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Bøker av Bevery Simmons

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  • av Bevery Simmons

    "Teaching STEM with Confidence" is a comprehensive guide that empowers educators to navigate the worldof STEM education with ease and assurance. Drawing on research-backed strategies and practical insights,this book equips teachers with the knowledge and tools to effectively engage students inscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The book offers step-by-step guidance to buildteachers ' confidence in delivering STEM instruction, from designing engaging lesson plans to fostering agrowth mindset and incorporating hands-on activities. With a focus on cultivating critical thinking, problem-solvingskills, and creativity, this book inspires educators to embrace STEM education across thecurriculum rather than in one single STEM classroom. Integrating real-world applications and encouragingcollaborative learning, "Teaching STEM with Confidence" empowers teachers to create dynamicand impactful STEM learning experiences, ultimately enabling students to become confident and capableSTEM learners.

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