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Bøker av Ashutosh Tiwari

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  • av Ashutosh Tiwari

    Les classes indiennes sont très hétérogènes par nature. Dans la classe, les élèves ont des capacités différentes. Certains peuvent maîtriser le sujet rapidement et d'autres prennent plus de temps pour y parvenir. L'enseignant doit rendre son enseignement plus efficace et significatif, en satisfaisant les besoins de tous les types d'apprenants de la classe. La coopération consiste à travailler ensemble pour atteindre des objectifs communs. L'apprentissage coopératif est l'utilisation pédagogique de petits groupes afin que les élèves travaillent ensemble pour maximiser l'apprentissage de chacun. Au sein des groupes d'apprentissage coopératif, les élèves discutent entre eux de la matière à apprendre, s'aident mutuellement à la comprendre et s'encouragent mutuellement à travailler dur. L'apprentissage coopératif est désormais largement reconnu comme l'un des domaines les plus remarquables et les plus fertiles de la théorie, de la recherche et de la pratique en matière d'éducation. Finalement, nous pouvons dire que la coopération, la collaboration, la considération, la créativité, la responsabilité, la participation, toutes ces choses semblent être impliquées au 21ème siècle, tout comme la suggestion d'étendre l'expérience de l'élève au-delà de la connaissance individuelle à une sorte de sagesse collaborative.

  • av Ashutosh Tiwari

    As salas de aula indianas são de natureza altamente heterogénea. Na sala de aula, os alunos têm capacidades diferentes. Alguns podem dominar a matéria rapidamente e outros demoram mais tempo a atingir o domínio. O professor deve tornar a sua instrução mais eficaz e significativa, satisfazendo as necessidades de todos os tipos de alunos da turma. A cooperação é trabalhar em conjunto para atingir objectivos comuns. A aprendizagem cooperativa é a utilização instrucional de pequenos grupos para que os alunos trabalhem em conjunto para maximizar a aprendizagem de todos. Dentro de grupos de aprendizagem cooperativa, os estudantes discutem o material a ser aprendido uns com os outros, ajudam uns aos outros a compreendê-lo, e encorajam-se mutuamente a trabalhar arduamente. A aprendizagem cooperativa é agora amplamente reconhecida como uma das áreas mais notáveis e férteis da teoria, investigação, e prática na educação. Finalmente, podemos dizer que cooperação, colaboração, consideração, criatividade, responsabilidade, participação, todas estas coisas parecem estar envolvidas no século XXI, tal como a sugestão de alargar a experiência do estudante para além do conhecimento individual a uma espécie de sabedoria colaborativa.

  • av Ashutosh Tiwari

    Le classi indiane sono altamente eterogenee. In classe, gli studenti hanno capacità diverse. Alcuni riescono a padroneggiare la materia rapidamente, mentre altri impiegano più tempo per raggiungere la padronanza. L'insegnante deve rendere la sua istruzione più efficace e significativa, soddisfacendo le esigenze di tutti i tipi di studenti della classe. La cooperazione è lavorare insieme per raggiungere obiettivi comuni. L'apprendimento cooperativo è l'uso didattico di piccoli gruppi in modo che gli studenti lavorino insieme per massimizzare l'apprendimento di tutti. All'interno dei gruppi di apprendimento cooperativo, gli studenti discutono tra loro il materiale da apprendere, si aiutano a capire e si incoraggiano a lavorare sodo. L'apprendimento cooperativo è oggi ampiamente riconosciuto come una delle aree più notevoli e fertili della teoria, della ricerca e della pratica in campo educativo. Infine, possiamo dire che la cooperazione, la collaborazione, la considerazione, la creatività, la responsabilità, la partecipazione sono tutte cose che sembrano essere coinvolte nel XXI secolo, così come il suggerimento di estendere l'esperienza dello studente al di là del sapere individuale verso una sorta di saggezza collaborativa.

  • av Ashutosh Tiwari

    Indijskie klassy ochen' neodnorodny po swoej prirode. V klasse uchaschiesq obladaüt raznymi sposobnostqmi. Nekotorye mogut bystro oswoit' predmet, a nekotorym trebuetsq bol'she wremeni, chtoby owladet' im. Uchitel' dolzhen sdelat' swoe obuchenie bolee äffektiwnym i soderzhatel'nym, udowletworqq potrebnosti wseh tipow uchaschihsq w klasse. Sotrudnichestwo - äto sowmestnaq rabota dlq dostizheniq obschih celej. Kooperatiwnoe obuchenie - äto ispol'zowanie w processe obucheniq malyh grupp, w kotoryh uchaschiesq rabotaüt wmeste, chtoby maximal'no powysit' äffektiwnost' obucheniq kazhdogo. V gruppah sowmestnogo obucheniq uchaschiesq obsuzhdaüt drug s drugom material, kotoryj im predstoit izuchit', pomogaüt drug drugu ponqt' ego i pooschrqüt drug druga za userdnuü rabotu. Kooperatiwnoe obuchenie segodnq shiroko priznano kak odna iz samyh zamechatel'nyh i plodotwornyh oblastej teorii, issledowanij i praktiki w obrazowanii. Nakonec, my mozhem skazat', chto sotrudnichestwo, wzaimodejstwie, rassmotrenie, tworchestwo, otwetstwennost', uchastie - wse äti weschi, pohozhe, stanowqtsq aktual'nymi w 21 weke, kak i predlozhenie rasshirit' opyt uchenika za predely indiwidual'nogo znaniq do swoego roda sowmestnoj mudrosti.

