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  • - 你生来就是为了这个--治愈、释放和恢复--装备系列
    av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    更大的功绩 14 (3-3) 是更大的功绩 13 的延续,包含更多细节,重点关注七 (7) 个大陆上黑暗王国的神秘秘密和策略,并在罗尼-查韦斯 (Rony Chaves) 的祈祷和预言行动中采取可部署的对策, C. Peter Wagner 博士、Cindy Jacobs、John D. Robb、Ana Mendez-Ferrell、J.P. TIMMONS 和 Amb。 星期一 O. Ogbe,这些主的仆人在这个时代在七大洲被大力使用,部署圣经策略来对抗黑暗势力 - 这是基督身体的装备系列。系列被翻译成 17 种语言即: 法语; 德语; 西班牙语; 葡萄牙语; 意大利语; 中国人; 希伯来语; 丹麦语; 阿拉伯; 俄语; 希腊语; 瑞典; 斯瓦希里语; 荷兰语; 印地语; 韩国人; 日本人黑暗王国: - 我们每天在我们周围,无论走到哪里,都能看到黑暗王国的成果。 我们可以通过观察当今七大洲的世界事件来看到和体验它们,如下所示:1)侵蚀上帝所命定的家庭结构。2) 全球范围内的腐败与贫困。3)糟糕的治理、糟糕的政策和制定压迫性的法律。4)我们所知道的个人主义的推崇和社区生活的破坏。5)到处都有仪式性的杀戮。6) 全球范围内的人口贩卖、全球性交易和色情爆炸。7) 未得之民群体在教会内外不断扩张。8)全球范围内的战争和战争谣言:例如世界各地正在进行的战争--政治舞台、媒体战争、经济战争; 世界各地战场上正在进行的实际战斗,例如土耳其和希腊之间的无声战争; 土耳其和叙利亚叛军之间的战争; 叙利亚无休无止的内战; 与伊斯兰国等恐怖组织以及世界各地所有分裂派系的战争; 俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争; 以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的战争以及以色列和伊朗之间的代理人战争; 马里、尼日利亚、尼日尔、乍得、喀麦隆等非洲国家针对伊斯兰国恐怖组织的战争; 沙特阿拉伯和也门之间的战争; 台湾与中国大陆之间无声的战争; 塞尔维亚和克罗地亚之间的无声战争等等。我们的回应:尽管我们的世界各地都经历了邪恶的果实,但耶稣基督仍然期望我们占据七(7)个领域,直到他到来(路加福音19:13)--政府; 商业与经济; 艺术、娱乐和文化; 媒体--广播、电视和互联网; 教育; 家庭; 灵性、信仰和信仰。那么,让我们深入探讨更伟大的功绩 14 (3-3)

  • - 你生来就是为了这个--治愈、释放和恢复--装备系列
    av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    更大的功绩 14 (2-3) 是更大的功绩 13 的延续,包含更多细节,重点关注七 (7) 个大陆上黑暗王国的神秘秘密和策略,并在罗尼-查韦斯 (Rony Chaves) 的祈祷和预言行动中采取可部署的对策, C. Peter Wagner 博士、Cindy Jacobs、John D. Robb、Ana Mendez-Ferrell、J.P. TIMMONS 和 Amb。 星期一 O. Ogbe,这些主的仆人在这个时代在七大洲被大力使用,部署圣经策略来对抗黑暗势力 - 这是基督身体的装备系列。系列被翻译成 17 种语言即: 法语; 德语; 西班牙语; 葡萄牙语; 意大利语; 中国人; 希伯来语; 丹麦语; 阿拉伯; 俄语; 希腊语; 瑞典; 斯瓦希里语; 荷兰语; 印地语; 韩国人; 日本人黑暗王国: - 我们每天在我们周围,无论走到哪里,都能看到黑暗王国的成果。 我们可以通过观察当今七大洲的世界事件来看到和体验它们,如下所示:1)侵蚀上帝所命定的家庭结构。2) 全球范围内的腐败与贫困。3)糟糕的治理、糟糕的政策和制定压迫性的法律。4)我们所知道的个人主义的推崇和社区生活的破坏。5)到处都有仪式性的杀戮。6) 全球范围内的人口贩卖、全球性交易和色情爆炸。7) 未得之民群体在教会内外不断扩张。8)全球范围内的战争和战争谣言:例如世界各地正在进行的战争--政治舞台、媒体战争、经济战争; 世界各地战场上正在进行的实际战斗,例如土耳其和希腊之间的无声战争; 土耳其和叙利亚叛军之间的战争; 叙利亚无休无止的内战; 与伊斯兰国等恐怖组织以及世界各地所有分裂派系的战争; 俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争; 以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的战争以及以色列和伊朗之间的代理人战争; 马里、尼日利亚、尼日尔、乍得、喀麦隆等非洲国家针对伊斯兰国恐怖组织的战争; 沙特阿拉伯和也门之间的战争; 台湾与中国大陆之间无声的战争; 塞尔维亚和克罗地亚之间的无声战争等等。我们的回应:尽管我们的世界各地都经历了邪恶的果实,但耶稣基督仍然期望我们占据七(7)个领域,直到他到来(路加福音19:13)--政府; 商业与经济; 艺术、娱乐和文化; 媒体--广播、电视和互联网; 教育; 家庭; 灵性、信仰和信仰。那么,让我们深入探讨更伟大的功绩 14 (2-3)

