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Bøker av Azahara Castillo Castillo

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  • av Azahara Castillo Castillo

    This is the story of a girl with anxiety.She doesn't know what is happening to her or why. She feels very bad: she's very scared.What at first will be a real struggle to flee as far as possible from these unpleasant feelings and from this being, who seems to follow her everywhere, will end up becoming the goal of her well-being when she discovers that all she had to do was LISTEN.A beautiful picture book whose charming illustrations will take us on an intense but necessary emotional journey, where negative emotions are not our enemies but instead a warning sign to keep us safe.A story that encourages us to listen and to ourselves; to discover what is wrong with us and what we need.A story that invites us to follow the paths of serenity and mindfulness to find the answer to all the doubts and fears that have always been inside us.A faithful guardian who will always care for our well-being if we forget to look after ourselves.Esta es la historia de una niña con ansiedad.No sabe lo que le sucede ni por qué. Solo se siente muy mal: está muy asustada.Lo que al principio será una auténtica lucha por huir lo más lejos posible de esas sensaciones tan desagradables y de ese ser, que parece seguirla a todas partes, acabará convirtiéndose en alcanzar la meta de su bienestar cuando descubra que solo tenía que ESCUCHAR.Un bello álbum ilustrado cuyas hermosas láminas nos llevarán por un viaje emocional intenso pero necesario, donde las emociones negativas no serán nuestras enemigas sino un signo de alarma que pretenda mantenernos a salvo.Una historia que nos lleva a escuchar y a escucharnos; a descubrir en nosotros mismos aquello que nos hace mal y lo que realmente necesitamos.Una lectura que nos invita a caminar por los senderos de la calma y la atención plena para hallar la respuesta a todas esas dudas y miedos que estaba, desde el principio, dentro de nosotros.Una guardiana fiel que velará por nuestro bienestar siempre, por si se nos olvida cuidarnos.

  • av Azahara Castillo Castillo

    This is the story of a girl with anxiety.She doesn't know what is happening to her or why. She feels very bad: she's very scared.What at first will be a real struggle to flee as far as possible from these unpleasant feelings and from this being, who seems to follow her everywhere, will end up becoming the goal of her well-being when she discovers that all she had to do was LISTEN.A beautiful picture book whose charming illustrations will take us on an intense but necessary emotional journey, where negative emotions are not our enemies but instead a warning sign to keep us safe.A story that encourages us to listen and to ourselves; to discover what is wrong with us and what we need.A story that invites us to follow the paths of serenity and mindfulness to find the answer to all the doubts and fears that have always been inside us.A faithful guardian who will always care for our well-being if we forget to look after ourselves.

  • av Azahara Castillo Castillo

    After a windy night, the sun rises. Two fuzzy bundles of red fur wake up in a hidden burrow in a remote forest.But an unexpected visitor calls on the family and, praising the qualities of the two cubs, full of energy and vitality, encourage them, driven by curiosity, to search for food on their own and to explore beyond the safe confines of the valley. Following what they believe to be someone they can trust, they will embark on a dangerous adventure where their lives will be in grave danger. Exposed to even more dangerous and threatening creatures, they will discover that all is not yet lost, and they have a unique sense of smell that could save them. Will they still have time to listen to their instinct? Tras una noche de fuerte viento, la mañana aparece soleada y en una madriguera oculta en un recóndito lugar del bosque se desperezan dos bolas rojizas.Pero una inesperada visita se acercará a la familia y, alabando las cualidades de los dos cachorros, llenos de energía y vitalidad, los alentará, movidos por la curiosidad, a buscar alimento por sí mismos y a explorar más allá de los límites seguros del Valle.Siguiendo a la que creen ser alguien de confianza, terminarán embarcados en una peligrosa aventura donde sus vidas correrán grave peligro. Expuestos ante seres aún más peligrosos y amenazantes, descubrirán que aún no está todo perdido, y que en ellos aflora un olfato especial que podría salvarlos.¿Estarán aún a tiempo de hacer caso a su instinto?

  • av Azahara Castillo Castillo

    An ode to love and a positive attitude through fun, colorful, and action-packed images that challenge the reader to decipher how many stories unfold. It all begins with a peaceful stroll along the seaside. A love-struck dog has found the love of its life, or so it believes. But that's not the only thing that will happen... Here is an illustrated album representing an ode to love and a positive attitude. It is a narrative and illustrative game that offers us a story of love¿or perhaps two or even three. Who knows!It will be the reader's task to discover how many stories can unfold in the same setting, where symbolism and metaphor come together to offer us a "sea" of enjoyable reading. A message of positivity and perseverance in the face of our goals and objectives; only in this way can we distance ourselves from negative feelings such as frustration.Maintaining a constructive attitude will allow us to make the most of things and will ensure that, no matter what happens, we always extract the best from every situation. Because if, despite trying, things don't turn out as we expected... It doesn't matter!There is no room for discouragement or defeat. We always have the option to try again, even more eager and stronger. And of course, it's also a nod to love, an invitation to look "with eyes of the heart," to be happier and to make others happier too.

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