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Bøker av Adelaide Meharg

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  • av Adelaide Meharg

    Now in my spare time I try to write more poetry to I never knew that one day I would have books for sale like I have nowI hope you all like my poetry as well And keep your eyes out as I plan on doing more poetry for you all as well

  • av Adelaide Meharg

    Hi my name is Adelaide Beverley Meharg I took these photos my self of the Stanthorpe floods and my daughter Paris is my model in some of the flood pictures as well Some of the photos if I took them earlier the flood waters might of been a bit higher as some of the photos the water had reduced a little before I went to take photos but that's ok I hope you all like my Stanthorpe flood book there's photos before ,after and during the floods to I also have a book out called Adelaide poetry and there be more poetry books of mine soon as well

  • av Adelaide Meharg

    I first wrote poems when Lady Diana passed away Trying to find my lady Diana poem to Then when I wrote my poem Behind my smile I wrote that in 2018 and shared it on Facebook and it kept getting shared on Facebook so I contacted publishers and everyone has said my poems are inspirational and so I've wrote what's on my heart ,what I've been through,or going through ,I hope you all enjoy reading my poems and that some may help some of you to If I can go through a lot and pull through so can you so I'm hoping this really helps people who are going through difficult times or maybe you can help some one you might now going through difficult times please share my poems with them and with your loved ones to

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