  • - 你生来就是为了这个--治愈、释放和恢复--装备系列
    av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    更大的功绩 14 (1-3) 是更大的功绩 13 的延续,包含更多细节,重点关注七 (7) 个大陆上黑暗王国的神秘秘密和策略,并在罗尼-查韦斯 (Rony Chaves) 的祈祷和预言行动中采取可部署的对策, C. Peter Wagner 博士、Cindy Jacobs、John D. Robb、Ana Mendez-Ferrell、J.P. TIMMONS 和 Amb。 星期一 O. Ogbe,这些主的仆人在这个时代在七大洲被大力使用,部署圣经策略来对抗黑暗势力 - 这是基督身体的装备系列。系列被翻译成 17 种语言即: 法语; 德语; 西班牙语; 葡萄牙语; 意大利语; 中国人; 希伯来语; 丹麦语; 阿拉伯; 俄语; 希腊语; 瑞典; 斯瓦希里语; 荷兰语; 印地语; 韩国人; 日本人黑暗王国: - 我们每天在我们周围,无论走到哪里,都能看到黑暗王国的成果。 我们可以通过观察当今七大洲的世界事件来看到和体验它们,如下所示:1)侵蚀上帝所命定的家庭结构。2) 全球范围内的腐败与贫困。3)糟糕的治理、糟糕的政策和制定压迫性的法律。4)我们所知道的个人主义的推崇和社区生活的破坏。5)到处都有仪式性的杀戮。6) 全球范围内的人口贩卖、全球性交易和色情爆炸。7) 未得之民群体在教会内外不断扩张。8)全球范围内的战争和战争谣言:例如世界各地正在进行的战争--政治舞台、媒体战争、经济战争; 世界各地战场上正在进行的实际战斗,例如土耳其和希腊之间的无声战争; 土耳其和叙利亚叛军之间的战争; 叙利亚无休无止的内战; 与伊斯兰国等恐怖组织以及世界各地所有分裂派系的战争; 俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争; 以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的战争以及以色列和伊朗之间的代理人战争; 马里、尼日利亚、尼日尔、乍得、喀麦隆等非洲国家针对伊斯兰国恐怖组织的战争; 沙特阿拉伯和也门之间的战争; 台湾与中国大陆之间无声的战争; 塞尔维亚和克罗地亚之间的无声战争等等。我们的回应:尽管我们的世界各地都经历了邪恶的果实,但耶稣基督仍然期望我们占据七(7)个领域,直到他到来(路加福音19:13)--政府; 商业与经济; 艺术、娱乐和文化; 媒体--广播、电视和互联网; 教育; 家庭; 灵性、信仰和信仰。那么,让我们深入探讨更伟大的功绩 14 (1-3)

