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  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book:The Persians: An Enthralling Guide to the History of Persia and the Persian EmpireCyrus the Great: The Enthralling Life of the Father of the Persian EmpireThroughout history, Persia made great contributions to the language and culture of the region. Nomadic movements and changing empires meant it was a hub of continuous cultural exploration and development. The Persians established and spread new ways of government, administration, and currency. The region is also the birthplace of Zoroastrianism and new ways of thinking and art.In the first part of this book, you will discover the following:How the Assyrian Empire gave rise to the Medians and then the Achaemenid dynastyThe establishment of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great and his many expeditions, which helped build the greatest empire of its timeThe period of Achaemenid rule over Persia, stretching from Cambyses II to Darius IIIThe Achaemenid takeover of Lydia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, Babylonia, and Asia MinorAchaemenid conflicts with Greece, which ultimately led to the empire's downfall at the hands of Alexander the GreatThe political, cultural, religious, and social influence of the Achaemenid Empire in and around ancient PersiaCyrus the Great was a remarkable man who became a legend in his own lifetime. The greatest testament to his good character and great achievements came to us via Persia's enemies: the Greeks. It is said he served as an inspiration to Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. Cyrus gained such hero status that his heritage was still claimed by the last shahs of Iran in the 20th century CE.In the second part of this book, you will discover more about the following:The life of Cyrus the Great: both as a monarch and as a man.A dip into the milieu of cultures, influences, and worldviews of Cyrus's timeCyrus's multi-faceted Achaemenid EmpireMythology and religions of the eraHow Cyrus achieved harmony between conquerors and conqueredThe fall of the splendid city of BabylonA unique artifact that ties in with modern-day human rightsCyrus the Great's legacyAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Have you ever wondered about the ancient Celts of Ireland and what made them who they were? Did you know that Halloween originated with them, that they invented the harp, or that they wielded swords reaching lengths of three feet?In this book, you'll discover Celtic historical facts like these and so much more. Whether you're already familiar with the Celts or whether you've never even heard of them, this book is for you. If you would like to delve into their lives, culture, and modern Ireland's Celtic heritage, you can find all of that in this comprehensive, captivating guide.In our introduction to Celtic history, you can introduce yourself to all aspects of Celtic life in an easily accessible way, complete with visuals and easy-to-read language (no academic jargon here!).We will take you through Celtic history by explaining the following:Where the Celts came from and who they wereHow they settled in IrelandEssential Celtic myths, gods, goddesses, legends, and heroesTheir seasonal festivals and celebrationsKey stories influencing the Celts and the modern IrishCeltic art and its glorious evolution and influence through the agesCeltic rituals, past and presentHow Christianity affected Celtic societyThe rise of Christianity in Ireland and the decline of paganismWhy the Celts matterAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    It has become a common theme in today's world to talk about the incredible technological and economic development of modern China. However, there are very strong historical roots to the exponential growth of modern China going back thousands and thousands of years.Today, people stand in awe of China's achievements, such as lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty or becoming a global power. But have you ever wondered how the ancient people from the Far East developed so much while being virtually independent of other civilizations?Not everything in China's history is tied to growth, improvement, and development. There were many periods riddled with internal strife, which plagued China and its numerous dynasties. However, the Chinese empires were somewhat shielded from external dangers, partially thanks to the ingeniousness of the Chinese and the famous Great Wall of China and partially thanks to the country's geographic position.In this book, we look into how and why the historical pendulum of China sometimes turned one way and then the other.Discover the following about ancient China:The deep, virtually unfathomable paleolithic roots of Chinese civilization;Neolithic China and the formation of the