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Bøker av Bart Smith

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  • - TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Your Future Relationship Existence: Single (For Years), Used, Childless (For Many), Broke, Lonely, Ignored & Forgotten! Save Your "Love Life" Now!
    av Bart Smith

    This book's message is about preparing WOMEN for their best "relationship" future! LADIES, don't go into the future blindly. Go into it confidently armed with an abundance of knowledge and a real plan on how to land that MAN of your dreams sooner rather than later, IF, that's a desire of yours, which for most women it is. While much of what's mentioned inside Wake Up Ladies is directed at mainly single women in their 20s and 30s, the lessons, words and messages can also benefit men as well. Even parents and older men and women can find many reasons to share this book with those in their life who it might help. Then, please, do! MEN, in particular, are waking up and walking away from the dating game in droves and never entering relationships with women. Why so? Mainly due to how they've been treated by women today and by society at large. Men don't feel needed. "I don't need a man, I'm strong and independent," says the modern day woman. Men are told they're the enemy. "Men are toxic and should be avoided. Go away creep." Among other negative and even psychologically detrimental statements made to men to make them feel like trying their hand at the dating and marriage game with women is not even worth the squeeze (any more). Where does this leave WOMEN? Alone, on their own, for years and years on end, and maybe even used just for sex. Is that what women want? I don't think so (for the majority of women out there) and deep down, they don't want to be alone either. So, someone must come forward with the right kind of message and overall game plan for these types of women to grasp, see the light and ultimately wake up to what's real or else? Face a lifetime of loneliness, remaining single, used, broke, abandoned, childless, and on their own, if not erased, invisible and forgotten. Never before has their been more single men and women looking for love only to wind up going nowhere fast. Ladies, specifically, time to WAKE UP to what's really going on, how you're coming across to men and how you can change the entire narrative on dating and relationships for the better between men and women → FOREVER!

  • - Learn How To Write, Design, Publish, Print & Sell Your Book For Fun & Profit
    av Bart Smith

    Want to write a book? If the whole idea baffles you, be baffled no more! THE ULTIMATE SELF-PUBLISHING MANUAL walks you through every step from the idea, to writing, how to write, how to edit your book, how to design the front/back/spine covers, how to lay out the interior pages, how to submit your print book files to, how to record a book, how to convert a book to a Kindle eBook, how to turn your book into an offline/online course, and how to market it. Well, look what's inside my self-publishing manaul for you: PART 1: Decide WHY You Want To Write A Book1.1 - Promote your company's products/services ...1.2 - Easily find/attract/impress potential clients ...1.3 - Get interviewed on TV, radio, etc. for exposure ...1.4 - Create workshops/classes and more ...1.5 - Make extra $$$ from book/eBook/audio sales ...1.6 - Help grow your list + income potential ...1.7 - Other reason(s) 1.8 - ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!PART 2: What TYPE Of Book Will You Write?2.1 - REGRETS Book2.2 - MISTAKES Book2.3 - FAQ Book2.4 - PITCH/OFFER Book2.5 - SELF-ASSESSMENT Book2.6 - OTHER Book Ideas PART 3: HOW Will You Write Your Book?3.1 - Writing A Book Is As Easy As "1 2 3"3.2 - Use a Microsoft Word Document3.3 - Use a Google Document3.4 - Use Adobe InDesign3.5 - Use Other Software or Means3.6 - My Personal Writing Tips For You3.7 - Writer's Block ... No More!3.8 - Hiring A Ghostwriter (Pros/Cons/Cost)PART 4: EDIT Your Book4.1 - Find, Pay & Work With An Editor4.2 - Send via eMail Attachment4.3 - Send via Share A Google Doc4.4 - Send via Mail/Deliver Printed CopyPART 5: Design The INTERIOR Pages5.1 - Do It Yourself or Hire a Designer5.2 - Laying Out The FRONT Pages5.3 - Laying Out The BODY Pages5.4 - Laying Out The BACK Pages5.5 - Convert Your Interior Files Into A PDF For The PrinterPART 6: Design The FRONT/BACK COVERS6.1 - Do It Yourself or Hire a Designer6.2 - Quickly Design A Front Cover For Inspiration6.3 - Download a Template From KDP.com6.4 - Design A FRONT Cover6.5 - Design A BACK Cover6.6 - Design A SPINE Cover6.7 - Convert Your Cover File To A PDF For KDPPART 7: Create Your (Amazon) Account7.1 - Create KDP Account, Profile, Royalties & Tax Infon7.2 - Step1: Add Title, Author Name, Description, Key Words, ...7.2 - Step2: Enter ISBN# & Upload Book's Interior+Cover Files7.2 - Step3: Choose Territories, Price & Submit Files To Review7.5 - Order "Author Copies" For Your Review & Proofing In Hand7.6 - Proof Book In Hand, Make Corrections & Resubmit Files7.7 - Order Another Set of "Author Copies" & Decide What To DoPART 8: RECORD Your Book8.1 - Decide WHO Will Record Your Book (You/Someone Else?)8.2 - Get The EQUIPMENT You Need To Record A Book8.3 - Get The SOFTWARE You Need To Record A Book8.4 - Start Recording Your Book With My Tips/TrainingPART 9: Convert Your Book to An EBOOK9.1 - Convert Your Book to KINDLE eBook FormatPART 10: Turn Your Book Into A COURSE10.1 - Convert Your Book to An ONLINE Course10.2 - Convert Your Book to An OFFLINE Course$$ MARKETING & SELLING Your Book $$- 30+ Ways To Making Money With A Book- Target Sales & Marketing (Who/Where Are Your Buyers?)- Sales & Selling Ideas For You & Your Books- Online Book Marketing Tactics- Offline Book Marketing Tactics- What Next? What Should You Be Doing / Can Do?