  • - Heldentaten im Bereich des Islam für Christus Dafür sind Sie geboren - Heilung, Befreiung und Wiederherstellung - erfahren Sie von den Großen, wie das geht
    av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 5 ist eine Fortsetzung von Greater Exploits 4 mit mehr Details und konzentriert sich auf Exploits im Bereich des Islam für Christus In Greater Exploits 5 finden Sie Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ, wo wir Ihnen über 40 Fragen und Antworten präsentieren, die Sie als effektiven Prediger mit Exploits für Christus in der islamischen Welt positionieren, denn Jesus starb auch für Muslime! Um ein Volk, eine Religion, eine Sekte wertzuschätzen und ein effektiver Pfarrer für sie zu sein, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, etwas über sie, ihre Geschichte, ihren Glauben und darüber zu erfahren, was sie zu der Religion getrieben hat, die sie derzeit verfolgen, und dann über uns kann ein Herz voller Mitgefühl und Liebe haben, die für einen effektiven Geistlichen von entscheidender Bedeutung sind, denn Jesus ist für die ganze Welt gestorben. Wenn es etwas gibt, an dem die Menschheit kläglich gescheitert ist, dann ist es die Unfähigkeit, mit gleichem Interesse zurückzublicken und aus der Geschichte zu lernen, damit wir beginnen können, einen gut informierten, positiven Grund für zukünftiges Handeln zu finden. Aus diesem Grund habe ich in "Greater Exploits 5" vierzig (40) Fragen aufgenommen, die die islamische Religion so geprägt haben, dass Sie ein effektiver Diener Christi in der islamischen Welt sein können. Greater Exploits 5 und andere Serien desselben Buches werden Ihnen auf dem "Diamanttablett" geliefert, wenn Sie eine der folgenden Fragen mit "Ja" beantworten: - Haben Sie die Nase voll von Hilflosigkeit, Hoffnungslosigkeit und Wertlosigkeit, ohne dass ein Heilmittel in Sicht ist?- Sind Sie körperlich, emotional und geistig niedergeschlagen?- Bist du heute emotional, psychologisch und physiologisch oben und morgen unten wie ein Jojo?- Sind Sie oder jemand in Ihrem Umfeld körperlich oder seelisch krank, werden Sie belästigt, ausgebeutet und haben Sie das verloren, was Ihnen oder den Menschen in Ihrem Umfeld rechtmäßig gehört?- Gibt es eine anhaltende Krankheit oder negative Muster des Tötens, Stehlens und Zerstörens, die sich Ihren Gebeten und den Gebeten anderer widersetzt haben?- Haben Sie etwas verloren oder hat sich jemand an Sie gewagt und Sie scheinen keine Antworten auf alle diese Fragen zu haben? Dann kommen Sie mit mir zu den folgenden sieben (7) kritischen Bedingungen: - Seien Sie VERFÜGBAR (Geist, Seele und Körper), um mit Gott zusammenzuarbeiten.- Seien Sie mutig, Anspruch auf alles zu erheben, wofür er gestorben ist.- Seien Sie mitfühlend genug, um dort zu sitzen, wo Menschen verletzt sind.- Seien Sie ENTSCHLOSSEN, weiterzumachen und niemals aufzugeben, bis das Wort Gottes in Ihren Umständen und Ihrer Situation zur Wahrheit und zum Leben wird.- Sei ernsthaft und hemmungslos in LIEBE zu Gott und den Menschen. Tauchen wir also ein in "Greater Exploits 5" - Dafür bist du geboren - Heilung, Befreiung und Wiederherstellung - Wie wir von den Großen eines mächtigen Gottes in den letzten einhundert (100) Jahren erfahren haben, mit über fünfzig (50) Zeugnissen, die es zu veröffentlichen gilt Sie in die Gegenwart und die Zukunft in größeren Heldentaten für unseren Gott in allen Bereichen in Jesu Namen.

  • - Dienst auf Jesus Weg: Wahre Geschichte von Pastor Jude Jones, der während eines starken Gottesdienstes mit 50.000 Mitgliedern in Ohnmacht fiel, und seiner Begegnung im Gerichtssaal des Himmels
    av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Hallo Freunde, Gott ruft seine Kinder ständig an den Ort der Vollkommenheit. Im Garten Eden forderte er unsere Ureltern auf, alles außer einem der Bäume zu essen. Sie brachen die Perfektionsklausel und wurden aus dem Garten vertrieben. Er sagte Noah, er solle die Arche gemäß den Vorgaben vorbereiten und gemäß den Anweisungen füllen. Er forderte Abraham auf, vor ihm zu wandeln und vollkommen zu sein. Er befahl Mose, die Bundeslade so zu bauen, wie es ihm auf dem Berg gezeigt worden war. Die Vollkommenheitsklausel blieb bis zur Zeit Jesu bestehen, als Jesus sagte: "Ich tue nichts außer dem, was ich meinen Vater tun sehe, und er ruft uns auch heute noch zum Ort der Vollkommenheit."Diese wahre Geschichte von Pastor Jude Jones mit dem Titel "Perfekter Kirchendienst: Dienst auf Jesus Weg: Wahre Geschichte von Pastor Jude Jones, der während eines starken Gottesdienstes mit 50.000 Mitgliedern und einer Begegnung im Gerichtssaal des Himmels in Ohnmacht fiel", ist eine wahre Geschichte eines Mega Church Pastor wird Sie erbauen und Sie in das Bild und Gleichnis Christi verwandeln, was den Dienst und das Leben betrifft. Es gibt Lektionen für jeden - sowohl im Dienst als auch als Laienchristen überall.Es hinterfragt und korrigiert die heutigen geistlichen Praktiken in Nigeria und auf der ganzen Welt, die unbiblisch sind, aber Lehren und Traditionen von Menschen widerspiegeln, die eine Wiederbelebung fordern. Es ermutigt dazu, Gott selbst zu hören und sich vom Heiligen Geist leiten zu lassen, sodass Sie im Mittelpunkt der Pläne und Absichten Gottes für Ihr Leben stehen können. Sowohl im Dienst als auch in unserer persönlichen Arbeit und unserem Wandel mit dem Herrn. Genießen!