Yellow River and Yangtze settlements;The Age of Metal in China, a glorious but increasingly violent period that resulted in the emergence of the first hegemons in China;The mythical Xia dynasty and its fantastic Yu the Great, credited with taming the Yellow River;The birth of China's fascinating writing system during the Shang dynasty;The rise of the Zhou, who finally overthrew the Shang, thanks to their military prowess and ability to keep numerous Chinese states tied in a loose feudal system;Confucius, the Chinese Socrates, who promoted peace, harmony, and wisdom;The absolute dissolution of the Zhou state during the Warring States Period;The formation of a ruthless yet efficient Qin Empire under the watchful eye of Qin Shi Huangdi;The rebellion against the Qin and the final victory of Liu Bang and the Han dynasty;And so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book:Native American Tribes: An Enthralling Guide to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and SeminoleTrail of Tears: An Enthralling Guide to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Removal, the Seminole Wars, Creek Dissolution, and Forced Relocation of the Cherokee TribeThe "Five Civilized Tribes" tried to adapt to the American way of life, while others fought to keep their land. Which was more successful? This book will attempt to tell their story, the story of those five tribes. It will not go back into the distant past, and it will not be able to cover modern issues within the Native American community. But it will tell the story of how a group of people dealt with a world that had suddenly and drastically changed-and continued to change-and how they dealt with these changes as Native Americans.In the first part of this book, you'll know:The Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Choctaw, and ChickasawThe role of disease in the European colonization of AmericaGreat Native American fighters like Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, and Black HawkGreat Native American leaders like Pushmataha, Chief John Ross, and Blue JacketWhat role Andrew Jackson played in the Indian Removal ActThe reality of Native Americans who owned slavesThe real story behind the Trail of TearsGreat battles like Fallen Timbers, Tippecanoe, Little Bighorn, and St. Clair's DefeatMassacres at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee and the devastation at Prospect BluffHow the Native Americans used and were used by the Americans, British, and Spanish in the southeastern United StatesThe removal of the Native Americans west of the Mississippi River during the 1800s to clear the way for settlers is a tragic story that involves human suffering on a grand scale.In the second part of this book, you will discover:Why tribes developed various forms of ChristianityThe reasons behind chiefs signing treaties to give away native landsGeorge Washington's views on the Native AmericansThe Five Civilized Tribes and how they differed from each otherHow the average person viewed Native Americans in the 19th centuryDavey Crockett's opinion on the relocation of Native AmericansThe Indian Removal Act of 1830 and how it impacted the Trail of TearsAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book:History of the Vikings: An Enthralling Overview of the Viking AgeNorse Mythology: An Enthralling Overview of Norse Myths, Gods, and GoddessesLearn how the Scandinavian people lived, who sailed as part of the Viking raids, the weapons used in battle, and their religious beliefs.In the first part of this book, you will discover:The impact of the Ice Age on Norse landformsHow the Stone Age and Bronze Age influenced the VikingsThe first known Viking raidRagnar and other famous VikingsIvan the Boneless and the Blood EagleThe Great Heathen Army and its famous battlesThe Viking legal system and the daily life of the Scandinavian peopleThe magic of Norse runes and poetryThe Vikings' impressive ability to craft ships, allowing them to traverse the known world and fartherThe stories and myths of the Norse were passed down by the Vikings in oral tradition until they were recorded in manuscripts by anonymous authors in the mid-13th century. The myths that survived tell the story of how the world was first created by the gods using the dead body of a primeval giant, the existence of the different realms surrounding the universe, and various tales and lore about the gods' adventures.In the second part of this book, you'll learn:How the body of the primeval giant, Ymir, was used to shape the earthA detailed description of all nine realms in the Norse world and the World Tree, YggdrasilThe famous legend of how Odin lost his eye in exchange for wisdomHow Loki tricked the dwarves into creating Mjölnir and other treasures for the godsThree of Loki's monstrous sons and their roles in killing the gods at RagnarökThe unexpected