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  • - "Entrepreneur's Guide to Business and Transformation"
    av Aron Josephath Katosho

    DEDICATIONTo the young dreamers and restless spirits, those with fire in their bellies and ambition in their hearts, I dedicate this book. You, the vibrant youth, are the beating pulse of the nation, brimming with potential and yearning for a future you can reshape.This book is a beacon for your entrepreneurial journeys, a guidepost as you navigate the exciting, if sometimes daunting, path of building your own ventures. Within these pages, you'll find not just the technicalities of business formation, but the spirit of enterprise, the audacity to dream big, and the resilience to turn passion into purpose.Let this book, in its humble way, serve as a bridge between your dreams and the resources you need to make them a reality.Go forth, young warriors, and build the world-changing businesses your ambition deserves. This book is yours, a compass on your path to igniting economic future, one groundbreaking idea at a time.With unwavering faith in your potential, BUILDING YOUR VISIONDream big, start small, scale fast, unleash your inner entrepreneur and join the author on his path to building a brighter future." Forget age, forget limitations. This book proves anyone can build something remarkable. Let your business journey begin!" next generation of success stories starts here. Learn from experience, get practical, and build your own legacy.""Rejected? Refocused! This young author dared to test his business theories before publishing them. Now, he shares his secrets with you." Dive into the real-world experiences of an entrepreneur who built a business from scratch."Unlock practical insights, legal know-how, and growth strategies from a young founder's journey." Master the art of entrepreneurship with this insider's guide to generating ideas, launching, and sustaining your venture." "Go beyond theory, into practice! This book gives you the tools and inspiration to turn your business dreams into reality."Contents BUILDING YOUR VISION xiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xiiINTRODUCTION 1Hints for Motivations 1Building a World-Changing Business with Confidence 3Active power. 6THE SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE 8Before You Start: 8Financial Foundations: 10Your Vision 10Where does university matter in business? 12Taking business as a project 14Reading inspiring books 16What makes a great entrepreneur? 18LEGAL FORMS OF BUSINESS 21Talent alone doesn't guarantee a stable future. 23Unincorporated legal forms: 24Incorporated legal forms 28For-Profit Entities: 31Non-Profit Entities: 33Registration/incorporation process 34Limited Company 35Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs): 38Post-registration Duties: 41Starting a Non-Profit Organization: 43Choosing Your Level: 46Required Documents for all registration: 47Registration Fees: 48Post - Registration duties; 50The Board of a Start - up Non-profit 53GROWTH AND STABILIZATION. 56Internet application in business operations 59Paperwork documentation for growth 62360 - degree management for growth 70Elements of 360-degree project management 72Coaches and platforms for growthAron Katosho: Entrepreneur Journey 78

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