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  • av &#24464, Yuan-Ching Hsu, &#33489 & m.fl.

    「甚麼是漆?漆從哪裡來?龍南與台灣漆的歷史?」希望閱讀此書的大小朋友們,從中瞭解漆,在故事中找回童年快樂、想像力豐富、愛冒險的記憶。更重要的是,讓即將在台灣消逝的百年天然漆文化,能夠藉由不同方式重生,將漆的精髓傳遞下去。"What is lacquer? Where it comes from? Long Nan relates to the history of Taiwan Lacquer"Hope everyone who reads this book not only can understand lacquer, but also can bring back memories of happiness, rich imagination and love exploring. The most important is hundreds history of lacquer cultures in Taiwan can be continued by all the ways.自序將此書獻給我兒徐立(Max)及龍南家族龍南天然漆博物館導覽解說時,遠從國外來參觀的旅客,總是問我:「甚麼是漆?漆從哪裡來?龍南與台灣漆的歷史?」,這些問題,在我心中萌起了創作漆童話的想法。腦海中的創作靈感,像泉水般不停湧現,將靈感一幅一幅畫出來,創作了以漆為題材的繪本故事《漆童話:天使的眼淚》。希望閱讀此書的大小朋友們,從中瞭解漆,在故事中找回童年快樂、想像力豐富、愛冒險的記憶。更重要的是,讓即將在台灣消逝的百年天然漆文化,能夠藉由不同方式重生,將漆的精髓傳遞下去。這本書得以成真,深深感謝家人們的支持。大家好,我是徐苑菁,很高興在此與您相遇!我來自台灣,MBA企管碩士,在新竹科學園區的科技公司工作數年,然後與法國先生相遇、相戀、到結婚,育有一子徐立(Max)。目前在龍南天然漆博物館,展現龍南六代客家堅忍硬頸的精神,致力漆藝文化傳承,導覽外國遊客認識天然漆,閒暇時間創作漆藝。更多關於作者及龍南資訊,請參考以下社群網站:龍南天然漆博物館台法小王子 Max Petit影音頻道 THE AUTHORHello everyone, I''m Hsu Yuan-Ching, glad to meet you here! I come from Taiwan. MBA degree, have worked in technology companies in Hsinchu Science Park for years, and then get married to a french man, have one kid Max. Now I am in Long Nan Museum of Natural Lacquer Wares located in Puli, pass Long Nan''s Hakka spirit of perseverance for six generations, dedicated to the cultural inheritance of Lacquer arts, guided foreign visitors recognize natural lacquer and creating lacquer artwork in leisure time.More information about author and Long Nan, please refers to network below:龍南天然漆博物館台法小王子 Max Petit

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