death of Baldur and the gods' failed attempt at resurrecting himLoki's gruesome punishment that led to his revenge during RagnarökThe vicious battle between Thor and the World SerpentAnd much, much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    "Incredible India" is the slogan of India's official tourism campaign-and it's true! India has an amazing history, from some of the world's earliest civilizations to its contemporary high-tech culture and a huge diversity of religions, arts, and people.This book takes you all the way from India's prehistoric beginnings at Mohenjo-daro to the development of Buddhism and the Maurya Empire, the Hindu empires of the Middle Ages, the Mughals who brought Islam to the mix (and created the Taj Mahal), the British Raj, and finally the fight for independence and the modern yet ageless India of today.On the way, you'll find out some fascinating facts about Indian culture, history, and historical figures. Here is just a glimpse of what you can discover in this book:How National Highway 1 goes all the way back to the Mauryan Empire!The importance of nonviolence in Indian cultureHow just 20,000 British officials ruled a population of millionsHow the illiterate emperor Akbar headed a huge revival of art and scholarship, mixing Hindu, Muslim, Jain, and even Christian influencesWhy only ten of the eleven Sikh gurus were actual people-and who the eleventh guru isHow India exported Buddhism to the worldIndia's intense artistic heritage, from rock-cut temples and acutely observant Mughal miniatures to Anish Kapoor's contemporary abstractsWhy a Sikh maharaja ended up as an English landowner and friend of Queen VictoriaHow a film actress became Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu stateHow to escape jail in a basket of sweetsAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    The Iranian Plateau has an extensive history dating back to 100,000 BCE!Today, Persia is known as the country of Iran, but long ago, Persia was once home to various nomadic tribes. It saw the rise of many empires and dynasties. The Assyrians fell to the Medians, who paved the way for the emergence of the Achaemenid Empire, one of the greatest empires in ancient history.Throughout history, Persia made great contributions to the language and culture of the region. Nomadic movements and changing empires meant it was a hub of continuous cultural exploration and development. The Persians established and spread new ways of government, administration, and currency. The region is also the birthplace of Zoroastrianism and new ways of thinking and art.The rise of the Achaemenid Empire is one of the most influential periods in world history. With Cyrus the Great and Darius I, the empire rose to unrivaled heights, gathering vast wealth and territories. Learn how this great empire declined and the role Alexander the Great played in it.This book offers an enthralling insight into the exciting and often bloody history of ancient Persia and the Persian Empire.By reading this book, you will discover the following:How the Assyrian Empire gave rise to the Medians and then the Achaemenid dynastyThe establishment of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great and his many expeditions, which helped build the greatest empire of its timeThe period of Achaemenid rule over Persia, stretching from Cambyses II to Darius IIIThe Achaemenid takeover of Lydia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, Babylonia, and Asia MinorAchaemenid conflicts with Greece, which ultimately led to the empire's downfall at the hands of Alexander the GreatThe political, cultural, religious, and social influence of the Achaemenid Empire in and around ancient PersiaAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Do you know the story of the Native American tribes, from the earliest known histories to the first European contact to the modern day?The "Five Civilized Tribes" tried to adapt to the American way of life, while others fought to keep their land. Which was more successful? This book will attempt to tell their story, the story of those five tribes. It will not go back into the distant past, and it will not be able to cover modern issues within the Native American community. But it will tell the story of how a group of people dealt with a world that had suddenly and drastically changed-and continued to change-and how they dealt with these changes as Native Americans.In this book, you'll learn about:The Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Choctaw, and ChickasawThe role of disease in the European colonization of AmericaGreat Native American fighters like Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, and Black HawkGreat Native American leaders like Pushmataha, Chief John Ross, and Blue JacketWhat role Andrew Jackson played in the Indian Removal ActThe reality of