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Bøker av Alfio Quarteroni

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  • av Alfio Quarteroni
    265 - 275,-

  • av Sandro Salsa, Alfio Quarteroni & Andrea Manzoni

  • av Alfio Quarteroni

  • - Data, Numerical Approximation, Clinical Applications
    av Alfio Quarteroni, Andrea Manzoni, Christian Vergara & m.fl.
    1 152,-

    Mathematical and numerical modelling of the human cardiovascular system has attracted remarkable research interest due to its intrinsic mathematical difficulty and the increasing impact of cardiovascular diseases worldwide. This book addresses the two principal components of the cardiovascular system: arterial circulation and heart function. It systematically describes all aspects of the problem, stating the basic physical principles, analysing the associated mathematical models that comprise PDE and ODE systems, reviewing sound and efficient numerical methods for their approximation, and simulating both benchmark problems and clinically inspired problems. Mathematical modelling itself imposes tremendous challenges, due to the amazing complexity of the cardiovascular system and the need for computational methods that are stable, reliable and efficient. The final part is devoted to control and inverse problems, including parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification and the development of reduced-order models that are important when solving problems with high complexity, which would otherwise be out of reach.

  • av Alfio Quarteroni

    In this book we describe the magic world of mathematical models: starting from real-life problems, we formulate them in terms of equations, transform equations into algorithms and algorithms into programs to be executed on computers.A broad variety of examples and exercises illustrate that properly designed models can, e.g.: predict the way the number of dolphins in the Aeolian Sea will change as food availability and fishing activity vary; describe the blood flow in a capillary network; calculate the PageRank of websites.This book also includes a chapter with an elementary introduction to Octave, an open-source programming language widely used in the scientific community. Octave functions and scripts for dealing with the problems presented in the text can be downloaded from book is addressed to any student interested in learning how to construct and apply mathematical models.

  • - Esercizi e problemi risolti con MATLAB e Octave
    av Alfio Quarteroni & F. Saleri

    Questo testo e espressamente concepito per i corsi brevi del nuovo ordinamento delle Facolta di Ingegneria e di Scienze. Esso affronta tutti gli argomenti tipici della Matematica Numerica, spaziando dal problema di approssimare una funzione, al calcolo dei suoi zeri, delle sue derivate e del suo integrale definito fino alla risoluzione approssimata di equazioni differenziali ordinarie e di problemi ai limiti. Due capitoli sono inoltre dedicati alla risoluzione di sistemi lineari ed al calcolo degli autovalori di una matrice, mentre un capitolo iniziale conduce lo studente ad un rapido ripasso degli argomenti dell'Analisi Matematica di uso frequente nel volume e ad una introduzione al linguaggio Matlab. I vari argomenti sono volutamente affrontati a livello elementare ed i paragrafi che richiedono maggior impegno sono stati opportunamente contrassegnati. In questa quarta edizione il linguaggio Octave (di distribuzione gratuita) si affianca a MATLAB.

  • av Alfio Quarteroni, Fausto Saleri & Riccardo Sacco

    The purpose of this book is to provide the mathematical foundations of numerical methods, to analyze their basic theoretical properties and to demonstrate their performances on examples and counterexamples.

  • - An Introduction
    av Alfio Quarteroni

    This book provides a basic introduction to reduced basis (RB) methods for problems involving the repeated solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) arising from engineering and applied sciences, such as PDEs depending on several parameters and PDE-constrained optimization.

  • av Alfio Quarteroni & Alberto Valli
    1 690,-

    Everything is more simple than one thinks but at the same time more complex than one can understand Johann Wolfgang von Goethe To reach the point that is unknown to you, you must take the road that is unknown to you St. John of the Cross This is a book on the numerical approximation ofpartial differential equations (PDEs).

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