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Bøker av Alexa Keating

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  • av Alexa Keating

    The Lions Crossing provides vibrant inspiration with inspiring and empowering self-contained short stories that share ideas and solutions to daily issues in life. It is the beside book that shares ideas and thoughts that propel one from being lost in the jungle of life to a new self awareness and love for life.Everyone has a well of personal power that may have been diminished and trampled on in the game of life. Many have been crushed beneath the weight of painful words and experiences that have altered the course of their life; reducing their sense of self-worth to nothingness by the words and actions of others.Fear not, there is a path to victory! Restoring the very best of the 'you' that was your life dream is possible and does have a road map to achieve that.This book delivers a new and empowering way to play, understand and win the game!

  • av Alexa Keating

    A powerfully inspirational and healing book for anyone who has suffered a loss that seems unendurable. The reader walks hand in hand through the darkest places of grief and emerges from being tattered, shattered and broken to a new kind of healing. This book is sad and funny and inspires all of us dare to dance through the pain. "Endings rarely arrive on the same sunbeam as dreams; the kind we imagine have passed through the darkness, filtered through the clouds, mingled with starlight, and found its way to our heart on the path of a sunbeam" begins the journey to cementing the pieces of your broken heart back together again.

  • av Alexa Keating

    'How to Create the Best of YOU in Your Home' combines the very best of 'fabulous and affordable' advice from the 'How to Make it Mine' book with the more personal touches found in the 'How to Find YOU in Your Home' book. This two book special offering is jam packed with ideas and practical directions on how to make any space YOUR space, easily, affordably and unimaginably YOU.This book is all about YOU and how to define your space to create harmony, balance and beauty using what you have where you have!From the beginning college student to the decorator, this book offers something useful and effective in creating you in your own home. This two year anniversary celebration offer is dedicated to all the DIY creative genius's who routinely look at a spool and see a table; and can find perfect end tables in old wheels. Your reuse, recycle and rebuild attitude inspires the universe!

  • av Alexa Keating

    'Bridge Across Tomorrow' takes a close up and personal look at the best and the worst of life and the challenges and choices we are all faced with at some point. It provides insights, ideas and solutions to the good, the bad and the ugly in our society.This book runs the gauntlet from child abuse, bullying, domestic violence and loss to rebuilding the best of ourselves and regaining the things that matter. It speaks to children and adults, victims and perpetrators.It helps us to delve down deep within and find the things we may have forgotten that make us better than we used to be. And then, shows us how to use them.

  • - A DIY Plan to Recreating Hidden Treasures in Your Home
    av Alexa Keating

    This 2020 revised edition of 'Mining the Mine goes beyond home decorating as it delves into the nuts and bolts of how to make all those 'dreamed of' projects become a new reality! Together we take a closer look at what you have and what you would like to have to make your space feel relaxing and secure. Next we will examine how to use what you have, to do what you can, where you are. The final result is creating an entirely new look on a minimal budget. The information shared ensures a wonderful, lighthearted approach to a final finish on budget.Every home is a personal expression of the people who live there. 'Mining the Mine' guides you ever so subtly, as you delve into your family's lifestyle, helping you to decide exactly what you need from the space and what you really want to create in your home. Once you have determined your goal, this book will lead you effortlessly (almost!) to your objective.'Mining the Mine' shares hundreds of ideas to help you improve your home; this is a must read! It is the new 'survival bible' for recreating personal spaces and re-purposing furniture in your home.

  • av Alexa Keating

    Since the beginning of recorded history, fear has been the motivating factor behind human emotion and significant change. It continues to be used as the most powerful tool in the toolbox of bullies who beat those around them with their bully club of fear. It is a powerful emotion that can be defeated and used to your own highest good.'I Did Not Give You Fear' is a practical guide to defeating that paper tiger called FEAR that enslaves us, encourages us to tolerate and accept abuse, and defeats the most basic goals in our lives when we are caught in 'The Eye of the Tiger.'Like a good friend, it extends a helpful friend that takes your hand and leads you back to rediscover the joy and magnificence you were born to experience.

  • - The Guiding Lights of Your Life Journey
    av Alexa Keating

    Long before that first breath there was tremendous preparation for this journey. We were assisted by the wisdom of the wisest sages, guardians who agreed to walk with us and guides who agreed to assist us in reaching the pinnacle of success in this journey. We did not start this alone and we will not end it alone. "... For Lo, I will be with you, even to the end."We knew this then; it gave us the courage to embark, and we still remember at some primal level, that we came with a plan and were endowed with all that we require to complete that plan successfully.

