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Bøker av Amanpreet Kaur

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  • - Embracing Peace in Every Chapter of Life
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    Embark on a transformative journey with Amanpreet Kaur, an accomplished and insightful writer whose words weave a tapestry of wisdom, resilience, and self-discovery. In 'Never Blame Yourself: Embracing Peace in Every Chapter of Life, ' Kaur masterfully guides readers through the intricate landscapes of personal growth and empowerment. With an eloquent blend of introspection and encouragement, Kaur explores the profound art of self-acceptance, gently urging readers to release the burden of blame and embrace a life of peace. Through poignant narratives and thought-provoking insights, she shares the keys to navigating the twists and turns of life with grace and resilience. Kaur's unique voice resonates with authenticity, offering a refreshing perspective on self-love and mindfulness. Her words act as a beacon, guiding readers towards a profound understanding of their worth, potential, and the beauty that resides within imperfection. 'Never Blame Yourself' is more than a book; it's a companion on the journey to a more fulfilling life. Amanpreet Kaur's writing serves as a gentle reminder that, despite life's challenges, we have the power to shape our own narrative and find peace in every chapter. This book is an invitation to explore the depths of your own soul, to uncover the strength that lies within, and to embrace the peace that awaits when you let go of self-blame. Amanpreet Kaur's words are a balm for the soul, providing solace and inspiration for anyone on the path to self-discovery and empowerment.

  • - Estratégias para o Amor à Distância
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    No mundo interconectado de hoje, os relacionamentos à distância se tornaram uma realidade comum. Este livro, "Aproximando Corações Distantes", é um guia abrangente e compassivo para todos que embarcam na jornada desafiadora, mas incrivelmente gratificante, de manter um relacionamento à distância.Este livro oferece orientação valiosa para casais que enfrentam a distância física, independentemente de estarem separados devido a compromissos profissionais, estudos, ou outras circunstâncias. Baseado em anos de experiência e pesquisa, ele aborda temas fundamentais, desde a construção de confiança e segurança até a criação de uma conexão emocional profunda, resolução de problemas e conflitos, até o equilíbrio entre necessidades pessoais e de relacionamento.Os leitores encontrarão conselhos práticos para aproveitar ao máximo as visitas, lidar com a solidão e a frustração, gerenciar expectativas e planejar um futuro juntos. Além disso, o livro oferece inspiração por meio de histórias reais de sucesso de relacionamentos à distância, demonstrando que o amor pode florescer mesmo quando a distância separa os amantes.Escrito com empatia e compreensão, "Aproximando Corações Distantes" é um recurso essencial para todos os que buscam manter o fogo do amor aceso, independentemente da distância que possa separá-los. Prepare-se para fortalecer o seu relacionamento e desbravar os desafios da distância com confiança e esperança, descobrindo que o amor verdadeiro pode superar qualquer obstáculo.