  • av Bart Smith

    They say, if you don't learn from the mistakes of your past (or the experiences of others), you're doomed to repeat them or experiencing them yourself sooner or later. Well, no one wants to regret anything especially in the areas of dating, having sex, and getting married, right? Those regrets can weigh heavy on the heart, consume your thoughts, rob all your finances, eat away time and energy, when you could be pursuing happier moments in life with someone better suited for you. Right?Well, inside 251+ Dating & Relationship Regrets Men & Women Have About Dating, Sex & Marriage you will learn specifically what others went through and what they regret about the decisions they did (or didn't) make that resulted in wasted time, money, heart ache, verbal and/or physical abuse, ... you name it!Are regrets avoidable? To some degree, absolutely. Learning what others went through and how they recovered or moved on is why I wrote this book and why you should read it, learn from it, and apply it!

  • - Men Going Their Own Way: Why So Many Men Want Nothing To Do With Women Any More & Why Women, Companies & Governments Around The World Need To Worry About This!
    av Bart Smith

    From the author of WATCH OUT LADIES (15 Things Every Woman Should Be Concerned About & Watch Out For To Protect Her Heart, Body, Find Real Love & Avoid A Lifetime Of Loneliness), Bart Smith shares his concerns for his fellow man, woman, even companies (who employ both men/women) and governments who cannot survive without the participation from both men/women in the work force (let alone makin' babies), that if they don't pay attention to this increasing fallout trend among men, here's what will happen sooner than later: WOMEN will grow older ... ALONE! It's happening now!COMPANIES will go ... OUT of business. It's happening!GOVERNMENTS will not be able to ... SUSTAIN themselves!Really? Is this really happening? To what extent? Is the future really that grim for women, companies and governments? What does that say about the fate of the human race if we don't come together on this issue? Is there time to turn this around? Do women, companies and governments want to turn this trend around? How did all this come about?Perhaps this book (and others) and the forerunners in the MGTOW movement can expose what's going on between men and women and how we have lost our way as nature had intended for us. The time to do something about this is NOW.Everyone's involvement is necessary!

  • - Your How-To Guide On Cutting Through The B.S. In Your Life
    av Bart Smith

    B.S. The Book was written to help you in FOUR very critical areas of LIFE where PERSONAL B.S. is concerned ... Health & Fitness B.S., Self-Help From B.S., Faith & More B.S., and Relationship B.S.I took some of the HOTTEST B.S. TOPICS that, not only affect my life, but the lives of my friends, family, clients and casual acquaintances when it comes to B.S. and how it causes them stress, pain, setbacks, heartache, strife, poor health, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, you name it! B.S. is virtually EVERYWHERE! Well, not to worry! B.S. The Book is chock-full of my personal, spot-on, proven advice and time-tested mental strategies, as well as highly usable tips on a wide range of life-enhancing subjects. All of which are designed to help empower you with extreme levels of "LETHAL CONFIDENCE" and an "UNSHAKABLE POSITIVE ATTITUDE!"With OVER 700+ personal "BART BUILDER" attitudes inside, you, too, will be ready to take on any situation or anybody's B.S. that stands in the way of living a fun, rewarding life.