  • av Alexa Keating

    Losing someone you love through death or even a painful decision to just walk away can leave lasting, life altering pain. Sometimes it feels like we will never get over it, and maybe we won't. But we must get through it, to somehow bear the loss and begin a new future. This book is filled with chapters that stand alone, allowing you to choose what might speak to you. Caring reassurances combine with practical ideas to help you get to the bridge across your tomorrows or offer a simple message of 'I understand your pain.' Along the way I have learned that rarely do the words; 'I know how you feel' apply. Most people believe no one knows how they feel. But having experienced it and survived, we can all understand the pain of loss.This book is for everyone who is seeking to understand the pain and bear the loss; even while you miss them like crazy.

  • - Why Women Kill
    av Alexa Keating

    Why do women, the nurturers who typically encourage and support their loved ones suddenly become killers? For some, it is not sudden; it is the last stop before their own murder. For many, the reasons lie squarely within the confines of greed, jealously and rage. The true stories featured in 'When Walls Talk' begins at the gates of the Ohio Reformatory for Women where Lauren, an Investigative Journalist, was assigned to complete a newspaper series titled, 'Why Women Kill.' It provides up close and personal details about the thoughts and actions behind 5 different murders, as related by the women who committed them. There is both horror and gore and details that can only be repulsive, and there is the human side of people who appear to have made inhumane choices. There is a trail of broken dreams and little hope in the lives of the people who arrive at the prison gates. Indeed, it is a broken road that leads to those towering fences with rolls of barbed wire and the slamming of those gates.

  • - A Practical Guide to Living In 4D Energy
    av Alexa Keating

    "Come, sit with me awhile. Take a moment just to spend with me alone ..." a gentle yet strong voice that passes through the darkness, filters through the clouds, mingles with starlight, and finds its way to your heart on the path of a sunbeam; very subtly it reaches you. You recognize it, and for no apparent reason, you are covered in chills of truth. This is real!Would you? If you heard, really heard the voice of your creator and those words were spoken, would you? Would you take a moment, even though you don't quite know if it is possible? Even though you have never done this before, would you? Is it possible? What would it take for you to be able to do this; why hasn't everyone done it? A question that haunts us all; are we afraid of the new things we may discover? Would we be able to accept new truths? Are you willing to reach out in this new, multi dimensional energy and grab onto and hold the hand of the Creator's part of you?How does the ascension of our planet affect our daily lives? What changes for us and how does it affect us? Quantum is multi-dimensional and is already affecting everything and every living being on our planet. As we enter the 4th dimensional existence, what new doors open for us? Oh, so many. Living is so much easier in an energy that supports a positive and peaceful existence. Our children are born into a multi-dimensional world and they recognize it. They remember far more from the last life experience and move much quicker into becoming a whole and independent person. Time moves faster, information that has been hidden is now available, much longer and healthier lives will become the norm; our life path is changed, completely and forever. The time is now; we can continue as before and wake up when this journey is over, or we can begin right now to enjoy the benefits of an ascended planet and contribute to its success while it nurtures us to our own greatest potentials. Quantum is just a word until someone gives it meaning! Enter the world of quantum energy and discover the methods to identify and communicate with your own personal Guides, Guardians and Angels who walk this journey with you.

  • - Understanding the Trump Supporter
    av Alexa Keating

    'The TRUMP We Love To Love' examines the mystique that surrounds the 45th President of the United States of America. That he is a true phenomena is undisputed; this book examines the real man and what drives his supporters to chant 'We LOVE You!' as they follow him daily. This is a fun and fact filled book that embraces his journey to become the leader of the Free World and the journey of those who are so enmeshed in supporting him.Donald Trump is an enigma that all of us can learn from. He is 'cool' enough to attract the attention of our youth while retaining the old fashioned ideals that made our country the shining beacon of light on the hill. We all had our thoughts about the man he must be, mostly based on articles we have read and stories we have heard. He is a successful businessman, a billionaire whose extravagant lifestyle may have been more imagined than real.We learned over time that he worked far more than he played and that he was a strict father who demanded obedience and a good work ethic from his children. He taught by example. For his own personal reasons he avoided alcohol and drugs in a life where either would have been easy to embrace. Donald Trump has a history that includes great public losses but far more wins in his column. The losses were likely his best teacher. We have been treated to four years of information we never hoped to learn about our Federal Government and the corruption that had overtaken it. As we learned these facts we were also treated to an example of how to stand tall and keep your shoulder to the wheel to move things forward. Donald Trump reminded us of why grit and perseverance are essential to winning. Like the giant Sequoia he refused to be felled by lies and bitter attacks. He has traversed a path from open scorn to crowds chanting "'We LOVE You.' It was this that inspired me to write a story about a man who has earned the right to be addressed as, 'To Sir with Love!'

  • av Alexa Keating

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