  • - Um Guia para a Positividade Corporal e Ativismo Saudável
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    Em um mundo saturado de padrões de beleza irreais e ideais corporais prejudiciais, "Caminhando em Direção ao Amor-Próprio" emerge como um farol de esperança e empoderamento. Este livro instigante o levará por uma jornada transformadora através de oito capítulos esclarecedores, cada um projetado para guiá-lo na direção de uma relação mais saudável e positiva com o seu corpo.Capítulo 1: Abraçando a Neutralidade CorporalComece sua jornada explorando o conceito de neutralidade corporal e descubra como ele pode ser um passo crucial em direção à autoaceitação.Capítulo 2: Padrões de Beleza DesafiadoresAprofunde-se nos desafiadores padrões de beleza que a sociedade impõe e aprenda a resistir à influência negativa deles em sua autoestima.Capítulo 3: Desaprendendo Crenças PrejudiciaisRevele e desafie crenças prejudiciais que o impediram de se amar pelo que é.Capítulo 4: Nutrindo uma Imagem Corporal PositivaReceba orientação sobre como nutrir uma imagem corporal positiva e abraçar a singularidade que o torna bonito.Capítulo 5: Construindo Relacionamentos SaudáveisDescubra como cultivar relacionamentos saudáveis consigo mesmo e com os outros, enfatizando a empatia e o apoio.Capítulo 6: Honrando a Saúde do Corpo, Não o TamanhoMude o foco do peso para o bem-estar e aprenda a priorizar sua saúde em detrimento das expectativas sociais.Capítulo 7: Defendendo a Positividade CorporalAdquira ferramentas para defender a positividade corporal e espalhar sua mensagem de autoamor em sua comunidade e além.Capítulo 8: Abraçando o Ativismo e o Amor PróprioTorne-se um defensor da imagem corporal positiva e saiba como canalizar seu recém-descoberto amor-próprio em uma força para a mudança."Caminhando em Direção ao Amor-Próprio" não é apenas um livro; é um roteiro para recuperar sua autoestima e construir uma vida repleta de autoaceitação, compaixão e confiança. Se você está pronto para escapar das amarras de ideais de beleza irreais e embarcar em uma jornada em direção ao autoamor e à positividade corporal, este livro é o seu guia. Junte-se ao movimento de abraçar o poder da imagem corporal positiva e do ativismo e dê os primeiros passos empoderadores hoje.

  • - Consejos para la Confianza Corporal
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    En un mundo que a menudo nos bombardea con estándares poco realistas de belleza y presiones para encajar en moldes preestablecidos, el amor propio se convierte en un faro de empoderamiento y autenticidad. "Tu Camino hacia el Amor Propio: Consejos para la Confianza Corporal" es una guía inspiradora y práctica que te lleva en un viaje hacia una relación más saludable y amorosa contigo mismo.Este libro está diseñado para todos aquellos que desean liberarse de la tiranía de los estándares de belleza y abrazar una imagen corporal positiva. Con 100 consejos cuidadosamente seleccionados, descubrirás estrategias efectivas para construir la confianza en tu cuerpo y, en última instancia, en ti mismo.A través de historias personales, ejercicios de reflexión y recomendaciones prácticas, este libro te ayudará a: Aprender a aceptar y celebrar la diversidad en todos los cuerpos.Desafiar creencias dañinas que han sido internalizadas con el tiempo.Cultivar relaciones saludables y auténticas con los demás.Comprender que la salud y el bienestar son más importantes que el tamaño o la forma corporal.Convertirte en un defensor de la positividad corporal y el amor propio."Tu Camino hacia el Amor Propio" es una brújula que te guiará en el viaje hacia una autoaceptación duradera y una confianza en tu cuerpo que te empoderará en todas las áreas de tu vida. A través de pequeños pasos y consejos prácticos, descubrirás la belleza que reside en ser tú mismo y la libertad que viene con el amor propio. Este libro te inspirará a vivir con autenticidad y a abrazar la maravillosa singularidad de tu cuerpo y tu mente.

  • - Claves para una Vida Económica Exitosa
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    "El Poder del Ahorro: Claves para una Vida Económica Exitosa" es una guía indispensable para aquellos que desean tomar el control de sus finanzas y construir un futuro financiero sólido. Desde establecer metas financieras hasta aprender estrategias para aumentar los ingresos y reducir gastos, este libro ofrece consejos prácticos y estrategias efectivas para el ahorro y la inversión inteligente. Con un enfoque en la planificación a largo plazo y el manejo de deudas, este libro es una herramienta esencial para alcanzar la estabilidad financiera y una vida económica exitosa.

  • - Mastering the Art of Home-Based Entrepreneurship
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    "Dive into the world of home-based entrepreneurship with 'How to Start a Small Business from Home: Mastering the Art of Home-Based Entrepreneurship, ' authored by Amanpreet Kaur. This comprehensive guide offers a step-by-step roadmap for turning your home into a thriving business hub. From identifying the perfect business idea and conducting feasibility studies to setting up a professional online presence and conquering financial management, this book equips you with invaluable insights and practical strategies. Navigate challenges, discover growth opportunities, and strike a balance between work and personal life while learning from real-world case studies. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner looking to transition to a home-based model, this book provides the expertise you need to build and sustain a successful venture from the comfort of your home."