Native Americans who owned slavesThe real story behind the Trail of TearsGreat battles like Fallen Timbers, Tippecanoe, Little Bighorn, and St. Clair's DefeatMassacres at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee and the devastation at Prospect BluffHow the Native Americans used and were used by the Americans, British, and Spanish in the southeastern United StatesAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Dragonships, raiding and looting parties, hand-to-hand combat, explorers and adventures, and gods and goddesses -which of these truly describe the fearless Vikings?The word Viking conjures many images. Often, these are created as a result of the numerous movies, books, shows, and comics about the warriors. Some depictions are historically accurate, while others are developed to add to the allure of the invincible warrior.This book will provide you with details about the time period in which the Vikings reigned. Learn how the Scandinavian people lived, who sailed as part of the Viking raids, the weapons used in battle, and their religious beliefs.You will discover facts that differ from fiction commercially shown about the Vikings. But don't worry; your admiration of them will not be diminished. These were amazing Scandinavian people worth knowing more about.In this book, you will learn about the following:The impact of the Ice Age on Norse landformsHow the Stone Age and Bronze Age influenced the VikingsThe first known Viking raidRagnar and other famous VikingsIvan the Boneless and the Blood EagleThe Great Heathen Army and its famous battlesThe Viking legal system and the daily life of the Scandinavian peopleThe magic of Norse runes and poetryThe Vikings' impressive ability to craft ships, allowing them to traverse the known world and fartherAnd much, much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    La Inglaterra de principios de la Edad Moderna fue una época de grandes transformaciones que sacó a Inglaterra de la Edad Media y la introdujo en la era moderna, pero es probable que no conozca muchos detalles sobre este periodo.Por ejemplo, ¿sabía que Enrique VIII nunca llegó a divorciarse? ¿Sabía que los piratas, Shakespeare y los juicios por brujería existieron al mismo tiempo? ¿Sabías que Irlanda fue técnicamente la primera colonia inglesa y que Inglaterra decapitó a su propio rey?La primera época moderna de la historia de Inglaterra fue una época turbulenta. En el transcurso de los siglos XVI y XVII, Inglaterra tuvo que encontrar su equilibrio mientras sufría una transformación religiosa, cambios en el gobierno y el inicio de un imperio colonial. En este libro se describen los principales acontecimientos, los personajes más importantes y los datos más interesantes de esta época de la historia inglesa, incluyendo:Cómo llegaron los Tudor al poder.Por qué Enrique VIII tuvo tantas esposas.La estructura social de la Inglaterra moderna.Cómo la reina María se ganó el apodo de María la Sangrienta.Qué hizo gloriosa a la Revolución Gloriosa.Las razones de la colonización.Por qué un rey inglés fue ejecutado por traición.Por qué Irlanda e Inglaterra no se llevan bien.Qué crímenes fueron los más destacados.Con quién luchaba Inglaterra y por qué.¡Y mucho, mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Did you know that the Incas worshiped the mummies of their emperors?For the Incas, death didn't exist; it simply took the dead to a different plane of life. So, the mummies of their emperors were treated as people; they were given food and drink and even visited each other ceremoniously. They also owned country estates, which generated enough profits to keep them in the style to which they were accustomed.This might sound like a curiosity, but this form of ancestor worship was central to the Inca culture and to the history of the Inca Empire, which stretched from Ecuador and Colombia in the north to Chile in the south.Everyone has seen pictures of one of the Incas' greatest achievements: the mountain-top wonder of Machu Picchu. But Inca history has always been told by the Spanish colonizers who conquered them since the Inca had no formal writing. Now, archaeology is giving us more information on how the Inca really lived, helping us differentiate real history from myth and propaganda.In this book, you will discover how the Inca created an expansive empire in just a century and why that civilization crumbled so fast once the Spanish arrived.You'll also discover the following:How the Inca civilization developed out of a number of preceding cultures in the Andes and Peruvian coast;How quickly the Incas were able to expand and why they needed to;How the empire was administered and how runners were able to take messages from one end of it to the other with remarkable speed;The amazing Inca infrastructure program, which included building roads through mountain ranges and across