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Bøker i Welten des Islams/Worlds of Islam/Mondes de l'Islam-serien

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  • - The Limits of Freedom of Religion
    av Hana Sadik El-Gallal
    1 086,-

    Religious Intolerance is on the rise. Debating religious freedom often means debating West versus Islam. This book challenges crucial stereotypes around this issue. It explores the scope of the right to freedom of religion in the International Treaties and Declarations and investigates why this right creates misunderstandings and misconceptions that often lead to intolerance and discrimination in countries of various political, social, and cultural backgrounds.Islam and the West attempts to find reasons for the rise of religious intolerance. The author looks at the limitation of the religious symbols law in France and the anti-terrorism measures in the USA; she discusses also Religious minorities and Apostasy in Saudia Arabia and Egypt. Furthermore, she calls for extending the scope, asking questions such as: How do societies deal with different religions and beliefs? How could and do they find ways of reconciling their conflicting demands while protecting human worth? How can universal values be found and established?

  • - Zum geistesgeschichtlichen Selbstverstandnis von Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i und Murtaza Mutahhari
    av Urs Gosken
    1 400,-

    The series Worlds of Islam of the Swiss Asia Society publishes high-quality research on present-day and historical Islamic cultures and societies covering fields such as history, literature, philosophy, politics and arts, as well as interpretations and translations of primary sources. Furthermore the series presents studies focusing on current topics and affairs appealing not only to the academic public, but also to a public generally interested in the Islamic World. The series provides a forum for scholarly work in the fields of humanities and social sciences in Switzerland. However, the series is also committed to the rich variety of studies and writing on the Islamic World in the international research community. The principal languages of publication of monographs and anthologies are German, French and English. The series is supervised by an editorial board which is advised by representatives in Islamic Studies.

  • - Perceptions of Modernity and Tradition in Iran before and after 1979
    1 279,-

    The volume contributes to a better understanding of Iranian history since 1953, with a focus on societal change and its reflection in intellectual discourse. With insights from Oriental studies, history, sociology, literature and social anthropology, the volume offers a cross-disciplinary perspective on Bewusstsein and Sein.

  • av Farid Suleiman
    1 754

    Diese Arbeit erschließt auf systematische Weise die methodischen Grundlagen der Attributenlehre des einflussreichen islamischen Gelehrten Ibn Taymiyya (gest. 728/1328). Dabei verarbeitet sie seine in vielen Einzeltraktaten ausgebreiteten Ansichten zu einer Gesamtschau und geht auf geistesgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge ein. Der Band leistet somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Geschichte der islamischen Theologie.

  • - The Kitab Ithbat nubuwwat al-nabi by the Zaydi al-Mu'ayyad bi-Ilah al-Haruni (d. 411/1020)
    av Eva-Maria Lika
    2 025

    The series Worlds of Islam of the Swiss Asia Society publishes high-quality research on present-day and historical Islamic cultures and societies covering fields such as history, literature, philosophy, politics and arts, as well as interpretations and translations of primary sources. Furthermore the series presents studies focusing on current topics and affairs appealing not only to the academic public, but also to a public generally interested in the Islamic World. The series provides a forum for scholarly work in the fields of humanities and social sciences in Switzerland. However, the series is also committed to the rich variety of studies and writing on the Islamic World in the international research community. The principal languages of publication of monographs and anthologies are German, French and English. The series is supervised by an editorial board which is advised by representatives in Islamic Studies.

  • - Auferstehungslehre, Handlungstheorie und Schopfungsvorstellungen im Werk von Sa'd ad-Din at-Taftazani
    av Thomas Würtz
    1 439,-

    Sa'd ad-Din Taftazani is regarded as one of the most influential authors in 14th century Islamic intellectual history. His writings were long consulted in the training of religious scholars. This volume examines Taftazani's works with regard to philosophical influences and internal theological debates.

  • - Anfange, Ansatze und Kontexte der Kantrezeption in Iran
    av Roman Seidel
    1 268,-

    The series Worlds of Islam of the Swiss Asia Society publishes high-quality research on present-day and historical Islamic cultures and societies covering fields such as history, literature, philosophy, politics and arts, as well as interpretations and translations of primary sources. Furthermore the series presents studies focusing on current topics and affairs appealing not only to the academic public, but also to a public generally interested in the Islamic World. The series provides a forum for scholarly work in the fields of humanities and social sciences in Switzerland. However, the series is also committed to the rich variety of studies and writing on the Islamic World in the international research community. The principal languages of publication of monographs and anthologies are German, French and English. The series is supervised by an editorial board which is advised by representatives in Islamic Studies.

  • av Kata Moser
    1 584,-

    Diese Festschrift für die Philosophiehistorikerin und Islamwissenschaftlerin Anke von Kügelgen trägt ihrem übergeordneten Forschungsinteresse an "Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften" Rechnung und präsentiert originelle Forschungsbeiträge von ihren Kolleg:innen und Schüler:innen. Ausgehend vom Begriff der Wissenskulturen stehen in den einzelnen Beiträgen jeweils islamische oder durch den Islam geprägte Wissensbestände und -praktiken im Zentrum. Diese sind historisch und lokal gewachsen, werden teilweise überzeitlich und transkulturell bedeutsam und sind sowohl innerhalb ihrer Herkunftskultur als auch im globalen Kontext stets im Plural und mit anderen Kulturen verflochten zu denken. Der erste Teil zu philosophischen Zugängen versammelt Beiträge zu metaphilosophischen Fragen, einzelnen Philosoph:innen oder Konzepten sowie zu Religionskritik im Kontext der islamischen Welt. Der zweite Teil ist islamwissenschaftlichen Zugängen gewidmet und enthält Beiträge zum muslimischen Zentralasien, zu Transformationen nahöstlicher Gesellschaften und den historischen Quellen dazu. Das Buch gibt somit dem Begriff der Wissenskulturen Raum und versammelt aktuelle philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Forschungsperspektiven dazu.

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