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  • av Alexander Johnson

    "Die Kunst der Gehaltsverhandlung" ist ein umfassender Ratgeber, der Ihnen dabei hilft, erfolgreich in Gehaltsverhandlungen zu agieren und sich optimal darauf vorzubereiten. In diesem Buch werden alle wichtigen Aspekte von Gehaltsverhandlungen behandelt, angefangen von der Bedeutung dieser Verhandlungen bis hin zur Nachbereitung und Pflege der Beziehung zum Arbeitgeber. Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihre Verhandlungsstrategie entwickeln, realistische Gehaltsvorstellungen festlegen und die richtigen Informationen über den Markt und das Unternehmen recherchieren. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie wertvolle Tipps und Tricks zur Kommunikation mit dem Arbeitgeber, zur Anwendung von Verhandlungstechniken und zur Kunst des Kompromisses. Das Buch beinhaltet auch spezielle Kapitel zu schwierigen Situationen in Gehaltsverhandlungen, zur Bedeutung von Soft Skills und zur internationalen Gehaltsverhandlung.Kapitel 1: "Die Bedeutung von Gehaltsverhandlungen" erklärt Ihnen, warum Gehaltsverhandlungen so wichtig sind und welche Auswirkungen eine erfolgreiche Verhandlung haben kann. Sie erfahren auch mehr über die psychologischen Aspekte von Gehaltsverhandlungen und die Rolle von Selbstvertrauen.Kapitel 2: "Vorbereitung auf Gehaltsverhandlungen" zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie sich optimal auf Gehaltsverhandlungen vorbereiten können. Sie lernen, wie Sie Informationen über den Markt und das Unternehmen recherchieren, Ihre eigenen Leistungen und Fähigkeiten analysieren und realistische Gehaltsvorstellungen festlegen. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine effektive Verhandlungsstrategie entwickeln.Kapitel 3: "Die Durchführung von Gehaltsverhandlungen" gibt Ihnen praktische Tipps zur Wahl des richtigen Zeitpunkts für Gehaltsverhandlungen, zur Kommunikation mit dem Arbeitgeber und zur Anwendung von Verhandlungstechniken. Sie lernen auch die Kunst des Kompromisses kennen und erfahren, warum Flexibilität und Alternativen wichtig sind.

  • av Alexander Johnson

    Embark on a captivating journey through the timeless charm of Paris with my meticulously crafted travel guideLet this guide be your expert companion as you uncover the best of one of the world's most captivating cities.

  • av Alexander Johnson
    277 - 423,-

  • - What You Need to Know about the Chinese Work Psyche
    av Alexander Johnson

    The Myth of the Tiger: Insights into the psyche of the hungry beast In The Myth of the Tiger, Alexander Johnson insightfully documents the interactive behaviors between China and the West. He first became intrigued about the cultural differences that drive interactive behaviors while working for a Chinese organization in Africa. Here, Alexander observed Chinese work psyche in action and that's what inspired him to research the behaviours in order to slowly untangle the intricate web, which is Chinese culture. This book is a must for anyone who: ●is interested in Chinese culture as a whole ●works with Chinese people ●is looking to move to China The book is skillfully built around the author's personal experiences in working for a Chinese company. Each compassionately retold experience includes an explanation to better to help Western readers understand the Chinese psyche and the seemingly strange behavior of a nation that is taking the world by storm. "As these two very opposite cultures are slowly getting to know each other, I have no doubt that over the next decade or two, interactions will become easier, and business cultures can be better integrated, which will ultimately lead to more constructive work output, teamwork, and greater success in the workplace and in closing better global business deals." - Alexander Johnson As the Chinese nation spreads rapidly across the world, it is in every business person's interests to learn more about the ancient cultures behind Chinese behavior and work ethic. Order your copy of The Myth of the Tiger right now.

  • av Alexander Johnson
    1 007,-

    The most effective study guide for the Critical Care Nursing Certification Exam-now with all- new artwork!Critical Care Nursing Certification: Preparation, Review, and Practice Exams is a comprehensive, single-source review that covers everything you need to know to excel on the examination administered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN). Unlike dull, dry, outline-style reviews, this score-boosting resource is presented in short, easy-to-read chapters that are similar what you would hear at a well-planned lecture. Following the CCRN blueprint, coverage of each subject is weighted to reflect its level of importance on the actual exam. Ten practice exams (mostly centered around body systems) help you identify weak areas and sharpen your test-taking skills. Chapters cover all the systems and topics you need to master, including:.Cardiovascular.Pulmonary.Endocrine.Immunology and Hematology.Neurology.Gastroenterology.Renal.Multi-organ Problems.Professionalism, Ethics, and Synergy.Behavior

  • av Alexander Johnson

    In Coty's eyes, loyalty means everything. A feature that helps him distinguish between someone who is a real nigga and who is a fake. Paris, his big homie, has shown nothing but how Coty is to handle himself. However, Coty's whole perception changes in a blink of an eye as deception, blood, and murder come between both Coty and Paris on a robbery together.Now the horrors of that night chase Coty in the rearview of his old school as he rides around wrapping up his business before leaving the city, a road that includes murdering anyone he feels can expose his secret!Hold on to your seats because Coty's every move will have you trying to figure out why Coty keeps pulling the trigger.

  • - I. From Seamen for Help Against the Dangers of the Sea: II. From the Shipping Interest of Montreal
    av Alexander Johnson

  • av Alexander Johnson
    1 048,-

    The must-have guide to acing the Progressive Care Nursing certification exam - based on the actual exam blueprint!Progressive Care Nursing Certification, Second Edition is a complete, step-by-step guide that thoroughly covers everything you must know to excel on the examination administered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN). Following the PCCN blueprint, the book reflects the latest changes to the test plan - so you know you are studying he most relevant, up-to-date material possible. Everything you need to succeed!Presented in short, easy-to-read chapters, Progressive Care Nursing Certification includes ten subject-specific practice exams, allowing you to target your study and quickly identify your weak areas. This edition is enhanced by the addition of detailed answer explanations to the practice exam questions. You will also find valuable test-taking tips, summaries at the end of each chapter (also new to this edition), and the acclaimed "Editor Note" feature that highlights what important and gives you an idea of the number of questions you should expect on a given topic.If you are looking for a well-illustrated, time-tested review for the Progressive Care Nursing certification exam - complete with practice tests and special learning features - your search ends here.

  • av Alexander Johnson

    Discover what A.C. Johnson found out about education in his 45 years in the profession. His own education began in Rochester, continued in Buffalo and Niagara Falls during World War II and eventually at SUNY Brockport. He taught briefly in Indianapolis and in South Korea while in the U.S. Army. He spent the next 33 years in Rochester City School District as a teacher and an administrator. He retired initially in 1990 only to return as the district's first substitute administrator, a position that he held until retiring again in 2000. Sit back, relax and read about the professional reflections of an extraordinary educator.

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