raging rivers;Why Inca cuisine included tasty guinea pigs and llama jerky;Why there were never more than a few thousand actual Inca in the Inca Empire;The religion and beliefs of the Inca and how they developed over time to support the empire's mission;How just a couple of hundred Spanish adventurers managed to conquer and subdue the Inca Empire;How much Inca culture is left in Peru and Bolivia today;And so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    La Primera Guerra Mundial es tristemente célebre por haber revolucionado la guerra moderna tal y como la conocemos.Es bien sabido que la Primera Guerra Mundial se inició con el asesinato del archiduque austriaco Francisco Fernando. Las superpotencias mundiales se enzarzaron entonces en el conflicto más sangriento de la historia, con millones de bajas en ambos bandos. La Primera Guerra Mundial transformó el panorama sociopolítico de principios del siglo XX y marcó la vida de innumerables personas durante décadas.Sin embargo, la Primera Guerra Mundial es mucho más que el asesinato de Francisco Fernando y el enfrentamiento entre la Entente y las Potencias Centrales. Fue un conflicto profundamente arraigado en las viejas rivalidades de los Estados más poderosos del mundo y llegó como una conclusión en cierto modo lógica de los interminables equilibrios y maniobras políticas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Y cambiaría el curso de la historia para siempre.Este libro se sumergirá en la Gran Guerra, explorando sus causas, su desarrollo y sus consecuencias a corto y largo plazo. Estas son algunas de las cosas que aprenderá con este libro:El largo siglo XIX y cómo afectó al panorama político.La unificación de Alemania e Italia.El estado de la política de poder europea.Los nuevos avances tecnológicos que dieron forma a la guerra.El problema austrohúngaro y el comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial.Actividades militares en todos los teatros de la guerra.Las influyentes batallas de Verdún, Somme, Isonzo y Galípoli.La guerra de trincheras y las nuevas tácticas utilizadas en la guerra.La entrada de Estados Unidos y la Revolución rusa.Los momentos finales de la guerra.La Conferencia de Paz de París y el nuevo orden mundial.¡Y mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    ¿Cuánto sabe sobre la cuna de la civilización? Explore el legado de los brillantes antiguos mesopotámicos que transformaron el mundo.El legado de la antigua Mesopotamia fue realmente revolucionario. Dibujos infantiles rayados en arcilla húmeda evolucionaron hasta convertirse en el primer lenguaje escrito. Los mesopotámicos escribieron los primeros poemas épicos, los primeros himnos, las primeras historias y los primeros códigos legales. Desarrollaron la primera rueda para el transporte; los sencillos carros que transportaban ladrillos o productos agrícolas se transformaron en carros que corrían a sesenta kilómetros por hora.Contemplaron al cielo y lo cartografiaron, observando los movimientos retrógrados de los planetas y prediciendo los eclipses lunares y solares. Desarrollaron el concepto del tiempo, las medidas, el cálculo básico, las matemáticas superiores y la ingeniería hidráulica.En Mesopotamia nacieron los primeros grandes imperios del mundo -acadios, asirios, babilonios y aqueménidas- que se extendieron por tres continentes.A continuación, se exponen algunas de las interrogantes que se plantean:¿Cuál es la antigüedad de la primera ciudad del mundo?¿Cómo se compara el Génesis de Eridu con el de Noé y el arca?¿Cuál fue la velocidad del primer sistema postal del mundo?¿Cuántas veces fue robado Marduk, el dios patrón de Babilonia?¿Cómo se comparaba el código legal de Hammurabi con la Ley de Moisés?¿Quién calculó pi (¿) con el valor de 3,125 y comprendió el teorema de Pitágoras doce siglos antes de que naciera Pitágoras?¿Tenía realmente Jerjes un millón de hombres en su ejército?¿Qué imperio abarcaba el 44% de la población mundial?¿Qué eunuco envenenó a la mayor parte de la familia real persa?¡Y mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Three manuscripts in one book: Ancient Egypt: An Enthralling Overview of Egyptian History, Starting from the Settlement of the Nile Valley through the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms to the Death of Cleopatra VIIAncient Rome: An Enthralling Overview of Roman History, Starting From the Romulus and Remus Myth through the Republic to the Fall of the Roman EmpireAncient Mesopotamia: An Enthralling Overview of Mesopotamian History, Starting from Eridu through the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Hittites, and Persians to Alexander the Great>In the first part of this book, you'll discover: The mysterious identities of Narmer and Menes, the first pharaoh of EgyptHow the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed with human handsThe