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Imagine what you could do if you knew the future! No doubt each of you has plans for the future, plans for what you will do when you get on the outside. What does the future hold? We go to considerable lengths to find out what the future holds. For instance, we pay people to be meteorologists, so that we can know what the weather will be like in the future. They have limited success - they might get tomorrow's weather right but things get very inaccurate past 2 or 3 days. What they do is look at the past conditions, track the trend and extrapolate it into the future. But it only works if things continue on as they are doing - no one predicted an earthquake was going to hit. It was a one off, an unexpected event. Things don't always continue on the way they always have. Sudden, unexpected, out of the ordinary things take place. It is a fallacy to think that the past is the key to the future. The Bible speaks of those who mock the predictions of the Bible of a coming day of judgement: [2 Peter 3:3-4 First of all, you must understand that in these last days some people will appear whose lives are controlled by their own lusts. They will mock you and will ask, "He promised to come, didn't He? Where is He? Our ancestors have already died, but everything is still the same as it was since the creation of the world!"] Everything carries on the same as it always does - but this is not case. It is impossible to plan unless you know the future. The one who knows the future is at a distinct advantage - in the past rulers and leaders spent considerable resources trying to gain the advantage of knowing the future - they employed astrologers, men who could read omens, examine livers etc.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    August 5th of 2021, the Holy Spirit instructed me to begin a second forty days fast, added to the regular 40 days fast for leadership and the body of Christ in general between March 17th to 25th of April 2021. I struggled with this instruction. I begin a night vigil just to be sure if this instruction is from me or the Holy Spirit. At about 3am in the morning, after ending the night vigil, I checked my WhatsApp message and saw a message from a prophetess in another state whom we have made one or two contacts over the years. The message was explicit. The Lord said, "Go into isolation for I have a word for you. I am visiting you and taking you on a journey." That was the instruction. August 9th, the second set of 40 days fast began. The Lord did visit and He did take me on a journey to the land He was planning to send me to. I travelled in the Spirit with one of the angels to Oceania. This will be subject for another book. But for now, during the course of this fasting. The Lord kept drawing my attention to the word, "PERFECTION". His word kept flashing in my spirit man. This lead to the series on Perfect WORDS, Perfects WORKS and Perfect WONDERS. Friends, I was at the tail end of this second forty (40) day fast based on divine's instruction above when the Lord told me to embark on another nationwide travel across Nigeria and reach the youth leadership across the 36 states, including Abuja with the instruction I received on the mountain for His church in Nigeria and by extension the body of Christ globally! The letter is included in this writing to the churches This second spiritual travel instruction troubled me because the first national spiritual travel eleven (11) years, seven (7) months prior did not entail the disastrous security situation in Nigeria today. The Lord quickly squashed that argument by showing me a picture of my encounter with armed robbers who snatched my car, after fruitless effort to shot me at point blank range and the gun refused to fire. I was taken along and dropped off along the road. The car was returned after 72 hours. He told me, "Son, I protected you from the armed robbers from the failed gun shots, can't I protect you in this particular travel?" That ended my fruitless argument with my Maker - God. The rest, they say, is history. You will secure answers to the details of this travel in Greater Exploits 13. From our website at by a simple search of this title or the name of the author. In this book on "letter to the churches - Key to global Unity and Revival," you will find the letter that was sent to the Nigerian Churches and indeed the global community of Christians because we are one. May YOU, your FAMILY, your COMMUNITY, your CHURCH, your NATION and the NATIONS of the world be blessed as you glean on this letter to the churches and meditate on the content for actionable steps that will bring about God's kingdom, God's will and God's purposes here on earth as we serve as light and salt of the earth where God has planted us in Jesus name, Amen. Remember, God does not want any to perish because humanity is an extension of God, but desires that ALL should come to repentance - both friends and foes alike. (1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9 - Paraphased) Shalom! Ambassador Oreojo Monday OgbeGod' Eagle Ministries - Otakada Inc -

