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  • av Bachar Karroum

    Un livre essentiel pour les enfants musulmans !Ce guide de 30 jours, inspiré des enseignements de notre bien-aimé Prophète Mohammad (PBSL), est un véritable trésor pour les parents qui souhaitent ancrer des valeurs profondes dans le coeur de leur enfant.Chaque jour, votre enfant découvrira un nouvel et merveilleux aspect de la personnalité du Prophète Mohammad (PBSL), éclairé par des exemples authentiques de sa vie extraordinaire. Au cours de ce voyage, il sera encouragé à améliorer son caractère et à cultiver des valeurs fondamentales telles que la patience, la gentillesse et la gratitude.Ce livre offre une opportunité unique d'offrir à votre enfant une expérience de lecture éducative et inspirante. Les leçons enseignées dans ce livre sont basées sur une recherche approfondie utilisant 54 sources et hadiths authentiques, en faisant une ressource précieuse pour les parents et les éducateurs.En investissant dans ce livre, vous investissez dans l'avenir de votre enfant, son développement personnel et spirituel. Donnez-lui la chance de devenir une meilleure personne grâce aux enseignements du Prophète (PBSL).Idéal pour les enfants de 6 ans et plus.

  • av Bachar Karroum

    Ein Muss für kleine Moslems - perfekt für Kinder, immer und überall!Begleiten Sie Ihre Kinder auf eine positive Lernreise und helfen Sie ihnen, sich in 30 Tagen gute Gewohnheiten anzueignen und eine bessere Version von sich selbst zu werden.Dieses Buch lädt Kinder dazu ein, täglich mit guten Taten aktiv zu werden, mehr über den Propheten und seine Persönlichkeit zu erfahren, den Islam zu entdecken und simple Suren des Islam auf Deutsch zu lesen.Es eignet sich ideal für Eltern, die mit ihren Kindern über den Glauben ins Gespräch kommen und ihnen die Grundlagen des Islams näherbringen möchten. Perfekt für Kinder zwischen 4-12 Jahren und für alle, die auf unkomplizierte Weise mehr über den Islam erfahren möchten.Jede Seite in diesem essenziellen Buch für Moslems ist in 5 Abschnitte unterteilt. Kleine Moslems werden: 1) Lernen, gute Bürger zu sein und gute Taten zu leisten. Das Buch enthält für jeden Tag eine gute Tat. Durch realistische Beispiele - wie im Haushalt zu helfen oder dem Nachbarn unter die Arme zu greifen - wird jeder dazu ermutigt, während dieser 30 Tage aktiv zu werden, Gutes zu tun und dies zur Gewohnheit werden zu lassen.2) Mehr über den Islam lernen. Kinder werden entdecken, worum es im Islam überhaupt geht und was seine 5 Säulen sind, sowie die sechs Glaubensartikel des Islams kennenlernen und verstehen, was es wirklich bedeutet, Moslem zu sein und wie ein guter Moslem zu leben.3) Die Essenz von Ramadan und EIDs entdecken. Kinder lernen die Wichtigkeit des Fastens, was Moslems während des Heiligen Monats machen, was die Vorteile sind usw. Sie werden verstehen, dass es beim Ramadan nicht nur darum geht, von Sonnenaufgang bis -untergang nichts zu essen oder zu trinken, sondern er auch ein Monat voller guter Taten, Wohltätigkeit und Gebete ist, in dem wir uns in die Lage der Armen versetzen. Sie werden zudem mehr über Eid Al-Fitr und Eid Al-ADHA erfahren.4) Mehr über den Propheten Mohammed erfahren (Friede sei mit ihm). Die Kinder werden ihren Propheten kennenlernen - darunter allgemeine Fakten über sein Leben, seine Persönlichkeit und sein Verhalten - was sie dazu einlädt, in seine Fußstapfen zu treten und gute Gewohnheiten zu erlernen.5) Die Suren des Korans lesen. In diesem Abschnitt werden Eltern und Kinder dazu ermutigt, 30 Tage lang jeden Tag eine kurze Sure des Korans zu lesen. Es wird der Großteil der Juz' 30 des Korans in diesem Monat abgedeckt.

