, herein called memoryless linear time-invariant (LTI) transceivers with reduced redundancy, require low-complexity arithmetical operations and fast algorithms. In addition, whenever the block transmitter and receiver have memory and/or are linear time-varying (LTV), it is possible to reduce the redundancy in the transmission even further, as also discussed in this book. For the transceivers with memory it is possible to eliminate the redundancy at the cost of making the channel equalization more difficult. Moreover, when time-varying block transceivers are also employed, then the amount of redundancy can be as low as a single symbol per block, regardless of the size of the channel memory. With the techniques presented in the book it is possible to address what lies beyond the use of OFDM-related solutions in broadband transmissions. Table of Contents: The Big Picture / Transmultiplexers / OFDM / Memoryless LTI Transceivers with Reduced Redundancy / FIR LTV Transceivers with Reduced Redundancy

  • av Marco Lanzagorta

    Underwater vehicles and underwater moorings are increasing in tactical importance. As such, it is critical to have a robust and secure communication system connecting underwater vehicles on a long seaborne mission and a ground station. As a matter of fact, the deployment of efficient communication links with underwater vehicles is one of the greatest technological challenges presently confronted by the world's naval forces. To circumvent most of the limitations involved in the use of RF or acoustic channels for perfectly secure communications with underwater vehicles, it is worth considering the feasibility of an optical channel to facilitate a two-way satellite communication link secured via perfectly secure ciphers enabled by a quantum key distribution protocol. This book offers a concise review of underwater communications systems. Our approach is pedagogical, making a strong emphasis on the physics behind the attenuating properties of the oceanic environment and the propagation of electromagnetic signals in the ELF, VLF, and optical bands. We assume the reader is familiar with the basic principles of classical electrodynamics and optics. The system design, components, and noise analysis of an underwater optical communications device are discussed in detail. Furthermore, we offer simulations of the performance of the communication system for different types of ocean waters. Our final conclusion is that it appears to be feasible to design and build underwater communications using optical classical and quantum channels secured with quantum key distribution protocols. Table of Contents: Introduction / Electrodynamics of Attenuating Media / Underwater Communication Channels / Underwater Optical Communications: Technology / Underwater Optical Communications: Noise Analysis / Underwater Optical Communications: System Performance / Underwater Quantum Communications / ConclusionsPDF (1764 KB) PDF Plus (1444 KB)

  • av Jerry Gibson

    This book is very specifically targeted to problems in communications and compression by providing the fundamental principles and results in information theory and rate distortion theory for these applications and presenting methods that have proved and will prove useful in analyzing and designing real systems. The chapters contain treatments of entropy, mutual information, lossless source coding, channel capacity, and rate distortion theory; however, it is the selection, ordering, and presentation of the topics within these broad categories that is unique to this concise book. While the coverage of some standard topics is shortened or eliminated, the standard, but important, topics of the chain rules for entropy and mutual information, relative entropy, the data processing inequality, and the Markov chain condition receive a full treatment. Similarly, lossless source coding techniques presented include the Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding method. The material on rate Distortion theory and exploring fundamental limits on lossy source coding covers the often-neglected Shannon lower bound and the Shannon backward channel condition, rate distortion theory for sources with memory, and the extremely practical topic of rate distortion functions for composite sources.