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Research has shown, truly so, that the average human being thinks over 10,000 thoughts in one day. Such as: - I can do it; I cannot; I hate you; I am a failure; God cannot forgive me; I cannot forgive myself; It is too difficult; it is possible; it is impossible; this land is useless; this job is useless; you are a wicked boy; you are a thief; I am good for nothing etc. Now, how many of those thoughts are centered on God's word? Another discovery I made from the Holy Scriptures was that wars are won and lost in heaven and on earth by words that come from the heart. Which of those words coming out of our hearts is centered on God's word? Which aren't? Win life battle's daily using the 12.4.3 plan will help us dwell on God's word and take our thoughts, corresponding words and actions captive daily. Twelve (12) Scripture Packed, Mind Renewing Declarations to Fuel A Daily Victorious Christian Lifestyle That Manifest In A Fearless, Healthy, Joyful, Loving, Hate-Free, Peaceful, Spirit - Filled, Guiltless, Sinless, High Self - Esteem, Faith-Driven And Vision Accomplishing Living. 12.4.3 Plan is a 12 Minutes. 4 Declarations. 3 Times Plan that helps you and I to be committed to spending a minimum of 36 minutes of your God given 24-hour day being in prayer mode by praying through the Win Life's Battles Daily guide. The 36 minutes' plan is spread such that every 6 hours of the day, you knock on heaven doors for a minimum of 12 minutes. All it takes to pray and confess through the entire 12 declarations with the bible references is 36 minutes, which is 12 minutes' maximum per session. This book will bring you answers to tackling thoughts running out of control so that you can control your emotions and actions perfectly using Gods word so that you can take charge of your life!

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Wenn man sich heute in unserer Welt umschaut, werden überall Mauern zwischen Kontinenten, Ländern, Gemeinschaften und Familien errichtet. Sogar die Kirche unseres Herrn und Erlösers Jesus Christus bleibt nicht von Segregation und konfessionellen Spaltungen mitten in unserer Mitte verschont. In diesem Buch ¿Grenzenlos - Eine kirchliche Gemeinschaft von Gläubigen ohne Mauern, Grenzen und Konfessionen vorstellen und erleben" geht es um die Einheit im Leib Christi. Es ruft die Kirche an einen Ort der Einheit des Geistes als Antwort auf das Gebet Jesu, dass sie eins sein mögen ... Johannes 17:22. Ein Aufruf an unsere verschiedenen Versammlungen, nach Einheit zu streben. Dass wir uns alle eine grenzenlose Kirche ohne Mauern, Grenzen und Konfession vorstellen und erleben werden. Eine Kirche, die trotz ihrer Vielfalt im Geiste vereint sein und sich als Einheit engagieren wird, wie es in Epheser 4:5-6 King James Version (KJV) geschrieben steht.5 Ein Herr, ein Glaube, eine Taufe, 6 Ein Gott und Vater aller, der über allem und durch alles und in euch allen ist. Keine konfessionellen Mauern und Grenzen mehr. Nur eine Konfession - Jesus Christus, unser Herr und Erlöser, der seinen Platz als einziges Oberhaupt seiner Kirche einnimmt. Es ist ein Aufruf und Gebet zur Einheit, zur Einheit, zur Liebe und zu einem Leib in einem Christus Jesus. Wenn Sie nach der Lektüre des Buches so belastet werden, dass Sie sich mit unseren anderen verliebten Brüdern und Schwestern in anderen Zusammenkünften außerhalb Ihres vertrauten Bereichs, Ihres Glaubens, Ihrer Doktrin und Konfession auseinandersetzen müssen, dann hat das Buch seine Aufgabe erfüllt, und meine Aufgabe auch abgegeben wurde. ¿Stolz zu sein bedeutet, eine arrogante Überlegenheit gegenüber dieser einen Ansicht zu zeigen oder diese als unwürdig zu verachten. Stolz kann nur da sein, wo es keine Liebe gibt. Wo keine Liebe ist, gibt es keinen Gott, weil Gott Liebe ist. Unsere Liebe zu Gott ist die Wurzel, während unsere Liebe zu den Brüdern die Frucht ist. Jesus sagt: Man erkennt einen Christen an der Frucht der Liebe, die er zeigt. Die Welt wird uns an der Liebe erkennen, die wir zueinander haben." - Montag Ogwuojo Ogbe ¿Ein in sich selbst gespaltenes Haus kann nicht bestehen - Stimmt! Ob Familie, Kirche oder Nation! Möge der gute Gott uns Barmherzigkeit erweisen und uns dazu bringen, uns vor den kleinen Füchsen zu hüten, die das Gute auf subtile Weise stören. Wir beten im Namen Jesu für ein gemeinsames Ziel!" - Sola Ogunnaike. ¿Vielen Dank, Montag, für diese Ausstellung. Die Kirche Jesu Christi muss erkennen, dass die größte Botschaft der Liebe, die wir an die ungläubige Welt senden, unser gemeinsames Arbeiten ist" - Grace Akuh. ¿Wir alle brauchen einander, um das vollständige Abbild von Ihm zu sein." - Rick Joyner