  • av Bachar Karroum

    Ein Muss für kleine MoslemsGeben Sie Ihrem Kind das schönste Geschenk - einen Leitfaden, der sie auf den Weg der Spiritualität und persönlichen Entwicklung führt.Dieser 30-tägige Leitfaden, inspiriert von den Lehren unseres geliebten Propheten Mohammed (FSAI), ist ein wahrer Schatz für Eltern, die tiefgründige Werte im Herzen ihres Kindes verankern möchten.Jeden Tag entdeckt Ihr Kind einen neuen und wunderschönen Aspekt der Persönlichkeit des Propheten Mohammed (FSAI), erleuchtet durch authentische Beispiele aus seinem außergewöhnlichen Leben. Durch diese Reise wird es liebevoll ermutigt, seinen Charakter zu verbessern und grundlegende Werte wie Geduld, Freundlichkeit und Dankbarkeit zu pflegen.Dieses Buch bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Ihrem Kind eine bildende und inspirierende Leseerfahrung zu bieten. Die in diesem Buch vermittelten Lektionen basieren auf umfassender Forschung unter Verwendung von 54 authentischen Quellen und Hadiths, was es zu einer wertvollen Ressource für Eltern und Pädagogen macht.Indem Sie in dieses Buch investieren, investieren Sie in die Zukunft Ihres Kindes, seine persönliche und spirituelle Entwicklung. Geben Sie ihm die Chance, durch die Lehren des Propheten (FSAI) zu einem besseren Menschen zu werden.Geeignet für Kinder ab 6 Jahren.

  • av Bachar Karroum

    A must-have for little Muslims - perfect for kids all year long!Accompany your child daily through this 30-day journey, and make this experience turn into a lifelong habit, to help them become the best version of themselves!Shining the light on 30 powerful revelations that were sent to the Prophet (PBUH), this book shares valuable lessons that will inspire children to apply core Islamic teachings to their daily lives.Every day during Ramadan, your child will learn a powerful revelation and where common key sayings come from. A great way to help parents engage in conversation and teach the fundamentals of Islam to their children. Perfect for kids ages 4-12 and for anyone who wants to learn about Islam straightforwardly.Each page is divided into 5 sections, in order to learn every day: A revelation sent to our Prophet (PBUH): after saying Bismillah, you are invited to learn about a powerful revelation, such as "With hardship comes ease" (فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا) and "So endure with beautiful patience" (فَاصْبِرْ صَبْرًا جَمِيلًا)What the Quran tells us about each revelation: each verse(s) related to this revelation are exposed in English and in Arabic, with its reference in the Quran and its place of revelation.What is understood from each verse in the Quran: the essence of the saying and meaning of each verse are explained simply for children to comprehend.How can this help to become a better person: through a positive affirmation, children learn how to apply what the Quran tells us about this revelation in their daily life, helping them to become a better person.With the help of Allah: children are encouraged to ask Allah, through a DUA, to help them build good habits and to grow in their faith. Each day ends by saying Alhamdulillah.A must-have for little Muslims everywhere, 30 Powerful Revelations to Learn from the Quran will empower children and offer parents an easy and engaging way to teach their kids about the core values of Islam.Are you ready to introduce your child to the wisdom of the Quran?

  • av Bachar Karroum

    A must-have for little Muslims - perfect for kids all year long!As a parent, you want nothing more than to help your child connect with their faith and grow into a kind, compassionate, and grateful person. This Eid, give your child the gift of knowledge and wonder with "30 Days of Learning Islamic Expressions."Each day, as you read through the book together, you will witness your child's understanding and appreciation of Islam grow deeper and their heart fills with the beauty and wisdom of Allah's teachings.With its captivating design and relatable examples, this enchanting children's book takes your child on a journey of discovery and growth, introducing them to essential Islamic phrases and teachings.The words in this book are not just expressions; they are a reflection of the values and principles that lie at the heart of Islam. As you share this book with your child, you will create moments of bonding and learning that will last a lifetime.Let this book be the tool that helps your child deepen their connection with Allah and experience the true beauty and wisdom of Islam. Together, you will create memories and moments of growth that will stay with you and your child forever.

