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Bøker i Wiley Series in Materials for Electronic & Optoelectronic Applications-serien

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  • - Fundamentals and Devices
    av M. Jamal (McMaster University) Deen
    1 904

    The creation of affordable high speed optical communications using standard semiconductor manufacturing technology is a principal aim of silicon photonics research. This would involve replacing copper connections with optical fibres or waveguides, and electrons with photons.

  • av S Kasap
    3 901,-

    Dieses wichtige Referenzwerk behandelt die grundlegenden Konzepte der Photoleitfähigkeit und der photoleitenden Materialien.Mit Photoconductivity and Photoconductive Materials präsentiert Professor Kasap eine maßgebliche Zusammenstellung der wesentlichen Grundsätze der Photoleitfähigkeit und stellt eine Auswahl aktueller photoleitfähiger Materialien vor. Der erste Band des zweibändigen Werks beginnt mit einer Darstellung der grundlegenden Konzepte und Definitionen. Es folgt eine Charakterisierung der verschiedenen Techniken auf Grundlage von stationärer, transienter und modulierter Photoleitfähigkeit, u.a. der neuen Methode der Ladungsextraktion durch linear steigende Spannung (CELIV). Auch die Physik der Terahertz-Photoleitfähigkeit sowie die Grundlagen der organischen Halbleiter LSoI werden behandelt.Der zweite Band beginnt mit einem umfassenden Überblick über eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher photoleitfähiger Materialien, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf einige der wichtigsten Photoleiter gelegt wird, darunter hydriertes amorphes Silizium, Cadmium-Quecksilber-Tellurid, verschiedene Röntgenphotoleiter, Diamantfilme, Metallhalogenidperowskite, Nanodrähte und Quantenpunkte. Auch die Anwendungen der photoleitenden Antenne werden erörtert. Das Werk, das zahlreiche Beiträge führender Autoren auf diesem Fachgebiet enthält, bietet den Leserinnen und Lesern außerdem:* Eine gründliche Einführung in die Charakterisierung von Halbleitern mit Hilfe von Techniken der Photoleitfähigkeit, insbesondere gleichmäßiger Beleuchtung und Phototräger-Gittertechniken* Eine umfassende Darstellung organischer Photoleiter mitsamt Informationen zu Photoerzeugung, Transport und Anwendungen im Druckbereich* Praktische Erörterungen der transienten Lichtleitfähigkeit im Flugzeitverfahren inklusive Experimentiertechniken und Interpretationshinweisen* Eine eingehende Betrachtung der transienten Photoleitfähigkeit organischer Halbleiterschichten und neuartiger Techniken der transienten PhotoleitfähigkeitPhotoconductivity and Photoconductive Materials ist nicht nur ein wichtiges Referenzwerk für Physiker in der Forschung, Materialwissenschaftler und Elektroingenieure, sondern auch ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk für Doktoranden und Studierende höherer Semester, die sich mit dem Bereich der optoelektronischen Materialien beschäftigen, sowie für Forschende in der Industrie.* Ein umfassendes zweibändiges Werk mit Beiträgen führender Fachautoren, herausgegeben von einem angesehenen Forscher auf dem Gebiet der Photoleitfähigkeit

  • av T Yanagida
    2 314

    Phosphors for Radiation DetectorPhosphors for Radiation DetectorsDiscover a comprehensive overview of luminescence phosphors for radiation detectionIn Phosphors for Radiation Detection, accomplished researchers Takayuki Yanagida and Masanori Koshimizu deliver a state-of-the-art exploration of the use of phosphors in radiation detection. The internationally recognized contributors discuss the fundamental physics and detector functions associated with the technology with a focus on real-world applications.The book discusses all forms of luminescence phosphors for radiation detection used in a variety of fields, including medicine, security, resource exploration, environmental monitoring, and high energy physics.Readers will discover discussions of dosimeter materials, including thermally stimulated luminescent materials, optically stimulated luminescent materials, and radiophotoluminescence materials. The book also covers transparent ceramics and glasses and a broad range of devices used in this area.Phosphors for Radiation Detection also includes:* Thorough introductions to ionizing radiation induced luminescence, organic scintillators, and inorganic oxide scintillators* Comprehensive explorations of luminescent materials, including discussions of materials synthesis and their use in gamma-ray, neutron, and charged particle detection* Practical discussions of semiconductor scintillators, including treatments of organic-inorganic layered perovskite materials for scintillation detectors* In-depth examinations of thermally stimulated luminescent materials, including discussions of the dosimetric properties for photons, charged particles, and neutronsRelevant for research physicists, materials scientists, and electrical engineers, Phosphors for Radiation Detection is an also an indispensable resource for postgraduate and senior undergraduate students working in detection physics.

