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  • av Paolo Biscari

    Questo testo, che giunge ora alla quarta edizione, e stato concepito principalmente per le necessita delle Scuole di Ingegneria, dove la Meccanica Razionale ha il duplice ruolo di introdurre sia alla modellizzazione fisico-matematica rigorosa che a specifiche applicazioni sviluppate poi in altri insegnamenti. La trattazione che qui proponiamo vuole presentare i concetti fondamentali mantenendo sempre l'attenzione rivolta alle applicazioni, a volte comuni ad altre discipline, in vista di sinergie didattiche favorite dalla presenza di corsi integrati. Abbiamo cercato di dare al libro una impostazione il piu possibile coerente con questa finalita, soprattutto in alcune sezioni tradizionalmente caratterizzate da una trattazione piu astratta: dai vincoli al Principio dei lavori virtuali, dal Principio di d'Alembert alla Meccanica Analitica.Abbiamo comunque mantenuto la tradizionale e, a nostro parere, irrinunciabile struttura ipotetico-deduttiva nello svolgimento delle argomentazioni, che fa ancora della Meccanica Razionale un disciplina formalmente rigorosa. Sono percio presenti dimostrazioni anche complesse, sia pure sempre motivate alla luce del contesto applicativo nel quale si vanno a collocare.Questa edizione e frutto di un ampio lavoro di riorganizzazione e rielaborazione rispetto alla precedente e contiene, oltre a numerosi nuovi esempi, miglioramenti nella presentazione dei concetti principali e nello svolgimento delle dimostrazioni, per renderle didatticamente piu efficaci.

  • av Alberto Rotondi
    1 266,-

    This book presents in a compact form the program carried out in introductory statistics courses and discusses some essential topics for research activity, such as Monte Carlo simulation techniques, methods of statistical inference, best fit and analysis of laboratory data. All themes are developed starting from fundamentals, highlighting their applicative aspects, up to the detailed description of several cases particularly relevant for technical and scientific research. The text is dedicated to university students in scientific fields and to all researchers who have to solve practical problems by applying data analysis and simulation procedures. The R software is adopted throughout the book, with a rich library of original programs accessible to the readers through a website.

  • - From Modelling to Theory
    av Sandro Salsa

    The book is intended as an advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate course for students from various disciplines, including applied mathematics, physics and engineering. It has evolved from courses offered on partial differential equations (PDEs) over the last several years at the Politecnico di Milano. These courses had a twofold purpose: on the one hand, to teach students to appreciate the interplay between theory and modeling in problems arising in the applied sciences, and on the other to provide them with a solid theoretical background in numerical methods, such as finite elements. Accordingly, this textbook is divided into two parts. The first part, chapters 2 to 5, is more elementary in nature and focuses on developing and studying basic problems from the macro-areas of diffusion, propagation and transport, waves and vibrations. In turn the second part, chapters 6 to 11, concentrates on the development of Hilbert spaces methods for the variational formulation and the analysis of (mainly) linear boundary and initial-boundary value problems.

  • av Rocco Chirivi, Ilaria Del Corso & Roberto Dvornicich

  • av Ciro Ciliberto

    The prerequisites consist of the knowledge of basics in affine and projective geometry, basic algebraic concepts regarding rings, modules, fields, linear algebra, basic notions in the theory of categories, and some elementary point-set topology.This book can be used as a textbook for an undergraduate course in algebraic geometry.

  • av Luigi Ambrosio

    This textbook is addressed to PhD or senior undergraduate students in mathematics, with interests in analysis, calculus of variations, probability and optimal transport.

  • - Volume 1
    av Stefano Gentili

    The exposition is particularly suitable for students of Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Statistics, besides providing the foundation essential for the study of Probability Theory and many branches of Applied Mathematics, including the Analysis of Financial Markets and other areas of Financial Engineering.

  • - Variabili Aleatorie E Distribuzioni
    av Andrea Pascucci

  • av Alfio Quarteroni

    In this book we describe the magic world of mathematical models: starting from real-life problems, we formulate them in terms of equations, transform equations into algorithms and algorithms into programs to be executed on computers.A broad variety of examples and exercises illustrate that properly designed models can, e.g.: predict the way the number of dolphins in the Aeolian Sea will change as food availability and fishing activity vary; describe the blood flow in a capillary network; calculate the PageRank of websites.This book also includes a chapter with an elementary introduction to Octave, an open-source programming language widely used in the scientific community. Octave functions and scripts for dealing with the problems presented in the text can be downloaded from book is addressed to any student interested in learning how to construct and apply mathematical models.