  • av Bachar Karroum

    A must-have for little Muslims - perfect for kids all year long!Accompany your child daily through this 30-day journey, and make this experience turn into a lifelong habit, to help them become the best version of themselves!Featuring 30 beautiful values that come directly from the Quran, this book shares valuable lessons that will inspire children to apply core Islamic teachings to their daily lives.Every day, your child will learn a beautiful value. A great way to help parents engage in conversation and teach the fundamentals of Islam to their children. Perfect for kids aged between 4-12, but also for anyone who wants to learn about Islam straightforwardly.Each page is divided into 5 sections, in order to learn every day: A value that comes from the Quran: after saying Bismillah, you are invited to learn about a beautiful value, such as "being grateful", "being positive", or "being humble".What the Quran tells us about each value: each verse(s) related to this value are exposed in English and in Arabic, with its reference in the Quran and its place of revelation.What is understood from each verse in the Quran: the essence and meaning of each verse are explained simply for children to comprehend.How can this help to become a better person: through a positive affirmation, children learn how to apply what the Quran tells us about this value in their daily life, helping them to become a better person.With the help of Allah: children are encouraged to ask Allah, through a DUA, to help them build good habits and to grow in their faith. Each day ends by saying Alhamdulillah.A must-have for little Muslims everywhere, 30 Beautiful Values to Learn from the Quran will empower children and offer parents an easy and engaging way to teach their kids about the core values of Islam.Are you ready to introduce your child to the wisdom of the Quran?

  • av Bachar Karroum

    A must-have for little Muslims - perfect for kids all year long!Let your child experience a positive learning journey and make 30 days become a lifelong habit, helping them become a better version of themselves.This book invites young ones to take action daily with good deeds, learn more about the Prophet, about His personality traits, discover more about Islam and read simple Surah of the Quran in English.Great to help parents engage in conversation and teach the fundamentals of Islam to their children. Perfect for kids aged between 4-12, but also for anyone who wants to learn about Islam in a straightforward way.Each page in this essential Muslim book is divided into 5 sections. Little (and big) Muslims will: Learn to become a good citizen and do well through good deeds. The book includes one good deed a day - through realistic examples, such as helping with chores at home or giving a hand to a neighbor, everyone is encouraged to take simple action and do good during 30 days so it becomes a habit.Learn more about Islam. Young ones will discover what Islam is all about, learn about the 5 pillars of Islam, discover the six articles of faith in Islam, what it really means to be Muslim and how to behave as a good Muslim.Learn about the essence of Ramadan and EIDs. Children will learn about the importance of fasting, what Muslims do during the Holy month, what are the benefits, etc. They will understand that Ramadan is not only about not eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset, but that it is also a month of good actions, charity, prayers, and putting oneself in the shoes of a poor person. They will also learn more about Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-ADHA and why they are celebrated.Learn more about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him (PUBH)). Children will get to know the prophet - including general facts about his life, his personality traits and his behaviors - inviting them to follow his steps and good habits.Read Surahs of the Quran. In this section, parents and children are encouraged to read a short Surah of the Quran for 30 days. The majority of Juz' 30 of the Quran during the month are covered.

  • av Bachar Karroum

    The Most Valuable Guide for Little MuslimsGive your child the most beautiful gift - a guide that will lead them on the path of spirituality and personal growth.This 30-day guide, inspired by the teachings of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), is a true treasure for parents who want to instill profound values in their child's hearts.Each day, your child will discover a new and beautiful aspect of Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) personality, illuminated by authentic examples from his extraordinary life. Through this journey, they will be lovingly guided to improve their character and nurture fundamental values such as patience, kindness, and gratitude.This book is a unique opportunity to offer your child an educational and inspiring reading experience. The lessons taught in this book are based on in-depth research using 54 authentic references and Hadiths, making it a valuable resource for parents and educators.By investing in this book, you are investing in your child's future, their personal and spiritual growth. Give them the chance to become a better person by following the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH).Don't wait to order this book and give your child a unique opportunity to grow spiritually.

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