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Bøker av Ardyce West

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  • av Ardyce West

    In this book, Digit loves to go places, Exciting and new, as each case is;From one place to the next, Always choosing the best, Recalling new friends with kind faces.As she travels to each place with glee, With tales of grand history;She remembers so well, Great stories to tell, Of ventures on land and on sea!Ardyce West is currently writing and illustrating the "A Kitty Named Digit" children's book series under her favored nom de plume, "Zadie Cahill." Ardyce is an optimum blend of spirituality and transformation. She is a Licensed Practitioner for United Centers for Spiritual Living in Colorado, as well as a certified Life Mastery Consultant and DreamBuilder Coach. She has expertly chaired large retreats and facilitated transformative healing workshops, assisting others in living a full spectrum wholehearted life through the brilliant guidance and intuition she provides for individuals and groups. Also an extremely accomplished artist, Ardyce has conducted many art and jewelry workshops. A brilliant storyteller, she is the author of the captivating metaphysical historical fiction series, "Continuum," and the beautifully written poignant non-fiction, "I Never Heard You Cry.

  • av Ardyce West

    Ardyce West's compelling narrative examines the grief, pain and regret suffered by women and men who hide in the dark shadows of abortion. While acknowledging the pointed issues and opinions of both pro-life and pro-choice, West remains apolitical and non judgmental, conceding that many women and men involved in abortion successfully move on comfortably resolved to their decision. "I Never Heard You Cry" in fact never approaches political edict or social commentary regarding abortion. West focuses rather on the substantial number of people who do struggle with complex and deeply emotional post-abortion issues.In addition to relating the heartrending story of her own struggles and triumphs, West interviews a number of abortion survivors who have transcended the emotional, social, and political stigmas attached to this volatile issue. Interspersed are effective techniques designed to achieve self-forgiveness and spiritual healing.

  • av Ardyce West

    Ardyce West's Continuum Series weaves numerous interlinking stories through each book, blending a bit of self-help with metaphysical historical fiction about unsung heroes and sensitive souls from the present day and the past. The task of her dynamic and engaging characters is simple - to shift the consciousness of the world - one thought, one word, one act of love at a time. Their seemingly ordinary lives are, at times, quite astonishing through the mystery and intrigue of their mystical experiences, with interwoven stories and tales told with humor, romance, suspense, intrigue, and timeless universal wisdom. Ouroboros - Book Four . . .>In her most ambitious effort yet, Ardyce West's fourth Continuum novel delves ever deeper into the remarkable world of Sophia and her spiritual circle of shamans, healers, and mystics. She dreams of a prehistoric past life among the Druids of Eire, and taps into the life of the ancient seer and mystic, Nostradamus. Along the way, the Order of Apeiros is honored to have an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Gaston reveals much about his past, and we come to learn more about the colorful lives of the members of Apeiros.

  • av Ardyce West

  • av Ardyce West

    Digit's a smart little kitty, With a coat that is shiny and pretty, She gathers with friends, When they play on weekends, Out in nature and also the city.She will share with you all that she knows, On each journey, of which she chose, So, take a look, When you open this book, To see all the places she goes.ABOUT THE AUTHORArdyce West is currently writing and illustrating the "A Kitty Named Digit" children's book series under her favored nom de plume, "Zadie Cahill." Ardyce is an optimum blend of spirituality and transformation. She is a Licensed Practitioner for United Centers for Spiritual Living in Colorado, as well as a certified Life Mastery Consultant and DreamBuilder Coach. She has expertly chaired large retreats and facilitated transformative healing workshops, assisting others in living a full spectrum wholehearted life through the brilliant guidance and intuition she provides for individuals and groups. Also an extremely accomplished artist, Ardyce has conducted many art and jewelry workshops. A brilliant storyteller, she is the author of the captivating metaphysical historical fiction series, "Continuum," and the beautifully written poignant non-fiction, "I Never Heard You Cry."

  • av Ardyce West

    Apeiros is Book One of the metaphysical Continuum Series by Ardyce West. Writer and artist Sophia Delaney has led an average life of mixed fortune. Now divorced and coping with the impending death of her enigmatic father, Sophia is asking the inevitable mid-life questions of mortality and existence. Then everything changes in a split second on a rain-slick highway. Sophia's car hurtles into the median, and for a brief moment, she leaves her body and enters the mystical ethers of no time or space, where she realizes the wisdom within her soul's journey. Otherworldly entities welcome her from the next dimension, and she's given a choice to either stay, or return to reconcile a life not yet fully lived. Sophia makes her choice, and from that moment on, only one thing is certain - she will never be the same. She returns to her earthly life empowered with spiritual gifts she previously did not comprehend. Since the accident, persistent dreams of a young woman in ancient Greece haunt Sophia, leading her to seek the counsel of a Lakota shaman who tells her that her near-death experience opened her awareness to eternal life. In that past life, she was the Greek woman of her dream vision - the original Delphic Oracle. The shaman reveals that he has been waiting for Sophia to come to him. He gives her an ancient chalice passed down through generations of his Lakota ancestry; a sacred chalice once used by the original Oracle herself. Empowered by the talismanic chalice, Sophia embarks on a journey through dream visions of other past lives that reveal how to utilize her new abilities for the greater good of humanity. Her quest leads her to a mystical enclave of fellow travelers whose lives have intertwined throughout their collective eternal existence dedicated to Apeiros - the eternal, endless expansion - The cause of all unity and measure of all things.

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