  • - 10 Steps To Achieving Anything You Want & On Your Own Terms
    av Bart Smith

    Do you see yourself wanting to accomplish a specific goal, but you don't exactly know how to go about it? Does your motivation fizzle out all too quickly? This book is about using self-motivation to succeed. I share a proven action plan and personal spot on tips for every step of the way. The process identifies TEN KEY COMPONENTS that can lead you from your idea (Vision) to fruition (Victory) and beyond!#1: ASSESS ... YOUR CURRENT SITUATION!#2: VISUALIZE ... WHAT YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH!#3: PLAN ... YOUR SUCCESS! (WORK IT BACKWARDS)#4: WORK ... YOUR PLAN TOWARDS YOUR GOAL!#5: OVERCOME ... OBSTACLES & NAYSAYERS!#6: OBSERVE ... WHAT'S WORKING & WHATS NOT?#7: PERSIST ... YOU'RE ALMOST THERE! STICK TO IT!#8: PROGRESS ... HOW'S IT GOING? ARE YOU CLOSE?#9: VICTORY ... YOU DID IT! CONGRATULATIONS!#10: NEXT ... NOW WHAT? WHAT'S NEXT?This book was written for every one who has ever struggled to achieve genuine success in their personal life or business. You will discover that the reality of success is already yours ... unless you are standing in your own way. After reading my 10 steps, you should be positively motivated, prepared and excited to take those first steps closer to your true passion. Use them to overcome the hurdles that kept you from realizing self-empowerment and personal satisfaction. Let this book be your guide to get you where you want to be, now!"YOU ARE A SUCCESS when you commit to your vision and take the required steps needed to produce your desired outcome." Bart Smith, Author

  • - Insights, Wisdom & Real Advice On Finding The One For You
    av Bart Smith

    With millions of singles looking for love and so many more in relationships they'd rather not be in, where and how does someone go to find the ONE for them? Is there some secret formula or guidebook that can help increase the odds of meeting, assessing, and securing the ONE for YOU? Find The One For Me was written with seven extremely insightful sections, representing every stage or step in your journey for finding love. You can just imagine the process, right? If not, it goes something like this: #1 - PICTURE The One For You#2 - PREPARE To Meet The One For You#3 - LOOKING For The One For You#4 - HANGING OUT With The One For You#5 - SECURING The One For You#6 - LIVING WITH The One For You#7 - AFTER The One For You Is No Longer With YouWhether you're looking for love online/offline, Find The One For Me has everything you need to help you navigate the world of liars, cheats, crazies, sex hungry maniacs, and B.S.'ers, in order to find the sweet, kind and wonderful ones worth spending your time with, interacting with, securing and eventually choosing the right one for you to live with and/or marry. Find The One For Me is the bible for navigating the jungle of love and hearts. All you have to do is open up the book and you'll find 100+ topics never covered in other books. I can only hope this huge collection of insights, findings, and words of wisdom can help you find that special someone who's also looking ... for you

  • - FEMINISM Is About CONTROL (Not Choice) & Destroys Romance, Love-lives, Families & Civilizations It's Time To Eradicate Feminism & Call It For What It Is: "Toxic" For All Humanity
    av Bart Smith

