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  • av Ashish Sampat

    Este livro fornece uma introducao abrangente ao SAP ERP Controlling (CO). O leitor sabera mais sobre os fundamentos da estrutura organizacional, dados mestre e funcoes do SAP Controlling, incluindo o controle de custos indiretos, custos do produto, fechamento mensal e geracao de relatorios. Se voce quer entender os fundamentos basicos do SAP Controlling, este livro foi escrito para voce! Obtenha informacoes detalhadas de como o SAP CO integra-se a outros modulos e adquira insight sobre diferentes areas funcionais usadas em organizacoes manufatureiras. Mergulhe nos elementos de dados mestre do SAP ERP e encontre dicas de como manter dados de forma consistente e precisa. Tenha uma visao geral do planejamento do centro de custos, incluindo custos indiretos e de mao de obra. Entenda como o SAP Material Ledger pode ser usado para determinar custos de forma exata. Saiba identificar como os custos reais sao calculados e absorvidos. Com um estudo de caso detalhado, exemplos reais, dicas e capturas de tela, o autor apresenta os fundamentos do SAP CO para o leitor iniciante. - Visao geral de recursos e funcoes do SAP Controlling - Atividades de fechamento mensal em SAP Controlling - Planejamento do centro de custos e custo do produto, fluxo de custo real - Exemplos e capturas de tela baseados em estudo de caso

  • av Ashish Sampat

    Ce livre vous offre une introduction complete au module SAP ERP-Controle de gestion (CO). Vous y apprendrez les bases de la structure organisationnelle, des donnees de base et des fonctions de SAP CO : controle des frais generaux, calcul du coAt de revient par produit, cloture mensuelle et reporting. Les elements fondamentaux de SAP CO sont expliques a l'aide d'exemples. En suivant l'etude de cas fictive d'un fabricant de chocolat, vous decouvrirez des scenarios concrets illustrant les differentes fonctions cles (budgetisation des coAts, controle de la production, calcul du coAt de revient et systemes d'information). Vous explorerez la maniere dont SAP CO s'integre aux autres modules SAP ainsi que les differents domaines fonctionnels dont les societes manufacturieres ont habituellement besoin. Vous verrez des astuces pour vous assurer de la coherence et de l'exactitude des donnees. Vous evaluerez les differentes methodes de budgetisation disponibles et vous familiariserez avec la budgetisation des centres de coAts. Vous pourrez cerner comment utiliser le Ledger articles pour determiner avec exactitude les coAts et comment comptabiliser, puis absorber les coAts reels. Les lecteurs debutant dans SAP CO atteignent rapidement un niveau de base grace a l'approche pedagogique de l'auteur. - Decouvrez la presentation generale des caracteristiques et des fonctions de SAP CO - Effectuez les clotures mensuelles dans SAP Controle de gestion - Realisez la budgetisation des centres de coAts et des coAts de revient par produit, les flux de coAts reels - Suivez une etude de cas avec des exemples concrets et des captures d'ecran

  • av Ashish Sampat

    This book is written for SAP Controlling (CO) professionals who want to learn expert tips to optimize their system performance for configuration, reconciliation, and reporting. Using a fictional chocolate manufacturing case study, each tip provides detailed information on aspects of the functionality, how it can help you, why you should use it, and how to use it including SAP configuration steps. Obtain best practices for optimizing cost allocation methods, expediting material ledger close, and utilizing cost center overhead charges. Troubleshoot product costing messages and find out how to prevent GL account overrides during inventory posting transactions. Walk through best practices for effectively maintaining master data and standard costing methods. By using an integrated practical example and screenshots, the author informs readers on how to get the most out of their SAP ERP system. - Optimize SAP ERP Controlling configuration, reconciliation, and reporting - Transaction processing tips to ensure accurate data capture - Instructions for avoiding common month-end close pain points - Reporting and reconciliation best practices

  • av Ashish Sampat

    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to SAP ERP Controlling (CO). You will learn the basic fundamentals of the organizational structure, master data, and functions of SAP Controlling, including overhead controlling, product costing, month-end closing, and reporting. If you would like to understand the basic fundamentals of SAP Controlling, with examples based on a case study approach, this book is for you! Using a fictional chocolate manufacturing company case study, you will learn fundamentals based on several day-in-the-life scenarios of various key functions such as cost planning, production controlling, actual costing, and information systems. Get detailed information on how SAP CO integrates with other SAP modules and obtain insight into the different functional areas typically used in manufacturing organizations. Dive into SAP ERP master data elements and get tips on how to maintain consistent and accurate data. Review the various planning methods available and get an overview of cost center planning, including overhead planning and labor cost planning. Understand how SAP Material Ledger can be used to accurately determine costs. Identify how actual costs are booked and absorbed. By using a detailed case study, practical examples, tips, and screenshots the author brings readers new to SAP CO quickly up to speed on the fundamentals.- Cost center and product cost planning, actual cost flow - Best practices for cost absorption using Product Cost Controlling - Month-end closing activities in SAP Controlling - Examples and screenshots based on a case study approach

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