  • - Esercizi e problemi risolti con MATLAB e Octave
    av Alfio Quarteroni & F. Saleri

    Questo testo e espressamente concepito per i corsi brevi del nuovo ordinamento delle Facolta di Ingegneria e di Scienze. Esso affronta tutti gli argomenti tipici della Matematica Numerica, spaziando dal problema di approssimare una funzione, al calcolo dei suoi zeri, delle sue derivate e del suo integrale definito fino alla risoluzione approssimata di equazioni differenziali ordinarie e di problemi ai limiti. Due capitoli sono inoltre dedicati alla risoluzione di sistemi lineari ed al calcolo degli autovalori di una matrice, mentre un capitolo iniziale conduce lo studente ad un rapido ripasso degli argomenti dell'Analisi Matematica di uso frequente nel volume e ad una introduzione al linguaggio Matlab. I vari argomenti sono volutamente affrontati a livello elementare ed i paragrafi che richiedono maggior impegno sono stati opportunamente contrassegnati. In questa quarta edizione il linguaggio Octave (di distribuzione gratuita) si affianca a MATLAB.

  • av M. Abate & F. Tovena

    Then, after a self-contained presentation of degree theory for continuous self-maps of the circumference, we study the global theory of plane curves, introducing winding and rotation numbers, and proving the Jordan curve theorem for curves of class C2, and Hopf theorem on the rotation number of closed simple curves.

  • av Lorenzo Peccati

    Stats for social sciences is frequently the subject of textbooks, while maths for social sciences is often neglected: monographs on specific themes (like, for instance, social choice systems or game theory applications) are available, but they do not adequately cover the topic in general.

  • av Pablo Pedregal

    This book provides a basic, initial resource, introducing science and engineering students to the field of optimization. It covers three main areas: mathematical programming, calculus of variations and optimal control, highlighting the ideas and concepts and offering insights into the importance of optimality conditions in each area.

  • av Andreas Knauf
    1 170,-

    As a limit theory of quantum mechanics, classical dynamics comprises a large variety of phenomena, from computable (integrable) to chaotic (mixing) behavior.

  • - An Introduction
    av Alfio Quarteroni

    This book provides a basic introduction to reduced basis (RB) methods for problems involving the repeated solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) arising from engineering and applied sciences, such as PDEs depending on several parameters and PDE-constrained optimization.

  • av Marco Baronti

    This book, intended as a practical working guide for calculus students, includes 450 exercises.

  • av M. Elena Vazquez-Cendon

    Finite volume methods are used in numerous applications and by a broad multidisciplinary scientific community. The book communicates this important tool to students, researchers in training and academics involved in the training of students in different science and technology fields.

  • - Methods for Counting
    av Carlo Mariconda
    1 007,-

    This primer covers a remarkably wide range of topics in discrete calculus, from combinatorics to recurrence relations. With examples and exercises throughout, the text's clarity and rigor are informed by extensive teaching experience and academic discussion.

  • - A Problem Solving Approach
    av Walter Gander

    Accordingly, this textbook is not meant to cover the whole range of this high-performance technical programming environment, but to motivate first- and second-year undergraduate students in mathematics and computer science to learn Matlab by studying representative problems, developing algorithms and programming them in Matlab.

  • av Marco Manetti

    This is an introductory textbook on general and algebraic topology, aimed at anyone with a basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra. complete metric spaces and function spaces; It is suitable for anyone needing a basic, comprehensive introduction to general and algebraic topology and its applications.

  • - Solved Problems and Theory Review
    av Elisabetta Fortuna

  • av Sandro Longo & Maria Giovanna Tanda

  • av Michele Impedovo

  • av Shair Ahmad

    The second edition has been revised to correct minor errata, and features a number of carefully selected new exercises, together with more detailed explanations of some of the topics. A complete Solutions Manual, containing solutions to all the exercises published in the book, is available.

  • - Complements and Exercises
    av Sandro Salsa

    This textbook presents problems and exercises at various levels of difficulty in the following areas: Classical Methods in PDEs (diffusion, waves, transport, potential equations); Variational Formulation of Elliptic Problems; and Weak Formulation for Parabolic Problems and for the Wave Equation.

  • av Marco Ferrante

    This textbook will present, in a rigorous way, the basic theory of the discrete-time and the continuous-time Markov chains, along with many examples and solved problems. This textbook is intended for a basic course on stochastic processes at an advanced undergraduate level and the background needed will be a first course in probability theory.

  • - Along the trail of Volterra and Lotka
    av Mimmo Iannelli

    This book is an introduction to mathematical biology for students with no experience in biology, but who have some mathematical background.

  • av Alfredo Bermudez de Castro

    The book represents a basic support for a master course in electromagnetism oriented to numerical simulation.

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