  • av Bei Xie

    Adaptive filters play an important role in the fields related to digital signal processing and communication, such as system identification, noise cancellation, channel equalization, and beamforming. In practical applications, the computational complexity of an adaptive filter is an important consideration. The Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm is widely used because of its low computational complexity ($O(N)$) and simplicity in implementation. The least squares algorithms, such as Recursive Least Squares (RLS), Conjugate Gradient (CG), and Euclidean Direction Search (EDS), can converge faster and have lower steady-state mean square error (MSE) than LMS. However, their high computational complexity ($O(N^2)$) makes them unsuitable for many real-time applications. A well-known approach to controlling computational complexity is applying partial update (PU) method to adaptive filters. A partial update method can reduce the adaptive algorithm complexity by updating part of the weight vector instead of the entire vector or by updating part of the time. In the literature, there are only a few analyses of these partial update adaptive filter algorithms. Most analyses are based on partial update LMS and its variants. Only a few papers have addressed partial update RLS and Affine Projection (AP). Therefore, analyses for PU least-squares adaptive filter algorithms are necessary and meaningful. This monograph mostly focuses on the analyses of the partial update least-squares adaptive filter algorithms. Basic partial update methods are applied to adaptive filter algorithms including Least Squares CMA (LSCMA), EDS, and CG. The PU methods are also applied to CMA1-2 and NCMA to compare with the performance of the LSCMA. Mathematical derivation and performance analysis are provided including convergence condition, steady-state mean and mean-square performance for a time-invariant system. The steady-state mean and mean-square performance are also presented for a time-varying system. Computational complexity is calculated for each adaptive filter algorithm. Numerical examples are shown to compare the computational complexity of the PU adaptive filters with the full-update filters. Computer simulation examples, including system identification and channel equalization, are used to demonstrate the mathematical analysis and show the performance of PU adaptive filter algorithms. They also show the convergence performance of PU adaptive filters. The performance is compared between the original adaptive filter algorithms and different partial-update methods. The performance is also compared among similar PU least-squares adaptive filter algorithms, such as PU RLS, PU CG, and PU EDS. In addition to the generic applications of system identification and channel equalization, two special applications of using partial update adaptive filters are also presented. One application uses PU adaptive filters to detect Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) signals in a local GSM system using the Open Base Transceiver Station (OpenBTS) and Asterisk Private Branch Exchange (PBX). The other application uses PU adaptive filters to do image compression in a system combining hyperspectral image compression and classification.

  • av Steven Miller

    Autonomous vehicles use global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) to provide a position within a few centimeters of truth. Centimeter positioning requires accurate measurement of each satellite's direct path propagation time. Multipath corrupts the propagation time estimate by creating a time-varying bias. A GNSS receiver model is developed and the effects of multipath are investigated. MATLABtm code is provided to enable readers to run simple GNSS receiver simulations. More specifically, GNSS signal models are presented and multipath mitigation techniques are described for various multipath conditions. Appendices are included in the booklet to derive some of the basics on early minus late code synchronization methods. Details on the numerically controlled oscillator and its properties are also given in the appendix.

  • av Xue Zhang

    In sensor network applications, measured data are often meaningful only when the location is accurately known. In this booklet, we study research problems associated with node localization in wireless sensor networks. We describe sensor network localization problems in terms of a detection and estimation framework and we emphasize specifically a cooperative process where sensors with known locations are used to localize nodes at unknown locations. In this class of problems, even if the location of a node is known, the wireless links and transmission modalities between two nodes may be unknown. In this case, sensor nodes are used to detect the location and estimate pertinent data transmission activities between nodes. In addition to the broader problem of sensor localization, this booklet studies also specific localization measurements such as time of arrival (TOA), received signal strength (RSS), and direction of arrival (DOA). The sequential localization algorithm, which uses a subset of sensor nodes to estimate nearby sensor nodes' locations is discussed in detail. Extensive bibliography is given for those readers who want to delve further into specific topics.

  • av Jerry D. Gibson

    This book provides the background and the mathematical methods necessary to understand the basic transforms in signal processing and linear systems and probability and random processes to prepare for in depth study of analog and digital communications systems.This tutorial presentation provides developments of Fourier series and other orthogonal series, including trigonometric and complex exponential Fourier series, least squares approximations and generalized Fourier series, and the spectral content of periodic signals.This text thoroughly covers Fourier transform pairs for continuous time signals, Fourier transform properties, and the magnitude and phase of Fourier transforms.The author includes discussions of techniques for the analysis of continuous time linear systems in the time and frequency domains with particular emphasis on the system transfer function, impulse response, system/filter bandwidth, power and energy calculations, and the time domainsampling theorem.The basics of probability and random processes, including the key concepts of expected value, variance, characteristic functions, common probability distributions, autocorrelation, power spectral densities, wide sense stationarity, and ergodicity, are all developed in some detail. Many examples and problems are included to illustrate and examine these topics.¿ Provides developments of Fourier series and other orthogonal series¿ Presents fundamental Fourier transform properties and example applications¿ Discusses techniques for the analysis of continuous time linear systems in the time and frequency domains¿ Presents a fundamental development of probability and random variables¿ Develops the basic ideas of random processes including autocorrelation, power spectral densities, stationarity, and ergodicity

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