  • av Jef (IMEC Poortmans
    2 674

  • - Properties and Devices
    av Christopher R. Bowen
    2 127

    Authoritative reference making piezoelectric materials technology more accessible by crossing the boundary between fundamental materials physics and applied engineering Piezoelectric Materials provides a comprehensive overview of the subject, an important class of smart materials which are useful as both actuators and sensors, covering materials, properties, and devices, including case studies of example applications. In addition to providing the underlying science on the subject, the text also supports those interested in using piezoelectric actuators and sensors in real world applications. Early chapters help the reader understand the limits and appropriate operating conditions for the piezoelectric and ferroelectric devices described in later chapters. Other topics discussed in Piezoelectric Materials include: The range of piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials and their fundamental properties and applications in sensors, actuators, and as energy harvesting elements. Designs for various piezoelectric devices, including case studies on piezoelectric actuator applications, e.g., for servovalves, hydrophones, and active vibration control. Key limits of these materials and fundamental equations to predict displacement, force, resonance, and power requirements. Piezoelectric Materials serves as an invaluable reference on the subject and makes piezoceramic materials technology more accessible to researchers, advanced students, and practicing engineers. The text is also helpful to those in industries using piezoelectrics, in particular manufacturers of optics, photonics, and nanometrology equipment.

  • av A Ray
    2 861

    Oxide ElectronicsMultiple disciplines converge in this insightful exploration of complex metal oxides and their functions and propertiesOxide Electronics delivers a broad and comprehensive exploration of complex metal oxides designed to meet the multidisciplinary needs of electrical and electronic engineers, physicists, and material scientists. The distinguished author eschews complex mathematics whenever possible and focuses on the physical and functional properties of metal oxides in each chapter.Each of the sixteen chapters featured within the book begins with an abstract and an introduction to the topic, clear explanations are presented with graphical illustrations and relevant equations throughout the book. Numerous supporting references are included, and each chapter is self-contained, making them perfect for use both as a reference and as study material.Readers will learn how and why the field of oxide electronics is a key area of research and exploitation in materials science, electrical engineering, and semiconductor physics. The book encompasses every application area where the functional and electronic properties of various genres of oxides are exploited. Readers will also learn from topics like:* Thorough discussions of High-k gate oxide for silicon heterostructure MOSFET devices and semiconductor-dielectric interfaces* An exploration of printable high-mobility transparent amorphous oxide semiconductors* Treatments of graphene oxide electronics, magnetic oxides, ferroelectric oxides, and materials for spin electronics* Examinations of the calcium aluminate binary compound, perovoksites for photovoltaics, and oxide 2Degs* Analyses of various applications for oxide electronics, including data storage, microprocessors, biomedical devices, LCDs, photovoltaic cells, TFTs, and sensorsSuitable for researchers in semiconductor technology or working in materials science, electrical engineering, and physics, Oxide Electronics will also earn a place in the libraries of private industry researchers like device engineers working on electronic applications of oxide electronics. Engineers working on photovoltaics, sensors, or consumer electronics will also benefit from this book.

