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Bøker av Andrew C Crossley

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  • av Andrew C Crossley

    This book takes you through the provenstrategies and 7-step process that you mustfollow every time you purchase an investmentproperty. The 7-step process can also assistgreatly with purchasing a Principal Place ofResidence (PPR).Most investors get something wrong whenbuying a property, and often, owner occupiersallow emotion to impact on their purchase,potentially to their detriment, and when youlook at why, 99% of the time, it's because theydid not follow every one of the seven steps inthis book.If you follow these seven steps, for everyproperty purchase, you can save yourself timeand money, dramatically reduce risk, improvepotential, and almost certainly eliminate stress,frustration and fear from the experience.There are also 'MUST' follow rules scatteredthroughout this book.What you gain will be similar to you beingmentored through the process of not onlyknowing what to do when thinking about buyingan investment property or a new home, but whyyou should consider investing in property.What you gain will be similar to you beingmentored through the process of not onlyknowing what to do when thinking about buyingan investment property or a new home, but whyyou should consider investing in property.Successful property buyers' undertake therequired research and put in place appropriatefinance strategies. They build a team around themto help them each step of the way toward theirfuture income goals for retirement or an earlierretirement and/or to give them more optionslater in life, freeing up time being the main one.Every purchaser of a should, I believe considerthe information in my book when buyingtheir next home. Purchasing in a good street, aproperty with a good layout, no major defects,will grow more in value and be in demand inthe future if ever it's sold is so beneficial. Themore money you can make on your home whenyou sell, the more you have to upsize or buy in abetter area perhaps.The steps in this book should functiontogether, and many parts of each step (chapter)can be used/implemented simultaneously. Toassist in a property being purchased in as muchof a stress-free manner as possible, always referto this book and if you wish to have furtherassistance, because you don't have time to doit yourself, or you are afraid or concerned withdoing it yourself, it is recommended you to work with you each step of the way.Also, Select My Finance for assistance with amortgage to access any available equity in yourhome or for the purchase of another property,or simply a refinance with the aim of a betterinterest rate. Mortgage finance strategies arecrucial to better manage your borrowing capacity.The information, applicability and implementationof the material in this book isappropriate everywhere in Australia, many of myclients are up and down the eastern seaboard, soI have made use of examples based primarily onthis part of Australia. The fundamentals remainthe same.

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