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    The Practical School of the Holy Spirit - Part 6 of 8, Get Secrets of raising the spiritually dead, counsel victims and oppressors in domestic, child or sexual abuse and abortion with ease What is my motivation for writing this book and why would you want to read it? As we engage the marketplace as ambassadors of Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:21, never before has there been a need to be led by the Spirit of God than it is now. As we race towards the end, activities in the realm of the spirit continue to be heightened because the destiny of the human race hangs in the balance. Our ministry of reconciliation cannot be done on human wisdom, intellect, tactics or strategy devoid of the power and the working of the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we should realize that we are spirit with a mind using our bodies as containers to execute. As Christians, our spirit has joined with the Spirit of God at conversion. To be motivated in body, we have to first be motivated in our spirit. The Spirit then communicates to our spirit and this to our minds and our minds instructs our body to take action based on the instruction sent to us by God's Spirit in us. But for lack of understanding and knowledge of the working and ways of the Holy Spirit, some of us have either ignored or grieved the Holy Spirit. As a result, our sensitivity to Him has died or He has chosen not to lead us any longer. This series on the school of the Holy Spirit will help heighten our sensitivity and working with our best friend who is ready and willing to help us be all that God has called us to be and to do. At the end of this series, some of us will begin to dream dreams with more clarity and poise, we will be activated in the realm of visions again, we will begin to pick up promptings, voices, flows from the Holy Spirit and interpret them accurately what the Holy Spirit is saying to us the churches so that we can be effective in the mission field of life. We developed these 41 series and further broke these up into 6 easy to read chapters of 8 books of which this one is our sixth in the series. We hope you like it and we pray it will make you an effective kingdom disciple-maker, operating powerfully in the Spirit realm in Jesus name, Amen

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    If you take a look around our world today, walls are being erected everywhere between continents, countries, communities and families. Even the Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not spared out of segregation and denominational divides right in our very midst. This book, Borderless - Envisioning and experiencing one church community of believers without walls, borders and denominations is about unity in the body of Christ. It is calling the church to a place of unity of Spirit in response to Jesus prayer that they may be one...John 17:22. A call to our various gathering to strive for unity. That we will all envision and experience a borderless church without walls, borders and denomination. A church that despite diversity will be united in spirit and engage as one as written in Ephesians 4:5-6 King James Version (KJV)5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. No more denominational walls and borders. Just one denomination - Jesus Christ, Our Lord and savior taking His place as the only supreme head of His church. It is an appeal and prayer to unity, to oneness, to love and to one body in one Christ Jesus. If after reading the book and you become burdened to the point of engagement with our other brothers and sisters in love in other gathering beyond your own familiar domain, creed, doctrine and denomination, then the book will have done its job and my job will have been dispensed. "Being prideful means having or showing an arrogant superiority to and disdain of that one view as unworthy. Pride can only be found where there is no love. Where there is no love, there is no God because God is love. Our love for God is the root while our love for the brethren is the fruit. Jesus says, a Christian will be known by the fruit of love they manifest. The world will know us by the love we have for one another." - Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe "A House divided against itself cannot stand - True! Whether it is the family, Church or Nation! May the good Lord show us mercy and cause us to guard against the little foxes that subtly disrupts what is good. We pray for unity of purpose in Jesus name!" - Sola Ogunnaike. "Thank you, Monday, for this exposition. The church of Jesus Christ need to realize that the greatest message of love we send to the unbelieving world is our working in unity" - Grace Akuh. "We all need one another to be the complete reflection of Him." - Rick Joyner "Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshippers together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become 'unity' conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship."- A.W. Tozer, (The Pursuit of God)

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    The Practical School of the Holy Spirit - Part 1 of 8, Get Baptized in the Holy Spirit, Activate Your Spiritual Senses and be effective in the Secret place with the Holy Spirit is first part of the eight (8) part series of 41 trainings on the School of the Holy Spirit delivered over a period of eleven (11) months What is my motivation for writing this book and why would you want to read it? As we engage the marketplace as ambassadors of Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:21, never before has there been a need to be led by the Spirit of God than it is now. As we race towards the end, activities in the realm of the spirit continue to be heightened because the destiny of the human race hangs in the balance. Our ministry of reconciliation cannot be done on human wisdom, intellect, tactics or strategy devoid of the power and the working of the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we should realize that we are spirit with a mind using our bodies as containers to execute. As Christians, our spirit has joined with the Spirit of God at conversion. To be motivated in body, we have to first be motivated in our spirit. The Spirit then communicates to our spirit and this to our minds and our minds instructs our body to take action based on the instruction sent to us by God's Spirit in us. But for lack of understanding and knowledge of the working and ways of the Holy Spirit, some of us have either ignored or grieved the Holy Spirit. As a result, our sensitivity to Him has died or He has chosen not to lead us any longer. This series on the school of the Holy Spirit will help heighten our sensitivity and working with our best friend who is ready and willing to help us be all that God has called us to be and to do. At the end of this series, some of us will begin to dream dreams with more clarity and poise, we will be activated in the realm of visions again, we will begin to pick up promptings, voices, flows from the Holy Spirit and interpret them accurately what the Holy Spirit is saying to us the churches so that we can be effective in the mission field of life. We developed these 41 series and further broke these up into 5 easy to read chapters of 8 books of which this one is our first in the series. We hope you like it and we pray it will make you an effective kingdom disciple maker, operating powerfully in the Spirit realm in Jesus name, Amen