    BART SMITH, the author of FIVE relationship books, advocates that while first and second wave feminism was great for women in attaining fundamental rights, feminism's third wave is working fast against their best interests when it comes to their love lives, dating, marriage, starting families, raising children, and their overall happiness. Bart clearly points out how third wave feminism has become this anti-male, bully pulpit that NEGATIVELY AFFECT: WOMEN, MEN, FAMILIES, CHILDREN, SOCIETY and the WORLD.With so much negativity and counter-productive results, he proposes that women not stop working, going to school, pursuing their passions, but pay close attention to how they look at and treat men, in particular, because they are not the enemy. Your real enemy lies (no pun) in FEMINISM. Women need to spurn the label of "feminist" N.O.W. because of its radical, angry, culturally Marxian code word for a far-left movement that only seeks to undermine what their hearts truly desire ... to find love and be loved in a crazy world overrun by a male-bashing media, bias family courts against fathers, male-blaming academia and hostile feminist organizations still crying "wolf" and female "victim hood," which driving men fast and far away from the very women they'd rather love and cherish.TOPICS COVERED: Feminism's Main GoalAbsurditiesBlame GameBrainwashingCareerChivalryDating/RelationshipsDelusions / DenialDouble StandardsEntitlement B.S.Equality B.S.Family, Law, Etc.Fears Men HaveFemale NatureFeminism B.S.Future PredictionsHumorHypocrisy / LunacyLawsLet Me Help You HereMake Up Your MindMale PrivilegeMale Treatment#MetooMen/Women Are Different Non-ConformersOur Design (M/Woman)Pay Gap (Myth/B.S.)Sexual LiberationStacked Against MenStatsToxic FeministsToxic Masculinity? (No!)War Against Boys/MenWelcome Men's WorldWhat Men Bring To SocietyWhat Men Do For WomenWhat Women HadWhere Do You Stand?At the end of the book, Bart lists a number solutions on how to eradicate 3RD WAVE FEMINISM B.S. once and for all.ALSO inside FEMINISM B.S. are chapter excerpts from Bart's book, WATCH OUT LADIES ...#2. Sex: With Multiple Men For Too Many Years#4. Postponing Marriage/Motherhood Into Her 30s/40s (Not The Best Idea! Here's Why!)#5. Too Career Focused & For Too Long (Pros/Cons)#7. Personal Habits, Traits & Behaviors (That Drive Men Away!)#8. Having Higher Income/Education Requirements Of Men (Here's What To Do/Say To Him!)#9. Mr. Perfect vs. Mr. He's Good Enough ("Yes, I Will") #10. M.G.T.O.W. (Men Going Their Own Way) "Ladies Be Worried!"#11. Porn, Fapping, PMO, Sex Bots & "No More" Sex For You, Ladies! ("You're Being Erased, Ladies!")#14. Pop Culture & The Media (Nothing But Lies & More B.S. That Cause Women To Suffer)#15. The Wall & Sexual/Marriage Market Value (Watch Out!") WATCH OUT LADIES CONCLUSION / MY ADVICE: What Should Women Do After Reading All This? Well, ...

  • - STOP Wasting Your Time, Losing Money & Maximize Your True Potential As A Personal / Business Coach
    av Bart Smith

    What do they say about mistakes? They happen, right? Well, for personal/business coaches, we can't let too many mistakes happen or we'll be out of business before we could say, "Whoops, I won't do that again."Why should coaches be concerned about (and look out for) making mistakes as a coach? Isn't failure feedback? Sure it is, but for coaches, minimizing the amount of time we fail (or make mistakes) will help keep us on track with our own goals as coaches, keep clients and prospects flowing in, keep clients moving towards their own goals with our help, and above all, keep our coaching businesses operating at optimal capacity earning the income we deserve.Now, while many of the mistakes outlined in this eBook are covered throughout my book, RICH COACH BROKE COACH, I'm bringing these to light for your quick consumption here because if you don't watch out for them, well, you know what can happen: CONSEQUENCES = OUCH!Here are some of the main mistake categories I shed light on for you to watch out for: - Business Mistakes- Coaching/Client Mistakes- Communication Mistakes- Education & Training Mistakes- Marketing Mistakes- Mindset Mistakes- Money-Making Mistakes- Personal Mistakes- Social Media Mistakes- Website Related MistakesSo, check out these 150+ mistakes that happen to all coaches at one time or another. As coaches, we must constantly be on the lookout for some of these mistakes and do our best to try to avoid them.Whether you are a seasoned coach or new to coaching, my hope is that you will learn something new (or be reminded about something to watch out for) from this eBook of coaching mistake excerpts to help you be even more successful in your coaching business pursuits!