  • - Building Strong & Successful Relationships
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    "Embark on a journey of thriving connection in 'How to Enjoy a Long-Distance Relationship with Trust: Building Strong & Successful Relationships.' This illuminating guide uncovers a spectrum of methods that empower couples to convert physical separation into a catalyst for growth and intimacy. From mastering effective communication that spans distances to cultivating unshakeable trust and emotional resonance, this book provides the tools to gracefully navigate the complexities of long-distance love. Uncover adept conflict resolution strategies, strike a harmonious balance between personal goals and shared devotion, and embrace self-care rituals that quell feelings of solitude and vexation. Enriched with uplifting tales of triumph, this book accompanies you in embracing the strength of love, fortified by trust, while constructing a bedrock of enduring success in your journey of distant devotion."

  • - How to Improve Skills from the Beginning
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    "The Skill Master's Guide: How to Improve Skills from the Beginning" is a comprehensive and practical resource designed to guide you on your journey to skill mastery. With a focus on fostering a growth mindset, this book empowers you to overcome challenges, embrace failures, and cultivate the discipline needed to excel. Through self-assessment and goal-setting, you'll identify areas for improvement and develop a roadmap to success, supported by effective learning techniques and the guidance of mentors. Chapters on problem-solving, creativity, and stress management equip you with tools to navigate obstacles, while insights on continuous improvement and celebrating progress ensure your lifelong commitment to learning. From understanding the learning process to achieving work-life balance, this guide provides a holistic approach to skill development, encouraging you to embrace your journey of growth and evolution.

  • av Amanpreet Kaur

    In "Smart Money Saving Tips for Financial Success," discover the essential guide to mastering your finances and securing your financial future. This comprehensive book takes you on a journey through every aspect of money management, offering practical advice and strategies to help you save more, spend wisely, and build a secure financial foundation.From the importance of saving money to setting clear financial goals, this book provides a step-by-step roadmap for achieving your financial dreams. Learn how to create an effective budget, track your expenses, and implement the 50/30/20 rule for budgeting to gain control of your finances. Explore tips for saving on everyday expenses, from groceries to transportation, and discover how to make informed decisions about housing, whether you're renting or buying.Planning for retirement is made easy with insights into retirement accounts and investment opportunities. You'll also find valuable strategies for paying off debt, boosting your income through side hustles or career advancement, and becoming a savvy shopper with price comparisons, couponing, and cashback techniques.But the journey doesn't end there. This book delves into long-term financial planning, including building an emergency fund, investing for future financial security, and estate planning for your assets.In the end, "Smart Money Saving Tips for Financial Success" not only summarizes these money-saving strategies but also provides the encouragement and motivation you need for long-term financial success. Whether you're just starting your financial journey or looking to refine your money management skills, this book is your comprehensive guide to achieving financial stability and prosperity. Get ready to take control of your financial destiny and secure a brighter future with the wisdom contained within these pages

  • av Amanpreet Kaur

  • av Amanpreet Kaur

    In "Mine Body Is Not an Apology: A Guide to Self-Love," readers embark on a transformative journey towards embracing self-acceptance and nurturing a positive relationship with their bodies. This empowering guide offers practical insights and tools to help individuals overcome societal pressures and harmful beauty standards. Through a blend of self-care practices, positive self-talk, and celebrating personal achievements, this book encourages readers to cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and body confidence.With an emphasis on setting healthy boundaries, building supportive relationships, and prioritizing overall well-being over appearance, this guide equips readers to navigate life with self-love at its core. It promotes the idea that bodies come in diverse and beautiful forms and encourages readers to live authentically and unapologetically."Mine Body Is Not an Apology" is a heartfelt and empowering resource that inspires individuals to advocate for body positivity, inclusivity, and self-compassion. It's a guide that fosters personal growth, encouraging readers to embrace their unique selves and create a more loving and accepting world for all .