  • av Mohammad A. Alim
    1 554,-

  • - Growth, Materials Properties, and Applications
    av S Irvine
    1 851

    Systematically discusses the growth method, material properties, and applications for key semiconductor materialsMOVPE is a chemical vapor deposition technique that produces single or polycrystalline thin films. As one of the key epitaxial growth technologies, it produces layers that form the basis of many optoelectronic components including mobile phone components (GaAs), semiconductor lasers and LEDs (III-Vs, nitrides), optical communications (oxides), infrared detectors, photovoltaics (II-IV materials), etc. Featuring contributions by an international group of academics and industrialists, this book looks at the fundamentals of MOVPE and the key areas of equipment/safety, precursor chemicals, and growth monitoring. It covers the most important materials from III-V and II-VI compounds to quantum dots and nanowires, including sulfides and selenides and oxides/ceramics.Sections in every chapter of Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE): Growth, Materials Properties and Applications cover the growth of the particular materials system, the properties of the resultant material, and its applications. The book offers information on arsenides, phosphides, and antimonides; nitrides; lattice-mismatched growth; CdTe, MCT (mercury cadmium telluride); ZnO and related materials; equipment and safety; and more. It also offers a chapter that looks at the future of the technique.* Covers, in order, the growth method, material properties, and applications for each material* Includes chapters on the fundamentals of MOVPE and the key areas of equipment/safety, precursor chemicals, and growth monitoring* Looks at important materials such as III-V and II-VI compounds, quantum dots, and nanowires* Provides topical and wide-ranging coverage from well-known authors in the field* Part of the Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications seriesMetalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE): Growth, Materials Properties and Applications is an excellent book for graduate students, researchers in academia and industry, as well as specialist courses at undergraduate/postgraduate level in the area of epitaxial growth (MOVPE/ MOCVD/ MBE).

  • av A Kitai
    1 855

    LEDs are in the midst of revolutionizing the lighting industry UpΓÇôtoΓÇôdate and comprehensive coverage of lightΓÇôemitting materials and devices used in solid state lighting and displays  Presents the fundamental principles underlying luminescence Includes inorganic and organic materials and devices LEDs offer high efficiency, long life and mercury free lighting solutions

  • - 2 Volume Set
    av MT Sebastian
    3 933

    The recent rapid progress in wireless telecommunication, including the Internet of Things, 5th generation wireless systems, satellite broadcasting, and intelligent transport systems has increased the need for low-loss dielectric materials and modern fabrication techniques.

  • - Materials and Applications for Electronics and Optoelectronics
    av H Asahi
    2 623

    Covers both the fundamentals and the state-of-the-art technology used for MBE Written by expert researchers working on the frontlines of the field, this book covers fundamentals of Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) technology and science, as well as state-of-the-art MBE technology for electronic and optoelectronic device applications. MBE applications to magnetic semiconductor materials are also included for future magnetic and spintronic device applications. Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Materials and Applications for Electronics and Optoelectronics is presented in five parts: Fundamentals of MBE; MBE technology for electronic devices application; MBE for optoelectronic devices; Magnetic semiconductors and spintronics devices; and Challenge of MBE to new materials and new researches. The book offers chapters covering the history of MBE; principles of MBE and fundamental mechanism of MBE growth; migration enhanced epitaxy and its application; quantum dot formation and selective area growth by MBE; MBE of III-nitride semiconductors for electronic devices; MBE for Tunnel-FETs; applications of III-V semiconductor quantum dots in optoelectronic devices; MBE of III-V and III-nitride heterostructures for optoelectronic devices with emission wavelengths from THz to ultraviolet; MBE of III-V semiconductors for mid-infrared photodetectors and solar cells; dilute magnetic semiconductor materials and ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures and their application to spintronic devices; applications of bismuth-containing III-V semiconductors in devices; MBE growth and device applications of Ga2O3; Heterovalent semiconductor structures and their device applications; and more. Includes chapters on the fundamentals of MBE Covers new challenging researches in MBE and new technologies Edited by two pioneers in the field of MBE with contributions from well-known MBE authors including three Al Cho MBE Award winners Part of the Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications series Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Materials and Applications for Electronics and Optoelectronics will appeal to graduate students, researchers in academia and industry, and others interested in the area of epitaxial growth.