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    The Practical School of the Holy Spirit - Part 2 of 8 - Get the Secret of Shutting the door and noise; Start Journaling Gods voice and Activate Fearlessness and Healing is the second part of the eight (8) part series of 41 trainings on the School of the Holy Spirit delivered over a period of eleven (11) months.What is my motivation for writing this book and why would you want to read it? As we engage the marketplace as ambassadors of Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:21, never before has there been a need to be led by the Spirit of God than it is now. As we race towards the end, activities in the realm of the spirit continue to be heightened because the destiny of the human race hangs in the balance. Our ministry of reconciliation cannot be done on human wisdom, intellect, tactics or strategy devoid of the power and the working of the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we should realize that we are spirit with a mind using our bodies as containers to execute. As Christians, our spirit has joined with the Spirit of God at conversion. To be motivated in body, we have to first be motivated in our spirit. The Spirit then communicates to our spirit and this to our minds and our minds instructs our body to take action based on the instruction sent to us by God's Spirit in us. But for lack of understanding and knowledge of the working and ways of the Holy Spirit, some of us have either ignored or grieved the Holy Spirit. As a result, our sensitivity to Him has died or He has chosen not to lead us any longer. This series on the school of the Holy Spirit will help heighten our sensitivity and working with our best friend who is ready and willing to help us be all that God has called us to be and to do. At the end of this series, some of us will begin to dream dreams with more clarity and poise, we will be activated in the realm of visions again, we will begin to pick up promptings, voices, flows from the Holy Spirit and interpret them accurately what the Holy Spirit is saying to us the churches so that we can be effective in the mission field of life. We developed these 41 series and further broke these up into 5 easy to read chapters of 8 books of which this one is our first in the series. We hope you like it and we pray it will make you an effective kingdom disciple maker, operating powerfully in the Spirit realm in Jesus name, Amen

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    The Practical School of the Holy Spirit - Part 4 of 8, Activate Dreams and Visions, Secure Fruitfulness, Multiplication and Dominion in the Secret Place What is my motivation for writing this book and why would you want to read it? As we engage the marketplace as ambassadors of Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:21, never before has there been a need to be led by the Spirit of God than it is now. As we race towards the end, activities in the realm of the spirit continue to be heightened because the destiny of the human race hangs in the balance. Our ministry of reconciliation cannot be done on human wisdom, intellect, tactics or strategy devoid of the power and the working of the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we should realize that we are spirit with a mind using our bodies as containers to execute. As Christians, our spirit has joined with the Spirit of God at conversion. To be motivated in body, we have to first be motivated in our spirit. The Spirit then communicates to our spirit and this to our minds and our minds instructs our body to take action based on the instruction sent to us by God's Spirit in us. But for lack of understanding and knowledge of the working and ways of the Holy Spirit, some of us have either ignored or grieved the Holy Spirit. As a result, our sensitivity to Him has died or He has chosen not to lead us any longer. This series on the school of the Holy Spirit will help heighten our sensitivity and working with our best friend who is ready and willing to help us be all that God has called us to be and to do. At the end of this series, some of us will begin to dream dreams with more clarity and poise, we will be activated in the realm of visions again, we will begin to pick up promptings, voices, flows from the Holy Spirit and interpret them accurately what the Holy Spirit is saying to us the churches so that we can be effective in the mission field of life. We developed these 41 series and further broke these up into 6 easy to read chapters of 8 books of which this one is our fourth in the series. We hope you like it and we pray it will make you an effective kingdom disciple-maker, operating powerfully in the Spirit realm in Jesus name, Amen

