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  • av &#36947, &#34945, &#37995 & m.fl.


  • - 半小时快速入门(简体字)
    av &#20043, &#29983, &#21629, m.fl.

    老子楚简是一份非常珍贵的文献,可以直接与先贤对话,从中领略到道家思想的精髓。楚简比通行本早了600多年,是距离《道德经》创作最近的原版书,对于研究《道德经》的起源和演变具有非常重要的意义。虽然内容只有2000多字,但却包含了道家思想的核心,是一部小而精的道家经典。另外,楚简排版清晰有序,符合逻辑,每篇的第一章也都具有统领性和概括性。虽然经历了修改、补充、润饰、抄错、避名讳、恶意篡改、肢解和玄学化,但基于楚简的内核思想还是基本一致的。它记录了当时老子和他的学说,为我们研究老子思想和古代文化提供了珍贵的材料,让我们更加深入地了解了古代中国的思想和文化。珍惜这难得的机会,认真学习,研究,帮助传播优秀的华夏文化。 The Laozi Chu bamboo slips are a highly precious document, allowing for direct dialogue with ancient sages and giving insight into the essence of Taoist thought. The Chu slips predate the commonly circulated version by over 600 years and are the closest known original version to the creation of the "Tao Te Ching". They play an immensely significant role in studying the origins and evolution of the "Tao Te Ching". Although the content is just over 2,000 words, it encapsulates the core of Taoist philosophy, making it a concise yet profound Taoist classic. Additionally, the layout of the Chu slips is clear and orderly, logically structured, with the first chapter of each section providing overarching and summarizing insights. Even though it has undergone modifications, additions, refinements, transcription errors, avoidance of taboo names, malicious alterations, fragmentation, and esoteric interpretations, the core ideas based on the Chu slips remain fundamentally consistent. It documents the teachings and thoughts of Laozi of that era, offering us invaluable material to delve into Laozi's philosophy and ancient culture. This allows us a deeper understanding of ancient Chinese thought and culture. We should cherish this rare opportunity, study diligently, and help disseminate the splendid Chinese culture.

  • - Now Are Ye the Sons of God (Chinese edition)
    av &#26031, &#26684, &#33879, m.fl.

    一个人要划分"神子"与"人子"不仅需要依靠神的话(圣经), 也要推敲,在基督之后数百年里,当罗马帝国的皇帝做了教皇,罗马帝国里到底发生了什么。 那时耶稣基督的真实追随者被迫面对来自作为异端的天主教的挑战。 在罗马帝国统治的政教合一的年代,那些跟随耶稣基督在五旬节那天所建教会的牧者与圣徒,因为不与天主教的亵渎神的三位一体论妥协,选择展开地下教会工作。

  • - 老子楚簡-正體字
    av &#20043, &#29983, &#21629, m.fl.


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