  • av K Sato
    1 759

    Spintronics (short for spin electronics, or spin transport electronics) exploits both the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices.

  • - Engineering the Nanoscale
    av Matthew M. Hawkeye
    1 505,-

    This book provides a highly practical treatment of Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD), a thin film fabrication technology optimized to produce precise nanostructures from a wide range of materials.

  • - Fundamentals, Engineering, and Applications
    av Animesh (University Of Leeds) Jha
    1 456,-

    Advanced textbook on inorganic glasses suitable for both undergraduates and researchers.

  • - Developing Technologies
    av Arthur (University of Southampton) Willoughby
    1 845

    This book presents a comparison of solar cell materials, including both new materials based on organics, nanostructures and novel inorganics and developments in more traditional photovoltaic materials.

  • - Materials Reliability for Electronics
    av K N Subramanian
    2 033

    Providing a viable alternative to lead-based solders is a major research thrust for the electrical and electronics industries - whilst mechanically compliant lead-based solders have been widely used in the electronic interconnects, the risks to human health and to the environment are too great to allow continued widescale usage.

  • av CW Litton
    2 694,-

    Zinc Oxide (ZnO) powder has been widely used as a white paint pigment and industrial processing chemical for nearly 150 years. However, following a rediscovery of ZnO and its potential applications in the 1950s, science and industry alike began to realize that ZnO had many interesting novel properties that were worthy of further investigation.

  • av Rainer (EPFL) Wesche
    1 921

    A much-needed update on complex high-temperature superconductors, focusing on materials aspects; this timely book coincides with a recent major break-through of the discovery of iron-based superconductors.

  • - Growth, Properties and Applications
    av P Capper
    3 094,-

    Mercury Cadmium Telluride delivers a comprehensive treatment of both the growth techniques and fundamental properties of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT).

  • - Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties
    av Kazuo Morigaki
    1 682

    Amorphous semiconductors are subtances in the amorphous solid state that have the properties of a semiconductor and which are either covalent or tetrahedrally bonded amorphous semiconductors or chelcogenide glasses.

  • av P Capper
    3 650

    Liquid-Phase Epitaxy is a technique used in the bulk growth of crystals, typically in semiconductor manufacturing, whereby the crystal is grown from a rich solution of the semiconductor onto a substrate in layers, each of which is formed by supersaturation or cooling. At least 50 of growth in the optoelectronics area is currently focussed on LPE.

  • av MR Baklanov
    3 100

    The topic of thin films is an area of increasing importance in materials science, electrical engineering and applied solid state physics; with both research and industrial applications in microelectronics, computer manufacturing, and physical devices.

  • av S Baranovski
    3 156,-

    The field of charge conduction in disordered materials is a rapidly evolving area owing to current and potential applications of these materials in various electronic devices.

  • av RS Sussmann
    3 044

    Comprises six sections: introduction, radiation sensors, active electronic devices, biosensors, MEMs and electrochemistry. Reflects recent advances, such as the revolution in single crystal CVD diamond, which suggest diamond devices could at last become commercial reality.

  • - Fabrication, Characterization and Applications
    av J Poortmans
    2 538

    Thin-film solar cells are either emerging or about to emerge from the research laboratory to become commercially available devices finding practical various applications. Currently no textbook outlining the basic theoretical background, methods of fabrication and applications currently exist.

  • - Group-IV, III-V and II-VI Semiconductors
    av Sadao (Gunma University) Adachi
    2 524

    The main purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive treatment of the materials aspects of group-IV, III-V and II-VI semiconductor alloys used in various electronic and optoelectronic devices.

  • av Sadao (Gunma University Adachi
    3 212

    This book will provide information on semiconductor material properties and in particular, the systematization of Group-IV, III-V and II-VI semiconductors. A complete set of the material parameters and properties will be considered. Many of these basic properties have considerable impact on device applications as well as materials science.

  • av P Capper
    3 212

    Covers the materials from silicon through the III-V and II-IV compounds to oxides, nitrides, fluorides, carbides and diamonds. This book includes global interest with particular relevance to: USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Australia and South Africa.

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