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    The Practical School of the Holy Spirit - Part 3 of 8 - Find the Secret of Discerning Jesus Knocking at the door and Activate the 12 Eagle Traits in You and others - Audio Podcast links included is the third part of the eight (8) part series of 41 trainings on the practical School of the Holy Spirit delivered over a period of eleven (11) months.What is my motivation for writing this book and why would you want to read it?As we engage the marketplace as ambassadors of Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:21, never before has there been a need to be led by the Spirit of God than it is now.As we race towards the end, activities in the realm of the spirit continue to be heightened because the destiny of the human race hangs in the balance. Our ministry of reconciliation cannot be done on human wisdom, intellect, tactics or strategy devoid of the power and the working of the Holy Spirit.As Christians, we should realize that we are spirit with a mind using our bodies as containers to execute. As Christians, our spirit has joined with the Spirit of God at conversion. To be motivated in body, we have to first be motivated in our spirit. The Spirit then communicates to our spirit and this to our minds and our minds instructs our body to take action based on the instruction sent to us by God's Spirit in us.But for lack of understanding and knowledge of the working and ways of the Holy Spirit, some of us have either ignored or grieved the Holy Spirit. As a result, our sensitivity to Him has died or He has chosen not to lead us any longer.This series on the school of the Holy Spirit will help heighten our sensitivity and working with our best friend who is ready and willing to help us be all that God has called us to be and to do. At the end of this series, some of us will begin to dream dreams with more clarity and poise, we will be activated in the realm of visions again, we will begin to pick up promptings, voices, flows from the Holy Spirit and interpret them accurately what the Holy Spirit is saying to us the churches so that we can be effective in the mission field of life.We developed these 41 series and further broke these up into 6 easy to read chapters of 8 books of which this one is our second in the series. The Introductory part of Chapter one is same for all series. We hope you like it and we pray it will make you an effective kingdom disciple maker, operating powerfully in the Spirit realm in Jesus name, Amen

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Hello Friends, God is constantly calling His children to the place of perfection. In the garden of Eden, He told our first parent to eat everything except one of the trees. They broke the perfection clause and were driven out of the garden. He told Noah to prepare the ark according to specification and fill it up according to instruction. He told Abraham to walk before Him and be perfect. He told Moses to build the ark of the covenant according to as shown him on the mountain. The perfection clause continued till Jesus time where Jesus said, "I do nothing except what I see my Father doing and He is still calling us today to the place of perfection.Over the course of thirty (30) years as a Christian, it is shocking that the body of Christ have relegated the topic of the spirit realm to third parties with completely different worldview than our own with damming consequences.Our Christian believe starts and ends - Genesis and Revelation, with events in the spirit realm or spirit world. You can't even expunge the concept of the spirit world from more than 80% of the bible. So why do we talk so little about spiritual world as it addresses our fundamental teaching in Christianity? I do believe it is as a result of lack of knowledge and God will always permit us to be destroyed, including our children, if we reject knowledge of the things of the spirit. Read these two scripturesJesus said in Matthew 13:11 ; John 16:13This true story of Evangelist Peter's dairy details ninety (90) encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ, with over 30 years of yearly 40 days partial fast as instructed by the Holy Spirit where He was taken on spiritual travel into the spirit world and given several instructions which are here documented with biblical based teaching and worldview for our learning and application.From This book, you would learn to answer these ten (10) questions and apply them to your life's journey:1) How do I practice and maintain the presence of God 24/7?2) How does what I think and do affect the realm of the spirit?3) How does Freewill and Predestination affect the realm of the Spirit?4) How does wrong emotions, unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger affect my stand in the spirit realm?5) How can i explain the concept of trinity of the God head or God manifesting in three places be explained in the light of the encounters in the spirit world?6) How does Healing, Deliverance and restoration happen relative to the spirit world, How does my will, my emotions and my intellect affect my ability to change things?7) What happens when one dies? Where does the spirit of the departed go?8) What Happens to animals, like dogs, cats, etc. and other live forms beyond human when they die?9) What are the dimensions in the spirit world - Where is God, where are the departed Spirits, other spirits and where am i and what do i do when we have departed this physical realm, what about the issue of Reincarnation?10) What are the major fruit God is looking out for in me, His child that have major impacts in the realm of the spirit?And much, much more!...

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    Greater Exploits 7 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 6 with more details, focusing on Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Son for Greater Exploits in the secret place and in life. This is an equipping series They say a picture speaks a thousand words than any other means of communication. What we see continuously we become. What we focus on we manifest after a while because it becomes a habit force. Over and Over again in scripture, The Son, through His Apostles over the ages has given them an incline into how He looks and the surrounding around His dwelling place so that we know Him for who He is and not a Savior that cannot be imagined or felt or experienced. In Greater Exploits 7, You will find out the perfect Testimonies and Images of the Son for greater exploits in the secret place of communion with the Father and in Life, where we bring you over One Hundred and Seventy Seven (177) Testimonies of God the Son relative to the Father and the Holy Spirit and to CORE Functional life Compass benefits for our lives that equips us for greater exploits in Him, ourselves and in others.. Greater Exploits 7 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions: - Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows: - Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint. So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 7 - Perfect Testimonies and Images of The Son for Greater Exploits in Secret Place and in Life, You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series with over one hundred and seventy seven (177) testimonies to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all realms in Jesus name.

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