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Bøker av Amiram Raviv

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  • - Biblical Sparks for a Child's Week
    av Kalman J. Kaplan, Vered Hankin & Amiram Raviv
    466,99 - 907,-

    Presents seven Biblical stories ordered to the days of Creation and adapted for children in pre K-5th grades. Day 1: David and Goliath; Day 2: The Tower of Babel; Day 3: Noah and the Flood; Day 4: Abraham Breaking the Idols; Day 5: Jonah and the Big Fish; Day 6: Adam Names the Animals; and Day 7 (The Sabbath): Elijah Rests. Commentaries, questions and activities follow each story.

  • - A Call for International Peace Education
    av Daniel Bar-Tal, Louis Oppenheimer & Amiram Raviv

    Is it possible that if we better understand how notions of war and conflict - and peace - are initially developed in children and adolescents we might be able to consciously influence these notions towards more peaceful orientations? This is one of the questions examined in this book.

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