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Bøker av Abdul Hakim Siddiqui

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  • av Abdul Hakim Siddiqui

    In the present work an attempt has been made to assess the history,political philosophy and socio-political conditions and civilization trendsright from the prophet period till now. The object of this work focuses onbringing into light major political systems of Muslims that emerged andoperated at various periods of time and special emphasis has been given tomodern Muslim experimentations and various methods techniques ad waysnecessitated by the requirements of time and place. Many books andarticles have been written on political systems of Islam and Muslims but nosubstantial and cohesive effort had been made to bring out the relevanceand application of the that discussions 'political system of Islam to modemtimes' which has been done in this work.This work is divided into seen chapters followed by a bibliographyand glossary. The first chapter is devoted to the discussion of the politicalsystem of the Prophet's period and the evolution of the Islamic statethrough a number of the Prophetic measures like the system of the'mu'akhat (brotherhood) and the Kitab (document) and the making of the'ummah' (Muslim community) etc: It also discusses the politico-juridicalsystems during the Caliphs's period and explains the concepts of Khalifaand the Caliphate and Ideal Khalifat, encompassing the experimentations ofthe umavid and Abbasid dynasties with special reference to their state buildingmeasure and thought making provisions and resolutions such the rise of three tier system of governance which is generally classified as thecentral, provincial and local governments.

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