  • av Ashutosh Tiwari

    Die indischen Klassenzimmer sind von Natur aus sehr heterogen. Die Schüler in der Klasse haben unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten. Einige können den Stoff schnell bewältigen, andere brauchen mehr Zeit, um ihn zu beherrschen. Der Lehrer sollte seinen Unterricht effektiver und sinnvoller gestalten und die Bedürfnisse aller Lernenden in der Klasse befriedigen. Kooperation bedeutet, zusammenzuarbeiten, um gemeinsame Ziele zu erreichen. Kooperatives Lernen ist der Einsatz von kleinen Gruppen, in denen die Schüler zusammenarbeiten, um den Lernerfolg aller zu maximieren. In kooperativen Lerngruppen besprechen die Schüler den zu lernenden Stoff miteinander, helfen sich gegenseitig beim Verständnis und ermutigen sich gegenseitig zur Anstrengung. Kooperatives Lernen ist heute weithin als eines der bemerkenswertesten und fruchtbarsten Gebiete der Theorie, Forschung und Praxis im Bildungswesen anerkannt. Schließlich können wir sagen, dass Kooperation, Zusammenarbeit, Rücksichtnahme, Kreativität, Verantwortung, Beteiligung - all diese Dinge scheinen im 21. Jahrhundert eine Rolle zu spielen, ebenso wie der Vorschlag, die Erfahrung der Schüler über das individuelle Wissen hinaus auf eine Art kollaborative Weisheit auszudehnen.

  • av Ashutosh Tiwari, N. Arul Murugan & Rajeev Ahuja
    2 749,-

    The engineering of materials with advanced features is driving the research towards the design of innovative materials with high performances. New materials often deliver the best solution for structural applications, precisely contributing towards the finest combination of mechanical properties and low weight.

  • av Ashutosh Tiwari
    2 194,-

    Because of their unique properties (size, shape, and surface functions), functional materials are gaining significant attention in the areas of energy conversion and storage, sensing, electronics, photonics, and biomedicine. Within the chapters of this book written by well-known researchers, one will find the range of methods that have been developed for preparation and functionalization of organic, inorganic and hybrid structures which are the necessary building blocks for the architecture of various advanced functional materials. The book discusses these innovative methodologies and research strategies, as well as provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the cutting-edge research on the processing, properties and technology developments of advanced functional materials and their applications. Specifically, Advanced Functional Materials Compiles the objectives related to functional materials and provides detailed reviews of fundamentals, novel production methods, and frontiers of functional materials, including metalic oxides, conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes, discotic liquid crystalline dimers, calixarenes, crown ethers, chitosan and graphene. Discusses the production and characterization of these materials, while mentioning recent approaches developed as well as their uses and applications for sensitive chemiresistors, optical and electronic materials, solar hydrogen generation, supercapacitors, display and organic light-emitting diodes, functional adsorbents, and antimicrobial and biocompatible layer formation. This volume in the Advanced Materials Book Series includes twelve chapters divided into two main areas: Part 1: Functional Metal Oxides: Architecture, Design and Applications and Part 2: Multifunctional Hybrid Materials: Fundamentals and Frontiers

  • - Fundamentals and Emerging Applications
    av Ashutosh Tiwari
    2 454,-

    Graphene Materials: Fundamentals and Emerging Applications brings together innovative methodologies with research and development strategies to provide a detailed state-of-the-art overview of the processing, properties, and technology developments of graphene materials and their wide-ranging applications. The applications areas covered are biosensing, energy storage, environmental monitoring, and health. The book discusses the various methods that have been developed for the preparation and functionalization of single-layered graphene nanosheets. These form the essential building blocks for the bottom-up architecture of various graphene materials because they possess unique physico-chemical properties such as large surface areas, good conductivity and mechanical strength, high thermal stability and desirable flexibility. The electronic behavior in graphene, such as dirac fermions obtained due to the interaction with the ions of the lattice, has led to the discovery of novel miracles like Klein tunneling in carbon-based solid state systems and the so-called half-integer quantum Hall effect. The combination of these properties makes graphene a highly desirable material for applications. In particular, Graphene Materials: Fundamentals and Emerging Applications has chapters covering: Graphene and related two-dimensional nanomaterials Surface functionalization of graphene Functional three-dimensional graphene networks Covalent graphene-polymer nanocomposites Magnesium matrix composites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets Graphene derivatives for energy storage Graphene nanocomposite for high performance supercapacitors Graphene nanocomposite-based bulk hetro-junction solar cells Graphene bimetallic nanocatalysts foam for energy storage and biosensing Graphene nanocomposites-based for electrochemical sensors Graphene electrodes for health and environmental monitoring

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