  • - 101+ Coaching Tactics To Start, Run & Explode Your Coaching Business & Your Income As A "Rich Coach!"
    av Bart Smith

    Have you been looking for one book on coaching that covers virtually everything you need to start and run your own coaching business? Then look no further! Rich Coach Broke Coach is the book for you!For aspiring and current coaches, Rich Coach Broke Coach was written with the intent on helping coaches where they need it most: in the areas of business, marketing, client interactions, sales, and making money.Rich Coach Broke Coach is your blueprint for all that and much more. What you'll find inside this rich manual is only the most concise, nugget-rich content you have probably ever read on running a profitable coaching business.Rich Coach Broke Coach was written with the specific intent to cover topics not covered in the vast majority of books written about coaching or starting your own coaching business. Glance over these chapters for a glimpse into this treasure chest: PART #1 - Starting & Running A "Rich Coach" BusinessPART #2 - Fees, Income & Making Money As A "Rich Coach"PART #3 - Finding, Enrolling & Working With ClientsPART #4 - Rich Coaching Tools, Websites & ResourcesPART #5 - Marketing Tactics For All CoachesPLUS: Rich Coach Goals & Start-Up ChecklistCoaches face many challenges in today's market, from running their businesses, to finding/keeping clients, website design, establishing their fees, creating packages, marketing and avoiding mistakes. Because of this, most coaches never profit from their knowledge and efforts. If you're serious about making money and helping others, then YOU NEED THIS MANUAL.Rich Coach Broke Coach was written to take you and your coaching business, easily step-by-step, to the highest level of success for you and your clients.

  • - Over 70 Essential Business Checklists
    av Bart Smith

    HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW HOW TO DO SOMETHING that could help you with your business, marketing, and/or making money online/offline, but you just didn't know the steps to get started? Maybe you've got some or most of what you need, but you're missing some key information to help you reach that finish line?All too often, it's not mental blocks that hold us back, but basic procedures for WHAT TO DO and WHEN TO DO IT that really prevents us from moving forward. Before I start any project, I consistently prepare a checklist. It gets me to where I want to go each and every time.See if one of MY CHECKLISTS can help you like they help me. Here's what's inside this one-of-a-kind book of checklists: 1. Advertising Checklist2. Affiliate Setup Checklist3. Advertising / Affiliate Banner Checklist4. Ask Campaign Checklist5. Audio Recording Checklist6. Autoresponder Setup Checklist7. Book Cover Design Checklist8. Book Launch Party Checklist9. Book Marketing Checklist10. Book Printer Checklist11. Book Writing Checklist12. Business Startup Checklist13. Business Tax Deductions Checklist14. Coaching Business Checklist15. Computer Training Checklist16. Continuity Program Checklist17. Customer Care Checklist18. Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Marketing Checklists19. Domain Name Registration Checklist20. Domain Name Safeguarding Checklist21. eBook Creation Checklist22. eMail Broadcast Checklist23. eMail Forward Creation Checklist24. eMail List Building Strategies & Tactics Checklist25. eMail Mini-eCourse Checklist26. eZine Publishing Checklist27. Marketing Checklist28. Fulfillment Center (Home/Office) Checklist29. GMail Setup Checklist30. HTML Basics Checklist31. Images & Graphics Checklist32. Income Processing Checklist33. Interview Checklist34. Joint Venture Checklist35. Kindle Publishing Checklist36. Landing Page Checklist37. Marketing Checklist38. Member Home Page Checklist39. Membership Website Checklist40. My Networking Checklist41. Opt-In Web Form Creation Checklist42. Outsourcing Checklist (What & Where)43. Personal Growth Checklist44. Photography Checklist45. Marketing Checklist46. Podcasting (Radio Show) Checklist47. Press Room Checklist48. Product Creation Checklist49. Product Launch Checklist50. Product Web Page Checklist51. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Checklist52. Self-Publishing Checklist53. Selling Online Checklist54. Seminar/Workshop Checklist55. Shopping Cart Checklist: Choosing The Right Shopping Cart56. Shopping Cart Checklist: Adding a Product To Sell57. Social Media Marketing Checklist58. Tele-Seminar Checklist59. Thank You Page Checklist For Product Purchases60. Marketing Checklist61. Video Marketing Checklist62. Video Recording Checklist63. Webinar Checklist64. Webmaster / Virtual Assistant Checklist65. Website Building Checklist66. WordPress Installation Checklist67. WordPress Plugin Checklist68. WordPress Theme Checklist69. WordPress Security Checklist70. WordPress Blog Setup Checklist71. WordPress "Move Your WP Website" Checklist72. YouTube Channel Checklist ... with MORE on the way soon!

  • - With My Personal Weight Loss Tips & A.A.B.B. Fitness Routine To Help You Trim Down, Get Fit & Stay Healthy
    av Bart Smith

  • - How To Make Bart's World Famous Pizza, Salad, Omelette, Party Smoothie, Pad Thai Dish & More
    av Bart Smith

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