dangerous journey into the realm of the deadHow Egypt's religious beliefs played a role in its governmentThe fall of Egypt after the death of Cleopatra VII>In the second part of this book, you'll discover: What happened when a goddess met a handsome shepherd on a lonely hilltop?Who escaped from burning Troy to later become a king in Italy?What ill-fated romance impelled Queen Dido of Carthage to commit suicide?How did a Vestal Virgin get pregnant?Why were the babies floating down the river in a basket - and what happened to them?What strategies did the Romans learn to fight against war elephants? And how did Hannibal get those elephants through the snow and over the Alps?Which disastrous wars led to the term "pyrrhic victory?"Who was the Roman gladiator who led a slave revolt of 40,000 people?What canny strategies led to the conquest of Britain? Which Scottish people were covered with blue tattoos?Which power-hungry Grandma had one of her grandsons assassinated to put another one on the throne?What happened when Diocletian tried to convert or kill all the Christians in the empire?What vision eventually led Constantine to abandon paganism for Christianity?>In the third part of this book, you'll discover: How old is the world's first city?How did the Eridu Genesis compare to Noah and the ark?How fast was the world's first postal system?How many times did Babylon's patron god Marduk get stolen?How did Hammurabi's law code compare to the Law of Moses?Did Xerxes really have a million men in his army?Which empire encompassed 44 percent of the world's population?What eunuch poisoned most of the Persian royal family?And much, much more!Scroll up and click the "add to cart" button to learn the stories of incredible Ancient History!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Three manuscripts in one book:Ancient Egypt: An Enthralling Overview of Egyptian History, Starting from the Settlement of the Nile Valley through the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms to the Death of Cleopatra VIIAncient Rome: An Enthralling Overview of Roman History, Starting From the Romulus and Remus Myth through the Republic to the Fall of the Roman EmpireAncient Mesopotamia: An Enthralling Overview of Mesopotamian History, Starting from Eridu through the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Hittites, and Persians to Alexander the GreatExplore the interesting journey of the ancient Egypt, from the first unification of its lands up until its most glorious era of the New Kingdom rulers and the fall of the kingdom at the hands of Augustus.In the first part of this book, you'll discover:The mysterious identities of Narmer and Menes, the first pharaoh of EgyptHow the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed with human handsThe dangerous journey into the realm of the deadHow Egypt's religious beliefs played a role in its governmentThe fall of Egypt after the death of Cleopatra VIIRome's astonishing history now spans 28 centuries, growing from obscurity into a massive empire stretching from Britain to the Middle East and south to Africa. Rome's culture and institutions left an enduring legacy that continues to impact civilizations around the world.In the second part of this book, you'll discover:What happened when a goddess met a handsome shepherd on a lonely hilltop?Who escaped from burning Troy to later become a king in Italy?What ill-fated romance impelled Queen Dido of Carthage to commit suicide?How did a Vestal Virgin get pregnant?Why were the babies floating down the river in a basket - and what happened to them?What strategies did the Romans learn to fight against war elephants? And how did Hannibal get those elephants through the snow and over the Alps?Which disastrous wars led to the term "pyrrhic victory?"Who was the Roman gladiator who led a slave revolt of 40,000 people?What canny strategies led to the conquest of Britain? Which Scottish people were covered with blue tattoos?Which power-hungry Grandma had one of her grandsons assassinated to put another one on the throne?Ancient Mesopotamia's legacy was truly revolutionary. Childlike pictures scratched into wet clay evolved into the first written language. The Mesopotamians wrote the first epic poems, the first hymns, the first histories, and the first law codes. They developed the first wheel for transportation; simple carts that hauled bricks or produce morphed into chariots racing along at thirty-five miles per hour.In the third part of this book, you'll discover:How old is the world's first city?How did the Eridu Genesis compare to Noah and the ark?How fast was the world's first postal system?How many times did Babylon's patron god Marduk get stolen?How did Hammurabi's law code compare to the Law of Moses?Did Xerxes really have a million men in his army?Which empire encompassed 44 percent of the world's population?

