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Bøker av Bernhard Korte

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  • av Bernhard Korte
    1 238,-

    I. Introduction.- 1. Set Systems and Languages.- 2. Graphs, Partially Ordered Sets and Lattices.- II. Abstract Linear Dependence - Matroids.- 1. Matroid Axiomatizations.- 2. Matroids and Optimization.- 3. Operations on Matroids.- 4. Submodular Functions and Polymatroids.- III. Abstract Convexity - Antimatroids.- 1. Convex Geometries and Shelling Processes.- 2. Examples of Antimatroids.- 3. Circuits and Paths.- 4. Helly's Theorem and Relatives.- 5. Ramsey-type Results.- 6. Representations of Antimatroids.- IV. General Exchange Structures - Greedoids.- 1. Basic Facts.- 2. Examples of Greedoids.- V. Structural Properties.- 1. Rank Function.- 2. Closure Operators.- 3. Rank and Closure Feasibility.- 4. Minors and Extensions.- 5. Interval Greedoids.- VI. Further Structural Properties.- 1. Lattices Associated with Greedoids.- 2. Connectivity in Greedoids.- VII. Local Poset Greedoids.- 1. Polymatroid Greedoids.- 2. Local Properties of Local Poset Greedoids.- 3. Excluded Minors for Local Posets.- 4. Paths in Local Poset Greedoids.- 5. Excluded Minors for Undirected Branchings Greedoids.- VIII. Greedoids on Partially Ordered Sets.- 1. Supermatroids.- 2. Ordered Geometries.- 3. Characterization of Ordered Geometries.- 4. Minimal and Maximal Ordered Geometries.- IX. Intersection, Slimming and Trimming.- 1. Intersections of Greedoids and Antimatroids.- 2. The Meet of a Matroid and an Antimatroid.- 3. Balanced Interval Greedoids.- 4. Exchange Systems and Gauss Greedoids.- X. Transposition Greedoids.- 1. The Transposition Property.- 2. Applications of the Transposition Property.- 3. Simplicial Elimination.- XI. Optimization in Greedoids.- 1. General Objective Functions.- 2. Linear Functions.- 3. Polyhedral Descriptions.- 4. Transversals and Partial Transversals.- 5. Intersection of Supermatroids.- XII. Topological Results for Greedoids.- 1. A Brief Review of Topological Prerequisites.- 2. Shellability of Greedoids and the Partial Tutte Polynomial.- 3. Homotopy Properties of Greedoids.- References.- Notation Index.- Author Index.- Inclusion Chart (inside the back cover).

  • - Theorie Und Algorithmen
    av Bernhard Korte & Jens Vygen

  • - Theory and Algorithms
    av Bernhard Korte & Jens Vygen
    1 092,-

    This comprehensive textbook on combinatorial optimization emphasizes theoretical results and algorithms with provably good performance, in contrast to heuristics. The text contains complete but concise proofs, and also provides numerous exercises and references.

  • av Bernhard Korte & Jens Vygen

    Questo libro di testo di ottimizzazione combinatoria pone in particolare risalto irisultati teorici e gli algoritmi che, al contrario delle euristiche, hanno una garanziadi avere buone prestazioni. Comprende una vasta scelta di argomenti e nascecome riferimento di diversi corsi di ottimizzazione combinatoria sia di base che dilivello avanzato. Il libro contiene dimostrazioni complete (ma concise) anchedi molti risultati avanzati, alcuni dei quali non sono mai apparsi prima in un libro.Vengono anche trattati molti dei temi di ricerca più attuali e sono riportati moltiriferimenti alla letteratura. Quindi questo libro, traduzione della quarta edizione in lingua originale, rappresenta lo stato dell¿arte dell¿ottimizzazione combinatoria.

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