  • - A Step-by-Step Guide to Top Scores
    av Amanpreet Kaur

    In "The Ultimate Guide to Excelling in PTE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Top Scores," expert author Amanpreet Kaur presents a comprehensive and practical resource for individuals preparing to conquer the PTE exam. This meticulously crafted guide equips test-takers with the essential knowledge, effective strategies, and targeted practice materials needed to achieve outstanding scores. From mastering speaking fluency and pronunciation to sharpening listening comprehension, reading speed, and writing skills, this guide provides expert guidance and ample opportunities for practice. With its step-by-step approach and valuable test-taking tips, Amanpreet Kaur's guide empowers readers to approach the PTE exam with confidence and excel in every section. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to improve your existing skills, this book is an indispensable companion on your journey to PTE success.

  • - What Gives You: Unlocking the Secrets of Self
    av Amanpreet Kaur
    3 547,-

    "Love Life: What Gives You - Unlocking the Secrets of Self" is a captivating exploration of love, relationships, and personal growth. This book dives deep into the complexities of love, providing insights, practical strategies, and inspiring examples to help readers unlock the secrets of self-discovery and create meaningful connections.From understanding the purpose of love to exploring different cultural perspectives, this book lays the foundation for a profound understanding of what love truly means. It delves into the importance of self-love and offers techniques for self-exploration and self-awareness, empowering readers to nurture a healthy relationship with themselves.The concept of love languages is demystified, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the five love languages and how to identify and communicate their own. The book also emphasizes the significance of building healthy relationships, guiding readers through finding their ideal partners, effective communication, conflict resolution, and cultivating intimacy and emotional connection.Challenges within relationships are addressed head-on, offering valuable advice on overcoming trust issues, managing jealousy and insecurity, and addressing conflicts constructively. The book provides insights on navigating loss and grief, building resilience during difficult times, and reinventing love in challenging circumstances.Growth and fulfillment take center stage in the latter part of the book, focusing on relationship development, setting goals, cultivating happiness, and finding balance between personal growth and relationship goals. The importance of self-care, healthy boundaries, and sustaining happiness and well-being are also explored, providing readers with practical tools for creating a harmonious and fulfilling love life.In the conclusion, readers are invited to reflect on their own love life journey and embrace the transformative power of love. The book concludes with a message of hope and love, reminding readers that love is a powerful force that can bring joy, fulfillment, and resilience."Love Life: What Gives You - Unlocking the Secrets of Self" is a valuable guide for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of love, cultivate fulfilling relationships, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. It offers wisdom, practical strategies, and inspiration to create a love life that brings joy, growth, and profound fulfillment.

  • av Amanpreet Kaur

  • - For IELTS, CELPIP, PTE, TOEFL, CAE and Spoken English
    av Amanpreet Kaur

  • - A Story for Kids in Punjabi and English
    av Amanpreet Kaur

  • av Amanpreet Kaur & Dr Rajesh Khanna

    Wireless technology provides an array of applications viz wireless phones,wireless Internet access &WLAN.These systems are prone to performance degradation due to multipath fading, pol. mismatch So Service,Quality,Security and Capacity are of primary importance.To solve these space time processing is used,that is signal processing performed on a system in both the spatial and temporal dimensions of the radio cannel.These can be applied at the Tx or Rx or both.At the Receiver MIMO techniques are used.Rx Diversity schemes are MRC,EGC &SC.Of these MRC is considered as it provides the maximum SNR at the output.In MRC the output signal is the weighted sum of the input signals present at the input of the array.In a practical combiner the channel can never be estimated perfectly because of multipath fading. This results in errors in channel estimation which effect the weighing factors of the combiner.The performance of the MRC degrades w.r.t.output SNR and BER. Here the effects of imperfect channel estimation resulting in gaussian errors in the weights of MRC are studied.Performance of MRC in different fading channels with imperfect channel estimates & digital is analyzed.

  • - Mimo
    av Amanpreet Kaur, Altaf Ahmed & Dr Rajesh Khanna

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