  • av Billy Wellman

    Die griechische Mythologie beeinflusst uns noch heute. Wussten Sie zum Beispiel, dass der Name der berühmten Sportmarke Nike ursprünglich vom Namen der griechischen Göttin des Sieges abgeleitet worden ist? Die griechische Mythologie gehört zweifellos zu den bekanntesten Legenden der Welt. Wie die meisten Menschen hatten auch die Olympier mit einer Vielzahl von Familiendramen zu kämpfen. Dieses Buch befasst sich eingehend mit der Genealogie der griechischen Götter und den Beziehungen, die sie zueinander hatten, seien sie nun gut, böse oder gar inzestuös.Diese göttlichen Wesen schenkten der Menschheit Freude und Verzweiflung, und die antiken Völker Griechenlands und anderer Länder erkannten ihre eigene Welt in den Beziehungen und Streitigkeiten der Götter wieder. Die Götter und Titanen waren jedoch alle in der Lage, eine körperliche Form anzunehmen und daher fähig, mit den Menschen in Kontakt zu treten. Sie konnten mit ebenso wie die Menschen mit beiden Füßen auf dem Boden stehen und die Wolken am Himmel betrachten. Die Götter konnten gesehen und berührt werden - vor allem berührt, da sie zahlreiche Kinder aus der Vereinigung mit Göttern, Halbgöttern und Menschen hervorbrachten. Die intensive Interaktion der Menschen im antiken Griechenland mit den Göttern und Göttinnen der griechischen Mythologie ermöglichte es dem Volk, der Weltordnung, der sie unterlegen waren, einen Sinn zu geben. Die Geschichten über die Taten der Götter waren ihnen eine ständige Erinnerung daran, dass alle Wesen im Himmel, auf der Erde und im Erdreich kleine Teile eines großen Ganzen waren.In diesem Buch erfahren Sie mehr über: Die faszinierenden Beziehungen zwischen Göttern, Menschen, Halbgöttern und Monstern Den Zusammenhang zwischen Göttlichkeit und Schwäche. Nicht nur Menschen machen Fehler; selbst scheinbar perfekte Wesen vermasseln ihre Angelegenheiten regelmäßig. Die Bedeutung der Liebe als leitende Kraft der Natur und des Lebens im Allgemeinen Ein praktisches Verständnis der Beweggründe von Menschen und Göttern für ihre nicht ganz so ehrenhaften Handlungen Die Art und Weise wie harte Arbeit in einer Tragödie enden kann Die Bedeutung der Familie in der griechischen Mythologie Und vieles mehr!Scrollen Sie nach oben und klicken Sie auf ¿In den Einkaufswagen", um schon heute mehr über die griechische Mythologie zu lernen!

  • av Billy Wellman

    So, you think you know what happened during the Crusades. But do you really?It's a good question to ask since there are plenty of misconceptions regarding what caused the Crusades, let alone what actually took place during their duration. In this book, we seek to clear up many of these questions and provide you with a concise and accurate history of the Crusades. Much of the history of the Crusades has been obscured through the years through opinionated conjecture. We attempt to set the record straight in as unbiased a portrayal as possible. In this text, we tell you what happened and let you decide for yourselves what it was all worth. The Crusades were a call to defend Eastern Christians and aid Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. It was only once the massive earthquake of Christian crusaders was unleashed from the West that the Crusades morphed into something altogether different. This book explores how the scope and ideology of the Crusades evolved over time, from the conquest of Jerusalem during the First Crusade to the fall of the Crusader States. We also take a look at other instances in which Crusades were made, such as the famous Northern Crusades and the Reconquista of Portugal and Spain. If you would like to learn more about what the Crusades were all about, what caused them to take place, and how it all ended up, this book has you covered!In this book, you will learn about the following:How the Crusades actually beganThe initial objectives of the crusadersHow the Crusades evolved over timeThe monastic orders involved in the CrusadesThe Kingdom of Jerusalem and its important rulersThe Northern CrusadesThe ReconquistaAnd so much more!Scroll up and click the "add to cart" button to begin learning about the Crusades today!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book: History of Russia: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events in Russian HistoryThe Romanovs: An Enthralling Overview of the House of Romanov>This first part of this book will be your guide to the fascinating history of Russia and answer the following questions: Who were the early East Slavs?How was Kievan Rus' founded?How did the tsars gain power?What was life like during the height of the Russian Empire?What happened when Napoleon tried to invade Russia?What was the Great Purge?What led to the dissolution of the USSR?Who was Boris Yeltsin?>In the second part of this book, you will find: An in-depth history of the emergence of the Romanov dynasty, which happened during perhaps the most turbulent period in Russia's existenceThe social and political developments throughout the Romanov dynasty, from Mikhail Romanov to Nicholas IIA deep dive into the external and domestic conflicts that shaped Russia under the RomanovsAn exciting journey of Russia's cultural transformation from a backward country to a world superpower that strived to achieve a clear European identityThe role of the Romanovs in several world-shattering events, such as World War I and the Russian Revolution of 1917The legacy of the Romanov dynastyAnd much, much more!Click the "add to cart" button to begin learning about the History of Russia and The Romanovs!

  • av Billy Wellman

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