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Bøker av Ben Brooks

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  • av Ben Brooks
    259 - 295,-

    More true tales of amazing boys who found the courage to be themselves, and achieved something remarkable at the same time.

  • - 10 Things We Can Learn From the Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
    av Ben Brooks

    Drawing on his own experiences growing up and from researching for the bestselling Dare to Be Different books, Ben Brooks reminds children that heroes aren't always the wall-climbing, cape-wearing, villain-fighters we see in comics and films. Ordinary people can be heroes too - you just need to find your own superpower!

  • av Ben Brooks

    Age is just a number...

  • av Ben Brooks

  • av Ben Brooks

    A shy kid's guide to thriving in their own (quiet) way.Do you sometimes feel afraid of talking in front of people, making a mistake or saying the wrong thing? While everywhere else you look there are loud, confident people?You're not alone. Ben Brooks also grew up as a shy child (so much so that he'd rather have cut his own hair or spend a week at a Silent Retreat then have to speak to other people). But he soon realised that being quiet doesn't make you strange or wrong or boring. In fact, being shy can give you great skills such as listening, kindness and compassion. It's something to embrace and be proud of. In this book, Ben introduces readers to some of the most famous, talented and brilliant shy people - including Charles Darwin, David Bowie, Greta Thunberg, Rosa Parks, Beyonce and Emma Watson - who used their special quietness to achieve awesome things, and he shares his tips for growing up shy in a world that can sometimes feel, well, LOUD. Because you don't have to be loud to be liked, and you definitely don't have to be loud to make an impact.

  • av Ben Brooks

    Du kan få til mye hvis du tør å tro på deg selv. 100 sanne historier om gutter som har forandret verden. Les om gutter og menn som har turt å tenke selv, vært oppfinnsomme og fått til fantastiske ting - alle slags helter fra hele verden. Noen har utrettet store ting, andre små: Flere har hjulpet andre, vært gode forbilder eller overvunnet seg selv. Andre har kjempet seg ut av fattigdom, tenkt smarte tanker, eller rett og slett ikke brydd seg om hva andre har tenkt om dem. Alle mennesker kan få sin store eller lille suksesshistorie. Alle kan finne ut hvem de er og finne noe de liker å gjøre. Hva passer best for deg?Bli inspirert! Vær deg selv!«Denne boka kan inspirere en hel generasjon med gutter til å være seg selv, til å våge å skille seg ut.» Benjamin Zephaniah

  • - Inspirational Words from People Who Changed the World
    av Ben Brooks

    A rich and exciting compendium of speeches, letters, stories and poems for kids, by the global bestselling author of Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different.

  • av Ben Brooks
    101 - 137,-

    Join the adventure. Break the curse. Find your way home. A magical new adventure from the bestselling author of THE IMPOSSIBLE BOY.

  • - Eleven lessons for raising a 21st-century teenager
    av Ben Brooks

    How to raise a teenager in the 21st century from the global bestselling writer Ben Brooks.

  • av Ben Brooks

    An essential book on how to raise a teenager in the 21st century from the global bestselling writer Ben Brooks.

  • av Ben Brooks
    101 - 141,-

    Believe in the impossible this Christmas - a magical story celebrating the power of children's imagination, from the bestselling author of STORIES FOR BOYS WHO DARE TO BE DIFFERENT.

  • av Ben Brooks

    Who says youth is wasted on the young?Jasper wants to get on in the world, but he's got a lot on his plate: A-levels, his mother pushing him to overachieve, weekly visits to his psychologist, come-downs, YouTube suicides and pregnant one-night-stands. Then there's his stepdad - the murderer. Hilarious and heartbreaking by turns, Grow Up is the ultimate twenty-first-century coming-of-age novel. It paints a vivid portrait of the pills and thrills and bellyaches of growing up today. Funny, smart and twisted, it is the story of one young man transformed.

  • av Ben Brooks

    The journal to accompany the award-winning and bestselling Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different.

  • av Ben Brooks

    True, inspirational and amazing tales of boys and girls who stood up and stood out.

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